Unhappy at a post critical of their hero, the grant-seeking Villas are spamming this blog with extraneous OT comments. I deleted the same comments about forty times this morning. After being away from the computer for just a few hours, I returned to see that the Villas had flooded this blog with numerous comments patting themselves on the back, singing the praises of King Edwin and slamming other bloggers.
I have deleted all Villa commentary. I will take out their garbage as time permits. I refuse to enable comment moderation.
Thanks Bernie for not moderating. It's what they want - don't let them win.
The Banker
only those most familiar with the comment highjacking's by the villa's understand the motivating cause is their obsession against district attorney james martin. recently, they divulged that even their blog was only started as a vehicle for that purpose. their perceived enemy list has expanded from the district attorney to kranzley, o'hare, narjarian, molovinsky, varkony, donovan and assorted others. although they purport support for popular liberal causes, women's rights and art, i think it's improper for public officials, both elected and appointed, to directly support such unwarranted viciousness toward so many citizens of this community.
bernie, i disagree with several points in this post. the villa's spam your blog and many other blogs regardless of the topic. they don't really care at all about mayor pawlowski, they only care about developing allies in their obsession against jim martin. i find it disturbing that our officials would allow themselves to be used in such a fashion.
The Villas are crazy - plain and simple. You'd think they'd have their hands full with all the comments they leave for themselves on their own "blog," but apparently they have time to spam other folks, too!
It is to Pawlowski's detriment that he associates with these 2 nitwits. However, it appears that Pawlowski's ship is about to go down, and I trust the Villas will be rearranging the deck chairs with him until the bitter end.
Oh well, if the LV blogosphere didn't have such hilarious villains, it wouldn't be nearly so interesting to the average anonymous observer.
Good luck w/ managing the delete button, Bernie. BTW, did you ever get patent protection for your use of the common shorthand for "with"? Or, am I free to continue using it in my comments? ;)
Who is the guy in drag with crossed eyes standing next to Pawlowski in the photo?
Great - you've claimed victory, now raise your hands in triumph, go back to your blog and have more "conversations" with yourselves.
The Banker
North side, east side
Little Willy, Willy wears the crown, he's the king around town
Dancing, glancing
Willy drives them silly with his star shoe shimmy shuffle down
Way past one, and feeling alright
'Cause with little Willy round they can last all night
Hey down, stay down, stay down down
'Cause little Willy, Willy won't go home
But you can't push Willy round
Willy won't go, try tellin' everybody but, oh no
Little Willy, Willy won't go home
Up town, down town
Little Willy, Willy drives them wild with his run-around style
Inside, outside
Willy sends them silly with his star-shine shimmy shuffle smile
Mama done chase Willy down through the hall
But laugh, Willy laugh, he don't care at all
Hey down, stay down, stay down, down
'Cause little Willy, Willy won't go home
But you can't push Willy round
Willy won't go, try tellin' everybody but, oh no
Little Willy, Willy won't go home
Little Willy, Willy won't
Willy won't, Willy won't
Little Willy, Willy won't
Willy won't, Willy won't
Little Willy, Willy won't
Willy won't, Willy won't
Little Willy, Willy won't
Willy won't, Willy won't
Little Willy, Willy won't go home
But you can't push Willy round
Willy won't go, try tellin' everybody but, oh no
Little Willy, Willy won't go home
Little Willy, Willy won't go home
But you can't push Willy round
Willy won't go, try tellin' everybody but, oh no
Little Willy, Willy won't go home
Hopefully, anonymous will pick on me, now.
Can't understand this pathos? Anonymous is illogical. There is plenty demonstrated here for a court case. One of the downfalls of technology.
I would loved to see how one defends this behavior. All other defenses are CRaZy!
People need attention. They crave for it at another's expense.
Peace be w/ you, ~~Alex
Father Alex, please do not think that was really me. Bernie knows who I am and knows that I do not agree with Villa. I do feel he is a very sick man that desperately needs help.
As you have seen, he impersonates pretty much everyone in his sad, pathetic attempts at getting attention.
The Banker
How Ironic, where is Alanis Morrisette when we need her?
You force many bloggers to enable their comments to stop your lies, but now you are a victim when those same bloggers attack you.
Can you prove it is them? What data do you have that is irrefutable and would hold up in court?
I don't think, "It's true because I say so" will hold up in court, do you? It might wok for you here in the Blah go Smear, but in court? That I would like to see.
Anon 7:50,
Do you honestly think I'll reveal my prosecution strategy to an anonymous asshole who sounds just as goofy as Chris Casey?
Folks, I have just taken out the garbage posted by the Villas. There will undoubtedly be more, but I'll delete them, too, at my convenience.
