Northampton County Democrats

If you want someone who thinks she's better than you, vote McHale. She walked out in a huff when Michelle Obama came to Cedar Crest last September. The front row was reserved for military families, but McHale insisted on sitting there. She thinks they, like you, are her social inferiors. (LV Ramblings, 9/30/08)
Like high taxes? Vote McHale. In ten years on Council, she's voted for every budget and even supported a 63.5% tax increase over just two years. (LVDC Bluestreak Election Letter, 2005)
Like wasteful spenders? Vote McHale. She spent nearly $650,000 of your money for some cheap furniture and a paint job in council chambers, but hasn't bothered installing cameras so the public can actually watch meetings. (Council minutes, 1/7/08; Finance Committee, 1/16/08)
Want a promise breaker? Vote McHale. After promising Martos Gabriel her support for a cabinet level position, McHale went back on her word. McHale also denies knowing about a proposed work release facility in Bethlehem Township, although it has always been described that way, leading Morning Call columnist Bill White to wonder whether she has amnesia. (Morning Call 4/9/09)
Like stupid financial decisions? Vote McHale. Last year, she nearly forced the county to accept an IT contract that was $1.8 million larger than the one Stoffa negotiated. (Express Times, 9/26/07).
Like government in the dark? Vote McHale. When the late great Wayne Grube told her that Stoffa was trying his best to keep council in the loop, her response was "Nice guys finish last." (Express Times, 9/26/07; LV Ramblings, 9/27/07).
Here are just some of the moneybags paying for Ann McHale:
United Brotherhood of Carpenters, AFSCME, Laborers Local 1174, Ruggiero Trucking & Excavating, Bracalete Construction, MCS Industries, Consultant Shanna & Vince Schascia, Lobbyist Robert DeBeer, Lawyer Christian Perrucci, Consultant & Lobbyist T.J. Rooney and Insurance Agent Ryan D Graham.
Here's who's paying for John Stoffa:
John Stoffa.
We deserve better than McHale. We have better. Get off the sofa and vote for Stoffa!
Proudly paid for by Ron Angle because Stoffa won't accept my money, either.
Well nothing can excite super voter Democrats more than Ron Angle telling them who to vote for. He just boosted McHales chances. Thanks Ron.
Super voter Dem's are well aware of your credibility.
yeah sure, unreal.
now theres words we can trust in ,it diminishs his creditablity,he lets everyone else do his dirty worh for him under the pretense of ron angle . must be plenty in for angle and you claim no pay to play you guys are all crooked.
Honestly, it would have been a great ad had Angle's name not been at the end of it. County Dems really have no love of Angle.Just the koolaid drinking Slate belt nuts and the right wing crazies.
The comical thing is that if Stoffa is successful Ron will have to deal with a McHale led council for sometime. After this ad I wish him luck getting anything done. Not that he cares that he has just diminished his own effectiveness because he's all about Ron Angle.
Aren't Council Presidents up for re-election each year?
that add just made my decison,if angle throws his money at stoffa there's something in it for him.
Wow, an eleventh hour smear launched by a guy who was once arrested for shoplifting and flee and eluding the police. Not to mention arrested for a violation of the wiretap law, not to mention well nevermind.
Angle is as crazy as a fox. Stoffa standing athwart the D heap is the only thing that gives Rs any say in a county where they're ridiculously outnumbered.
When your opponents are busy shooting themselves in the foot, it's best to continue passing them bullets - even if you have to pay for the bullets yourself.
I hope Stoffa didn't know anything about this. I doubt seriously he'd have wanted Rong to do this. Here is the problem. Rong Angle is depised by the very people who will be voting in this election. Stoffa was cruising to a comfortable victory on Tuesday. Having his name associated with Rong Angle known to have been arrested as a theif and labeled as someone who did not give truthful testimony under oath by the late Judge Williams, really is going to make this thing closer than it should be. Than there is going to be the issue of Stoffa having to work with Ann. So Rong just took the weakest County Executive in history and made him weaker.
stoffa knew about it.
