Northampton County has gone through three of them since Home Rule. All have been demonized, rightly or wrongly. Connie Sutton-Falk, the current $74,754 Director, is no exception. It's a thankless job. To make matters worse, many female courthouse workers seem to resent seeing another woman in charge. Perhaps in defense, Connie has developed a caustic style. That hurts her. Behind her back or on this blog, some pretty nasty names are used to describe a cabinet official who works much harder than most of them.
Five members of Northampton County Council, aka The Hangmen, have hurt Sutton-Falk even more. Playing to a lynch mob of bright green AFSCME T-shirts that had massed into the star chamber last September, they asked her to resign in an effort to embarrass Executive John Stoffa.
Hangman Lamont McClure led the lynch mob. "We must take a strong stand ... . Tonight I make a motion that county council demonstrates its sense that Connie Sutton Falk should resign." McHale, counting on the union to support her election this year as county exec, somberly noted that she gets phone calls complaining about Connie. How about that? Employees complain about the Human Resources Director. There's a shocker.
Mike Dowd and Peg Ferraro refused to participate in this attempted assassination. As Peg noted at the time, "This is not in our purview and I feel this is inappropriate. I've been around here since 1989 and I think there have been more problems with Directors of Human Resources than any other job here. It's not an easy job and it's not easy to please everyone. I just feel this is inappropriate."
But the Hangmen - McClure, Dertinger, McHale, Neiper & Grube - strung her up anyway. They never even gave her an opportunity to defend herself, as she sat there quietly.
The union lynch mob was thrilled. There's no doubt that Sutton-Falk may actually bne more unpopular than me. But a dangerous precedent was set. What County Council did to Sutton-Falk is something they can do to each and every county worker who displeases them.
Last night, council went into executive session over a letter they recently received from Sutton-Falks' lawyer. Their September stunt, a clear violation of Sutton-Falk's civil rights, may end up costing money down the road.
Of course, that's only your money.
Bullshit. She should put her big girl pants on and move on. They passed a nonbinding resolution of their displeasure with her. This is the most assine thing.
You pissed and moaned when Deb DePaul brought a lawyer to counter the Stoffa croony committee set-up to hang her.
Without her lawyer who knows what they would have tried.
Try to be consistent you weasel.
I moaned when HRH DePaul attempted to stick the county with the bill for her private attorney. Now council is guaranteeing that you will be paying for Sutton-Falk's lawyer.
Congratulations Charles Dertinger, Diane Neiper, Ann McHale & Lamont McClure.
Anon 1:56
You will have to forgive BOH he can't help but defend the incompetent Stoffa administration and ever since CSF winked at him he has been in love.
CSF is the biggest mistake this council has made if the Democrats would have stood up to this appointment in the begining of an unknown woman from NJ the employees of the county might have had a chance.
Really are we kidding here she lives an hour away what was the criteria Stoffa was using when he hired this gem, a sixty mile circle.
Just wait BOH I'm sure the county will be paying the legal fees of the employees she has abused.
How can you expect BO to be objective? He's not even smart enough to use spell check on his own post, or is he just lazy?
Probably both.
Now... this is big and important news in the County. The County just paid out in the silly Mock case. The Sutton Faulk case is the real deal. These "hangmen" may have just cost not only the County money in a potential lawsuit but themselves as individuals. The Directors report to Stoffa. Period. Its set up for that reason. The reason, however, is to protect taxpayers like me and others from the stupidity of these elected Council people who think they are Kings!!! It is also set up to protect these IGNORANT council people from themselves so they do not end up losing their and their family's homes and belongings in lawsuits being contemplated by employees that do not "fall under them". I really hope these genius' get voted out. PS: A REAL CALL TO REAL BUSINESS PEOPLE AND PROFESSIONALS THAT SUPERVISE PEOPLE..... PLEASE RUN FOR COUNTY COUNCIL AND STOP THIS MADNESS. There is nothing worse than an wanna be boss of people running for elected office and winning and then thinking they know about HR.
Sutton-Falk is a political appointee who is subject to oversight by County Council. She should bring her frivolous lawsuit. She failed to do her job, and the deposition of the testimony at the trial, if it were ever to get that far, of 200 or so county employees will make clear just how bad this situation is.
Ann McHale should consider the number of complaints as a good indicator that the HR Director is making the difficult decisions and doing a good job. If the rank and file employess rant and rave over the HR Director, they probably have a weak willed and incompetent person in charge.
"Sutton-Falk is a political appointee who is subject to oversight by County Council."
