Julian Stolz is 21 year-old conservative political activist, college student and blogger who managed to get himself elected to the East Penn School Board. Like most kids, he tends to speak first and think later. This gets him in trouble as a blogger and clearly drives his fellow elected officials cRaZy. To be fair, Julian has been an effective open government advocate. Twice, he's persuaded peers to reverse course over arguable Sunshine Act violations. But Julian is learning the hard way that politics is a dirty business. He's being crucified over at Pennsylvania Progressive by another youthful political wannabe, Joe Haas.
I first met Joe this summer at the Slate Belt Farm Show. He was working for then congressional candidate Sam Bennett, and his job was apparently to make sure she didn't step into pig shit. I say this because Joe tends to look at the ground when he speaks to people. I noticed that again when I met with him a few weeks ago for 3 1/2 hours.
Joe, who refers to himself as "SherlockJr," must think he's something of a detective. But this confused conservative turned Obamaphile is actually more like Judas Iscariot. This is where things get weird. Let me tell you the story.
Young Sherlock, Stolz, and Mark Prinzinger, yet another school board member, were at one time buddy buddy, three conservative peas in a pod. Mark's main claim to fame is his brilliant affirmative action bake sale at Kutztown University, designed to let Kutztown's three black students know they did not belong there. Those must have been the good ol' days.
Naturally, when Prinzinger decided to run for East Penn School Board, Stolz supported him, even to the point of publishing a favorable SherlockJr LTE that failed to make it into The Morning Call. Little Sherlock, by then a little Democrat, served as Prinzinger's treasurer.
But then something happened. Sherlock was annoyed that conservative Julian had no use for Obama. Prinzinger began to resent Julian's grandstanding and taking credit for things that both had worked on together.
You see, a mere school board seat is not enough for this recent Kutztown University grad. Prinzinger also has his eyes on the seat currently held by Lehigh County Comm'r Percy Dougherty. So he's running for that seat as well as his school board seat. Whee!
Sherlock the Obamaphile and former Bennett campaign worker is Prinzinger's campaign manager in a battle to paint Percy Dougherty as too damn liberal. You see, Dr. Dougherty actually listens from time to time to Democratic arguments. He tends to approach county issues in a fairly nonpartisan manner. That's not conservative enough for Prinzinger, who is using a Democratic campaign manager to ... well, that beats the hell out of me.
Then there's that school board race. Julian is getting in the way. He's doing all those things conservatives love - burning ants with magnifying glasses, alienating school board members, promoting charter schools and Stop Teachers' Strikes movements. He wears double breasted suits with elephant boxers to bed.
Well, there's only enough room in the East Penn School District for one right wing ideologue. So Prinzinger and Young Sherlock started looking for dirt. Fortunately, they never found out about that night I spent with ... never mind.
As Sherlock, aka Joe Haas, puts it, "I did some digging. ... [T]here would be delicious irony if evidence showed that this supposed fiscal conservative and transparency watchdog was as corrupt as he had so frequently and recklessly accused others of being. While at Lehigh County Voter Registration a few weeks back, Prinzinger and I requested to see Stolz's finance reports. We were shocked by their incompleteness, shoddiness, lack of coherence, and general sloppiness. Frankly, they demonstrated a reckless disregard for the law."
I met young Sherlock a few weeks ago and looked over those ancient campaign finance reports from 2006 and 2007 for an unpaid state committee seat and the school board. Shocking! What they reveal is that Julian is an idiot who does not know how to add. They also reveal who contributed to him and how he spent his money, so he always kept the public in the loop. His violations are de minimis.
After a 183 comment war between Julian and Sherlock, Jr on Topix, Julian called me and told me he was amending his reports. Good for him. He asked to meet with me to go over things, but I decided to ask Sherlock to join us, too. That way I could see if Julian really was a "corrupt" politician. Intense cross-examination would probably crack him. And 27 year-old Sherlock brags he'll be graduating any day now, summa cum laude, from KU. But Sherlock refused, even though I offered to buy his brunch. That tells me a lot. He has no interest in seeing that the right thing is done, but is just focused on smearing Stolz.
There are now no less than three blogs penned by Sherlock at Pa Pro nailing Julian to the cross as "corrupt." A ridiculous StolzWatch blog has suddenly appeared, too. All over a school board and state committee seat, neither of which pays a dime.
