Local Government TV

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dertinger, Ferraro & Gilbert Are Tops - in Nomination Signatures

Twelve candidates, six Democrats and six Republicans, have filed nomination petitions for the five at-large Northampton County Council seats up for election this year. Those seats are currently held by Democrats Joe Capozzolo, Charles Dertinger, Diane Neiper, and Republicans Peg Ferraro and John Cusick.

Incumbent Charles Dertinger has the most nomination signatures (457). Popular Peg Ferraro (456) trails him by just one signature. Amazingly, newcomer Bruce Gilbert (419) has the third highest total.

Here's the rundown:


Charles Dertinger, an incumbent and former congressional candidate who argues council has no obligation to listen to anyone unless they own real estate.

Lorraine Pasquali, a Democratic committeeperson paid for her work on Shiobhan "Sam" Bennett's failed congressional campaign.

Deborah Hunter, a Nazareth area resident and Northampton school teacher. I've met her husband twice at the elections office, and he's a very nice guy.

Wally G, aka Walter Garvin, radio man, Dent protester, ousted elections commission chair, this dude has Joe Long written all over him.

Bill Wallace, a former candidate who refrained from the divisive politics encouraged by Long's Democrats in district races last year.

Will Power, an independent voice that has always stood against machine politics.


Bruce Gilbert, former player on a Wayne Grube championship football team and successful banking executive, who would be Northampton County's first ever black council member.

Peg Ferraro, everybody's mom, a decent person who hates partisan politics once an election is over, and who has really become a forceful voice.

John Cusick, a schoolteacher who lives in Williams Township, is council's workhorse. No council member matches his work ethic, which I measure as attendance at committee hearings. Bi-partisan, he halted an executive campaign when he heard Stoffa was running.

Tom Dietrich, who unsuccessfully challenged Ann "Nice Guys Finish Last" McHale last year, is in the fray again.

Jane Mellert, a Plainfield Township resident who has been quietly observing council meetings for the past several months.

Barbara Thierry, a Bushkill Township planning commissioner who thinks it's time for a few grown ups on Northampton County Council.


  1. Bernie, I can assure you that the Republicans who are running are all a class act. They are a good group of citizens who each bring something to the table. I will let the D's comment on their own for now.

  2. DantheMan Says:
    The only Dem I would vote for is Joe Cap. I say, let's write him in.

  3. Looks like Charlie is going to be top vote-getter !

  4. I already have one outstanding bet that he is going down come November.

  5. All incumbents out.


    Go Bruce Gilbert.

  6. "Mr. Villa, please go away. If you stop showing up here there will be no more "blog skirmish.""

    Actually, this isn't true. If I'm gone too long from this blog, O'Hare self-pens loony anonymous comments and tells you, his reader, that I'm posting them. This always draws me back, to defend myself.

  7. "Mr. Villa, please go away. If you stop showing up here there will be no more "blog skirmish.""

    Actually, this isn't true. If I'm gone too long from this blog, O'Hare self-pens loony anonymous comments and tells you, his reader, that I'm posting them. This always draws me back, to defend myself.

  8. The only one I feel any motivation to vote for is Gilbert.
    I won't vote for a single incumbent.

  9. Hey, Bernie, under Villa logic, is Lady Rep what you look like in a dress and heels?!

  10. Using Villa logic, you're me, asking me a question about ... me.

    I'm astonished to learn I'm also "Father" Alex Joseph, a well known seminarian from Easton's Lebanese community who used to work at the courthouse and as a barber before studying for the priesthood. In fact, I'm even him complaining that I'm all these different people.

    Pretty nutty, aren't I? And if I delete this comment, I'll just repost it, but I'll do it about 40 times so that everybody pays attention to ... me.

  11. I give up. Issues and serious discussion have been steadily pushed out of this space by a fifth grade bitch fight.

  12. What do you propose I do - enable comment moderation and ruin the spontaneity? That's exactly what some people want but it's not going to happen.

    Also, I think I'm entitled to respond, from time to time, to some of these sick accusations and point out their absurdity.

    Today alone, I've deleted ast leadet thirty of his attempts to divert attention away from serious issues. It frustrates me much more than you.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.