Allentown City Council member Julio Guridy is seeking reelection. On Sunday night, he had a fundraiser at The Palace. Aguiar, a "Development Specialist" with Allentown's DCED, decided to attend. Good for her. But she decided to attend in a city-owned vehicle with Allentown's logo emblazoned on the side panels. She also brought some sort of supplies to this party.
This is a clear violation of Allentown's Home Rule Charter, which states "All employees are prohibited from ... using city facilities or property for any political activity. Violation of this section will warrant discharge or other discipline under the provisions of the Personnel Code."
Guridy, who attended this function with his family in his wife's car, tells me he had no idea that Aguiar was engaging in inappropriate political activity. "I also would like to say that I do not condone inappropriate usage of City’s resources."
Aguiar admits, but attempts to minimize, her transgression. "The simple explanation is that [Sunday] I was in city business returning from a conference in Washington, DC. I carry City brochures in the city vehicle and I routinely drop them off at large gatherings in the City. That is what I was doing in this case. I then returned the city vehicle to the garage and picked up my own vehicle. I did return to Mr. Guridy’s gathering later on after running some errands."
Using a city-owned vehicle to attend a political gathering violates the Home Rule Charter. Handing out city brochures at a political function is yet another violation. When minor infractions are tolerated, it's only a matter of time before major abuses become the norm.
Funny how you pick up on these "minor" incidents when you are out to smear someone. To bad you don't apply the same criteria to some of your Northampton County political buddies.
In Allentown the tax-payers provde employees a car.You can use them for what-ever reason you want.It has been this way fpor a number of years.
Big deal. We should thank her for spending her weekend working.
Bernie O'hater is at it again. A School person drove somewhere in their car! Hang'em high!
why is development specialist in quotations?
no matter, it's not right that city workers outside of those that go through council confirmation be attending political functions.
I agree with Anon 1220 Norco county council does a lot worse, a bunch of hillbillies with Dertinger chewing gum during the meetings like some kid waiting to be picked up by his mom.
You gota be kidding! If she did this, it means that the mayor does not inform his staff of lawful and proper political conduct, or does he?
As long as she is a Good D, she'll get away with anything. That's the way it goes in Allentown.
At least these transgressions are appropriately labeled "minor." I would like to know more about the city brochures, though.
I have a feeling that nothing nefarious was going on here - it is just a case of simple cluelessness. Either way, it doesn't do any favors to Allentown.
And, to go to a Sunday night fundraiser after leaving a conference in DC the same day says a lot about her dedication to Guridy's reelection campaign. She must have thought that it was very important for her to attend this event!
At least she did admit it. Suspect she had no idea she was guilty of wrong doing, probably because she's never been informed of political activity rules. Doesn't city human resources conduct employee awareness programs and have employees sign a code of conduct booklet? That's pretty par at most employers.
See Allentown cars during day hours all over, at grocery stores, shopping centers, doctors' offices.
The phrase "development speicalist" is in quotes bc I'm not exactly sure what the hell Aguiar does. The city web page calls her a development specialist for brownfields, but I've seen other sources that refer to her as a real estate develoment specialist. Plus, I've seen her at A-town's "No Place for Hate" forum, acting as facilitator. She may have other functions. On top of everything else, I don't really understand the phrase as applied to the public sector.
This is a minor violation, but I'll point it out anyway. City resources should not be squandered in any way on politics. If Aguiar was so obvious about this, I suspect the practice may very well be widespread. If she is taking a city car to a political event, and handing out city property at a political event, it's fair to ask what she is doing at city hall.
Also, contrary to what has been suggested, even cabinet-confrimed employees are prohibited from using city resources for political activity.
Bernie -
Nothing new here.
Even the Mayor was out campaigning in his taxpayer-funded care against City Controller Candidate Lou Hershman in the primary a few years ago.
When called on the infraction, the Mayor quickly rented a car with his own campaign funds for the rest of the day. Naturally, he lied about using his city-provided car for part of the day.
Never mind that the Mayor was engaging in political activity while being paid by the taxpayers.
Perhaps someone could take these complaints to the city ethics board. Oh yeah, it has no members since the terms on all the positions were allowed to expire.
Government in Allentown - the best you can buy!
I heard about that, too, and believe there was some press coverage. I'll add that at a Mike Fleck fundraiser in Easton last year, Pawlowski supposedly arrived in a city-owned car. So I think the practice may very well be widespread.
