Local Government TV

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Stoffa Crushes McHale in Battle of Nomination Signatures

Any among you who have ever had sciatica knows this is an extremely painful condition that makes the mere act of walking a chore. Around two weeks ago, Northampton County Executive John Stoffa underwent surgery for this condition. Although it was a complete success, John was obviously unable to circulate his own petitions. Good people, however, will always step forward to help a good candidate. Stoffa's nomination petition shows 781 signatures to Ann McHale's 478. And he did it without using a judicial candidate or Joe Long Democrats to circulate his petition.

Republican candidate J.C. Kelleher turned in 294 signatures.


  1. A few quick notes from one who knows. I like my position it gives me access so please respect my anonymity. Ann really wants to be County Exec but not really work at it. The posse around her pushed her to run. The problem is unless she has a willngness to fight she already lost. Some of those you affectionately refer to as Team Dert actually wated her to run but they don't want her to win and actually know she wil be a weak candidate. They have a person in mind for 2013 and he is their hope. They know with Stoffa they are assurred 2013. Ann is unaware of the set-up. In fairness to Ann she wants to be Executive because she is frustrated with Stoffa nad wants to do a better job. If she wins she better assemble a strong team and not just camp followers and yes people. She also has to be careful who she trusts. Lisa B. is probably her best bet.
    Now that doesn't mean the Team has Heckman in mind they never wanted him in the race. They fed Ann the BS he would throw the race to Stoffa but Heckman may well have cemented it for Ann. They had to discredit him and marginalize his candidacy. Ask some Easton Dem's he had a platform and was going gong ho to run and win. He didn't disrespect Stoffa he just felt he could do a better job. The Team D folks even used your blog to play misdirect to get you hammering Heckman. Point being he had to be eliminated just as when he ran for Mayor. He knows the 'friends' behind that move. A friend of his told me the reason he didn't run was another Hatch Act concern and not because of you, Ann or John. Apparently he had cordial conversations with both Stoffa and McHale. His source told me he really wanted to do this but was in no position to leave his job or rish another Hatch problem. Some in Team Dert led him on to tweak Stoffa but dropped him at the end. Of course we all know the slap Long delivered which pissed off some longtime Dems. Many actually wish Long would just go away.
    So Bernnie the end is a head to head battle between Stoffa and McHale, who wants it more? That will be the winner.
    If Ann runs a good strong and smart campaign, while not trusting some of the insiders, she has a shot. If Stoffa can convince people why he deserves another four years he may pull it off.
    Your guess is as good as mine. Of course all this may be crap and I don't know what the Hell I am talking about, so is the nature of politics.

    A real Democrat who doens't need a wise old man of the Party.

  2. Real Democrat,

    Thanks for the analysis. I can tell you this much. John Stoffa really wants this, perhaps more than the first time. He now knows the kind of people he is up against, which are far worse than anything under Reibman, who was a gentleman. These are not nice people, as the anonymous comments on this blog plainly reveal.

    I can also tell you that Stoffa urged Heckman to run. Politically, it is smart for an incumbent to have several challengers. But Stoffa actually likes Ron and feels the people should have a choice.

    McHale thinks she's won. She has already delegated someone to feel out people for cabinet positions. But she's in for a rude surprise, and the Team D/Joe Long Dems are probablyt setting her up to take a fall.

    She will lose. She can't even manage a council meeting, to say nothing of an exec race.

    Stoffa has been criticized for not "doing something." What he's been doing is being very careful about spending taxpayer money, which they will recognize in this economy when they vote. Council members may like expensive capital projects, but taxpayers do not.

    McHale, unlike Stoffa, delivered 64% in tax increases over 2 years.

    Game over.

  3. Along Political Lines. At 8:26 A.M., today, Judge Zitto's campaign commercial aired on TV.

  4. Really? I'm surprised at TV ads and this early.

  5. How many sigs do you need to be on the ballot?

  6. For exec and council races, you need 250 to get on the ballot.

  7. Hey Bernie, you forgot your thermos at the voter registration office, so come get it.

  8. Bernie, everytime I read one of your "Joe Long Dems" are monitoring me snarks, I think of that scene in "Goodfellas" when Henry Hill is driving in his car, and all day he thinks the helicopter is following him.
    I really think you have snapped.

    But I do find it entertaining to read. Between Bill Villa, Joe Jong, Lamont McClure, and God knows who else, You've got your own private collection of boogeymen. Do you check under the bed or in the back of the closet before going to bed at night?!

    In New York they have Bellview for people like that!

  9. "Hey Bernie, you forgot your thermos at the voter registration office, so come get it."

    Thank. Actually, I had a secret camera and recorder in there.

  10. Anon 9:00,

    This is no concocted bogeyman.

    I've been told by two different people, who are supposed to be inside Long's camp, that I've been targeted. And I see it nearly every day in the form of vicious personal attacks that usually have nothing to do w/ the subject of the post. They are directed at me, Stoffa & Angle. I'd have to be insane NOT to see it. It has increased in intensity in past weeks.

    Irinically, the Long Dems who post these smears only hurt themselves. More than one reader has told me how pathetic those commenters look.

    I've already outed George Speros Maniatty as one of the thugs who post this anonymous slime.

    But thanks for your concern.

  11. "Bernie, everytime I read one of your "Joe Long Dems" are monitoring me snarks, I think of that scene in "Goodfellas" when Henry Hill is driving in his car, and all day he thinks the helicopter is following him."

    Anon 9:00am, the helicopter WAS following Henry.

    The Banker

  12. "Irinically, the Long Dems who post these smears only hurt themselves. More than one reader has told me how pathetic those commenters look."