Wrong, Council has NO business playing the role of executive and they did so for purely POLITICAL reasons.
"How can you expect BO to be objective? He's not even smart enough to use spell check "
I make no claim to be objective. If there is a typos opn my post, I will gladly correct it. My comments are full of them, but I try very hard to get it right on the post.
"Really are we kidding here she lives an hour away"
So should the county rid itself of all workers who don't live here? Is that what you're advocating? That will reduce the size of the union work force by about 1/3.
Council members took a worker they do not supervise, publicly humiliated her, violated her civil rights and gave her no opportunity to defend herself. They did so for prurely political reasons in an attempt to make the executive look bad.
DERTINGER, McHALE & NEIPER are now up for election. (McHale is running for exec). These three council members are part of the crew that attempted to foist an IT contract on the county exec that was $1.8 MM higher than the contract ultimately executed. "Noce guys finish last," snarled council member Ann McHale. Once again, their motrivation was purely political.
DERTINGER, McHALE & NEIPER voted against Stoffa's choice of Martos Gabriel as county administrator. They rejected a qualified candidate from the Lebanese community simply because she happens to be an R. McHale did so after previously promising Gabriel she would support her. Once again, their motivations were PURELY POLITICAL.
DERTINGER, MCHALE & NEIPER attempted a few weeks ago to plant barb Hollenbach as council solicitor. Turns out that Barb is running for judge, and McHale must have realized that naming barb as solicitror would increase her name recognition. Once again, their motivations are PURELY POLITICAL.
It is time for voters to get rid of these bums and replace them with council members who think governing is more important than partisan politics.
You mean cost US money.
Tell Miss Piggy to get outta NORCO while she can or she will become pork rind for all to feast on.
Thank you, Council member Dertinger.
Hopefully for you, you can prove that is Dertinger on you blog because I bet when Falk sues you can be her star witness. Or is this just your typical attempt at another slam at Dertinger.
Quite hipocritical of you to attack the Council for requesting Falk's resignation after the many times I have seen Angle go after her and other members of the administration including repeatedly cursing at Mazzioti dure a budget meeting in Dec. But I guess as always its OK when Ron does it.
Thank you for your comment, Mr. McClure.
Who ya gonna thank next McHale or Neiper, you are so full of shit and now we all know it. Therapy should be in your future, your hatred for the Dems on Council is making you obsessive.
Evidenced in you resighting the votes you dont agree with maybe Marta should sue as well as Falk
Just keep defending this failed adminstration its doing wonders for your credibility.
As for Falk she has taken an already difficult to work for County and made it much worse I only hope her next job will be as stressful for her as she has made our jobs.
Boonie, Boonie, Boonie, keep your clothes on Pal.
Its an at-will postion and Council passed a resolution that has no effect on her staus. This wasn't a trial or an official job action, there is no due process.
Come on O'Hairy you know that. In this case your sympathy may be with Stoff & Co. but she ain't got no legal suit. Unless Stoffa arranged for her to sue the County and he orders his solicitor to settle with her a nice amount to fund her with a backdoor severance package.
Wow, old Stoffa is a sneaky old bugger nice bait and switch there. Good for Connie, I wonder how much Stoffa plans to give her. Then he can blame Council while he takes care opf a croony.
Well Bradts $4000 paid for something.
"Therapy should be in your future, your hatred for the Dems on Council is making you obsessive."
Thank you for your observations, Mr. Long, but I am an equal opportunity offender.
" your wife through you out because you are bum. You cannot practice your chosen profession because you are bum. Were you not escorted out of the courthouse because you were dressed like a woman in the men's bathroom ? You are a bum !"
Is it me or does this guy have some strange fascination with my bum?
"This wasn't a trial or an official job action, there is no due process."
My point precisely. CSF was denied due process. There was no trial. She was provided no notice or opportunity to be heard. Council had no authoirity, yet acted anyway. it's sole purpose was political humiliation. CSF's civil rights were violated. She was deprived of property, i.e. a reputation and some job security, without due process of law.
The only obsession that really gets demonstrated here is that you are really interested in Sam Bennett. I think you will probably need to do some sit ups before you make your move though.
Wow! A post here about Northampton County's Director of Human Resourcesw is really a secret post about Sam Bennett. I didn't know that or might think the person with the unhealthy obsession is you and three other idiots who supported her quixotic congressional quest.
