I'll have much more to say about the rift between the Joe Long Dems and the New Dems on Friday or Monday, but for now, I'll share an essay written by New Democrat Jeff Stoffa. What do you think?
Much is written about when the Baby Boomers will retire from government and business and let the next generation take over. Though I think the baby Boomers will have to be dragged by their feet into retirement - fingernails leaving permanent marks in the pavement - time waits for no one so that day will eventually come. When that day comes and my generation takes over the Norco Democratic Party, what will it be like? As a New Dem, I have some ideas:
They will be less provincial. I don’t know people of my generation who argue which side of the railroad tracks in Northampton has the better community. We have 500 cable channels, reality shows, more travel, growing up with Rt. 78 and the Internet Many of us commute to New Jersey and New York to find good paying jobs. We move away to big cities to learn about the outside world yet and then return to Norco.
My generation is more apt to think about the big picture and the larger community as a whole, not one borough getting it over on another for a bigger piece of the County pie. This is an advantage, but it has its drawbacks, too. The main drawback is that I worry that the GenXers will have less interest in local politics for the same reasons, abandoning local decision-making to people of limited intelligence, education, and talent.
This is one of the crises facing the Democratic Party in Norco today. That’s why I support the broadcast of County and City Council meetings on TV or the Internet to spark some interest with my generation. We need more accountability and transparency. Without that, everything else is a joke.
When I lived in Miami, everything from city councils to County Councils to State hearings were broadcast. I once watched the Coral Gables City Council on TV argue for two hours over whether or not an oak should be cut down on Sidonia Ave., complete with slideshow, pointers and all. County Council discusses much more important topics than that and the public is banned from watching their money in action from the comfort of their own homes.
The backroom cliques will die off and the Party will stop endorsing during primaries. The Norco Democrats’ secret meetings at bars in Nazareth to groom who they want to run sends chills up my spine. It reminds me of Cheney having his secret meetings with the oil companies or Rove just doing daily business during the Bush Administration. For those knowledgeable of history it reminds us of the way Democrats (and Republicans) did business back before television was invented and the candidates actually were picked at the Convention by cigar-smoking white males in backrooms. Times have changed, and I think the Norco Democratic Party is stuck in a time warp that actually predates even their own Baby Boom generation. Facebook, Blogs, Twitter, MTV Rock the Vote, campaign websites, even the Nixon/Kennedy debates have all come and gone and the Norco Dems are still in the backroom with their cigars and their beer, picking doomed candidates even before they themselves declare interest in running. I don’t know who in my generation will keep that tradition.
I still don't understand the precedence for or the logic in endorsing everyone but my father and Will Power this past month. Why not let the Primary work itself out with the Party encouraging more candidates, but endorsing none? Then the Party should help the winning candidate in the general election. Would Howard Dean endorse Hillary before she even decided to run, shutting Obama out? Where would the National Dems be if they ran their show the way Norco Dems do? Well, just open up the local and national section of a paper to find out.
The Unions will, unfortunately, have less influence. I’m no stranger or opponent to unions. My grandfather Stoffa was a coalminer and a lifelong Republican and Union man, United Mine Workers of America to be exact. He lived and died for John L. Lewis and thanks to him my grandfather’s workdays were cut down to 8 hours and he got “Black Lung” compensation from the government in the 1970s. His brother died and was mutilated in the mines due to unsafe work conditions. I know this because I found a picture of his body in an open casket surrounded by his Union brothers. But times have changed in Pennsylvania and so have unions. Silk mills are condos, the Steel is a casino, and the coal mines are museums. My generation works at jobs so middle-management and diverse and newly concocted that even Monster can’t keep up with them, despite having 13,000 job categories. Unions who blow up giant inflatable rats because they're getting a 7.5% annual raise instead of 10%, while enjoying government benefits that far outshine the lousy insurance we in the Corporate world get, will only further separate themselves from mainstream Democratic influence and make them more irrelevant than they already are.
We must recognize that, especially in local races, the person is more important than the party. I will vote for some Republicans in November. Democrats like Joe Brennan or Rich Grucela, who will endorse a Republican now and again, should have that independence.