And as you point out, the ethics commission is basically defunct.
Mayor Pawlowski uses a city owned car as his personal vehicle all the time.
No other mayor has ever done this. You would think in these times, when the city is facing a financial crisis, he would set an example of leadership instead of one of abuse.
I have no problem w/ supplying a city-owned vehicle for the mayor, even for personal use. Most of it will be for city purposes anyway, and I'd rather see the mayor focused on city issues than filling out log sheets. But he should not and is prohibited from using a city vehicle for political purposes.
why is it always acceptable to commit "minor" violations??? this is how the mess gets started... same way the Dems wanna look the other way at "illegal" aliens... key word that gets overlooked is "illegal" ... the problem is a societal one... we have become accepting of the morally unnaceptable practices that have become the norm in politics... and we ALL should be embarrassed because we have allowed this to happen... just like we let adultery become acceptable in the white house, we have let $8 million budget deficits in allentown be called "Balanced".. when is someone actually gonna take a stand and call it like it is?? I think Bernie has actually answered that question for us.. he has..... so if you don't like it.. suck it up and deal with it.. because finally some truths are actually being printed in the media. Bravo Bernie.
She's a democrat so of course you publish this.
And Stoffa, who you campaign for, does not count as a Dem!
She's a political patronage recipient in a job nobody can describe. She's abusing taxpayer dollars to support her guy. Period. It's illustrative of a typical "let them eat cake" attitude shared by lots of municipal employees who likely have some personal justification for "getting theirs." It's a public service version of stealing company resources.
She's guilty of theft of city resources and should repay the cost of using our car for her political activity. You've gone too lightly here, Bernie. No matter how minor, a thief is a thief. Her explanation indicates she knew exactly what she was caught doing.
"Her explanation indicates she knew exactly what she was doing"
Allentown will get what it votes for...
So when do we see the big write up on how Stoffa vilated the Federal Hatch Act in 2005. He retired long after he ran in two partisan elections. He could have cost the county millions.
You are very selective when you weave your mean machine to destroy people.
Of course now you show you are anti-Hispanic. We already knew you were like your hero Angle and disparige women. You attacked Heidi Markow and Ann McHale.
Shame on you O'Hare.
"Of course now you show you are anti-Hispanic."
What a specious - albeit typical - charge. She not being criticized for being Hispanic (whatever the hell that is, by the way - perhaps describing a very limited number of those originating from Hispaniola). She was criticized for law breaking.
An old sage once told me, "what do you expect from a pig but a grunt."
Well, well, well. Bernie does it again. Points out a transgression and he is raked over the coals for it. Or should I say, "Villafied" for it.
So many p's in this city all they want is things to be their way. If it had been a Republican, the hanging would be at high noon. They have no idea of what the reality of life is and what the real state of this mini metropolis and the dire straits it is headed toward.
These guys focus on personalities and not principles. Principles - don't give a bowel movement about them. It is all about them and how many buddy butts they can kiss on a KOZ.
Yeah well, I'll bet most rapists and murders can in all honesty trace their major transgressions to a progression of severity starting with something oh so small and innocuous. Just boys being boys or perhaps just girls being girls. God, please save us from the self absorbed myopic cretins.
The woman in question, well everyone knows she is a self serving megalomaniac and that she could care less about using a city vehicle for these types of events. She probably loves the attention and feelings of power she gets. Ouch!
You are right Bernie, catch the mouse before it turns into a rat. Keep up the good work. To your detractors, kiss my butt.
This is just perfect. I am so humiliated to live in the City of Allentown, which is run by a bunch of incompetent political hacks. Who could have such a lapse of judgement to show up at a political fundraiser in a City car? This is ridiculous. I've never felt like abandoning the city I loved for so long. This City employee should resign immediately. I'm so disappointed.