This story tells me much more about Julian's enemies than Julian himself. They're vicious people who even slammed community colleges in their effort to take out Julian. "It is disconcerting that a community college student is in the position to affect the education of the children of the EPSD. Julian's educational status reflects poorly on his aptitude and work ethic, and gives some explanation for his ignorant and erratic behavior as a school board member."
Well, la de da. Pardon me, do you have any gray poupon.
It's Joe. There's not a great deal that I can about your absolutely classless and thoroughly ad hominem attacks against me. Frankly, it reads like the rant of a mad man, and that's really what people have come to expect from you. I can, however, address the substance of your argument.
Stolz's lack of oversight and responsibility in the preparation of his campaign finance reports suggests that his interest in transparency and good government is merely superficial and designed to cause a ruckus. He endeavors to slime good people, claiming corruption and dishonesty in their every action, but cannot withstand an honest scrutiny of his record. As Stolz reimbursed himself $1600, long after the primary, without records or receipts, we can't call the expenditures de minimis. In fact, when I showed you the reports, you deemed them "bullshit," and said they would be relevant the next time Stolz sought office. We disagreed to that end, as he was a current elected official. Chief Clerk Stacy Sterner also cited his current service when she invited me to submit to her a list of irregularities in his reports.
As for the cheap shot of looking at the ground, I'm shy, Bernie. Plain and simple. It's not evasive or dishonest or mischievous, I'm just shy. I know that's a peculiar quality for someone to have in politics, but part of my involvement in politics is an attempt to overcome that and become more comfortable with interacting with people. It's the activity I enjoyed most during my time with the Bennett campaign.
Regarding Stolz and Obama, I did take offense to Stolz's attempt to paint Obama as a closet Muslim and a possible "sleeper cell of one." I think most people would take offense to such statements. As Julian and I haven't spoken since October and were never social offline or outside of politics, the "peas in a pod" statement is spurious, as is your absurd claim that I acted like Judas Isacariot.
As for your generous breakfast invitation, you emailed me at 8pm about it, asking me to be in Bethlehem the next day by noon, knowing that I live out in Kutztown. When I telephone you to discuss the matter, you told me if I were not to appear, you would draw negative "inferences" about my manhood and would note them in your account. This threat didn't enhance your already dubious credibility as a good faith mediator. I telephoned a friend for advice, contemplated the situation, and called you back at 10:30 to discuss the matter further. It was a late hour, but you gave me remarkably little time to make a decision, particularly given the threat of an unfavorable portrayal. Even though you had elected to insert yourself in the situation at 8pm, by 10:30 you were too tired to talk about the situation. When I persisted, you became screaming profanities at me, then hung up your telephone. Again, this was not a good way to establish yourself as a creditable mediator. Subsequent attempts to email you were met with similarly rude and bizarre responses, including one in which you claimed you were busy playing video games. Why in the world would I want to eat breakfast with you after that sort of treatment?
A few quick factual corrections:
1. I did not switch my party affiliation until November of 2008. As such, I was not a "Little Democrat" when I was associated with Prinzinger's 2007 campaign. I was affiliated with the College Democrats because as many people know, the Kutztown College Republicans was led by the racist Adam LaDuca after Mark's departure. Racist and hypocrisy did lead to me leaving the Republican party, however.
2. I did not slam community colleges, but I passionately disagreed with the claim that they were of equal quality to traditional 4-year programs. As a community college product myself, I have nothing but praise for the faculty of such institutions, and that too was noted in the topix exchange. Most successful people transition from a community college to a 4-year institution; Mr. Stolz, on the other hand, left DeSales university because of poor grades and began attending LCCC. This is germane because as a School Director, he is charged with overseeing the education of the students of the East Penn School District. Unfortunately, it seems he put as much time into his own classwork as he did in filling out his finance reports. I suspect many parents in the EPSD would find this revealing.
3. Sherlockjr is a reference to a Buster Keaton film, my favorite film, and a nickname that I've probably been using for ten years now. As you were just using a photo of Keaton in your profile no more than three days ago, I suspected that you knew this. But you're not really one to let facts get in the way of a moronic attack, are you?