    Sounds like both your readers agree with you!

  13. Dude,

    My sitemeter is open to the public. I do not have anywhere near the readership of the local papers, but it's decent and growing. It will be crazy in the 2 weeks before the election. People are hungry for local politics. I just checked and had 70 people in the last hour alone. Do the math.

    The real issue, of course is a completely dysfunctional county council, the worst in the LV. But the Long Dems like that and hate the spotlight that has been cast in their direction. Instead of reforming their machine politics, they go after me, Angle & Stoffa with vicious personal attacks. This has been confirmed by two people I trust.

    I've got news for them. Their smears have not hurt their intended targets, but only make them look bad. An attack against Angle that contains bigoted and homophobic remarks, like two that were posted yesterday, are no help to the Long Dems.

    What's even worse is that, instead of being intimidated, these attacks just inspire me to redouble my efforts. I am perfectly capable of outing some of these slime commenters, and have done so before.

    Try me.

    I have no problem w/ disagreement. I welcome it. But the nasty and vulgar personal attacks will end up biting the Long Dems in ways they will really regret. Over the years, I have been able to out a few trolls. I've outed McClure whn he tried calling me a "goo goo" anonymously, but that was when this blog was in its infancy.

    I can guarantee you that, if the Long Dems play the troll game here, there will be consequences and they will be felt at the time when they do the most damage.

  14. Will Stoffa make it through the primary? He really doesn't look healthy.

  15. Really? Do you want to play that game now?

  16. Wow, Stoffa really CRUSHED HER!
    She needed 250 ang turned in 478. That sounds like a reasonable effort to combat any challenges to validity.

    If I were Stoffa, and I had Will Power collecting for me, I'd turn in as many as I could get as well. You know there are always challengers.

    The one I wonder about is Kelleher. If they get picky, he could easily get tossed. That would give the Joe Long Dems a free ride in November.

    Stoffa had a hip replaced, and now has surgery for sciatica? This job is hurting him more than he will admit.

    So how many signatures did you get for John, BO?

  17. Yeah, he did crush her and did it w/o circulating himself. He did not have to stoop to ask a judicial candidate to do it either. I circulated no petitions.

    I find it noteworthy that you would look for a way to knock someone off the ballot. So much for democracy in the bizarro world of machine pols.

  18. "they go after me, Angle & Stoffa with vicious personal attacks"

    Now you've place yourself in consistent company, people whom are loyal to themselves above all else!

  19. Stoffa should be admired for overcoming very serious health problems over the past six months and still having the courage and determination to serve another term in office. He has more guts than 10 McHales and maybe 3 Angles. Once he is recovered from surgery he will come out guns blazing. Think "Rocky" without him being the underdog. Despite the vendetta ordered by the NorCo Dem machine Stoffa will win. He is a populist who is trusted and respected by the average voter. In times of huge cynicism over the motives of politicians - pork-laden legislation, "pay to play", and the rancor that exist on County Council a candidate like Stoffa stands out as a breath of fresh air. He will continue to serve the PEOPLE FIRST, and perhaps the new Council in 2010 will finally follow his example!

  20. "Stoffa should be admired for overcoming very serious health problems over the past six months and still having the courage and determination to serve another term in office"

    Stoffa is not on his death bed! He had hip replacement like thousands of other old farts!

  21. Let me translate "a real Democrat"'s treatise if I might:

    Joe Long is a "(enter sobriquet of choice here - I prefer douchebag)".

    Team Dert thinks it's really something.

    They believe Stoffa is unbeatable so they're "preparing for the future".

    Yep, sounds like they get the reality of the situation, anyway.

    Stoffa is going to win because he deserves to win. A rarity in politics I'll grant you but it sure is nice.

  22. Right Bill.

    Now go back to your fairy dust-induced reality.

  23. Anon 12:36. Did you read Bernie's original posting? Stoffa has had to deal with a lot more than a hip replacement in recent months. But there is some truth in your lame attempt to trivialize his ordeal. Physical pain is nothing compared to the mental anguish of working with this Council.

  24. This R likes Stoffa because NorCo Rs can't organize a game of Solitaire and the "Stoffa Divide" among squabbling NorCo Ds keeps them occupied vs. the unchecked raping of taxpayers that was done during the Reibman debacle. At least with the status quo, Stoffa and council are powerless to inflict harm on taxpayers.

    Given their recently demonstrated idiocy and ineffectiveness, this bunch shouldn't be left to decide anything of importance. Gridlock has served us well these past few years. Our system does indeed work.

  25. Bill, if it's only Bernie writing here, then it's only you and him going back and forth.

    What fun is that if no one else sees you?

    Please go away and never come back - then you won't know what Bernie's up to, and since he's all alone it won't matter to anyone.

  26. George Maniatty?
    Are you kidding?

    I thonk he might be heading off to DC as Sam Bennett's personal assistant!

    Maybe Sam will get funding for the Men in Black to follow you around in their helicopter!

  27. "George Maniatty?
    Are you kidding?"

    No, I've already nailed him posting some vicious stuff anonymously. I would much rather discuss issues than out trolls.

  28. Villa - you have NO credibility here - every post you make just makes you look even smaller.

  29. Anon 9:50, Just deleted the twit. He craves attention.

  30. Be aware Bernnie that Team Dert has you in their sights. Long wants to discredit you and make you scream.

    He was overheard saying he never reads your blog and you are an insignificant bug.

    I really don't think Ms. McHale is that aware or part of Team Dert's attempts to destroy or discredit you. Just from the words floating around, she may be endorsed by Long but there is an entire operation going on without her knowledge. From what I gather I beleieve that is true.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.