McHale has dirt on Stoffa goin to print it on Wensday's Call you see not over yet
The odds of County Dems following Angle's advise are about the same odds Dick Cheney has in convincing Nancy Pelosi to go on a hunting trip with him...Not happening!
I was going to vote for SToffa but now that I no that Rong Angle voting for him MCHale got my vote! GEt off the sofa and vote for McHale!
"So Rong just took the weakest County Executive in history and made him weaker."
Perhaps and probably. Stoffa is still likely to win because his primary and general opponents are so weak. And Stoffa being weaker, makes Angle stronger.
This will have no affect. No one reads the papers any more.
Does anyone who really knows the real Angle believe he would contribute to a campaign, he wouldn't even pay $5.00 to join the Concerned Citizens group, one of his greatest horrendous misdeeds involved Mr. Snyder
Ann McHale is the only pol that gets smeared with her own actions and words.
Um, TJ Rooney is more than some lobbyist... he's the ultimate in political insiders and a hero to many D's in the region. Not so much for his work as a state rep, but b/c the state party is now a wrecking ball against the GOP... and he doesn't trust Joe Long.
john stoffa lost all crediablity with angles endorsement anyone here smell a RAT?
"Super voter Dem's are well aware of your credibility." -
I'll let you in on a little secret. Angle actually has more support among Dems than Rs. Sure, they hate him, but they listen to him.
If Stoffa knew all along he'd get this kind of publicity, why did he get so whipped up about his signs being stolen? Who needs signs?
If Stoffa wins it will be because McHale's campaign was terrible not because of Angle's ads. If Angle has any Dem friends they're only the kooks in the Slate Belt.
honesty, integrity, etc. etc. NO PLAY TO PAY HERE.
Yeah, I'd have a hard time voting for Stoffa after that douchebag letter.
that angle is the arc angle,stoffa jesus christ to the polls. a vote for stoffa is a vote for the devil himself.
Based on the number of complaints by Joe Long Dems at this early hour, I'd judge that ad a big success. It's more effective than I thought it would be.
The power of the press.
Everyone is a "Joe Long Dem" to you. You are a piece of work. Everyone that doesn't agree with your goofy Slate Belt leanings is a machine voter.
This is exactly why you shouldn"t vote for Stoffa,this is how he operates back door politics,there all sneaks. Stoffa ,Angle and Ohare planned the whole thing,all the time telling us how Stoffa wouldn"t accept contributions,then he tells us atyiegh did his 4'8 signs on his own, i suppose he would like us to believe Stoffa didn't know about this either. Do they really believe we are all fools?
The anti-Slate belt sentiment and disdain for Stoffa make very clear that most of these comments are from Joe Long Dems, who are outraged to see yet another election slip from their grasp.
"... goofy slate belt leanings ..."
Do you mean that goofy place where you can still walk the streets and leave windows unlocked at night? They're just not sophisticated enough to be plagued by gangs and murder and park curfews. What a goofy place. It should be more like the wild west that Easton and Bethlehem have become.
There is no way Stoffa can stop a Ron Angle or Abe Atiyeh from exercising their First Amendment right to speak on his behalf. Only in the world of Joe Long Dems are people discouraged from saying what they think.
Do you mean that goofy place where you can still walk the streets and leave windows unlocked at night? They're just not sophisticated enough to be plagued by gangs and murder and park curfews. What a goofy place. It should be more like the wild west that Easton and Bethlehem have become.-
Um yeah. You need to get out more. You know, when you do go out and come here.
Here we go again with the "Joe Long Dems." Maybe some of us are just regular people who have brains? We're not all involved up to our chins in politicos like you.
every single one of you are crooked,i would've cast my vote for stoffa,not after this.
Leave it to Long and his one-lever retards and they'll closely follow the Democrat playbook that has delivered the model cities of Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Allentown, and Reading to their current conditions. These are liberal, Democrat Petri dishes for just about every cockamamie social experiment under the sun - and each day they more closely resemble Calcutta with the violence of Kabul. Aim high Northampton County.
AHHHHHHHHHHH YES, An Honest Politican.