Everything I disliked about the Bush Administration, I am shocked to find in the local Norco Democratic Party: bullying, thuggery, closed door meetings, special interests, limited education, talent, and experience, sense of entitlement. In contrast, Republicans like Peg Ferarro and John Cusick reminded me much more of Democrats on the national level: civil, educated, polite, and reasonable. Unless something changes dramatically, I will be voting for some Republicans this November for the first time in my life. If you told me that when I was living in Miami handing out flyers for Hillary, I would have told you that you were crazy. But I hadn't heard of Joe Long, Ann McHale, McClure or Dertinger back then.
My father, ironically, is a new Democrat despite his age. You’d never think it by the way he dresses or acts or moves, but he is. We rarely disagree politically. He liked Obama before hardly anyone else did and he said the War was a big mistake when Michael Moore was the only one else pushing that opinion. I liked Hillary. That was the only political argument he ever had with someone 30 years younger than himself. But he embraces all the new advances of his party, even those he hasn’t quite mastered. He still gets a little lost in Facebook but he insists on having a group for his campaign because he knows that’s where the future is going.
He learned a lot when Hillary and Obama came to town. When my girl Hillary came to town, her people courted my father night and day. The day I saw her at Liberty High, I went without Dad. I hooted and hollered for Hillary. Dad stayed home, making his tenth call to the Obama offices, reminding them he wanted to endorse the big “O.”
At the Hillary rally, my girl was flanked by Rendell, Cunningham, Callahan, the whole feudal Democratic posse, just like Dems have done for generations. Dad sat home waiting for Obama to call. Obama never did. Obama did come to town though that day. As I was pulling out of the parking lot in Downtown Bethlehem I saw people running toward the BrewWorks on Main St.. He came unannounced and had a beer, surprising some locals sipping their Yuenglings.
Obama won. My girl lost. But Hillary did things the old way. There was a reason why Obama snubbed my father. He wanted to win and he knew that working the Democratic feudal system with the governor-bishops and mayor-knights and County executives-castles and Union head-pawns all taking their rightful places by Hillary for Channel 69 wasn’t going to work with the new Democrats that were going to decide the new President. Obama did it on his own, using young people and technology and online donations that surpassed any amounts known to Dems in the past. He went straight to the people, ignoring Rendell, Callahan, Cunningham, and Stoffa too, deciding instead to have a beer at the Brew works with some alcoholics who were drinking at noon on a Sunday. More power to them.
Is my father bitter? No. He learns from history and I hope Hillary did, too, because I’d still like to see her be President someday. Running for re-election, my father has a blog, a Facebook page, video interviews. He goes straight to the people and doesn’t rely on feudal politicians who snub him. That’s just how it is. He’s a new Democrat and he’s actually paving the way for the generation that will take over after him. He already told me that before he retires, he plans to create and publish a primer for young people, especially women, to learn of all the ins and outs of what to do and how to go about running for office from where to go to get mailers made to sign etiquette. (Maybe Ann McHale and Joe Long will be want to write the chapter on sign etiquette after what they've learned in this election.) I look forward to him writing that primer and I plan to be the first one to read it. Who knows? Maybe when I get myself established in PA again after so many years in the la la land of Miami, I might run too.
This election cycle endorsement was not the norm for the local Party, merely the ego problem of one man. All politics is fueled by ambition, as you show in your own desire to piggyback on your fathers name.
New Dem, Old Dem, Damn Dem, all words and empty phrases. Somewhat like the war on drugs. Ambition, ego and vengence have driven politics for millenia. Based on this campaign for County Executive I have seen nothing on either side to indicate any change.
"The main drawback is that I worry that the GenXers will have less interest in local politics for the same reasons, abandoning local decision-making to people of limited intelligence, education, and talent"
my, don't we think highly of ourselves?
ah, the arrogance of youth. i remember when in used to know it all as well.
"He goes straight to the people and doesn’t rely on feudal politicians who snub him. That’s just how it is."
By GEORGE, I think he's got it !!
"The times are a changin'"
I do understand what the previous bloggers are disagreeing with, but this has piece has a lot of good information for many of us disenfranchied with the "small town politics" in the LV....
I supported Obama too in the Pa. primary but with Hillary's political friends and union help she crushed him in the primary. Note to you and Bernie..Not all, in fact most, union folks are rat hoisting thugs. These days many are SEIU service employee workers who are not incredibly well paid. SEIU workers in the county endorsed no one in the primary and many backed Stoffa because he gave them a fair contract. So if you want to complain about the so called old Dems fine but don't include unions.
