Local Government TV

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Republicans to Rally Against Stimulus Bill This Afternoon

LV Republicans will spend today protesting enactment of Brack Obama's "catastrophic" stimulus package. They will assemble outside Allentown's federal courthouse at 1:30 P.M. Much of their ire is directed at one of their own, Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter, who has reluctantly agreed to support a slimmed down, $780 billion, bill.

Right after the rally, rumor has it that Northampton County Council candidate J.C. Kelleher will conduct a few speed dating sessions.


  1. Using the JCK club to beat upon Rs is like hanging an idiot like Bernie around the necks of all Ds to discredit them.

    I know, I know. You're not a D, just a Specter is not a R.

    When Bernie's having budgetary trouble with the upkeep of his hovel and jalopy, he also increases his spending by 30%, blames some oppressive group like "landed gentry," and demands a transfer payment to address his self-imposed misery.

    Coveting is the new black.

  2. Bernie,

    The rally I am going to is a protest against Arlen Spector’s involvement in crafting a facade of bi-partisanship on the administrations unparalleled spending bill. This bill flies in the face of basic Republican tenets (Yes, Republicans have been guilty of growing government) and does so in colossal proportions.
    Our goal is to send a very clear message our senator. He has to decide whose side he is on here, if he chooses the pork Barrel spending bill over common sense the break between him and many of his Republican supporters will be irrevocable.

    Scott Armstrong

  3. Anon 9:28,

    Wow! It only took you 58 minutes on a Sunday to respond to an Armstrong comment with a personal attack.

    Try arguing on the merits instead of just attacking people, or is that too hard?

  4. On a lighter note, it IS a beautiful day for a rally and a protest...

    Alfonso Todd

  5. [I've posted this on " Inclusion by Michael Donovan", but it fits well here as well]

    *** I regard neither the prior nor this one to be effective. And now another $1 trillion behind this one coming up next! It's like moving water in a flooded boat from one end to the other.

    I will state for the umpteenth time... "JOBS"... and most of this goes away. NAFTA, CAFTA, SAFTA & Chinese trade agreements need a revisit. I was a believer in 1993 and have been re-enforced in 2009 that Ross Perot was right! Any bailout without some sort of buy American in it, is lacking.

    CLICK ON MY NAME [Perot/Gore/Larry King] for Part 1 of 8

    It seems simple enough to me... companies have been bleeding their assets and labor for over the last 15 years off American soil.

    Warren Buffett was quoted in the Associated Press (January 20, 2006) as saying "The U.S trade deficit is a bigger threat to the domestic economy than either the federal budget deficit or consumer debt and could lead to political turmoil... Right now, the rest of the world owns $3 trillion more of us than we own of them."

    ..creditor nations should be just as responsible as debtor nations for disequilibrium in exchanges and that both should be under an obligation to bring trade back into a state of balance...
    ~John Maynard Keynes~

    IBM employees being laid off in North America now have an alternative to joining the growing ranks of the unemployed - work for the company abroad. Big Blue is offering its outgoing workers in the United States and Canada a chance to take an IBM job in India, Nigeria, Russia or other countries.

    Interesting discussion here.. How the U.S. Could Balance Trade

  6. BTW: It doesn't matter whether McCain or Obama.. wrong is wrong no matter who got elected. Congress loves 'pork', no matter whose table it's served on.

  7. Republicans by nature aren’t into street protests. When the last time was anyone saw Republican’s hold a demonstration?

    Scott Armstrong

  8. This is awesome, the people including BO's mancrush Charlie Dent, who drove our economy in this ditch are protesting against the people who are trying to get us out of the ditch. The GOP answer to our severe recession is more tax cuts for the very people we just had to bail out. GOP'ers you are so very tired. But protest away, you have to have something to do

  9. Charlie Dent has actually voted against equal pay for women. This is unforgivable.

  10. How does pork spending get "us out of the ditch"?

    Scott Armstrong

  11. Charlie Dent is having a luncheon at Bethlehem Hotel Feb. 19th at noon to teach business in conjunction with Chamber of Commerce how to beat unions with strike breaking tactics. Way to go Chuck, first screw the women, now the workers. Dent voted for the bailout to his buddies the bankers, but won't vote for the businesses that create jobs thru the stimulus package. Maybe we can get the protestors to the Hotel Bethlehem on the 19th.

