Committees must report contributions $500 or greater within 24 hours of receipt at this point in the election cycle. I've seen no reports of any contributions, but Joe Long Dems make it up as they go along.
Today's one-liner: "The shortest way to the distinguishing excellence of any writer is through his hostile critics." Richard LeGallienne
Dirty money
McHale did a robocall referring to Angle's and Stoffa's "eleventh hour attacks." My neighbor didn't read the paper so she missed the ad and the whole thing but the robocall sparked her curiosity so she started calling and asking around as to what McHale was referring to. So now McHale is increasing the circulation of her own attacks with money from her own pocket. What's next?
If I were McHale, I would do a robo call to. I would want every democrat in Northampton to know that Ron Angle had just paid for a half page ad for Stoffa.
Ron Angle's endorsement is toxic. There is no polling but I think Ron just might have done McHale the biggest favor of the campaign. If she wins this primary. I'm going to say the turning point is when Ron Angle decided to way in.
Ron is a classless jerk. He went on Business Matters a few weeks ago and debated two women on Tea parties. One of them happened to be my friend. After the show because he didn't do as well as I guess he hoped he said "You have a big mouth for a little girl"
Sexist disgusting pig.
Ron Angle is also a sexist pig with his intimidating female senior citizens.
Why don't you answer the frickin' question - how did McHale pay for that mailer?
The answer to every criticism of McHale or the Joe Long Dems appears to be, "Ron Angle is a jerk." That doesn't really cut it.
I'm not the Treasurer of the Northampton Democrats. Maybe you should give that person a call or wait for the report to be filed?
Ron Angle is still a Jerk.
LOL. That was funny.
"Maybe you should give that person a call or wait for the report to be filed?"
Considering that the whole point of campaign finance disclosure to to let the voters know whose money is funding a campaign so they can make INTELLIGENT VOTING DECISIONS, I find your suggestion to be a bit ludicrous.
First of all, based on their previously-filed report, there was not enough money in the Dems account to pay for a mailer. OK, so they got some last minute cash - in PA when you get last minute cash, you have to revise your report immediately - not hold the information until after the election.
It is precisely this sort of chicanery that the finance laws were supposed to prevent - yet Long et al act with impunity because they know a) most voters never bother to take the time to dig for this information, and b) Morganelli seems loath to investigate campaign finance hijinks.
Bernie is correct on this - $3900 is not enough money to pay the postage for this mailing, let alone the printing and design. The campaign took on extra cash at the last minute - cash it is legally required to report BEFORE the election.
This sort of thing is exactly what a McHale administration would lay on the county time after time. If she's willing to cut corners in the campaign, she sure isn't going to be forthright as an executive.
Hay Sport,
I think you got that wrong! Northampton County Democratic Committee is not subject to the 24 hour rule! They are not a committee supporting a single candidate. Read the record below!
Section 1628 (25 P.S. § 3248). Of Penna. Dept. of State Finance Reporting Law.
Late Contributions and Independent Expenditures.
Any candidate or political committee, authorized by a candidate and created solely for the purpose of influencing an election on behalf of that candidate, which receives any contribution or pledge of five hundred dollars ($500) or more, and any person making an independent expenditure, as defined by this act, of five hundred dollars ($500) or more after the final pre-election report has been deemed completed, shall report such contribution, pledge or expenditure to the appropriate supervisor. Such report shall be sent by the candidate, chairman or treasurer of the political committee within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of the contribution. It shall be the duty of the supervisor to confirm the substance of such report. The report shall be made by telegram, mailgram, overnight mail or facsimile transmission. Any candidate in his own behalf, or chairman, treasurer or candidate in behalf of the political committee may also comply with this section by appearing personally before such supervisor and reporting such late contributions or pledges.
You are right and i am wrong.
candidates themselves were asked to pay their share. No mystery.
May I ask how you know that? It certainly is a mystery. I have heard rumors to that effect, but nothing solid. But if you have some information to share, please feel free to do so. I would like to know how it ws paid for.
Don't be a loffa, vote for Stoffa!
Sorry, it was just a friend of a friend...I guess I assumed it must be more common knowledge, and quite honestly I only know they were initially asked. I do not know if any, or all, actually followed through and contributed, so I should not have said anything and bow out of this conversation.
On a lighter note, with 72% reporting it looks like Stoffa is close to mathematically clinching the nomination.
actually, 4 k might just cover a mailer. a little short, but not by much.
4K would design, print, and mail a 10,000 piece flyer
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