Ron Angle, the only individual in Norco with more money than the Unions.
The Long Dems on Council couldn't be more obstructionist than they already are. They're tapped. Angle has nothing to lose.
If Stoffa wins the odds are very long that he'll still have a majority of Dems on council. That means McHale will be Pres and Angle will be toast. At best the only two Republicans that will get elected are Cusick and Peg.
Angle and Stoffa are real people for the taxpayers. Not puppets on Joe Long and Severson strings to do what they command. As for some others on council, I have said it before and I will say it again. They don't give a rats a@@ about anyone but themselves. They are using their seat as a political stepping stone for their next run for office. As voters and taxpayers let us wake up and look at what we vote for. Henry Schaadt
Anon 11:19,
I want some of whatever you're smoking. I don't think council will be Democratic beyond June or July, when Neiper resigns. The 4 Rs and Capp will combine to appoint someone who will very likely be a R.
In November, Cusick and Ferraro will win. Dertinger may or may not win. it all depends on whether Rs can get together to tell people the truth about Dertinger.
I suspect Gilbert, and R, will also win a seat.
It is very likely the next council will be Republican.
angle cares about angle stoffa cares about stoffa they could careless about the you or anyone else they have there own PERSONAL agendas
Everyones now knows angle bought stoffa.
The Long Dems should have embraced Stoffa when he beat Reibman and not rejected him, voting against their own constituents' interests just to punish him and thwart his policies. With McHale's campaign against him they only succeeded in splitting the Party, alienating progressive Democrats, ruining Ann's reputation, and staining people and groups linked to her contributions like Cunningham, Boscola, the Unions, and others while falsely suggesting alliances with fresh Council candidates that never asked for their blessing. They are facing what the GOP on a national level is facing right now: fight for survival.
She looks good in a tiara.
my mama always said birds of a feather flock together,angle,ohars and stoffa,what does that tell you? if it walk like a rat,smells like a rat ,acts like a rat,IT,S A RAT!!!!!!!
Please explain to me the precedent for and the logic in the County Democratic Party endorsing candidates in a Primary. Do Norco Republicans do that? Does Lehigh County do that? I know that doesn't happen on a national level. I tried to learn more about endorsing during primaries on Google but couldn't find hardly anything on it. Are we the only ones that do it? If so, why?
I think now all five of the people that actually can read in mount bethel will vote. GOOD JOB!
McHale's Navy gets a direct hit from Angle's pirate ship filled with gold.
McHale's Navy is more like a rusting barge full of toxic chemicals, steaming in circles with no port of call. Time for Stoffa's sub to send her to Davey Jones' locker.
Now that Long endorsed all the new Dem candidates but Power, we're sure not to have a Democratic Council in November. He should have let them alone. Thanks, Joe.
angle cares about angle stoffa cares about stoffa they could careless about the you or anyone else they have there own PERSONAL agendas-
If Stoffa is throwing away $14K of his own money, he surely only cares about himself.
and you said he cared about taxpayers we knew you lied.
Anon 3:11 was posted by LAW OFFICES OF PETER G ANGELOS, which just happens to be where Northampton County Copuncil member Lamont McClure is employed.
Lamont, I didn't know you cared! Doesn't your firm know enough to sign its name to what it writes?
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"Leave it to Long and his one-lever retards and they'll closely follow the Democrat playbook that has delivered the model cities of Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Allentown, and Reading to their current conditions. These are liberal, Democrat Petri dishes for just about every cockamamie social experiment under the sun - and each day they more closely resemble Calcutta with the violence of Kabul. Aim high Northampton County."
Right. You need to get out more man. Easton's had one murder this year. One. Allentown's at 3 I believe. Sounds like Kabul to me. Calcutta really resembles Philadelphia too. Pittsburgh too. Hell, Bethlehem does too, right? Anywhere that isn't in Sarah Palin's "real America" is a liberal petri dish, right? Be informed before you talk about those places, you look stupid when you talk like that. I'll walk down a street at night in Bangor, or Bethlehem. What are you getting at?