I invite everyone to take a look a my report over at the PA Progressive and draw your own conclusions about Stolz's behavior and Bernie's defense of it. For all his vitriol and bluster, the facts are on my side in this.
Joe, aka Young Sherlock,
1) My recitation of what went down and how it went down is accurate. Your complaint about the finance reports is de minimus that at no time misled the public. The whole thing has been blown totally out of proportion.
2) My observation that you look at the ground is no ad hominem, but a factual observation. I just think it's odd behavior, especially from someone who expects to run for office. I draw no other conclusion.
3) It's pretty clear to me that you and Julian did indeed have a social relationship. I have the email exchanges that prove that.
4) I am not accustomed to telephone calls about bullshjit at 10:30 PM on a Saturday night. After asking you twice or three times to leave me alone, I expect to be left alone.
5) The simple reality is that you had an opportunity to confront Julian with your accusations and even to examine his amended reports. Your failure to do so tells me you were worried he might actually have some answers to your accusations.
6) I don't give a shit when you switched parties bc you obviously haven't figured out what you are.
7) As far as community colleges go, you said what you said. You own your words.
8) Sherlock Jr is an apt nickname for the little detective.
9) There was no vitriol or bluster from Stolz. That is pretty much all you, and it is very apparent from reading the Pa Pro posts. You claim your personal feelings are irrelevant, then spend paragraph after paragraph blasting Stolz. It was really beyong the pale, and I'm surprised John Morgan allowed you to use his blog to permit you to pursue some sort of personal vendetta.
10) You've established that Stolz filed sloppy campaign finance reports for small offices that pay nothing. You've also made yourself and Prinzinger look very petty.
And all of this proves, don't expect to meet the "Best Man" in your wedding at the College Republican club meetings.
They're all nutz out there.
Maybe Haas should get the FBI involved.
1. Again, he reimbursed himself $1600 in an unitemized expenditure long after the primary and after attempting to terminate his filing account with the money remaining. $1600 is quite a bit of money to give oneself from campaign coffers, particularly as the alleged travel expenses had not been noted in any of the previous reports. Julian admits that he does not have records or receipts for those transactions, but still felt entitled to give himself the money.
2. It was obviously ad hominen, as you had no other plausible reason for mentioning it. Even when it serves no advantage, it seems you are unable to control your anger.
3. As I stated, we had no relationship offline outside of politics. We talked online, yes, but we were not buddies or peas in a pod or however you want to put it. And, again, we stopped talking altogether in October.
4. You chose to insert yourself into the situation. I'm sorry that I interrupted your video games, but if you want to pretend to be a journalist, at least have the decency not to scream profanities at people you barely know when you are trying to get them to cooperate with you on a story.
5. Again, your threatening and bizarre behavior was reason enough not to attend the breakfast. As for answers, he had already messaged me repeatedly to tell me that he didn't have records and that if I pushed forward, I would destroy his political career. What more did I need to know?
6. I'm a Democrat who cares about his friends. Mark is a personal friend who is very dear to me--I wanted to give him the best opportunity he could have to succeed in the primary.
7. You misrepresented what I said as a slam against community colleges. Again, I don't think most people would agree that a community college student (or any undergraduate student) is mature and educated enough to serve on a school board, particularly after leaving a 4-year institution because of poor grades while serving in office.
8. Again, ad hominem. You have problems with anger and self-control.
9. The vitriol and bluster are all yours. Whatever negative feelings I have about Stolz are a result of his hypocritical and destructive behavior as a candidate and as a public official. Further, no matter how I feel about him, the facts are the facts.
10. It seems Julian may have pocketed $1600 from this unpaid position. I don't think that's a petty concern, Bernie.
I often, almost always, disagree with Julian when it comes to ideological points. I've even teased him for being "out of touch" with his peer group. But I have nothing but respect for anyone who sees the East Penn School Board, perhaps the only valley legislative (can you call it that?) body more dysfunctional than the Northampton County Council, and says "Yeah, I can try to make that better," instead of running away screaming at the top of his lungs. He doesn't deserve to be slagged, especially not by Prtizinger or anyone in his camp, since Pritzinger is more often part of the problem on EPSB than the solution.
In politics, when you're explaining, you're losing.
This Joe character is doing a lot of explaining.
these guys both have some growing up to do. Until then, they are just involved in politics. If they grow up and give up the personal shit, they'll make a difference.
