Like me, Molovinsky is a product of the 60's and was clearly a big part of Allentown's counter-culture movement. I search titles with a woman who was friendly with Michael in those days. She tells me he was the funniest person she knew. A Lehigh Valley Woody Allen, it's no surprise Molovinsky became friendly with a person he calls a "one man art machine," Gregg Weaver. As Michael tells it, Weaver inspired a generation of young artists. Molovinsky also knew Gregg's wife Fran, and took their wedding picture. He knew her for thirty-eight years.
When Fran died suddenly and unexpectedly, Michael mentioned it to me. It certainly bothers him that both Gregg, a victim of diabetes, and Fran are now gone. At the Chen Arts blog, he reminisces a little at her passing.
"around 1980 fran worked at bethlehem steel. she was a very statuesque woman, and we joked that her presence there was a safety hazard for the men. during this time she produced an amazing series of very large paintings (6X10 ft.) on the open hearth and other aspects of bethlehem steel. these paintings projected enormous energy and were exhibited at kutztown university."
Michael was paying his compliments to a friend. She was the wife of another friend. He paints her as an attractive woman with enough artistic talent to have her work showcased at a local university.
To add to his grief, Michael's story has now been slammed by the Villas , branded as "sexist remarks about a Chen member who died tragically recently. You have no class whatsoever Mike or brains." They add it is "absolutely shameful that Allentown Mayoral Hopeful Mike "3%" Molovinsky is leeringly fixated on a tragically deceased person's 'statuesque' figure. Juyst [sic] incredible. Does he realize it's not 1960 anymore? He's disgusting." "MM is a sexist pig. To attempt to pay tribute to a woman's legacy by invoking memories of her 'shapely figure' (another definition of statuesque) is worse than insensitive, it's telling a lot about the source. But that's the way it is when you live in Memory Lane. Stuck in the '60s."
Obviously, there's nothing even remotely sexist about Michael's compliment. Of all people, I would think the Villas would respect Michael's loss. They instead exploit Fran's death to attempt to alienate Molovinsky from whatever is left of Allentown's art community. In doing so, they just continue to diminish themselves.
They also hurt Michael. In their sick world, that's a bonus.
Yesterday morning, when Fran Weaver was laid to rest in a Lehigh County potter's field, Molovinsky was there to pay his final respects. The Villas were nowhere to be found. But they have a good excuse. They were busy trashing someone on their blog.
Photo Credit: Michael Molovinsky
You have no right to mention The Villa's daughters name you troll. As for Mike if he loved her why not spring a few of his slumlord $$$ and give her a decent funneral.
Leave the Villa's daughter out of this. You have no shame.
What a couple of predatory bullies. It's a small weeny syndrome that brings out this depth of viciousness. I thought MM's tribute was beautiful and I'm sure those whackjobs fondly remember the beauty of the one they tragically lost. And I'm sure there's nothing sexual about that reminiscence either. Shameful ... again.
"Villafied" by the king and queen of sanctimony.
So what else is new?
Let those two prattle on in their little delusional world of narcissistic omnipotence.
This was a good post.
angie villa posted a "rest in peace" tribute to fran weaver on the chen art blog. although i'm on the villa hit list, i decided to put that aside, and add to the comments there honoring fran. angie, perhaps uneasy about bashing me before fran was even buried, painted me as an enemy of the chen arts group. that's not true, and none of the comments she cited criticizing chen were made by me.
fran's funeral was attended by about ten old friends, and some plans, in her memory, are in place.
My condolences to MM and the family and friends. I am hoping that those who wil be creating plans for the memorial/tribute will let us know what we can do to assist.
Alfonso Todd
My condolences as well MM. Don't let them get you down.
The Banker
"You have no right to mention The Villa's daughters name you troll."--Anon 1:13
You're right, but he didn't mention her at all. You did. You did not leave her out of this.
By your own logic, you are the one with no shame.
My condolences to Mr. Molovinsky and the family & friends of the late Mrs. Weaver.
I second that.
954 and 955, the Villa family strikes. Please go away, go back behind your velvet rope and stay there.
