I see. Here's what this Republican leader says about race, women and other issues (quotes verified from BlackPlanet, Wikiquote, Meaningful Distraction):
Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?
Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.
The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies.
They oughta change Black History Month to Black Progress Month and start measuring it.
They’re 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?
Take that bone out of your nose and call me back (to an African American female caller).
We're not sexists, we're chauvinists — we're male chauvinist pigs, and we're happy to be because we think that's what men were destined to be. We think that's what women want.
John Edwards' Affair
It just seems to me that Edwards might be attracted to a woman whose mouth did something other than talk…
Parkinson's Disease
He is exaggerating the effects of the disease. He's moving all around and shaking and it's purely an act... This is really shameless of Michael J Fox. Either he didn't take his medication or he's acting.
If Limbaugh is indeed the voice of the Republican party, it will continue to implode.
Michael Steele, the HIP HOP REPUBLICAN ? I like some of his ideas but after seeing how he and a charge of others have bowed down to R.Limbaugh, I have to ask, "What REALLY is going on ?"
Unfortunately, Rush is just saying some things that MANY people WANT to say and what MANY actually BELIEVE.
The more things change.....
Alfonso Todd
I'm glad I'm commenting on this earlier. Just wait for the Limbaugh folks to rush out and claim that you're quoting him out of context and that if you put those statements within their original context it wouldn't be offensive. The bottom line is that Limbaugh is a pig. I will never respect him for his beliefs. The Republican party needs to realize that Limbaugh is not a positive factor for their party. If they don't, the democrats can sit back and watch the Republicans fail. I'm not an Obamaphile or condone many of the things the democrats have done but Limbaugh is a ridiculous mess of ideals and ego.
Bryan, I already had to delete one vicious attack claiming I live in a hovel, etc.
Olbermann, folks??
Lady Rep,
I have no regard for Olbermann, either.
Olbermann is over the top at times, but he's nowhere near Limbaugh's ilk.
And, I'm guessing that what Rush thinks or does is not nearly as important to us as what is transpiring in DC, Harrisburg, and locally. Rush, after all, admits to being an entertainer. Why do any of us let him yank our chains past that point?
Bernie -
You're getting caught up in the White House attempt to distract from what they're doing to the economy.
He is the face of the Republican party for sure.. As Bill Maher said," The Republicans looked to the future and found "radio"..Gotta love it!!!
Oh, yeah thanks for reminding. Bill Maher, the big Lefty hero who called American Soldiers cowards -- unlike those gutsy gentlemen who killed women air stewards by slitting their throats and then flew planeloads of people into crowded buildings.
Thanks for reminding me of that paragon of the Left.
Nice one!
Drop it.
Scott Armstrong
I said you live in a hovel. You use hyperbole like a crying school girl. There was nothing in my post except sharp criticism of your hypocrisy and need to be noticed .... for something, anything.
Reconsider deleting me. You have not displayed this level of cowardice before, Bernie. You're clearly getting soft (in places other than where you already are).
Barack Obama accused the troops he now purports to lead of indiscriminately bombing civilians. Not even the wacky left could verify any such incident or incidents. He was never challenged. He eventually hired Gates as his own war prosecutor (and started bombing Pakistan).
He essentially called Bernie's kid and others like her, murderers. And the last time I checked, he was the leader of the Democrat party.
Limbaugh is a convenient distraction from the Obama mess that is becoming increasingly difficult to defend.
Bernie's white guilt will prevent him from criticizing such an outrage.
Read quickly before he deletes this.
Remember this from the real head of the Democrtat party?
Scott Armstrong
Fox News
Apology Demanded
Two prominent African-American Republicans have demanded an apology from the new DNC Chairman Howard Dean for saying at a Democratic Black Caucus meeting last week, "You think the Republicans could get this many people of color in a single room? Only if they had the hotel staff in here."
Rush Limbaugh is a popular conservative talk radio host. He sparks the minds of many conservative, he does not LEAD the republican Party anymore than Kieth Olberman, Chris Matthews or Bill Maher lead the Democrats.
The Democrats are attacking Rush Limbaugh to keep the public debate anti Republian rather than what the hell is going on with the budget, Omnibus, stimulus, Tarp fiascos in an administration that is 100% controlled by the DEmocrats. The far left wing of this country, now in charge , believe not in open discussion but in the politics of personal destruction.