Bernie is doing more explaining than anyone. That's why his candidates are always losers.
Another hatchet job by Bernie O'hare. This one may be deserved on Prinzinger, but Bernie hatchets so many undeserving that his credibility is questionable.
So who does he intend as his target? Haas, Prinzinger, or both?
Oh wait, Bernie just wants to be able to point at everybody and say: "I'm better than them."
What was that TV Show? "everybody hates chris rock?"
Here's a show: "Bernie O'Hare hates everybody."
A loyal member from the campaign of pathological problematic/inaccurate financial disclosure filer Sam Bennett is pointing the finger at someone else's disclosures?
Forgive me, but...
Let me get this straight. Prinzinger is running for school board and commissioner at the same time? Dougherty is too nice to Democrats, but he's using a former Bennett staffer? He and Haas go to the elections office just to dig up dirt?
Stolz is a tool.
This remark was posted by Bill Villa, which more or less proves that Julian is alright.
That remark was not posted by Bill Villa.
Pete's Sake,
Excellent point, but that's what the Bennett campaign was all about: mistakes.
"That remark was not posted by Bill Villa."
Yeah, it was. You've been doing it all day, craving attention as badly as these kids.
I thought B.O. could track "ISPs" or some such. Hmm. Guess not. There goes his court case against Villa. Oopsie.
There's no doubt in anyone's mind what you do. I don't need to waste my time on my sitemeter to recognize your insanity, Villa.
Tell it to the judge, O'Hare. I can switch from defense to offense now.
combine against (a person, business, nation, etc.) in agreement not to buy from, sell to, or associate with and try to keep others from doing so for purposes of coercion, punishment, etc.
Eckville, Yeah, I know. He calls for a boycott but repeatedly visits and comments here.
Can I get a "Cuckoo?"
"He calls for a boycott but repeatedly visits and comments here."
I comment when O'Hare pens a comment (e.g., "Stolz is a tool") and then tells his readers that "Bill Villa" wrote that.
And that's how this blog skirmish started back in August and why it's still going on ... because of O'Hare's dishonesty and deceit, which, not coincidentally, are the same "qualities" that got him barred from practicing law.
"Father Alex," nice reflection of God's love w/ your cuckoo remark. Is this what you're learning in the seminary? God help us.
Dear Sir,
My name is Brother Alex. I am not yet fully ordained.
And in fact, I have been learning how to properly deal with people that treat religious like they are the scum of the Earth, especially when they judge others, unfairly. I have been channeling this negative energy towards positive things. This is a key factor in the Pillars of Priestly Formation.
Also, I have been learning how to use technology, such as this forum, to reach out to others in need of pastoral assistance, per JP II. Sometimes, such as my last posting, you have to speak on the level of the audience. This is one of the instances in where the ends justify the means.
If you would like, please send me an email, and we can discuss this further. There might be a possible vocation in your or someone that is close to you's future. Please reflect on it.
Furthermore, and I may be overstepping my bounds in speaking on others behalf, but there is no need to be on the offensive or defensive. We are all God's children. You have no obligation to any man, except to treat him with loving care.
And yes, please God help us.
Peace be with you, ~~Alex
"Father Alex," I'll send you an email over the weekend.
I want to meet w/ you in person.
Also ...
Contrary to what O'Hare brays/lies, I don't hate priests. Or God.
I was in a Vincentian Seminary studying to be a priest when I was in high school (Princeton, NJ).
Although I am a lapsed Catholic, I pray every day, and I doubt I could have survived the loss of my only daughter Sheena (and our subsequent fight for justice) w/ out a spiritual connection.
Looking forward to meeting w/ you at your earliest convenience.
I'll come to D.C., if need be ...
I find it amusing that that no one feels that $1600 of travel expenses and a $350 7-11 expense in a local school board race is suspicious. I have filed campaign reports for local offices and looked at opponent filings in New Jersey for better than 20 years and never seen something that leaped out of a report like that.
Forget the fact that Julian has absolutely no ability to do basic accounting (I wonder what the state of his checking account or worse yet income tax returns are). Forget the fact that it appears he did those reports in about 90 seconds (which demonstrates a total contempt of the state's election regulatory arm). We are talking about about approximately one third of the funds he raised from citizens who felt he would represent their interests on the school board, being questioned.