The Banker
dear anon 9:54 and 9:55 aka Bill Villa, once again, using and mocking other people's identity. i would like you to know that fran's "elderly" friends read your comment at the chen art blog suggesting my comment was sexist. none of them felt it was, on the contrary, they felt my comment was heartfelt and appropriate. fortunately, your anonymous insinuation at the chen blog has been removed.
"What kind of neocon fascist regime are you running here, O'Hare?"
The kind that cares about a friend who lost a friend.
My sympathy to Mike and Fran's family. I do not know Michael Molovinsky, the recently departed, or the family. Either way, may she rest in peace with the Lord.
But I must add that I can't believe this. This is such a travesty. You would think people in such a position would have empathy for the dead and their families. I can't believe that in this era I would be reading such a thing. I have never used their names because I don't believe in passing judgement. But if this is true, they should be ashamed of themselves.
May God have mercy on all our souls.
All of you will be in my prayers, especially Fran, Greg, and Sheena. Please remember the dead, as well, as the living in your prayers.
If we can't treat each other respectfully, while we are still living; then you need our prayers now, more than ever. Because life ever lasting, when our mortal bodies die, may not be a good eternal reward.
Peace be with you, ~~Alex
I second that.
The Blanker
You "guys" can dish it out
but you can't take it.
My friend, the rules apply to you. I hope you never have to learn that lesson.
I feel very sad for you. What a horrible life you must live. Why must you make it so difficult? It doesn't have to be.
I truly pray that peace can be upon you, ~~Alex
Christ almighty, there's so many trolls running around on this blog I can't keep track of who is who.
Why don't you all get together and have a "Victimology support group? This is some bizarre stuff to read. I thought this went out of style in 5th grade.
FYI, "Anonymous" (wink wink) 1:13am (the first comment here) is O'Hare.
I thought that too ...
The Blanker
"Christ almighty"
Alex, would you like to address this one or should I?
Somebody, please, SAVE OUR SITY!
"Here I Come To Save The Daaaaay!" -MM
Villa, whoever said you're a tool got it right. You're the only person allowed to grieve? What an idiot.
Please go back behind the velvet rope.
The Banker
FYI, "Anonymous" (wink wink) 1:13am (the first comment here) is O'Hare.
No. 'Twas mine, that of an insomniac just off an airplane and refusing to take Ambien. I also authored the oft referred to comment of last year. The prose style is similar, but Bernie emotes like a girl - a lot.
I meant both posts - sincerely. You're behaving like assholes who'd get no attention if not for this popular space.
I won't defend Bernie because he's an unreconstructed liberal with no grasp of economics. And he's an overall nudnik. I find his blog informative and entertaining, however.
Don't you wish yours was too? Yes, we know you do.
"Bernie emotes like a girl - a lot."
I'm blushing.
"And he's an overall nudnik."
Now I'm crying.
That's fine. Make fun of me. Have a ball. Make sport of us at our expenses. There is a time when these shoes will fit (if that hasn't happen already.) I don't cherish for anyone to walk a great deal in them. But foolish me, trying to reason with a fool. Who is more foolish? The fool or me?
Peace be with you, ~~Alex
Villas, congratulations on being the #1 Most Popular and Most Influential Political Blog in Pennsylvania for the 2nd week in a row.
O'Hare's not even on the list :(
(almost forgot)
Best Looking, too.
"Villas, congratulations on being the #1 Most Popular and Most Influential Political Blog in Pennsylvania for the 2nd week in a row.
O'Hare's not even on the list :("
You seriously think that weak BNN rating system means anything, to anybody?
You sure showed him who's popular at school. What are you, 12 years old? Run along now and go play the BNN rating game with a bunch of self-posted comments, and don't for get to refreshed those page hits, too. You are so sneaky and clever, how do you stand yourself?
This would be funny if it weren't so sad...
The Villas blast MM for "sexist remarks." Then a few days later, Mrs. Villa writes a post about Melissa Harris Lacewell. She then lets these two comments about Ms. Lacewell past the velvet rope:
"if she was my teacher I'd have a crush on her!"
"Harris-Lacewell hasa really cute lisp."
Exactly who is being sexist here?
Villas, please go away.
The Banker
I meant to say "Most Best Looking" (sorry).
Jack, thanks for the clarification.
The Blanker
" ... this popular space ..."