Bait and switch, report and spin, and cap and trade its the left wing way today. There is nary any discussion about all the tax cheats in the cabinet, or the finances of Rangle, Sharton, Jackson, Conners, Dollar Bill Johnson, ..damn, I've lost count!
Rush is RIGHT! Way right. He IS the face of the Republicans -- the REAL face.
Let him stay where he is, out front flying his drug addicted, pederastic freak flag.
Then maybe we can get some good policies enacted becasue he will help move the "center" of American politics more to the left.
Hey, I can work with recoil.
Keep listening to Rush, you fools.
Scott Armstrong's attempt to divert attention from the current leadership of his party. Love it.
Rush is scum.
Armstrong Post
Another Leader of the Democrat Party
Top Senate Democrat apologizes for slur
March 4, 2001
Web posted at: 2:21 p.m. EST (1921 GMT)
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- West Virginia Sen. Robert Byrd apologized Sunday for a slur he used during a discussion of race relations in a nationally broadcast interview.
In an interview taped Friday for "Fox News Sunday," Byrd, 83, was asked about race relations in the United States.
"They are much, much better than they've ever been in my lifetime," Byrd said, but added that he believed people talk about race too much.
"My old mom told me, 'Robert, you can't go to heaven if you hate anybody.' We practice that. There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. I'm going to use that word. We just need to work together to make our country a better country, and I'd just as soon quit talking about it so much."
best part of all this is o'hare trying to appear liberal
Let's not forget that Al Gore's daddy voted against the Civil Rights Act.
So did Senator Fulbright -- he of the Fulbright Scholarship.
Both Dems.
Seems to me that Rush Limbaugh is talk radio host that talks a lot and sometimes what he says is full of sh#t when it comes to race.
On the other hand you've got elected Democrat politicians that actually say and more importantly -- do -- things to hurt people -- whether it be African Americans, Indian Americans, or just Americans in general.
Best part of this is Armstrong dredging up quotes from 1911 to make a point about racism today.
living in the past. That's the Allentown Scotty wants, where people who aren't white European knew their place!
And O'hare with the faux outrage! Hilarious!
Armstrong Post
2/27/2004: 12:52 pm: Mark Kilmerstuff & fiddlesticks
Florida Democrat apologizes for racist remarks
Representative Corrine Brown (D-Florida), who is black, told Assistant Secretary of State Roger Noriega, a Mexican-American, that the President’s Haiti policy was racist and had been drafted by a “bunch of white men.” Secretary Noriega told her that he would pass her remarks on to Secretary of State Colin Powell and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice. [link]
He later told her that as a Mexican-American, he resented being called a racist and a white man. Brown shot back that “you all [whites, Hispanics] look alike to me.”
She apologized Thursday:
Armstrong Post
Biden Stumble over Education Question (RACIST REMARK)
www.politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com ^ | 10/25/07 | Alexandra Mooney
Posted on Thursday, October 25, 2007 8:38:22 PM by personalaccts
WASHINGTON (CNN) — In what the Washington Post is describing as a "stumble," Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said in an interview with the paper Wednesday that Washington's high minority population is one of the reasons for the city's education problems.
Explaining why schools in Iowa are performing better than those in Washington, D.C., Biden told the Post, "There's less than one percent of the population of Iowa that is African American. There is probably less than four of five percent that are minorities. What is in Washington? So look, it goes back to what you start off with, what you're dealing with."
"When you have children coming from dysfunctional homes, when you have children coming from homes where there's no books, where the mother from the time they're born doesn't talk to them — as opposed to the mother in Iowa who's sitting out there and talks to them, the kid starts out with a 300 word larger vocabulary at age three. Half this education gap exists before the kid steps foot in the classroom," the Delaware Democrat added.
The paper reports Biden's campaign quickly sought to clarify the remarks, saying in a statement that the senator was not making a "race-based distinction.
This isn't the first time Biden's words have caused controversy. Last February, on the same day he officially announced his presidential bid, a newspaper quoted the senator describing Sen. Barack Obama as "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."
And, in a June 2006 appearance in New Hampshire, Biden commented on the growth of the Indian-American population in Delaware by saying, "You cannot go into a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. Oh, I'm not joking."
– CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney
The difference between Olbermann, Maher, and Limbaugh is that two of them have brains. Need I say which one doesn't. The most salient point here is that the American people have spoken time and time again since 2006. They happen to think Rush is a piece of ****. I happen to agree.
Armstrong Post
Murtha's `Racist' Remark Causes Close Race, National TV Parody
Email | Print | A A A
By Brian Faler
Oct. 30 (Bloomberg) -- A skit on NBC's ``Saturday Night Live'' was big news in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, where folks aren't used to the national spotlight.
One longtime resident, 17-term U.S. Representative John Murtha, would have done without the attention.
``SNL Opening Skit Skewers Johnstown Democrat,'' read the front page of the Tribune-Democrat, Murtha's hometown newspaper. The late-night comedy program on Oct. 25 depicted the 76-year-old ex-Marine as a bumbling politician who can't help insulting his constituents.
Two weeks ago, Murtha called his western Pennsylvania district a ``racist area'' while handicapping the chances of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, the first black major-party nominee. After apologizing, he caused himself more trouble by saying the district was, until recently, ``really redneck.''
Armstrong Post
Home / News / Nation
Ferraro leaves Clinton camp over remarks on Obama
Comments shine spotlight on race and gender
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Globe Staff And Associated Press / March 13, 2008
Geraldine Ferraro stepped down from Hillary Clinton's national finance committee yesterday, but not before a controversy over remarks she made about Barack Obama exposed the politics of race and gender in the Democratic presidential race.
Latecomers get delegate sway
Campaign Notebook Clinton, Obama add to delegates
Ferraro leaves Clinton camp over remarks on Obama
McCain returns to N.H., scene of key triumphs
Todd Domke Who rates as a running mate?
Campaign '08 coverage
'It was a statement of fact,'
Ferraro said over her remarks
that suggested Obama wouldn't be in the lead if he were not black.
Apology, and a defense
more stories like thisFerraro told CNN that she was not asked by the Clinton campaign to make the move, but decided it would be best.
In a letter obtained by CNN, Ferraro wrote Clinton: "I am stepping down from your finance committee so I can speak for myself and you can continue to speak for yourself about what is at stake in this campaign. The Obama campaign is attacking me to hurt you. I won't let that happen."
Earlier yesterday, the 1984 vice presidential nominee apologized to those who thought it racially insensitive for her to suggest that Obama wouldn't be the Democratic front-runner if he were not black. But she then declared: "It wasn't a racist comment. It was a statement of fact."
On ABC's "Good Morning America," she also accused the Obama campaign of twisting her words, saying that "every time" someone makes a negative comment about Obama they are accused of racism.
Olberman couldn't cut it as a guy who says "that one's leaving the yard on the express" on ESPN and you're going to let him shape your worldview?
Bill Maher was in a movie called "Cannibal Women of the Avacado Jungle." I'm guessing that you probably saw it.
The difference between you, Olberman, Maher and Limbaugh is that one of you has a brain.
Start by removing yourself from the running.
All this is just free publicity for that skank. All the media does by talking about him is line his pockets so he can by more whores and drugs. He is just an entertainer.
Exactly. Which is why it is weird to see the President of the United States being so divorced from reality that he has his PR guy go out day after day and give Limbaugh credibility.
So now Limbaugh says he wants to debate the Obama. Well, if he's the big deal head of the Republican Party like the President has been saying he is.
And, if El Rushbo is such a mook, like the President has been saying he is -- why doesn't Obama just debate him and settle his hash for all time?
Remember, the odds are in Obama's favor. Back in the day, Al Gore cleaned that idiot Perot's clock during a debate concerning NAFTA that Larry King moderated.
What does the President have to lose? Imagine finally chopping the head off the leader of the Republican Party. It would destroy them.
C'mon, Mr. President. Do it. Don't back down from Limbaugh. You told him you want to fight, don't back away now.
He's just a drug-using, deaf in one ear, racist piece of shite -- and you're the Leader of the Free World and you've never even had butter melt in your mouth.
You could totally take him.
I had no idea how many liberals were regular Rush listeners. Dittos to all the lefty supporters!
No wonder the guy just signed an 8-year, $400 million contract.
9:15 -- Great post!
There was a scene from the Howard Stern movie where the NBC bosses are looking at Stern's numbers to try and figure out why they're so strong.
The ratings showed that people who hated Stern listened to him more often and longer than people who said they liked him.