Wow this makes me laugh, You people and your passing of judgment. D’s & R’s? Really? Who cares? How about tracing this woman’s chain of command and criticizing them? The fact is that this ‘blog’ and others like them are ways for the Anglos to persecute ‘minorities’ while maintaining a level of anonymity. You idiots, Mr. O’ Hare included, focus on the wrong things…”Waaahhh! Ms. So-in-So used a company car during official business”…boo hoo, more like boo who cares? Dribble like these postings focuses anger and outrage on the wrong topics. I do agree that politics is a very nasty game however bigotry, sexism, and ‘mud-slinging’ is NO BETTER. So, to your supporters, I say this…Grow up. Use your skewed anger and misplaced judgments a tiny bit wiser and, who knows, someday someone may accuse you of being semi-intelligent. And to you, Mr. O’Hare, just be glad that we no longer live in an ‘accountable’ society, fore if we did, you’d be sued for plethora of reasons including defamation of character, liability, racial targeting, and more. For the rest of your readers I say, “Enjoy the entertainment”…
1) The HRC prohibits the use of city resources for political purposes.
2) A city worker clearly violated this HRC proscription.
3) It makes no difference whether she is Hispanic, Latino, white, black or whatever.
4) It makes no difference to me whether Aguiar is male, female or transgender.
5) I could care less whether she is Demiocratic, Republican, Libertarian or whatever.
Well, Mr. O’Hare can you explain EXACTLY what it was that you THINK she did wrong? Making a cameo appearance is hardly violating the ‘HRC proscription’. She, nor the vehicle in question, was in any sort of violation. Are you suggesting, Mr. O’Hare to have some sort of ‘inside’ intelligence on this woman’s agenda or schedule or are you just sitting outside of all small political events spying on the people who attend. Are you mad because you didn’t make the guest list? Tell the truth Bernie… with all the REAL crime deeply embedded in the politics of Allentown, you attack a woman who has an exemplary record for her six LONG years of helping to rebuild the failing economics of our city. Wow, Berns… Hmmm. What are you REALLY after?
Midnite Joker,
You are aptly aimed.
My blog was quite clear. The HRC clearly prohinits city workers from using city resources for political purposes. Aguiar, by her own admission, used city resources for political purposes. First, she showed up at a political fundraiser in a clearly marked city vehicle. Second, she distributed city brochures at a political event.
Whether she is an exemplary employee is irrelevant. She violated the HRC. The taxpayers have a right to expect that their hard-earned money not be used to further political campaigns.
She does not get a pass bc she is Hispanic or a woman or a Dem.
But the only penalty she will suffer is this blog, pointing out that she violated the HRC. That's the real injustice because it will just lead to bigger transgressons in the future.
Look Bernie, Did you see her hand out a single brochure or pamphlet?
Besides the definition of the political activity prohibition is… All employees are prohibited from engaging in any form of political activity during regular work hours and are prohibited from using city facilities or property for any political activity. Violation of this section will warrant discharge or other discipline under the provisions of the Personnel Code.
She may have come to Julio Guridy’s event in the city car but she did not use the car to show her support in any way…I believe she went inside to do so and being that the party was on a Sunday from 6:30-9:45(ish) it was NOT during work hours so, again I ask you Mr. Misinformation, “What is it that you ‘claim’ she did wrong?
Driving a city-owned vehicle to a political event is using city resources for political activity. By her own admission, she brought city brochures to the event as well. These are both HRC violations, regardless when they occurred. You want to exonerate her bc she's such a hard worker. That may be, but she still violated the HRC under any reasonabe interpretation.
You won't read about O'Hare's white male friend John Stoffa. Stoffa signed a contract in violation of the Northampton County Home Rule Charter. When a couple County councilmen (not buddy ron angle) called Stoffa on it, he claimed it was an honest mistake.
Gee, maybe if this woman were a white male named Stoffa, Bernnie would be saying why make anything of this it was an honest mistake.
You have entered the O'Hater Zone and his putrid posse of right-wingnut haters.
She admitted that she brought those flyers BECAUSE they were in the car, ALREADY, and, if I read correctly, she said that she was returning from an event, stopped by then promptly left to returned the vehicle. By simply being there was NOT misusing the car, it seems as though it was her mode of transportation to and from DC. I am willing to bet that she happened to be passing by, on her way back to return the vehicle to wherever it belonged, and stopped in to see her boss, Mayor Ed Pawlowski. The car being there was NOT a violation, let alone a blatant violation. May I remind you that her statement reflected that she was on her way BACK into town and the SOLE PURPOSE of driving said vehicle was to go to, and return from, her assignment…NOT to stop by a political event. Her ‘pit-stop’ was in no way an infringement and you know it… along with anyone who has an I.Q. over 20.
So much for journalistic integrity, Huh Bernsie?
I'm done debating this with you. It's a blatant violation by anyone willing to look at it objectively. You are not.