It's not popular anymore. It's #14?!
Funny Villa - for a place that's so unpopular, look where all the activity is.
Now please go away.
The Banker
"for a place that's so unpopular, look where all the activity is." -The Blanker er I mean The Banker
But Banker, all the action is "Anonymous" (wink wink), a.k.a. "Bernie O'Hare."
"please go away." -Bernie O'Hare
You wish. You do a manufactured issue smear post on The Villas and then are taken aback when Villa supporters show up?
Villa's right.
You can dish it out
but you can't take it.
Public apology Bernie - I shouldn't have started w/ Villa. I'll stop.
The Banker
Banker, It is I who must apologize to you, Politically Neutral, Pete's Sake, Father Alex (Exorcist), Bernie if You Want me to Be & Michael Molovinsky.
I had hoped that the Villas would recongize they crossed the line (again) with their ridiculous attempt to make Molovinsky feel worse after the recent passing of a friend. They twisted a nice tribute into something Michael never intended, and it hurt him.
I had hoped Villa could man up (and this is a sexist remark) and admit he was wrong.
But I suspected that the Villas would react as they did, posting 18 childish comments that include impersonations, taunts and continued grade school attacks aimed at all of you.
My usual policy is to simply delete these attacks, but I let them stay up today so you can see the Villas in all their glory, using pseudonymns and posting anonymously, just as they do on their own hate blog. Instead of being mortified, they delight in causing pain to others.
But they only damage themselves, and far more effectively than I could manage on my own.
All good things must come to an end. I'll let the Villas bray here all they want until later tonight, and then the steel curtain comes down and comments will be closed on this post.
No need to apologize to me. I feel somewhat responsible.
But even so, if there are any court proceedings; please let me know. I would like offer my support. No one should have to endure such unwarranted behavior. As an aside, I may be in Easton this weekend (to celebrate St. Maron's Feast Day with my home parish.)
To Mr. Molovinsky and to Ms. Weaver's family, please accept my sincere apologizes. May she rest in eternal peace. You (all) have my prayers.
Tomorrow's liturgy (in our seminary's Chapel) will be offered for not only the eternal rest of Ms. Weaver, but for all the involved parties in the blogsphere. I stand by my former sentiments. Sometimes the living need more prayers than the departed.
You are all on my mind and in my prayers.
Peace be with you, ~~Alex
True that. And a special Novena to the real Fr. Alex. We Irish and you Lebanese are kindred spirits.
I hope you're home this weekend and will email you w/ my cell # so we can hook up. I owe you lunch or dinner.
A special novena to "Father" Alex or me won't even get you a cup of coffee. You'll do yourself a solid if you pray Mary's Rosary. (And pray one for me, too! - I am just as much as a sinner as anyone else. I need prayers!)
Thanks for the kinds words, though.
Peace be with you, ~~Alex
The angry Priest strikes again. How about a prayer for a family that lost their daughter. Not a slum landlord who couldn't even help an old flame from being buried in Potters field.
Many have crossed the line with the Villa's. I am sure Mr. Villa will 'man up' and admit his mistake, when O'Hare admits the thousands he has and continues to make.
Villa, Everybody is onto you, whether you post anonymously, impersonate others or use sock puppets. But I see from the Chen blog that you and your wife may have finally got that grant. Congrats.
Mr. Villa,
I have been praying for you and your family, especially Sheena.
If you would have moved your ego out of the way, you would have seen that I mentioned that I am praying for the living and your daughter. But don't let those words get in your way.
Let your words weave whatever tangled web that you want them to weave. You won't accept my prayers or even the Lord Jesus Christ at this point. I pray that you come to your senses quickly for the sake of yourself and your family.
Please make sure your re-read this post. I don't want you to mince my words.
By the way, I forgot...
Peace be with you, ~~Alex
Mr. Villa, I think he meant , the smart ass priest.
Regarding sexist and inappropriate remarks, wasn't it the Villas who had a post about butt plugs or something?
Your 10:55 AM comment was touching.
Fr. Alex, I agree w/ AJ - that was touching indeed. I hope they listen and reflect.
The Banker
Comments are now closed to this post. If I kept them open, Villa would continue posting his childish taunts here. He can do that on his own blog.
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