  12. Charlie Dent is not an R. He's a center-left D.

  13. I only comment on here so Scott can keep his self image as a victim. Same reason for you, Bernie O. If I didn't give you hell foe all the crap you post, you wouldn't be able to play your "Woe is me, they don't like me game."

    Honestly O'Hare, reading your blog is like watching porn movies starring fat people. You know it's going to be disgusting and filthy, but you watch it and gag anyway.

    In your case we read it and gag.

    My Mom always said that doing it in the bathroom would make you go blind. She should add blog browsing on the toilet to that list!

  14. "Republicans to rally against Fire, Indoor Plumbing, and the Wheel this afternoon"

    That sounds about right!

  15. I was a long time Republican because I genuinely believed the rhetoric about the role of government.

    However, I have to puke when I read such hypocritical partisan "RINO"-type accusations against Specter, or anyone who doesn't tow the party line. Our debt under President Bush doubled, and now stands at approx. 72.5% of our GDP, and The PRChina holds 22% of our debt. Couple that with our trade deficit, and its sadly ironic that we have gone from the antithesis of Communism a few decades ago, to dependent on them to prop up our illusion of economic strength.

    We have come a long way since the following was written in 1957 (and this scorn is directed to both our government and corporate leaders):

    "If you ask me to name the proudest distinction of Americans, I would choose--because it contains all the others--the fact that they were the people who created the phrase 'to MAKE money.' No other language or nation had ever used these words before; men had always thought of wealth as a static quantity--to be seized, begged, inherited, shared, looted, or obtained as a favor. Americans were the first to understand that wealth has to be created. The words 'to make money' hold the essence of human morality.”

  16. Glenn,

    Great point we had six years of Neo-Con pork and now this "pork".

    As for the pork of renovation projects and GOP claims it dosnt "stimulate the economy". Tell that to Carpenters and construction crews that would land the contract!

    Opposing fixing the landscape at a federal park would put landscapers to work (Not all landscapers are illegal imigrants like the ones that do Rush Libaughs yard!)

    And buying new vehicles for federal employees , to replace old worn out models. That would put Auto workers to work, and put cash in dealers pockets.

    Ask Dick Millhelm Ford what would happen if no Public Works bought fleet vehicles any longer.

    Stop with Rush Drug addicts talking points. He thinks unless its a check to him or a CEO of a bailout bank, its bad pork.

    Pork that creates work for BLUE COLLAR AMERICA (The majority of our population!) is better than paying for the naming rights of the New Shea Stadium in NY!

    Or Thousand dollar waste baskets.

  17. Lighthouse great post. While we often disagree I agree with you on this!

  18. ANON 2:07 tell that to the members of LEPOCO

  19. Bernie,

    A bit off topic but. . .

    Care to comment of the Governor's proposal to consolidate School Districts? It may not be popular with your readers but I am guessing you agree it is the right, and possibly prudent, thing to do.

  20. The Obama/Gates wars (replete with 19 dead Pakistani school children last week) signal Same Shit, Different Day. It's funny and defensible when a lefty president kills innocents.

    The Obamamoonies are naive.

  21. Lighthouse-

    Ssshhh.. Don't you know that "her" writing isn't looked upon too favorably?

    I've read AS three times and find something new about it each time I do...

  22. Meet the new boss. It's just as same as the old boss.

  23. That's right, so much of this spending bill is about political payback. That the stimulus in this package. It is nothing short of shameless and shameful.

    Scott Armstrong

  24. "reading your blog is like watching porn movies starring fat people."

    I'll take your word for that. I guess you must know.

  25. Brad, Lighthouse,

    I'll have to brush up on my Ayn Rand reading. Haven't read her objectivism since high school.