Dear Mr. The Banker,
I get your drift. You don't have to prove yourself to me.
The anonymous and psuedo-anonymous comments are pretty easy to spot. Unfortunately, I have to keep an open mind in this regard. I would like to say that one person is sending all of these annoying posts, but I can't prove it otherwise.
That's why the Judge and the attorneys make the big bucks. I am looking forward to final closure on the matter. Then we can all move forward.
Banker, keep the trouble-makers, the targets, and me in your prayers. You will be in mine.
Peace be with you, ~~Alex
Agreed on all counts Father, I hope also that final closure is reached soon.
You and all remain in my prayers as well.
The Banker
"Father Alex," I've never seen a priest (to be) find so much time for blogging on sites 3 hours away from where you allegedly are in Washington DC. Don't you have an altar boy to "mentor" (wink wink) or something?
"Who is the guy in drag with crossed eyes standing next to Pawlowski in the photo?" -Bernie OhMcall
O'Hare: You can dish it out
but you can't take it :)
You're pusillanimous.
Ditto Molovinsky.
Najarian/O'Hare/Molovinsky, how's your "Troll Parade" blog working out as "punishment" and deterrent?"
You didn't attack me. You attacked a seminarian, assholes. You are both disgusting and vulgar pieces of shit.
You're also both cowards, writing anonymously instead of signing your names.
It's nice to see Mayor Pawlowski associated publicly with disgusting pieces of shit who write anti-Catholic rants aimed at seminarians.
I could not agree more. You have now tied Pawlowski to an anti-Catholic rant. What's your next trick?
Do you honestly think he'd reveal his prosecution strategy to someone as goofy as you? A disgraced ex-lawyer who is barred from practicing law because of dishonest behavior? That would be cuckoo.
Nodbody is asking you to reveal your legal strategy, which is obviously insanity. What I am saying is that Pawlowski is going to pay a price for hitching his wagon to an anti-Catholic like you.
O'Hare: You (and Moloturdsky) can dish it out
but you can't take it :)
You didn't attack me. You attacked a seminarian, assholes. You are both disgusting and vulgar pieces of shit.
I don't know about the Villas or anyone else, but holding someone up to a higher standard who devotes his life to a fairy tale doesn't seem righteous to me.
Hey Satan, now you crossed the line. You don't frighten me.
You claim that God is a fairy tale? Did you educate your children in the Catholic faith? Do you claim to love God on your blogger's page?
Do you hold anything sacred? I guess not. You claim to love God, but you don't show it in love of your neighbor or even yourself!
I expect to get grief by most people. But when you allege or joke about sexual misconducts, claim blasphemy towards priests, seminarians, and/or other Christains; being cordial is finished.
We don't have to be beat-up and take it by the likes of you. Alledging that we are pedophiles is off base. Some of the biggest professions, as of fact, that molest children hit very close to your home.
When you spew venom from your mouth be very careful. I would hate to see you posion yourself.
I don't want to get ugly and point out all of your wrong-doings and hypocrisy. So don't force me to do so. I choose much more civil means to save a soul.
If you want to be an asshole, you proved your self worthy. Now please redeem yourself for the sake of yourself and more importantly your family.
Get behind me Satan! May the power of Christ compel you! ~~Alex
Keep it up. You are very entertaining. At least you are worth a good laugh every now and then. ~~Alex
btw, the 2:26 comment was posted by O'Hare. It's a set up ... sadly, he's playing you like a violin, "Father."
That's my vocation. To look goofy. That's why we dress different. To signify our death to society and to show how much we strive to help others.
If I don't feel the heat, that means I am not over the target. I fear no man. But I fear God.
I took a vow to help all people (Christians or otherwise); not just the ones that seek help, but the ones who slap you in the face.
I hope you had and have fun picking on a person that would like to help you.
Actually, I just spoke with Bernie on the phone. He's at the courthouse as I write. He's looking into a criminal case that has all of our concern.
So, someone is actually lying about who is posting that comment 2:26 PM. But then, again, that's one of the reasons why I like this vocation. It's different everyday.
But back to the Republicans, Mayor Ed's alledged cooking of the financial books for Allentown, and my favorite: kicking out those vendors from the Allentown Municipal Golf Course.
I wonder if my vote counts for anything?
Peace, ~~Alex
Zzzz(waking abruptly)oh I'm sorry, did you say something?
Okay so I broke down and went to the Lehigh Valley Nobodies site and read their post about you Bernie. It really did sound as if every comment was them answering themselves. Ridiculous.
I repeat my earlier question. Who's the guy standing next to Pawlowski in the photo? I'm serious. What does he have to do with Pawlowski or this post?
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