Now this voter's guide costs a candidate nothing. It enables candidates to tell voters about their platforms without costing a dime.
McHale's refusal to participate in this voter guide reveals what she really thinks about you - not very much. Amazingly, she has refused to fill out a questionnaire that costs her nothing. Maybe she considers that slumming. But McHale has solicited donations from special interests and her country club pals, all of whom have their hands out. She intends to buy this election.
Mea culpa: Last night, I reported that ALL Republican council candidates have participated in this Voter Guide. That's wrong. With seven days left until the election, Tom Dietrich and Bruce Gilbert have yet to inform voters about themselves. The same is true of William Wallace. This guide has been online for several weeks and has been discussed in several posts. If these candidates were doing their homework, there would be responses.
Given how the media and you and your bloggbuddies have acted disgracefully against the female County Executive candidate, no one can blame her.
The Express like the Call are in the bag for Stoffa. Her time is best spent going directly to the people and not through the filter of a biased and antagonistic press.
When the Excess and the Morning Crude decide to play the reporting straight I am sure Ms. McHale will be happy to oblige. As for now she realizes they are perched up Stoffa's butt and she is letting them do their thing.
Wait until the Morning Call endorses Pawlowski, then OHater will be all over them. he will ignore that they used the same logic to endorse Stoffa.
Off with their heads! How dare they approach the throne and ask questions of their monarch..their Queen! Hilarious and total disrespect of the tax paying public!
What does she stand for..other than herself? Just attack and no solutions!
It's not a requirementto fill that piece of paper out.ann mchale is well known around the county, the mc and express have printed plenty about her.
Only word of mouth, but grocery store conversation said
McHale has a relative running for office in nearby Fountain Hill? Maybe you could find out and give us some information about this candidate before election.
To: 3:44 A.M. post: 3:44 in the morning? Who's up? But, we digress. Please tell us why either paper benefits by supporting Stoffa over McHale.
What's in it for them?
Maybe she's just really lazy and blew off the Q&A due date.
"...have acted disgracefully against the female County Executive candidate..."
Is it necessary to point out Ann's sex? Does that have any bearing here? Should she be treated nicer? Admit it, you didn't care when Sarah Palin was being bombarded. You probably piled on yourself. Now you want special treatment.
The Express Times wasn't exactly in the bag for Stoffa with their article on Sunday. It was very anti-Stoffa, pro-McHale.
Kudos to the Express for having a pretty nice Voter's Guide. The questions are good and the ability to place people side by side was a nice touch. They should advertise it more prominently on their home page though, at least until the primary. You have to type "Voters guide" in their search button to find it.
I am still waiting on you to blog about the republicans running for the county spots.
How about it?
Not all Republican candidates filled out the survey, Tom Dietrich hasn't.
Bernie - sorry for going OT - but no mention today of Nepon's lying about his resume? Or Phillips not filing his campaign finance report yet?
Anon 9:37,
No report. If Phillips has failed to file a timely report and if Nepon has lied on his resume, I will be noting it. I've really been caught up w/ the Northampton County stuiff and have not been paying enough attention to A-town.
Many candidates are late by a day or two and that's no big deal. But I was really worked up when Pawlowski was so late on one of his reports that he ended up paying the maximum. And I believe it raked in another $77k from his P2P crowd.
I will look into your claim. I'm aware Nepon was tagged by WFMZ and have an email from him.
I will be doing the Rs. Patience.
"Only word of mouth, but grocery store conversation said
McHale has a relative running for office in nearby Fountain Hill? Maybe you could find out and give us some information about this candidate before election."I'll try to find out.
"The Express Times wasn't exactly in the bag for Stoffa with their article on Sunday. It was very anti-Stoffa, pro-McHale." -
I thought the piece, written by Sarah Cassi, was fairly balanced.
The ET has also sent numerous emails reminding candidates to fill it out.
If Ann McHale is too busy to fill out the Voter's Guide, how is she going to run the County and her husband's business at the same time?
bernie proably filled stoffa's out for him he is afterall running his campaign,but he'll deny it wonder what perk he's looking for.
Rest room attendant.
I filled it out. It took me about two hours to fill out all his community service.
shame on you he's old enough to do it himself.
good luck with that bernie.
These choices suck.
Jeff, repectfully, most of us in politics feel it is bad taste to go after a candidate or pol's family. The exception is when they forcefully insert themselves into the middle of a campaign.
Your devotion to your father is admirable but your observations are hardly objective. Your Dad is always your Dad. Some of us who have worked with Mr. Stoffa have very strong opinions about his abilities and competence.Also as someone new to this deal with O'Hare it is nice he and you are on the same page with your Dad but remember this same O'Hare is writing and savaging other folks Fathers and Mothers.
One day you will learn why he is know as O'Hater and the biggest wack job in the County next to Billy Givens.
"Jeff, repectfully, most of us in politics feel it is bad taste to go after a candidate or pol's family. The exception is when they forcefully insert themselves into the middle of a campaign."Jeff, This is your warning. They're coming after you next unless you knock it off.
Respectfully, I planned on just helping with the website until all the signs I put out in the middle of the night for two weeks straight one day amazingly disappeared in the hundreds overnight and the signs that survived were blocked with identical McHale signs. That was a big mistake. Respectfully, I'm a voter too.
Respectfully, I don't want the pol's family thing is. I grew up in Bethlehem, went to Freedom and Moravian and I never heard of the McHales before until this election. I've never met any of them. I never met any of them.
And I don't think taping them at a public forum is "going after a candidate." Someone should have been taping that instead of me. It's kind of sad.
The Slate Belt would prefer Rich Grucella or Ron Heckman as county exec, unfortunately for the county neither is running.
I filled it out. It took me about two hours to fill out all his community service.-
He couldn't fill it out himself? Not much more initiative than Ms McHale.
The Slate Belt. Who cares?
The slate belt makes up 1/4th of the county's voters. I know McHale does not care about them, but anyone with any sense ignores them at their peril.
How many of those actually vote?
Bernie - sorry for going OT - but no mention today of Nepon's lying about his resume? Or Phillips not filing his campaign finance report yet?-
Nepon's defense on 69 was one of the most humorous things I have ever seen. Anyone who lies about their educational background has absolutely no ethics and is completely untrustworthy.
Slate Belt turn out is higher than any other region in the county. Your remark was incredibly foolish and will hurt McHale among Slate Belt voters who read this blog.
Slate Belt turn out is higher than any other region in the county. Your remark was incredibly foolish and will hurt McHale among Slate Belt voters who read this blog.Who give's a rat's ass? Not everyone is in the bag for a candidate like you.
I see. So you just want to slam 1/4th of Northampton County.
I'm going to regret this, but publicly I have to be fair. Thank you Bernie.
Your post made me go looking for the 'invite' and I found it. I gave up asking the Express Times for it, and found it in my spam folder. It is submitted.
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