Eric, you're in luck. Thanks to the Internet, there are several sources of information. The League of Women Voters, Forks Action Committee and Express Times all have online primary voter guides. I have listed them on my left sidebar. Not all candidates have had the time or opportunity to respond, but I'm sure all will take advantage of this opportunity to present their message to voters.
Charles Dertinger, one of the slow pokes, might still be thinking. One of the questions in his race is a good one - "If elected to council, how would you address fighting along party lines?"
He'll have a rough time answering that one honestly.
Charles has tried but working with a self-indulgent criminal like Angle is impossible. Charles is a Saint for even trying.
Charles has not tried at all. He's even approached cabinet members and has told them he'd fire them simply because they belong to the wrong party. He is unwilling to reach out to the other party and work with them on issues in which party ideology is meaningless. He is even unwilling to work with a Democratic county exec simply bc that exec approaches local issues in a nonpartisdan manner, as he should. Charles needs to go.
If Charlie did his homework the way Angle does - he'd not only be able to stand up to Angle better, but he'd also gain the respect of voters.
This "I'm from Party X, so trust me" crap is what has ruined local and national politics. As I
a voter, I want the best possible candidate to be elected - and to hell with party. We can't afford to be wasting time worrying about club memberships.
Of the Council races, the three that I am most interested in at this point are Republican John Cusick's re-election bid, and Democrats Deborah Hunter and (considering, though I wish he had responded to the Express' guide) William Wallace.
They seem intelligent, willing to look at County services with an eye on fiscal responsibility, and are not party hacks. I know Cusick is semi-partisan, but I don't see him as a hack like the "Saint".
Is there really a need for such partisanship as exists among some current Councilmen? Is there really THAT big of a difference between a Republican v Democratic way to provide county services?? Or, is it more ego-driven "Us"v "Them" mentality.
I tend to agree w/ your assessment. Wallace has agreed to an interview. I was thinking of saving that for the general election, but maybe I'll call him this weekend and set something up. He regularly attends council meetings and is up to speed. I've not met Deb H, but have heard good things about her and her husband seems like a very nice guy.
Cusick is a bright guy, a hard worker, has good ideas and deserves reelection.
"I'm still waiting to find out who Eric Evans is. I see yard signs all over the place, but don't know who he is."
Interesting comment from someone teaching a journalism class. You're still waiting for . . .what? For someone to come up to you and hand you the answer? Or e-mail you a link so you can find out about Eric Evans without leaving your chair? You'll probably notice the heaviest concentration of Eric Evans' signs in the Northeast part of Bethlehem. Have you asked someone who lives in that part of town? Or knocked on the door of someone with a yard sign? Or even looked in the phone book to see if an Eric Evans is listed with an address in that part of Bethlehem?
Actually, I'll give Eric Chiles the benefit of the doubt and assume that he's asking his students to find out about Eric Evans as part of their education as journalists. No matter how what happens with today's news media, getting out and talking to people will remain a basic part of getting the story, whether you are the New York Times or Fox News or a local blogger.
Chiles. Please. No one cares where he can find any information. He is a fairly unimaginative blowhard who now has no platform of note. He is also incredibly mean-spirted and lacks talent.
Atleast the ET will give info on Independents. The NY Times owned ABC affiliate in Scranton REFUSES to acknowledge Independents labeling them as "un winable".
Amazing considering if they were given equal time they could win.
Beware of Two-party hack media outfits!
Nothing more Anti-American than a lazy ass news outfit, that refuses to serve the people fairly!
How many law suits has Mr. Angle filed as of this date, 60 or more?
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