Local Government TV

Monday, May 11, 2009

Walter Garvin, Part of the Joe Long Machine

Two years ago, when Charles Dertinger ran against Charlie Dent in the Lehigh Valley congressional race, WGPA 1100 AM ran a program called "Checks and Balances." It was dreary hour of highly partisan propaganda delivered in a monotone by a host known only as WALLY G.

One day, when WALLY G happened to be a guest on Don Russo's show, I decided to call in. Before ever opening my mouth, Russo demanded that I identify myself. I always do, but added that Wally G should identify himself, too. That's when I learned he's really Walter R. Garvin, who at that time was both a Democratic Committeeman and area chair. In fact, Wally's radio show was touted on the Norco Dem web page with this little promotion: "Sick of Right-Wing Talk Radio Blather? Tired of them insulting our intelligence? Then tune in to WGPA SUNNY 1100 AM and host WALLY G ..."

At the time WALLY G was engaged in all this fun, he was also the Northampton County Elections Commission chair, supposedly a quasi judicial body. Because Garvin's partisan activity created an appearance of impropriety, Executive John Stoffa refused to reappoint him.

Now, Wally G is a Joe Long Dem running for Northampton County Council. He's tied at the hip to Charles Dertinger, Lamont McClure and Ann McHale. He's even contributed to McHale's campaign. For all his antiwar rhetoric and participation in demonstrations outside Congressman Dent's office, Wally G has done nothing to stop the bullying and machine politics within his own party. I think it would be impossible for him to approach issues in a nonpartisan manner.

Having said that, I could be completely wrong. There's much to like about Walter. He is intelligent, personable and very passionate about his beliefs. He has attended a few council meetings over the years and is fairly knowledgeable about county government, much more so than most candidates.

But does he really expect us to believe Catherine Baker Knoll is his inspiration? What the hell has he been smoking?

Aside from the video above, there's a detailed profile at The Express Times Voter Guide. you can find out more about Garvin in these blog entries: Partisan Radio Host Wally G Outed: He's Chair Of Norco's Elections Commission; Norco's Elections Chair - Dem Committeeman, Area Chair & Partisan Radio Show Host - Isn't This a Conflict?; "Take a Stand" Town Hall Bashes Congressman Dent, But Takes No Stand; Norco's Election Chair, Wally G, Doing Partisan Radio Show ... Again!; Garvin Dumped As Norco Elections Commission Chair.

Video credit: Jeff Stoffa


  1. Why intelligent? Is that judgement based on his radio show?

  2. No. The radio show took no calls and was simply too partisan to be effective.

    One on one, I have found Walter capable of articulating and defending a position very well, even when we disagree. And boy have we disagreed, the latest time being just a few weeks ago. Unlike Dertinger, who just starts calling me names, Garvin will argue on topic. It gets heated, but does not get childish.

  3. Well O'Hare, we all know how childish you can get.

  4. Boonie, you take on Wally G for his radio show, at least he was never on the public air waves bragging about his extensive pornograhy collection.

  5. How wouldf you know? Everyone was asleep after five minutes.

  6. If you like Dertinger and McHale this is the guy for you.


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