2/27/08: "Pawlowski Raises $108k Over Last Two Years From City Vendors and Contractors." (This report lists the contributors.)
3/4/08: "Mayor Pawlowski Fined Maximum For Filing Late Campaign Finance Reports." (Mayor Pawlowski not only engages in P2P, but was so late in filing a campaign finance report that he was fined the maximum, a mere $270.)
3/5/08: "Allentown Law Firm Contributes $5,600 to Pawlowski, Gets $138,000 Return in Two Years." (Pawlowski's P2P connection to Malcom Gross' law firm. It is widely rumored that Gross, the son of a former mayor and a person who actually moved back to Allentown, is considering running for the job himself one day.)
3/7/08: "LC Voting Registrar: Pawlowski Improperly Used Campaign Funds." (When King Ed was fined $270 for filing a late campaign finance report, he illegally used campaign funds to pay the penalty).
3/10/08: "Another Pawlowski Pay to Play Pal - City Line Construction" (Pawlowski's P2P ties to City Line Construction documented.)
3/18/08: "Mayor Ed's "Pay to Play" Pal of the Week - Nic Zawarski & Sons." (Pawlowski continues to forge relationships with the movers and shakers of the area).
4/7/08: "Mayor Ed's Pay to Play Pal of the Week - Mayor Ed!" (Much of the money raised by King Ed has gone to his favorite charity - himself).
12/30/08: "Allentown Mayor Pawlowski Falsely Claims No Donors in Campign Report." (Pawlowski attempts to avoid public disclosure of over $100 thousand paid to him in 2008).
1/16/09: "Joyce Marin's $1,150 Job Purchase." (Out of nowhere, Marin kicks in $1,150 to King Ed, and is hired as Allentown's new Director of Community & Economic Development).
1/19/09: "Pay to Play Pawlowski Raises $101k in 2009 From City Vendors, Lawyers and Contractors." (This report lists the contributors).
1/21/09: "Pawlowski: Let Them Eat Popsicles." (Pawlowski's 2008 campaign expenditures, which reveal interesting connection to Michael Fegley).
2/10/09: "Pay to Play Pawlowski Goes Golfing." (A lucrative municipal golf course deal is being steered to Pawlowski pal Michael Fegley. Technically, this is cronyism, not P2P, but what the hell).
Just think what King Edwin will soak from the hockey developers! I'm sure he has their business cards.
Any progress at the restaurant at the Allentown Municipal Golf Course? I am interested in want $350K worth of improvements looks like. ~~Alex
I am informed that, as of last week, nothing had been started.
"I am interested in want $350K worth of improvements looks like."
Probably a private booth for Pawlowski (where nobody will receive a tip) and 4-wheel drive for his portable podium.
Move over AJ, Jarrett Renshaw is O'Hare's newest Stepford Boy.
As much as I agree that Pawlowski and Allentown are for sale to the highest bidder, it is unfair to make it seem like they are the only.
Don Cunningham and his clan are now, and have always been, notoriously FOR SALE as well.
Any cursory review of his finances will show that he is the Play-for-play king of the Lehigh Valley.
I also can't understand why the press never calls him on his philandering ways. It's as if he cut some sort of a deal with them.
If the voters new the real Don Cunningham he would have problems getting a job as a used car salesman.
The Morning Call published a story in Sunday's paper that was just as damaging to Cunningham as its story about Pawlowski.
Is it also interesting that 3 non-lawyer hoofties were able to defeat one of Pawlowski's bigtime attornies in court?
Can't Eddie do anything right??
Guess not.
Yes, Exorcist, things are moving along quite smoothly at the latest tourist destination in Allentown. As of yesterday, the Director of Golf is offering an assortment of donuts and coffee for their patrons. Of course, given his sporadic attendance, service is hit and miss. As for the ABW extravaganza, the carpet has been removed (by city workers)and we are now in a holding pattern.
The course officially opens today.
Nothing has been done!!!! Are these guys paying their rent? I
seriously doubt it. Maybe the ABW
guys also attended Bible College and, therefore, shouldn't be questioned about anything.
That's a crying shame. I really feel for bad for the previous tenants.
I never heard anything wrong or improper about them. Did any of you? Does anyone know what they are up to, now?
Wonder if they would be willing to come back to that location when the lease is up? ~~Alex
"Father Alex," your long-delayed ordination might roll around sooner if you'd spend more time studying theology and less time analyzing the vendor arrangements at a golf course 3+ hours away from you.
May peace be onto you.
Thank you for the helpful advice, my friend. I will keep that in mind when I vote back home. And thank you for the good wishes during my spring break. I am glad to see that your affairs are in order as well. Hopefully, you will be there on that bright day about two years from now. I will finally get to give you my blessing in person. You will be in my prayers, too.
May peace be onto you and your loved ones. ~~Alex
Hang in there Alex. Many of us are praying for you.
Is one permitted to state that here?
I don't know the connection between Exorcist and the rest of these bloggers, but at least he can see an injustice is being done at our Municipal Golf Course.
I heard that City Council was investigating the bid process and selection committee involved with this bid. I certainly hope so.