  26. The rally was good. We had some good speakers, who made the point that the only way this country has ever come out of a recession was through tax breaks (Please don't talk about FDR ; his plan actually slowed down recovery according to many modern economists) Jfk even believed in this plan People will spend money when they have it, that is what stimulates the economy.

  27. That comment about fat people, porn, and this blog is the best.
    maybe he saw BO on the porn?!

  28. As a former R, now proud D - I would rather spend pork in the USA, than spend $3 trillion/year dollars on the war in Iraq. R's got us in this mess, it appears D's will have to get us out. R's will just cry their same mantras.

  29. Rather spend pork in the USA, then why did you (DEM's) vote twice to spend “pork” in Iraq? Are we not supposed to notice the Left’s hypocrisy? Get some logic and honesty then report back.

    Scott Armstrong

  30. Scott, I saw a Republican demonstration and it was wild. The Saucon Valley Country Club ran out of Chivas and a bunch of angry people, Martin Till and the other Repubs were going wild.

    Fortunately there were people of color available to run into town and get some Chivas.

    But it was a wild time for a while.

    Punky Brewster

  31. Scott, apparently you forgot that this country was led by Bush/Cheney! You remember them, don't you Scott? President/Vice-President/Ex-Halliburton Executive making millions off of the war? Ring any bells, Scott? You remember, faulty intelligence, to scare the US populace into a faulty war? The one's responsible for our sons and daughters dying in another land? C'mon you remember those swell guys, don't you Scott? The ones the Americans asked to pack their bags and get the hell out of Washington?

    Don't worry Scott. The real Americans used logic during the election. Now we just have to use our collective logic to get us out of the mess from the last eight years. We are tired of R's doctrines and economic policies. Get used to D's running the joint. You look like babies having a tantrum with your rallies.

  32. Thanks 2:34.

    Useful idiots will be critical to our success. Have you paid your taxes, asshole?

    Bawhahahahahahaha. Change! Bawhawhahahahaha!

  33. Nice language Cabinet. Couldn't express yourself using the queen's english, I see.

  34. Same old talking points, what a bore. Why not answer why the Dem's still complain about a war they voted twice to enter, why not explain why the D's complained about intelligence but used the same under Clinton to justify his actions, why not explain why the D's complained about eavesdropping but again voted twice for the legislation that enabled it. Is there any integrity out there?
    Soon enough America will see the Democrat Party for what it is. Mark my words, in time Republicans will come to enjoy the luxury the Democrats have benefited from for the past eight years, the GOP will merely not have to be the party in power.

    Scott Armstrong

  35. It seems that the only argument by the dems for the porkulus bill is "Bush did it too!". WTF? can someone intelligently connect the dots between 800 billion filtered through the government and teh creation of jobs? Can't be done, but that doesn't matter I guess

  36. Instead of Democrats looking for reasons to slam Rs or Republicans looking for excuses to slam Dems, can't we look for common ground?

    Can we agree the economy is in the tank?

    Can we agree that reduced taxes will put more money in our pockets and thereby stimulate the economy?

    Can we agree that vast public projects will create jobs that will also stimulate the economy?

    If we listen to each other, can't we accomplish much more than by focusing on what separates us?

  37. Bernie,

    At this point in time creating vast public works projects will do long term damage to the country. America is already burdened with a massive debt load. This existing debt will have a consequence, if we add the additional debt of this massive spending bill the consequences will be more profound.
    George Bush’s stimulus Bill was strike one, the TARP package was strike two, this new spending bill is strike three.
    Perhaps it is time to consider the option of doing no further damage instead of pursuing another counterproductive rescue attempt. Is this bipartisan enough?

    Scott Armstrong

  38. lighthouse,

    Your points are understood. That is why the GOP grassroots is fighting back.

    We are either the party of limited government/fiscal responsibility or we are not. Most rank and file Republicans agree with Republican principles. Far too many in GOP leadership and Republican elected officials do not.

    I think that they will be swept aside soon.

  39. Hey Punky, I heard about that demonstration. I believe the Republicans were also angry that the people of color carried sun umbrellas on the golf course that were too small.

    It was a tough time for all. LOL


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