Bernie I understand that you claim to be a Democrat, but your party leader Michael Steele IS being investigated for misusing campaign funds in his Maryland governor's race by the FBI and the percentage in question is far less than 1/3 of what he raised.
Ah, yes! St. Joseph's Prep. on Maplewood Road? I am familiar to it. What a small world!
I am looking forward to it. You are welcomed any time. I will be in the Lehigh Valley possibly for Holy Week and Easter. Hopefully, our vis-a-vis can wait until then. In the interim, please feel free to contact me, through email, at your leisure. As being a former seminarian, you know how unpredictable and hectic our schedules can be. But, we shall accomadate any brothers or sisters in need.
But can you elaborate on your "Cuckoo" comment of 2:11 PM? I might have misunderstood you. I am unsure if that response is directed towards me.
Peace be with you, ~~Alex
Alex, re: "cuckoo," yes, that was directed at you, because you seem highly cuckoo to me (but in a good way), but also, as you stated earlier in rationalizing your calling me cuckoo: "sometimes you have to speak on the level of the audience. This is one of the instances in where the ends justify the means."
Well okay then, ditto.
Speak w/ you soon, Brother Alex.
I look forward to talking to you. I don't want to waste anymore of these people's time with off the topic discussion. If you would like to discuss anything further, you know hold to contact me. Plus on personal matters, privacy may be the best thing. It will help to get to the root of the matter if there is no audience.
But please sir, don't twist my words. And, I will leave it at that.
Peace be with you, ~~Alex
"I find it amusing that that no one feels that $1600 of travel expenses and a $350 7-11 expense in a local school board race is suspicious."
Go figure, huh? Put it is perfectly pwermissible for the person pointing his finger to use a consultant under investigation by the AG. It is OK for him to use a pol who was fined $4,000 by the state ethics comm'n for misusing township credit cards.
"I comment when O'Hare pens a comment (e.g., "Stolz is a tool") and then tells his readers that "Bill Villa" wrote that."
That's you problem, Villa. You'll post all sorts of anonymous attacks at others exactly like the one I claim is you. Then you get all outraged when someone copycats your style, if that's really what happened.
You post 10 - 15 anonymous comments here daily so should not be shocked when I and others think every nutty comment is posted by you even if it is from some other loony bird.
You bring this all on yourself. And just so we're clear, I don't believe you. You've already proved yourself a liar to me.
Maybe you'll have better luck w/ Father Alex, but I'll never trust a word you say.
I don't see how the messenger has anything to do with the message, this Stolz kid seems to be so ethically bankrupt that his tenure on the school board should be revoked
The messenger has plenty to do w/ the message. The messenger is trying, vainly, to muddy up Stolz in the hope of advancing hmself. Ironically, this messenger also in consorting with a person who recently had to resign his position as an UMT Super bc he was playing games w/ township credit cards. Even worse, he is consorting with a sleaze political consulting firm under investigation by the state AG. And the reality is that Stolz' reports reveal no ethical misconduct. Theyt reveal he is sloppy. Big deal.
Your problem Bernie is that you have posted anon, you may not do it now, but you did when you were starting out, so how do you tell the difference?
You can't escape your past O'hare. You did it back in 2005, and you were doing it back in 2006.
You bragged about it more than once. But I suppose all those pain killers you take for your numerous injuries have not only clouded your judgement, but your memory.
Doesn't matter. You betrayed people you were representing more than 25 years ago. You betrayed the County employees, and you betrayed Bill Villa.
You always do what is best for Bernie, and explain it away later.
You can always delude yourself, but you can't fool the rest of us forever. How will you explain yourself to our Supreme Creator?
You aren't fooling him, but you are definitely fooling yourself.
You are out of your mind. I never post anonymously and certainly would not brag about it if I did. I would be ashamed, as you should be for telling this anonymous lie.
Incidentally, I really did not start blogging until '06. I had this, but it was private until '06. Yet you have me bragging in '05 about anonymous comments on a blog that noone knew about but me. Methinks you are the one who is confused.
Man, throwing around God's name in vain again, Mr., Mrs., Miss, and/or Ms. Anonymous.
Please remove the plank from your own eye, before trying to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
I wonder if that makes me a hypocrite?