As an aside, I think you should know that a lot more than Philadelphia and Allegheny County voted for President Obama last fall. Try Buck, Montgomery, Chester, Delaware, Berks, Lehigh, Northampton, Carbon, Monroe, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Dauphin, Centre, Elk, Erie, and Cambria too, all of which are obviously "liberal petri dishes," aren't they? Playing regional differences is outdated, and wrong. It's disappointing to see that done on a blog. I hope it's just a few wackos.
T.J. Rooney: "Ann who?"
After reading this it begs the question: Why wasn't she nominated for White's Hall of Fame list? She's right up there with the rest of 'em.
McClure's a dumbass.
McClueless is the Zen master of stealth. He's a cross between Inspecter Clouseau and Maxwell Smart.
Ron Angle is blogosphere gold.
I did not make the 3:11 comment that you attribute to me. Please do not automatically assume and publish that I made a comment unless you have attempted to confirm it with me. Additionally, I have checked with my co-workers here to determine if any of them may have posted the comment. Thus far, no one has indicated that they have.
As you know, I do monitor this site so that I can quickly challenge posts that I believe need to be addressed. Does your site meter definitively identify from where the comment is coming from ? Is it possible that you are attributing a comment made to me because I was on the site at a time approximate to the commentator. Please let me know about the site meter. If someone here, made the comment I will let you know.
Do me a favor and tell Peter Angelos about what Lamont does on company time. Doesn't Lamont's wife also have a record of similar abuses at work, and doesn't she work for the county? It epitomizes what is wrong with these Dems
At least Lamont made a comment himself this time instead of paying other people to make nasty comments for him.
Lamont is guilty of theft of company time. Mr. McClueless should get back to work.
Michelle Obama to her Secret Service agent: "Who was that woman who just walked out of here muttering, 'Nice first ladies finsh last?"
Angle is a pig.
I'm sure he'll end up voting for the republican candidate for executive over Soffa in the general election. He's setting it up.
He's way to partisan to vote dem over repug.
I nominate Ann McHale for your Hall of Fame for more reasons than this little text window will hold.
Bernie didn't attribute that comment to Lamont. He rightfully attributed it to the law office where Lamont works.
Big difference!
Bernie, when are you going to learn that I P's mean nothing?
You want me to believe that message was typed in a 10 second visit? I don't think so.
Anon 8:48, IPs & ISPs mean quite bit. You're talking out your ass.
Lamont, I will accept your word that you did not post the comment containing a personal attack against the county exec. But it clearly came from someone in your office. Of that I am certain. I did not feel any need to check that out with you first. I checked all visitors to my blog over that time period and the only one who was on that particular comment thread at that time period was your law office. I suppose it is possible that someone using some kind of anonymizer flew under the radar. But that's really unlikely bc the anonymizer itself would show up and did not. But do me a favor and let it go. I enjoy the interactivity and would hate to see some secretary suffer for taking a swipe at Stoffa during her coffee break.
If you would like me to check with you in the future about something like this, I will try to do so.
You indicate you monitor this blog so you can quickly challenge me if I go astry. I can only recall one or two challenges over the past three years. From that, I'll infer you and I agree on most county issues and that you now support Stoffa.
I vote for whoever Angle and O'Hare tell me to.
Help the loffa and vote for Stoffa.
Lamont making anonymous comments on Bernie's blog? I'm shocked.
Lamont making anonymous comments on Bernie's blog? I'm shocked.
What's a loffa?
Well, on this eve of the primary, I throw out for all you partisans a favorite quote of mine from Teddy Roosevelt, one of two presidents who hang on my library wall.
"...the man who really counts in the world is the doer, not the mere critic--the man who actually does the work, even if roughly and imperfectly, not the man who only talks or writes about how it ought to be done." (TR, 1891)
win or lose, may the spirit of the republic live on.
The most practical kind of politics is the politics of decency.
Theodore Roosevelt
God protect Northampton County tomorrow.
Crown or not it is a great picture of Ann. However, I am doing a write in for county executive, my vote, my privilege as an American, I don't like either county executive candidate.
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