Again, I think your post was great.
Meanwhile, the rookie president, just as VP Biden warned, is being seriously tested by the Russians who view him as weak and inexperienced.
And this administration is focused on Limbaugh?
".... deaf in one ear ..."
This poster is correct and likely speaks for his or her fellow travelers. The deaf should be personally attacked and marginalized for their deafness.
pig vomit!!
Bottom line is:
* Rush's 20 million listeners represent 6.6% of the population of United States.
* He's a self described 'entertainer' on the radio who carries one American vote. He is neither an elected Representative nor Senator. Therefore bears no accountability for his words or actions.
News based in controversial opinion makes mega dollars for Rupert Murdoch without spending money to hire actual investigative reporters. And Rush fills that role. Conservatives will have to make a decision as to whom they want to represent their ideas. I sincerely hope either they either appoint this 'entertainer' into an actual responsible functioning position OR cut their ties altogether.
Barbara Streisand does not officially speak for the Democratic party nor have they given her any official duties. Neither does Rush for the Republicans. Time to get back on track. He's a distraction. Leaders need to step forward and stand strange and firm and let everyone know who's in charge of the Republican party. Not out of fear of some 'entertainer's rebuttals. And so far Michael Steele is playing defense.
Decision time! Republicans need to find a strong, well spoken leader who is intelligent enough to stand heads above the current chaos. Unfortunately, charisma is not one the strongest attributes for most of the current lists amongst conservatives.
"I said you live in a hovel. You use hyperbole like a crying school girl."
As a Rush defender, you may not get this, but it's simple. I delete anonymous personal attacks. That's what you did then and that's what you're doing now.
In time Republicans will merely need to not be Democrats to regain power. That is the normal ebb and flow of politics. On another point those who describe Rush as the leader/spokesperson of the Republican Party have done so for their own purposes. I think we all have always understood what is going on with that. That is a discussion worth having.
Rush Limbaugh comments on politics on a daily basis, as a listener, outside of commercial endorsements I have never heard him claim to be a spokesperson for anyone.
Scott Armstrong
First, let me be clear that I only used Rush quotes that I could authenticate. There were many more, but I did not use them. I did not spend two seconds on google. I spent a few hours making sure the quotes are accurate.
Second, after telling me to drop it, you proceed to provide all sorts of unsourced and unlinked quotes containing racist and insensitive remarks by people on the left. Asssuming that this is all true, and I have no reason to doubt you, is it your point that Rush's racism and misogyny are acceptable because the left does it, too? I'm sure you know what the answeer is to that.
So long as the right relies on people like Rush as their mouthpiece, they will continue to be marginalized. That's why Howard Dean's comment makes sense.
Scott, we disagree on Rush. Please ignore the anonymous personal attacks against you. They are just as stupid or worse than anything Rush says. I've deleted them and will delete the new ones that are certain to appear.
Four years ago, Rs won the presidential election handily and increased their House and Senate majorities. Ds were reeling; just four years ago.
Much can change in another four years - when, once again, Rush Limbaugh will not be running for anything.
Bernie -
The issue is not what Rush Limbaugh has said or not said. He is a conservative commentator, of which there are many. He is not the leader of the Republican party, despite White House attempts to paint him as such.
I believe Armstrong's point (assuming his quotes are correct) was that those comments came from actual leaders in the Democrat party, including now VP Biden.
The larger issues are whether it is appropriate for a President to apparently have an "enemies list" (like Nixon did) and use the office and government resources to attack a private citizen.
None of this matters. Rush is detested by a vast majority of Americans. Who the hell cares about the 5% of the morons who support his antics. Five percent of the American people think Elvis is alive..We just need to ignore Rush and the rednecks who agree with him. Eventually they'll all fade away like road kill..
I plead guilty to writing “drop it” and then pushing forward. In a furious rage I decided while preparing breakfast to have my assistant (son waiting for eggs) to google “racist Democrat remarks”. He reported back that there was (something like) twenty thousand responses. The target and opportunity was just too rich to ignore.
The quotes I put on this blog can be instantly sourced merely by googling them. I took them from major and local new sources as they appeared in the search. The first and largest collection came from “Hip Hop Republican”. That site seems very legitimate as it also carries an ad for the “New York Times”, and “EBONY” Magazine.