Many of the old Dems, by the way, like the esteemed Jack Burke in Bethlehem, were very upset about the endorsements by the party..
I'd just like to comment here on the essay, as written by young Mr. Stoffa. To say that I'm impressed would be an understatement. Most of what he says (and how he says it) makes perfect sense to me. As a member of the baby boom generation, I cannot argue with his observations, from A-Z.
Listening to him, all I can say is that despite my generation and my age (mid-fifties), I must also be a "new democrat", because I have always voted conscience rather than party line. Those days are at an end, but sadly, some people, (party "leaders") cling to the old way. I think Jeff hit home when he described how his generation of LV residents have been forced into the real world by economic reality, causing them to experience other points of view. This will be a good thing in the long run.
I agree with somethings disagree with other things.
I don't believe there should be a hard and fast rule that the party never endorses in a primary.
I think what happened in the Stoffa/McHale race was overstepping the parties bounds but I believe Lehigh County did the right thing in endorsing Bowser over Merlo.
I think endorsements in primaries should be rather rare, however, when there is a democrat who sullies the reputation of the party as a whole for being a bad public official or being unqualified I believe the party should act.
There are alot of candidates in these local elections and sometimes voters need to be educated that one candidate is woefully inadequate.
As someone who worked the Obama campaign. Jeff has a one sided view of that campaign from the Hillary side. The reality is the President lost here in PA. Badly.
The campaign actively searched for any local elected official support he could get. When the bitter comments came out, he was looking for local pols to defend him.
Hillary had things wrapped up in this state because she spent 2002,2004, and 2006 campaigning for candidates in this state. She was known and she helped people here.
Obama won the nomination, but the PA primary was no victory for him.
VOR, "New Dem" has nothing to do w/ age or ideology. Jeff Stoffa, charles Dertinger andf Lamont McClure are each the same age - 39. But Stoffa is a new Dem while McClure and Dertinger are Joe Long Dems.
New Dems may be liberals or conservatives, but they stand for open, accountable, transparent government. They are small "d" democrats. They advocate a systems of bylaws to govern endorsements to prevent the abuses that have occurred under Joe Long. They are not sogung ho as insisting that everyone be on the same pae about everyting at all times.
Karen Dolan, Willie Reynolds, John Stoffa, Jeff Stoffa, Steve Barron, Joe Brennan, Bill Hall, Rich Grucela and a host of other Democrats are what I call New Democrats. It's actually most of us. It's time to take our party back. I'll have more to say tomorrow or Monday.
Anon 7:16,
I agree w/ you. Most unions are filled with decent people and we definitely need them. But like anything else, they can go too far. The residual unit and deputy sheriffs in NC operate under the misconception that council and the exec are their toadies. While the former may be true, the latter is not. The exec knows who he works for, and it's not them. It's the taxpayer.
Anon 5:51,
I think Jeff is lamenting the apathy w/in his own generation, and it may be largely due to the fact that the ranks of local party officials are filled with people of limited intelligence. Let's be honest. Some of the insane comments posted by Long Dems here in past months demonstrate that all by themselves. If there is any doubt, talk to one of them.
New Dems, please come to Lehigh County, too! Is there a blog that's covering these problems LeCo? I'm a boomer but a Howard Dean/Barack Obama Dem and my heart is broken by my peers' ruthlessness. Between the hard-core pol in the county exec seat and the egoists running the county party, it will take a ton of un-infected young people to clear them out.
Impressive piece of writing. He has a good feel for generational change and a lot of other things. At the same time I think he's maybe expecting a little too much here.
1.) Unions aren't leaving the party's influential circle, just the unions who are driving opinion are changing. SEIU had a huge role in the nomination and election of President Obama. They played a part in virtually all Democratic success in the fall of 2008. They are playing a role in getting Joe Sestak to seek the Senate seat. USW still headquarters in the state, UFCW has maintained itself well in this state. Many other unions are doing fine. What I think you see happening is, the days of groups like Johnny Doc's crew in Philadelphia are over.
2.) Endorsements won't end. I do think you'll see changes though. I think you'll see a rule saying a challenger can't be endorsed against an incumbent, or something to that effect.
3.) This is a party organization. There probably won't be a formal recognition of allowing elected officials to endorse whoever they want. With that said, I do see changes here too.
