Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Ann McHale Makes Her Case for Northampton County Exec

"I'm the one who provided the impetus for seeking proposals for the third party administrator for the county's health care plan. That resulted in a seven, a $6.3 million savings. That was because of me."
Blogger's Note: Thanks to Jeff Stoffa, who videotaped this candidates' night.
Update: Like an idiot, I posted the wrong video. I will correct this error and post the right one this evening. (Problem fixed 5:15 PM)


  1. Bernie,
    first of all, I think it is a great service to provide uplinks of the video for those of us unable to attend, especially if you can post a fair balance of all the candidates (exec and council). Again, a great service.

    Just an fyi, however, that as of 3:50 this McHale piece had the Stoffa opening video posted again rather than her.

  2. Lighthouse, I'm operating on next to no sleep so I really appreciate you bringing this error to my intention. i will correct it tonight. My goal is to present the different views as stated by te candidates themselves.

  3. This is great. Open government. They should broadcast the Council meetings.

  4. Thanks from here, Bernie. It's a shame NorCo can't/won't provide access like this.

  5. Stoffa's son does the video, real unbiased take on things.

  6. Her words are her words. Unless Jeff Stoffa puts on a wig and pretends he's Ann and starts making bogus videos, you have no room to complain.

  7. i'd like to see her at the helm. she has my vote!

  8. I think we need her on county council.

  9. We need a new start. Stoffa was a reaction to Reibman, an anti-vote and understandable. Problem is he is no leader just a career bureaucrat. Talking in his world is the same as doing something. His Administration is one of the worst. Guys like Conklin and Marcus are OK but missplaced. Conklin should have Matoffs job and Marcus should be in DCED, thats what he knows, not a major area like Human Srvices. Both over their heads, but nice guys.
    McHale is the only choice in the Primary as Stoffa has had four years to live off the surplus and tackle, much less solve none of the County's issues.

  10. Thanks for the videos bernie.

  11. When you wrote, "It was all because of me." I thougth you were joking, making fun of her. I can't believe she really said that...even if were true, which isn't. Who would say that? "I'm John Stoffa. I haven't raised your taxes in four years. That's all because of me." That sounds wierd.

  12. Hats off to Stoffa son. Where were 69 and Channel 39?

  13. Objective reporting by the candidates son. Nice editing of the clips you show.

  14. This question has already been raised and answered. McHale's words are McHale's words.

  15. Community involvement? Her community involvement space on


    is blank. Here's Stoffa's:

    Community Involvement: Northampton Area School Board; Keenan House, Past Board Member, Vice President; Family Centers, Past Board Member; Allen High School Health Science and Fitness Academy; Advisory Board Member; Lehigh County Committee Employment of Handicap, Past Chair; Lehigh Valley Hospital Board of Associates, Past Member; Communities in Schools, Past Board Member; Red Cross, Past Board Member; AIDSNET Board, Past Board Member; Turning Point, Board of Advisors; Alliance for Children and Families of the Lehigh Valley, Board Member; Healthy Marriage and Family Coalition of the Lehigh Valley, Member; Lehigh Valley Fatherhood Initiative, Co-Founder; New Bethany Ministries Board Member; Kiwanis Club, Allentown, Board Member and Past President; Hanover Township's 200th Anniversary Celebration, Chairman for Northampton County; Northampton Centennial Committee, Board Member; Green Future Fund, Board Member and Treasurer; United Way of Greater Lehigh Valley, Past Board Member, 6 years; Executive Service Corps of the Lehigh Valley; Kiwanis Foundation, Board Member and Past President; Northampton Library's Capital Campaign Steering Committee; Green Valley Coalition, Board Member; Community Action Committee of the Lehigh Valley, Past Member and Board President; Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Bethlehem, Church Council (14 years) and Vice President; Joint Conflice Resource Team (UCC and Lutheran Ministry) Member; Bethlehem Municipal Band, Board Member; Easton Municipal Band, Past Board Member and Band Co-President; "A Taste of Brass" Brass Quintent; Allen Township Historical Society, Member; Liberty High School Alumni Band; Allentown Hobo Band.
    Endorsements: The people of Northampton County
    Web Site: www.stoffa2009.com

  16. Hey annon 10:20. pad resumes much. When you belong to that many groups you are a padder. You don't accomplish anything you just join everything and write it up.

    Wow, that is the Stoffa platform. Jack of all Boards, master of none. Just as in County governemnt.


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