My point in doing this was to point out the ease of fabricating an ugly charge such as racism. I am sure the vast majority of the “racist” remarks that were sourced to Democrat leaders were not intentional but were in fact gaffs of one sort or another or taken out of context. The same is true of Rush. With twenty five years of three hours a day broadcasting behind him a determined antagonist could fish out quotes to buttress any fallacious point they were attempting to make.
The point is there are real racist out there, they can also be found on Google and they are proud of who they are. These people are the real danger. We should not waste the charge of “racist” on those who aren’t and the charge should not be used for mere political expediency.
By the way, that slow acting poison I fed you hasn’t kicked in yet? I'm worried.
Scott Armstrong
"By the way, that slow acting poison I fed you hasn’t kicked in yet? I'm worried."
Scott, the french cheese your wife fed me contained the antidote.
That Beaujolais was supposed to turn you into a liberal. I'm asking for my money back.
rahm emanuel & the white house love this distraction- it keeps the R's a marginalized party. when carville's polls found rush's negatives higher than rev. wright and wm. ayers, the D's saw an opportunity- and its working. the R's need a leader- and its not michael steele. i personally like him, but i never found him to possess great leadership qualities.
Maverick, Good to hear from you, buddy.
Scott Armstrong
I will vouch for the vast majority of your findings pertaining to remarks voiced by those on the left who have never received one iota of comment from the MSM.
To add to this conversation let me add two gentlemen who are real class acts and you can google them. The first is Morgan Freeman a tremendous actor and thoughtful person. A few days ago Gunther aired an interview between Mike Wallace and Mr. Freeman. Mike was discussing Black History week and Mr. Freeman said basically that he considered himself an American and that his history ran all year. He asked Mike if he would like a Jewish History Month. Then he told Mike that he did not need to call him black just American. The closer was when asked how do you stop racism Mr. Freeman said "Stop talking about it". What a novel idea.
Then there is the voice of Darth Vader, James Earl Jones,who stated that he has seen rascism in all people.
Will we learn from these truly great Americans. Oh and Morgan Freeman is a fairly liberal man. I like him and I would wage so does Rush.
Will we learn
They're just Uncle Toms to the left, which prefers that blacks not stray from the "progressive" plantation.
Scott Seriously, you are going to defend Rush by saying his remarks were taken out of context?
Under your guidelines, then Senator Robert Byrd could do the same.
Chris Miller posting Morgan Freeman nailed it. Maybe Rush should stop talking about it as well?
Hey anonymous-get a name and use it-coward.
Scott Armstrong
Rush = blogosphere gold
Hey Chris let me guess, you listen to Gubber Walsh and Brinson, don't you? For God sake man how can you speak credibly when you listen to two of the biggest nutcases on Radio. They make Rush sound like sanity defined.
Randy Kistler. I want America to succeed!
I encourage EVERYONE on this blog to read David From's cover story in Newsweek on this issue- I couldn't have written it any better.......
We all want America to succeed but to paraphrase Rush, I want Mr. Obama's programs to fail. This man is a fascist and if you don't believe me I can supply you with a list of books you might want to read. I also want you to know that in addition to Gunther, Brinson, and Toomey, I also listen to Mike Church on Sirius 145, Beck, Levin, and over on Liberal 146 Alex Bennett and Lyn Samuels.Now you can tell me your sources. I listen to both sides but it is real hard to find the Progressives primarily because they have not had an original idea since FDR. Keep in mind that FDR was the only president mentioned by BHO during his acceptance speech in Denver.
"The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies."
That was said in critical response to Spike Lee who said he wanted all black kids to skip out of school that day to go and watch his movie Malcolm X (which had just been released)
"Take that bone out of your nose and call me back (to an African American female caller)."
Out of context. When he was a small time unknown radio host, the management at KUDL KC wanted him to be insult host. He told current audiences how much he hated it. He was given this line by management to use. He related in in a story about how insult radio was NOT his cup of tea and how he knew he had no future doing it.
"He is exaggerating the effects of the disease. He's moving all around and shaking and it's purely an act... This is really shameless of Michael J Fox. Either he didn't take his medication or he's acting."
And rush proved to be correct on that one as Fox later admitted that he indeed didnt take his medication in order to appear more sickly when he spoke before congress and when he did his public service commercials.
Here's the video of Fox's confession:
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