Yeah, buddy…you’re done alright, I’d say. You go off and enjoy your grandson’s game and those sunflower seeds; they are good, aren’t they. I understand that you are desperately trying to make a name for yourself…I just hope that you don’t get sued in the process. THIS, people, is TRUE ALLENTOWN POLITICS. Sling mud and hope it soils the right people. Just admit you were wrong and change the subject already.
-Good Night…
I stand by every word I wrote. Feel free to sue.
Hey dude if it were me, I would sue you... but I more-so wanted your readers to gain some quasi insight into your TRUE prejudices & agendas and I think you assisted me quite well. Thanks and, again…Good Night
All you have succeeded in doing is making youreslf appear like exactly what you have named yourself - a midnight joker.
Hey, despite my descriptive pseudonym, my points still remain sound…you are a ‘blow hard’, plain and simple…but I guess that’s all a retired lawyer could EVER aspire to be. You know NOTHING about politics and I imagine that you know the same about law, I mean after being disbarred and all. Or better yet, here…
Read on twilight bloggers, and enjoy. P.S. lay off of the fried foods. Your blood pressure has got to be insane. So take it easy, take some aspirin and MOVE ON
Ahhh, the anonymous personal attack. A midnight joker's final refuge, along w/ a link to Trollvilla.
I say, O’Hare
You’re a man who likes to have the last word…I refuse to be drawn into such a childish exercise. You have FAR exceeded my expectations of what I thought you are… lol.
Well, you have not exceeded my expectations.
Bernie….Lawyers have neither expectations, nor morals… just GREED. Now I must retire to bed. So have fun fabricating your next series of ‘bedtime’ stories. I’m sure our paths will cross again. And, when they do, I’ll be there defending the truth. The ‘People Of The Valley’ deserve nothing less. May your dronings of semi-truths and fantasies carry you to dream land. Good Night, Mr. Charlatan
You're defending a city worker who used city resources for political purposes. You're defending cronyism. But you're not defending the truth.
"Driving a city-owned vehicle to a political event is using city resources for political activity."
True, but- That's beside the more relevant point here. Irregardless the mode of transport (she could have walked or ridden her bike) this activity is prohibitted. If she did not know this, there is another problem. I'm afraid that this is the type of small problem that can become a bigger problem if "no one is watching". That is a role (watcher) that the press has held lo these many years. It's these checks that provide much needed balance in government. Someone has to do this and it may end up being bloggers.
Thant's better than nothing.
Voice of Reason
Mr. O'Hare; Frequent reader here. Thanks for maintaining your thick skin as you get vilified for report relevent local issues here. Keep in mind that there is a direct corrolation between the amount of mean, nasty personal attacks on you and the relevency of your articles. I think this incident is relevent to Allentown taxpayers. Further, I think the position of "development specialist" and other new patronage positions are relevent to Allentown tax payers. Are these jobs in fact patronage positions, were the jobs filled after thorough consideration of all interested applicants, were the positions even properly advertised?
I ask these questions, because real professionals would know instantly that driving a city car to a political activity to deliver fliers to a candidate has very serious ethical implications.
Keep up the great job.
Wow, look at this… Now I understand why you ‘report’ such gossip… to fulfill a need for drama, solely, for your readers. They really think that they understand how politics works. These ‘people’ (and I say that very loosely) would rather you report on something like an alleged infraction rather than where the tax money REALLY goes. These people are funny to me. I am willing to bet that not one of your supporters has held a position of true accountability but they’ll be the first to ‘tattle tale’ on someone else as a distraction method to remove the focus on Lehigh Valley’s TRUE criminal politics, that happens every day. To reiterate, driving a vehicle is nothing more than driving a vehicle. There were NO support Julio signs on the car and it was not even parked at the event. This makes the abuse of city property an incorrect allegation. I love watching the uneducated ‘preach’ the law. It gives hope to ALL your supporters that, one day…there will be a life for them outside of their tenure at Burger King or The Waffle House. A tale-tale sign of the ill-educated is speaking about being ‘watched over’… I wonder if they TRULY believe that Mayor Pawlowski does not hold his own accountable. I know Ed, do you? Furthermore, if Mayor Pawlowski did not do his job correctly; who put him into office? ALL of these waiters who read ‘politics for dummies’, that’s who. In fact, I am semi-shocked that they remember the ‘system of checks and balances’ from middle school. Oh, and as for the question of ‘Development Specialist’… Without positions like these how is our dead city supposed to be resurrected? Besides tax increases, of course. Well, I am totally spent. Ergo, I have nothing else to say about this topic. Allow the sheep to be sheep, I guess, but I will leave you ‘hard-working’, self-educated bloggers this foot note.