With all that said, i'm impressed. He's got his finger on the pulse.
old timer, former D and R since late '84...always have voted for person and never Party. Been around the block many times, some think too many times! I give free advice, for whatever it is worth, to anyone who asks. I know most all of actors ever mentioned here and many who have since passed! I think I know all of the phonies and also the good public servants in the greater LV. Hope New D, Jeff Stoffa and others will call me for free advice and discussion, any afternoon or evening 610-691-5338! visit my website so you will know who you are calling is fine with me, www.kisslinger.com BTW, many of my picks in all elections have won. Remember, you can't win if you don't run and you can't lose if you do, because people respect you for having tried, is ny opinion
I'd love to know who the egoist the person is referring to in running the Lehigh County Democratic Party.
Lehigh County is almost the opposite of Northampton from a party prosepective.
So, Jeff, is the Peg Ferraro who used the "palling around with terrorists" line during the Obama-McCain race the type of new politician you are talking about? Really?
I'll field that one. People of good will can have dramatically different opinions on a numer of issues, from abortion to gun control. Because of Peg's views on national issues, I would never support her if she ran for the US Senate or President. Same for Ron.
But these opinions really have little to do with local government. The most important thing in local government is fiscal accountability, transparency and a willingness to work.
On a local level, I will gladly support an archconservative who is committed to good government over a supposed liberal who does all his dancing in the dark.
In fact, I think partisan elections for local offices are just a little silly. Don't you?
egoist = Sam Bennett
First I want to say I like Sam, Sam is no longer an officer in the party. She has resigned and is working in Washington.
also Fadia Halma
You made my day she's gone. : )
Sam and Fadia get criticised because they do alot of work for the party. Mostly by people who have done none.
I'm sad to see Sam out of the county, I'm happy she got the great opportunity. Honestly, of the active people in Lehigh I don't have a single issue with any of them.
From what I can see, the new Dems are the old Dems.
Fadia is good at two things ingraciating herself to people in power and taking credit for other people's work.
Um yeah. And you subscribe to neither you are what? Not in O'Hare's scope of reality?
Because of Peg's views on national issues, I would never support her if she ran for the US Senate or President.-
But Charlie Dent is A-OK.
as to Bennett all she has ever been to the party is an embarrassment
Much ado about nothing. Who are the LongDems anyway (the Norco Dem Party) just a one page badly designed website and a couple secret meetings in Nazareth pub. Why don't the "New Dems" as you call them just start their own Party, call it the "Northampton County Democratic Party" and start doing what the Longs were supposed to do all along, organize debates, encourage more people to run, feature all candidates, etc... people will forget quickly that there are two Northampton County Democratic Parties. THe old one will fade off into the sunset with the Edsel.
""-making to people of limited intelligence, education, and talent"
my, don't we think highly of ourselves?
ah, the arrogance of youth. i remember when in used to know it all as well.""
Bernie said this "kid" is 39, same age as Dertinger are McClure. How old are you, 104? If you don't agree that COunty govt. lacks people with talent or intelligence, you haven't been to a County Council meeting. Time to film them for people like you who don't get off the sofa to the meetings."
Luckily, Peg only makes decisions on a County wide basis, not involving national terrorism - that area is reserved for the Sherrif Dept. who argued that they needed to drive their squad cars home at night in case they had to respond to a terrorist attack.
""-making to people of limited intelligence, education, and talent"
my, don't we think highly of ourselves?
ah, the arrogance of youth. i remember when in used to know it all as well.""
Bernie said this "kid" is 39, same age as Dertinger are McClure. How old are you, 104? If you don't agree that COunty govt. lacks people with talent or intelligence, you haven't been to a County Council meeting. Time to film them for people like you who don't get off the sofa to the meetings."
actually, i'm 284. there are woodcarvings of me chasing small children through the bavarian alps.
that being said, the observation was intended to underscore that the expressed sentiment is a stereotype that only hurts the democratic party-that of the effete, condescending intellectual. i was obviously wrong on jeff's age. a man of his years and obvious intellect should couch the phrase differently, if that was indeed not his intent.
with respect to my "getting off the sofa to go to meetings", i'm a veteran of more council meetings than most sane people would care to claim (and bernie, you're not sane, so you don't count), so you might just wanna back the hell off there, scooter.
Politics can be addictive. To some it is even more addictive or a substitute for drugs.