The course is opening and there is no restaurant. I hope ABW didn't schedule any weddings or corporate outings in the near future. So far
they have a concrete floor in an empty room.
I know that ABW really impressed the committee (who already had their marching orders from Mr ED)
with their plans. Do you think that actually opening the place would be a start?
Thank you, kindly, for the prayers. They are always felt.
Father Alex, I deleted the nasty anonymous slam at you. I'm sorry that you are tortured for your faith.
I didn't see it. You don't have to delete it.
Don't be sorry. That is one of the perks that come with the "job." It is my choice to return their words with prayers (and one day - blessings.) It is the faith I practice. It purifies the soul. I actually feel sorry for them. There is nothing I can do to make it worse for them. Nobody gains anything when that route is choosen. So instead, I offer my prayers. Please remember them, too.
Peace be with your spirit, ~~Alex
"The [golf] course is opening and there is no restaurant."
I thank God "Father Alex" is following (and praying over) this most important (and tragic) issue.
Obviously this is not a tragic issue. Unless, of course, you are the guy who worked his rear end off for ten years only to be unceremoniously dumped by our mayor who needed to appease one of his cronies.
What's next, no caddies?
"Father Alex," please focus all your prayerful efforts towards God (or, towards his '2nd banana,' Jesus) to make sure that no Republican readers of 'Ramblings' ever have to carry his own golf bag. May peace be onto you.
Four Putt,
Villa is apparently more than a priest hater. Looks like he hates God, too. Given that attitude, he has no sympathy for anyone's problems but his own.
I really LOVE golf, so THANKS FATHER ALEX!
The Banker
I hope to shoot a round (not a threat)
w/ Bernie one day.
The Banker
The above tweo comments were posted by priest hater Bill Villa, who insists on using the languauge of violence even though he faces criminal charges.
How did B.O. know that wasn't the real "Banker?"
is he working w/ a crystal ball?
or is he "The Banker?"
Watch comment 11:20 go POOF ...
I need no crystal ball to know when you comment here. I don't even need my sitemeter. The venom and language of violence givces you away, in addition to your penchant fopr impersonating other people. You are insane. Worse yet, you've lost the capacity to reason. You are no longer even rational.
In short, cuckoo!
I believe O'Hare pens all those comments from "Villa" himself. He then "answers" Villa and his readership doubles. O'Hare's no dummy.
Don't forget my character, this triples (wink wink) O'Hare's comment pool, automatically, like self-loading software.
The Banker
"I need no crystal ball to know" -Bernie The Banker
But you're positive Villa hates priests, and God.
What a burden that must be for you, being all-knowing.
Father Alex, isn't "all-knowing" reserved for God?
To the last three anons, aka Bill & Angie Villa,
I'm sorry. If someone wants me to address their concerns, please sign your name or send me an email.
I don't like wasting the public's time with personal lessons and discussions in regard to the qualities of The Holy Trinity and god-like symptoms of treatable and inferior mental disorders.
But a little incite, you are already in heresy. There is only one God, not three. Recite your Apostles' Creed. Jesus is "2nd banana."? So you say.
But all "figures" of the Holy Trinity are One. That's old stuff - Council of Nicea - 325 A.D. - finding uniform Christian Doctrine.
But who am I? I can't give anyone a lecture on God. I never met him. So all we have to go on is history and scripture. Hopefully, and WE PRAY, our faith is correct!
Peace be with you, ~~Alex
(btw, this is B.O.'s legal strategy against Villa too).
Thanks! I needed an excuse to come home and visit my family. Now I can attend the meeting and see my friends and family. Thank you for the opportunity.
I double dog dare you - "cuckoo!"
When Bernie's away...
The trolls come out to play.
Does that include me too?
Oh, well. - Church isn't for saints. It's a hospital for the sinners! Some need more attention, kind of like an E/ward...
Look out the window. Do you know what time of year it is? It's Lent! Please remember, be nice!
Peace be w/ you, ~~(anonymous)
(wink, wink!)
I have never heard of Bill Villa, but if all those posts were in fact from him, I can't say that I am shocked if there are criminal charges pending against this guy.
What a tool!!!
I have never heard of Bill Villa, but if all those posts were in fact from him, I can't say that I am shocked if there are criminal charges pending against this guy.
What a tool!!!
Wow! $350K for sporadic coffee and donuts. Are they jelly filled or sprinkles?
Nope. I'm not Villa.
You were so correct. Every time someone posts something that detracts from or about the current administration, these off the wall comments start coming from all over to side track the conversation.
This little exercise opened my eyes.
I can't imagine what people would do when the administration would not listen to "we" the people and there were not these forms of "sounding off" forums.
My grandparents must of went crazy when eminent domain was forced down their throats and all of their friends and neighbors in downtown Easton. Easton, some can say, still hasn't recovered.
I hope the people come out in volumes and let their voices be heard come election time.
Peace out, ~~Alex
It appears that we are in for beautiful golf weather this weekend. 9 or 18, it doesn't matter. Some people just stay at the 19th hole. But will that be possible at A-town Muni for this weekend? Looks like there is money to burn for everyone.
Peace, ~~A.J.
tennis anyone?
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