Charlie Dertinger is an excellent member of County Council. He will vie with Diana Neiper this year to be top-vote getter. Dertinger is almost single-handily responsible for the considerable gains the county has made in preserving open space and farmland in the last three years. He is a leader and and folks who work at preserving open space will tell you he is an essential allie in their efforts ! Charlie is also an effective legislator. For example, last year Angle tried to kill funding for Wayne Grube park. Dertinger outmanuvered him and now the park is getting built.
If all these people just think in terms of what they can sue for, then it is high time to eliminate one half of the NC government employees. The United States of America is bankrupt and getting worse by the minute.
Did Sutton-Falk sue her last employer after her position was eliminated ?
To Anon 11:16 AM (aka Charlie Dertinger)
If you keep puffing yourself up like that Charlie, you'll explode!
Charles! Is just short of brilliant.
Thanks for your comment, Mr. Applegate.
Boonie I love your mouseketeer role call of the Democratic party I can hardly wait for the next one.
The usual stupidity of this blog has again reared its ugly head. You extol Angles efforts when he practices oversight but when opponents of the barely competent Stoffa Admin raise their voices about a Connie Sutton-Falk and the dictatorial job she is doing and how much worse employee moral is and how much more she is costing the County in legal fees you attack them.
If Stoffa is trying to set up a severance package for Sutton-Falk great for her and good riddance in the long run it would be cheaper to buy her out and save the rest of the County's legal fees with all the labor greivances she has created.
McHale, Dertinger, Neiper & McClure trampled all over the civil rights of Connie Sutton Falk. Just another example of a dysfunctioanl council. Be proud.
Exactly, what civil right was trampled on ? Was she discriminated against on the basis of race, creed or gender ?
Exactly, what civil right was trampled on ? Was she discriminated against on the basis of race, creed or gender ?
Just another example of why Bernie is no longer a lawyer if this is what he considers trampling on civil rights.
How about these council members were protecting the civil rights of the county workers and I for one appreciate them for taking our side instead of the bully's (Ms. Falk) side
"Exactly, what civil right was trampled on ? Was she discriminated against on the basis of race, creed or gender ?"
First, she was deprived of property without due process of law, the most basic of all civil rights. Second, she clearly is a victim of sex discrimination. In fact the nickname "Miss Piggy," derisively applied to Sutton-Falk, comes right from Northampton County Council.
"I for one appreciate them for taking our side"
You are so pathetically short-sighted you must be a union officer. Now that they've decided to ask CSF to resign, you could easily be next.
What property was she denied by being asked to "resign" ? Title VII doesn't protect property rights.
Actually Ms Falk had every chance to stand up and speak, she chose not to. Also, the union knew nothing of the resignation request that was made by the County Council that night. Little tired of hearing otherwise.
Ms Falk sat in the corner letting everyone else in HR and the administration speak. This all stems from the new policies that County Council deemed invalid (Attorney Zito also sided with County Council). Those new policies that County Council said were invalid are still required to be followed by the employees. Administration refuses to remove them. Wonder if it was McHale if BOH would be writing about that?
You seem to forget that I was there. CSF was offered no opportunity to address council even though she was physically present. She would have had an opportunity during courtesy of the floor if McClure's resolution had been listed on the agenda that evening, but it was not. So on top of everything else, the Sunshine Act was violated. That evening, even Stoffa was silenced by McHale.
This post and council's action is totally unrelated to the personnel policies. Reasonable minds can differ about that. But arbitrarily calling for the resignation of a county employee without due process of law is a basic violation of CSF's civil rights.
"Without her lawyer who knows what they would have tried."
Well, I was on that committee - and believe me, Otter did not intimidate a single one of us. We did exactly what we were charged to do.
Stop making up stuff.
"Dertinger is almost single-handily responsible for the considerable gains the county has made in preserving open space and farmland in the last three years."
Not only is that true (keyword "almost", but I think Charlie should be offered the post of Parks Director. He can earn his salary (for a change) and actually accomplish some good for the county.
Annon 4:43, Yes you did. You tried to get rid of her and it almost worked. Which Stoffa croony are you. That committee was a joke as well as being immoral, unethical and probavbly illegal.
a "croony"...
well, I can belt out "Moon River" if I have a drink or two first.
Agreed that committee was a joke. All Stoffa supporters. His largest contributor and his Campaign Manager. Anyone else and O'Hare would have had a coronary.
They were real objective after they got yheir instructions. Praise to Debby, she knew how these hacks work well enough to get a lawyer.
HRH DePaul is NOT the subject of this post, so let's drop the bait 'n switch. You'gve already lost that argument several times, anyway.
Delete the truth you can't handle. Wow, now that is a surprise.
The truth I can handle. But I delete pathetic anonymous persoanl attacks.
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