Old Dem's New Dem's, it is just about taking power and playing a game of control. Stoffa will claim a mandate and he will be rebuffed. Wait until he unveils what will have to be at least a $150 Million bond issue, that will sail right along Mr. Fiscal conservative. I wonder If Angle and O'Hare will attack that bond?
O'Hare proudly points to Grucela and Barron. Grucela is as old school as it comes. Barron is part of the same group as Dertinger and McClure.
If the designeee of 'Good" Democrats and "Bad" Democrats is O'Hare and Angle, I will abstain from the New Dem's as will most real Dem's.
"i'm a veteran of more council meetings than most sane people would care to claim (and bernie, you're not sane, so you don't count), so you might just wanna back the hell off there, scooter." -
Point taken.
And the "Old Dems" arent' arrogant? Crowning winners before they even decide to run, not giving voters information in Voters Guide because it's deemed not necessary? Must I go on? THe only ones not arrogant are the REpublicans led by Angle.
How about McHale not even calling Stoffa to congratulate him or conceding. That's arrogance for ya
Since the Administration lacks people of talent or intelligence, why single out County Council?
Most mediocre Administration in County history.
The first set of administrators Stoffa picked, council stalled and didn't confirm.
You want your cake and be able to eat it, too! By all means, get on board...
Hey New Dem's how bout cleaning up your old Stoffa signs.
"Since the Administration lacks people of talent or intelligence, why single out County Council?
Most mediocre Administration in County history."
that's utter hogwash. like all administrations, they got some talented ones and some not-so-talented. i've dealt with conklin. he's good.
This entire discussion of “new Democrats” vs. “old Democrats” is all hog wash!
It is my opinion that the baton has been passed to the next generation of politicians through the election of President Barack Obama! President Barack Obama created a new generation of politically involved constituents by taking his message directly to the people through the use of all the new technology used by 21st generation voters.
Ms. Clinton and her supporter Governor Ed Rendell are the old party and were quickly marginalized by the Obama machine. This hierarchical structure is 19th century technology and should be changed!
Just because John Stoffa votes for Republicans doesn’t make him progressive! That why god created the registered Independent party. To pick and chose whom a person votes for is between him, his maker and the voting machine! To pick when to be loyal to a party when it suits is hypocritical!
This quote below from Jeff's essay deserves comment as Peg's "palling around with terrorists" comment puts the lie to every part of his description of Peg
"Republicans like Peg Ferarro and John Cusick reminded me much more of Democrats on the national level: civil, educated, polite, and reasonable."
There was nothing polite, civil, educated or reasonable about her comment and Jeff as an Obama supporter should understand what lies below the apparently reasonable demeanor.
The terrorist comment was shameless and offensive demagoguery. Partisanship at the lowest level. Indefensible. Calls into question that reasonable demeanor. I guess I shouldn't be surprised as you were pretty easy on Palin also
Maybe I'm wrong, Jim, but I think a nice person can have pretty extreme views. I see it all the time. I try to avoid those topics and focus on what we have in common.
Fly On The Wall,
Mrs. Clinton and Ed Rendell were marginalized? Not in PA my friend, and not even really nationally. Hillary's the Secretary of State, which is essentially the shiniest silver medal any second place finisher can hope for. In the PA primary, for those that forget, Hillary Clinton won by between 9 and 10 points. In the fall, President Obama's campaign had Ed Rendell bus touring this state and Bill Clinton appeared in nearly every corner of it. Sounds marginal, right?
I agree with the basic premise, the torch passed, times changed, and the future began, but to assert the marginalization of Rendell and the Clintons is a bit much. The one thing I will say is, while voters remain somewhat partisan, they don't just take a checklist of who they are supposed to vote for into the booth, and vote for them anymore.
A nice person can have strong views. When that person begins to call a U.S. Senator running for President a "terrorist" or "socialist," I lose a ton of respect for that person. Nobody who would go through that campaign, and that job, is a terrorist, even an arch-conservative like Sarah Palin doesn't deserve that talk. The words that some Republicans have used against President Obama are a thinly veiled call to the "differences" he has with the majority of us. I used to have a lot of respect for her myself, but that kind of talk is uncalled for.
Rising Sun,
I actually encourage diverse viewpoints here. What she said is her opinion. I would not lose respect for her bc she at least has an opinion. Lots of people don't bother to inform themselves at all.
I completely disagree and am sure she would completely disagree with most of my views on national issues. That's OK. I don't lose respect for the person. But you're entitled to your view, too.