Politics is filthy, this I agree, but maybe…just MAYBE if YOU, the people, selected better qualified candidates for the positions then no one would have anything negative to say. All this over a car, WOW…What a colossal waste of time, energy, efforts and misplaced anger. I’d better let you go back to work…Order Up!!
Arrogant. Smug. Ands a Pawlowski sycophant. Quelle surprise.
As I have said before, elegant words from the disbarred…Oh, how far we have fallen.
Hey "Midnite"-
If the best you can do is dredge up the fact that the author is a "disbarred attorney", you are late by several years. But then your type probably feels that shooting the mailman is the way to deal with issues you disagree with. Far better that you simply disagree after stating your own case. Making this personal gains nothing and loses you respect from others who appreciate a free open exchange of ideas and opinions. Your opinion seems to be that we should ignore what happened. Please see the intelligent post
(9:25, VOR) which states whay this is wrong, regardless of the mode of transport. To intelligent posters, the point is that the fact that this was a company vehicle is just one more reason to be alerted to this type of behavior. If the person involved is a civil servant, this become a Hatch Act violation, which is serious.
How cute, it’s stoolie season…
Hey Bernie, to state the truth, I was having a go at you,…nothing more. I read some of your blogs and thought it would be amusing to take the opposite angle of the top story, yesterday, and I’d try to defend it against the likes of you. I was bored. Look…I’m no politician, I do NOT know Ed Pawlowski, and, in fact…I am a high school ‘drop out’. I chose the name on a whim and made a fake email address up just to sign up to this blog. Not too clever, I know,…whatever, but none-the-less I just wanted to toy with the great ‘Bernice O’Hairless’,…but, alas, I decided that it’s time to end it because of your followers. They seem hostile and are probably liable to burn down a church and carve a statue, of your likeness, out of gol….hmmm, silv….hmmm,….pewter. Anyhow it’s been fun and who knows…you may see me again…Ta!
Oh, Post Script,
The last comment was written by a woman…I can tell…call it ‘man’ instinct, lol…anyhow,
See ya
"The last comment was written by a woman…I can tell…call it ‘man’ instinct, lol…anyhow," -
Who cares whether a woman or Hispanic or Jew is the author of the previous comment? What matters is the idea being portrayed, not the person. This appears to have eluded you. Once again, quelle surprise.
Annon 3:34, Berrnies mancrush Stoffa violated the Hatch Act in 2001. He ran for Northampton County Council while still Lehigh County Director of Human Services, a clear violation.
Stoffa attacked some other guy but blows off Stoffa's violation as no big deal. Or out and out lies and said he was retired. He didnot retire until after the election, a violation.
Stoffa also violated the Home Rule Charter by signing a contract and not informing County Council, he claims it was an oversight. In O'Hare land that was no big deal.
Stoffa gives his old Lehigh County buddy Ken Mohr a $24,499.99 a year contract, just under the requirement to report it to County Council. His job as a consultant is to do what we already pay are Parks Superintendent to do. A clear violation of the spirit of the Contract notification Law.
So O'Hare lets hear more about the Hispanic Woman and her evil ways. Your old white guy buddy is a sterling example.
1) If Stoffa did violate the hatch Act in 2001, you've had plenty of time to make a complaint about it. But you wait until now to do so as an election smear. The truth is there never was a violation. He was retired.
2) Council was infornmed immediately and approved the contract. it was not executed until council approved. It actually was an honest mistake.
3) Mohr was given a contract so that the Wayne grube park could get started and he is the best person to work on it. if you feel this is wrong, make your concerns known to council.
Midnight Joker's entire program is based upon looking the other way at clear violations and typical Alinsky personal attacks.
"Racial targeting" - where the hell do you come up with that? Perhaps you are racially targeting an Irishman then?
Midnight Clown is what you are in my opinion....