Peace be with you, ~~Alex
I.m an anonymous liar?
Maybe you shouls look at your own archives. At the October 2005 n orthampton County Council meeting you moaned that you were writing this blog, and no one was reading it. Go look at the three posts you wrote then. You also wrote some back in 2004, they are archived gor everybody to see.
I see you removed almost all the comments from them though. Another example of your truth impairment.
And Father Alex, I don't believe anyone studying for aministry would say or behave in the manner you do here.
And I'm staying anon, I don't want Bernie marching into Stoffa's office and demanding I be fired.
Your statement isd a blatant lie. I had heard that Joe Long and Chalres Dertinger have asked some goons to cvome on here and cause trouble, and you must be one of these thugs.
This blog was not even public until April '06. In 2005, I have exactly 3 entries for the entire year. None of them deals w/ Northampton County Council. They are pretty much republications of op-eds. Yet you have me at a council meeting in October '05, complaining that no one is reading a blog that was private anyway. On top of that, you have me claiming I said I was posting anonymous comments then to pick up readership of a blog that was private?
In the Fall of '05, I was in training for two marathons and a century bike ride. I was at no council meetings, especially at that time.
You are a blatant liar. If you work for the county, woe unto the taxpayer to be stuck w/ someone like you.
I have mostly found young politicians to be more style than substance.
For me this thread reinforced this casual observation.
I am not a fan of politics as a profession and probably would not vote form someone based on their age.
Reminds me of the young "dot com" wizards of not too long ago that all the investment houses were throwing money at.
Where are they now?
Thanks for the post.
Anon of 8:43 AM - Excuse me? Please tell me what I did wrong?
Don't get me wrong, I am not Jesus. Am I supposed to walk the path of Jesus? Wasn't he nailed to a cross? And for what? I want to think it was showing people their own truth...
How do you want a religious to act in today's society? If I got your attention, maybe that is what it was supposed to do? Are you reading this?
Do you think Jesus recruited angels to be his first priests? They were fishermen. At that time, the fishermen were the scum of the Earth. Do you think angels are being recruited today? NO! It is everyday, regular people. Hopefully, that God's message is spoken through these everyday people in the vernacular. That way the people understand the message through a unique via.
If you don't like my approach, please call me out. Cite some references. I am always up to learning new ways of communication.
If you don't like the approach - please inform. But if you don't like the message - I understand.
Peace be with you, ~~Alex
"Father Alex, I don't believe anyone studying for a ministry would say or behave in the manner you do here."
I agree. And I also believe that O'Hare's anonymous posting cat is out of the bag too, oopsie.
Interesting, how much time Bernie O'hare spends denying that he posts anonymously.
Using the same reasoning that he uses to convict others, I'd have to say he is guilty.
Bernie doesn't let the truth get in the way, why should anyone else?
I spent some time refuting those claims bc I could demonstrate clearly that they are a lie. Obviously, I would not be complaining about a lack of comments on my blog at a time when it is private. The statement is a lie written by a coward too afraid to face the person he accuses.
Yes, you certainly are, Villa.
"Mr. Villa, please go away. If you stop showing up here there will be no more "blog skirmish.""
Actually, this isn't true. If I'm gone too long from this blog, O'Hare self-pens loony anonymous comments and tells you, his reader, that I'm posting them. This always draws me back, to defend myself.
"Mr. Villa, please go away. If you stop showing up here there will be no more "blog skirmish.""
Actually, this isn't true. If I'm gone too long from this blog, O'Hare self-pens loony anonymous comments and tells you, his reader, that I'm posting them. This always draws me back, to defend myself.
"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly, they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them."
Matthew 7:15-20
Peace, ~~Alex
ironic Haas still speaks of LaDuca as "the racist" when he doesn't even know the guy. Actions speak louder than words and while the doofus made a few foul statements, it does not mean he hates a race of people; but he (Adam) would too be crucified for his statements; funny, too how he apparently has done inner city charity work with poor blacks (but he really IS a racist, right)...anything for Haas to get himself noticed, I suspect.
Yes, and it's a moot point because Adam isn't around anymore. I suppose he was too fed up with his embarassing statements, he decided to finally leave the political life. He's not needed in politics anyway. Except maybe Alabama :) L-O-L
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