And Peg really is a sweetheart.
I've met Peg. Perfectly nice human being, seems like someone you'd want to know. My point is asserting anyone is a terrorist isn't right, ever. I think Rush Limbaugh is the worst thing to happen to American politics, but he's no terrorist.
My opinion, speaking strictly about the County of Northampton, is there are Dems who are sickened by backroom, purely partisan politics. They understand the concept of party loyalty, but believe loyalty to good government and good citizenship should trump loyalty to party, especially when the leadership of their party is behaving unethically.
They strongly oppose any committee endorsements and favoritism in primaries. They consider politics an obligation to community, and consider their decisions through a community lens, which mostly, but not always, is a lens shaped like a donkey. As Obama liked to say, these Dems want to be guided by their better histories.
I suppose this is what Jeff and Bernie are referring to when they speak of New Dems. Age has nothing to do with it.
Old Dems, in my view, place party loyalty first, and that loyalty isn't necessarily to party values; it's loyalty to party leadership, loyalty to the party leadership's concept of entitlement and a "Father knows best" brand of
This mentality leads to primary endorsements held at signing events, picking one Dem against another in an attempt to manipulate government for the Party leadership's idea of what is good and to punish candidates who dare to cross the party line.
It's like a sports fan's paradigm of loyalty instead of community loyalty grounded in the ideals of both democracy and of Democrats.
In Northampton County, these Old Dems are not corrupt in the way our State Committee Old Dems are, at least I have no evidence to believe they are, but we need to clean up our own house first. I understand an election will be held, perhaps within a year, to choose whom should be the leaders of the Norco Dems. I plan to put a lot of energy into this election. I hope other New Dems will fearlessly do the same.
Old Dems never die. They just settle in comfortably at the bridge commission.
Ms. Dolan should do some research on O'Hare, Angle and Stoffa before she jumps into bed with any of these New Democrats.
Karen if you got the endorsement you would be singing a different tune. You happily took the developer and Mayor money your first run.
You are angry over Belinski. The funny thing is Angle and O'Hare are more like Belinski than they are like you. Stoffa could be a male twin of Belinski.
Thank you for the advice. I've known John Stoffa for at least 20 years; when I was a reporter, John was in the very small realm of people I actually trusted.
I can see what people don't like about him: his bias toward the rural areas over the cities (Come on, John, let's see you in Bethlehem!), his slow and deliberative ways, his relationship with Ron Angle.
Angle and O'Hare are a different story. I tried to get to know Ron Angle during the Open Space initiative, and at first he was our biggest supporter in NorCo, then he turned on us and teamed up with Bernie and some very far left environmentalists and were our only organized opposition in that referendum. It was shocking.
For years, Bernie has always referred to me as the politician who called Ron Angle a "demagogue."
I'm not in bed with anyone but my husband and occasionally my dog Milly slips in when my husband isn't around.
That said, I do believe in the capacity of people to change, and I think Bernie O'Hare is a great writer, a funny person, and a friend of my friend, John Stoffa.
Plus, the newspapers do not give politicians a place to express their points of view. Bernie does, and I like his mix of hubris and humility. It's amusing.
I've never met Bernie O'Hare, and maybe I never will. That said, I am totally enjoying the chance to openly talk about issues that really matter to me in my county and city. Can you tell me one place where I can do that as efficiently as I can on this blog?
I'll end by issuing a challenge. All of you anonymous posters, what are you afraid of? Use your names. Stand by your opinions.
Was Stoffa as big a bullshiter 20years ago as he is today. Talk to some of the folks who really know him.
That is a very good point.I do base my opinion of John Stoffa on experiences from quite some time ago. Maybe if he would COME OUT TO BETHLEHEM, we could have some wonderful experiences to talk about and possibly explore Bethlehem's role in the county's future.Here's a specific invitation: our city has a lovely, subtle, reverential, and patriotic Memorial Day Parade in Bethlehem. John, please come march with me. We can have lunch after. My treat. Nowhere expensive... sorry.
Anon 9:10,
You said:
"Karen if you got the endorsement you would be singing a different tune. You happily took the developer and Mayor money your first run."