This is the funny thing…you. Ha, you twit. My posting was to clearly mess with ol’ tug boat O’Hare, here, but I realized that he wasn’t the one a fault. He was, and continues to, feed the masses. Nothing more. His exploitation of you ‘sheeple’ is quite masterfully done, actually. I have respect for him based on some of his artistic views of life and how he can pick the brains of right wing, old fashioned drones. “Wah, my daddy did things a certain way and SO SHOULD YOU!!!” I must say, though, to ‘DirtyPlayPen’… I would love to hear, from you, how this issue was a violation. I invite you to TRY to educate us with your almighty wisdom. Please, oh Lord of the pseudo-sports-fans. Like I said, Bernsie, keep up the fantastic journalism. Your Pulitzer awaits.
I always make up my OWN MIND --- CLOWN!!!
You forgot to call me a racist.
Midnight Clown
So I take it you say there is no violation here.
Truth is, I could care less about you or your opinion...Clown
Lord of Pseudo sports fans???
I am not the lord of anything at all.
What are you?
The Lord of Clowns?
Why don't you get some guts and get a blog.
Put your NAME on it too, like my brother and I.
If you want to pay a visit to Headquarters, that would be fine with me, too --- CLOWN
Let me know
IronPigPuss, You sir are a racist, and an idiot, probably a Viagra user as well as premature ejaculator. You are tubby’s brother? It would be hard for me to imagine you as his ‘big’ brother? Lol. Anyways, allow me to address an issues or two. First, off…piggy… here is a tissue, now run along and cry alone in your room. “Truth is I don’t care…blah, blah, blaaaaaah!” then you write 3 responses. Wow what a looser. Now, as far as headquarters… Sure, I’ll take you up on your invite and visit your ‘headquarters’. Where are you located, in your mom’s basement? I bet you are there right now, watching Star Trek, aren’t you? And, finally, the…”Why don’t you go and get a blog of your own. Stop touching my blog, it’s private”. Oh yeah, the obsession with clowns?... were you molested? I mean, it’s ok if you were, I will NOT joke on you because of that. I swear. Sometimes people, like you, are left…unattended…by a clown, …and, you know we really don’t have to discuss this now , because I don’t have enough tissue. I gave it ALL to you the last time you started crying, you putz. Have fun, enjoy your clowns and, oh yeah…your momma. –Bong
If you are an old white guy and not Hispanic or a woman, you are OK in O'Hares book.
Clown -
You have quite a bit to say, don't you now.
128 Hamilton St
3rd floor
Regular business hours or by appointment
You just flat out do not have the courage to appear.
Any and all vandalism occuring from here on out to the building will, naturally, draw some suspicion your way. (it's not mom's basement, Clown)
So, why not show what you are made of and appear in person and call me a racist (or anything else you wish) to my face?
IronPigPen, I leave it up to you, but suggest you delete the reference to your address. I have no doubt that you are willing to confront this person publicly, but respectfully suggest that providing your address is an invitation for trouble.
That’s so cute, PigPenisLicker. You are trying reverse physiology out, by yourself, like a big boy. I’m so proud. Here’s a two parter.
1.) 128 Hamilton St… hmmm East or West? You retard.
2.) Trying to set your ex-employer up, so I come and vandalize his shop… shame on you. Did he fire you for being really stupid, or for being a pig-ophile who was really stupid?
3.) Even if I were to burn the building down with you in it…while masturbating to your parent’s home-porno (naturally)…no-one knows who I really am…
So, put a sock in it, you whiney old, friend of a has-been. Oh, and you just may wanna take O’Hairball’s advice and NOT BE So STUPID. Posting your business address puts the ‘alleged’ building, and possible work staff, in jeopardy. You are probably a disgruntled janitor out for revenge. So, cry on someone else’s shoulder you pseudo-man. Later hater…
This person is just a tad creepy.
I fear NO ONE
It's 128 West Hamilton, Clown.
9-5 M-F or by appointment.
You don't have the guts...
Midnite Joker!
Villa or Villafier?
You be the judge.
Not hard to figure out?
PigMolester, you’d do good to fear people like me. It’s so easy to talk tough behind a monitor. You like the taste of blood? Mmmm. Anyways, O’Hare… shame, shame, shame…you call this serious journalism? Ha, you couldn’t even finish a cross word puzzle, you hack. Oh, I guess I should pay my respects a little, though, or your super tough, mafia hit-men might come and get me… lol,...and I do mean LOL)Well, this clown has to go…there’s a PiG that needs slaughtering…mmmm, bacon.
Cya around, sport…
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