Local Government TV

Monday, May 11, 2009

Will Power's Northampton County Council Bid

Morning Call columnist Bill White decided to grade performances during last week's evening with Northampton County Council candidates. He nearly flunked Will Power, who narrowly escaped with a D+. Will did tell everyone his wife was ovulating and it's hard to overlook that kind of gaffe. But as Bill himself later explains on his blog, "I was strictly grading their performance in that debate, as I perceived it, not their merits as councilpeople or county executives." If you judge Will on his merits, as opposed to his rhetoric, he certainly should be one of the top five Democrats.

Will's weakness is those occasional missteps. But he knows county government and, as The Express Times Voter Guide makes clear, understands that council's primary role is fiscal responsibility. Unlike his fellow candidates, Power has consistently criticized machine politics.

Video Credit: Jeff Stoffa


  1. Bottom line is you can overlook his crazy past and actions because he supports Stoffa.

    The O'Hare logic strikes again.

  2. The bottom line is that, no mater how you cut it, Will Power is superior to Lorraine Pasquali. He understands county government and has followed it for a number of years. She has not. He has spoken against the machine politics. She has not.

  3. Once again Bernie shows his bias against those mean women. If they aren't good and subservient to his whims, they aren't worth the bother.

  4. What if we only like three? Can we only vote for three people?

  5. Will has matured over the past few years. He deserves consideration for the seat. He can win if Stoffa supporters just cast one vote for council and that vote would be Will. Since he is the only non machine candidate aside from Stoffa it makes alot of sense for John's supporters to support Will in this regard.

  6. Will hasn't "matured" at all. His discussion of his wife's sexual health in public demonstrates that what has always been wrong continutes to be. A question. Mr. Will Power is opposed to Machine Politics and Pay to Play. How did he get his job as a night watchmen with the Bridge Commission ?

  7. Very strong finish. I'd rather have a Councilperson who admits he has sex with his wife rather than Council people who continue to insult, yell, bully, and attack each other.

  8. what about the republican coucil candidates Bernie? i look forward to a blog on them.

  9. The comment about his wife shows only that Will's screening process
    still needs some work. Honesty is refreshing at times and not so much at other times. Otherwise, he has two bachelor degrees and has always been active in and out of government. He deserves a shot. Yes, he got a job at the bridge commission. So what. If he is such a pay to play guy why isn't he raising money for this campaign. His sister Lisa could fund his campaign by herself. He refused all monies he got. Whether that will work I don't know but it would be refreshing if we got all money out of politics.

  10. I'll be discussing the Rs but have no video of them.

    I do know all but Gilbert.

  11. "What if we only like three? Can we only vote for three people?"Yes.

    Power's attempt to ride Stoffa's coattails is one of the things I don't like about his candidacy. He did get his job as a result of the usual cronyism so is not in the best position to make his claims about P2P.

    But he has been consistent. He has opposed machine politics. He is knowledgable about county gov't.

  12. "Once again Bernie shows his bias against those mean women."This is ridiculous. You do not support someone authomatically simply bc he has a penis or a vagina.

    I don't like Pasquali asa county council candidate. She is ill informed and has made no attempt to change that. I like Deb Hunter and probably would rate her as the best candidate the Dems have.

  13. Considering all the crazy $#@% McHale's out of control Council does and says, I don't see what why the ovulation comment is such a big deal. If McHale would have been taped saying "Nice guys finish last" to Stoffa or taped huffing out of Michelle Obama's appearance because military families got precedence over her, or Dertinger making homophobic remarks, there would a similar Bill White reaction. The only difference is Jeff Stoffa wasn't there to tape the other incidents. The only difference is a little camera.

  14. He purchased his house with government help and is now running for 2 incompatible positions where he would collect 2 county paychecks and as council write laws and as constable enforce laws.He still does not know what he wants to be if he grows up.

  15. Actually, I didn't tape Will's ovulation comment. My little $40 flip video camera (invented for the Obama campaign) only holds 30 minutes so I had to make a decision on what I was going to cover. I had only enough for the three incumbents and one sweep of all the candidates as they did their final remarks. I wish I had been able to tape everything. Living in Florida for eight years, I'm surprised the County doesn't allow the public to see what goes on inside Council Chambers. In Florida, I once watched on my TV the Coral Gables City Council argue for an hour or more whether or not to have someone's oak tree removed from a busy intersection, complete with slide show and pointer. I think the County covers much more important issues than the removal of an oak tree and taping would be beneficial for all.

  16. Darrin Stofko's chosen profession is that of teacher. He can't get a job teaching becasue of his long History of Violence and his Arrest Record.


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