Here's how stupid you are. 1.) There was no endorsement. Ms. Belinski was able to send mail with the party's bulk mail permit because she knew it was available, not because she had even been endorsed. The point is, it was pure favoritism, which proves the need to end it. The Bethlehem Dems let all six candidates run all the way to the finish. That's how it should be. 2.) What's wrong with the Mayor's money? He's never been investigated, he's achieved much of what he set out to do, and he can do much more with his career if he chooses. That he supported Karen is a badge of honor, not a negative.
I am and campaigned for HIllary both here and in Florida. My father was an Obama person if you read the post above the comments.
Jeff Stoffa
As for Peg's "terrorist remarks," maybe we should all breathe a sigh of relief that she has to worry about rebuilding bridges instead of waterboarding in the CIA, however Dertinger's homophobic remarks said during a Council meeting concern me much more. If you walk the streets of Downtown Bethlehem or Easton you're much more likely to run into a gay person than a Taliban.
Karen Dolan was one of the principal proponents of the open space referendum in Northampton County, spearheaded by John Stoffa a few years ago.
I know this all too well because Ron Angle and I were bitterly opposed. I got to know Karen during that time, when she emailed her concerns to me privately. I gained a lot of respect for her beacuse, like Stoffa, she is more interested in doing the right thing than what is politically expedient.
Far more important than being a good member of city council, she is a good person who aims high. We could use a few more like her.
If I wanted to ride my father's coattails I would have asked for a cushy job at the Courthouse like Ann McHale's daughter got. I'm just stating my opinion and not getting anything for it.
Bernie, I hear you go to secret meetings with the republicans. You are such a manipulator of facts.
Really? These meetings must be so secret that even I don't know about them.
I'm the anon poster from LeCo and I'm amazed to see the only egoists mentioned on this blog are women -- one who's long gone from LV + one who works for PA Dems, not LeCo. Dolan talks about endorsements at petition-signings -- the king of that is party hack Wernsdorfer. How about Severson wanna-be Rob Hopkins? And Cunningham chief of staff Frank Kane has a taxpayer-paid salary, office, benefits, and travel expenses -- and his county job is??? Commissioners should out him as a full time, taxpayer supported campaign manager for Cunningham for Governor. Where's the O'Hare blogger for New LeCo Dems?
"however Dertinger's homophobic remarks said during a Council meeting concern me much more. If you walk the streets of Downtown Bethlehem or Easton you're much more likely to run into a gay person than a Taliban."
Anon 3:09
You are a complete beenie jackass Dertinger never made any homophobic remarks. He has been supportive to the LGBT community has attended our events and has had several openly gay people work with on his campaigns. Moreover Dertinger has always been supported by the LGBT comminity and he has been a friend to us.
Find something else to bash Dertinger you are dead wrong on this issue and more importantly we know it.
You know nothing of the sort. The LV gay community only supports Dertinger bc Hopkins has vouched for him and, in fact, worked for him. He would receive much closer scrutiny if he happened to be an R.
I've seen him, as recently as the last council meeting, yuck it up over some gay reference. I don't recall the particulars but can listen to the tape and get it. I've listened to him shriek in horror at the mere thought that someone would use a men's room to change after riding a bike from home. I've read numerous comments from his minions and other Longoons here eferring to me in homosexual terms bc I use the men's room to change after riding a bike. And I have him on tape referring to Angle as a "low hanging fruit."
Hopkins can say what he wants, and I respect his views. But I can assure you (and him) that Charles Dertinger is no friend to the gay community.
Anon 10:03,
You are an idiot. Frank Kane is his chief of staff, at the county, of course he has a taxpayer salary. Every chief of staff for every elected official in America has a taxpayer salary, what's your point? That he knows how to run campaigns (gasp)? Your point? He is not the manager of the race, and you sound stupid for not doing your research. Cunningham is the best thing to ever happen to Lehigh County and the LeCo Dems. His leadership avoided having a puppet as chair at the last vote. His leadership has made the county a better place to live than it was under the previous leadership. You are a thinly veiled, anti-Cunningham hack, probably one of the local Judas' crowd that wants to back Onorato, an unelectable Pittsburgh politician. The people who are backing Onorato in both Norco and LeCo should be ashamed of themselves.
Kane is a nice guy when you can find him.
Hey New Dem's, take down your old signs already.
'That he knows how to run campaigns (gasp)? Your point?"
Frank's a prince, but he couldnt run a campaign to save his mother's life.
Amen Anonn 1:41, Stoffa signs are all over. Those 4X8's are also still around.
These New Dem's are still Old Dem lazy.
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