Local Government TV

Monday, February 23, 2009

John Stoffa is on Facebook!

I've started a Facebook page for John Stoffa's county executive race supporters. You can check it out here. It's completely unauthorized, but I will supply information about campaign events and Stoffa's message of integrity and nonpartisan style to government. It will drive Joe Long's machine Democrats nutz, just like this blog.

If you have a minute, please sign on. When you're done doing that, you can play Mafia Wars.


  1. Well, Stoffa is screwed now. Aren't you like the kiss of death to candidates?

  2. BO You better get yourself some flea powder, you’re in bed with the dogs now! Stoffa is going to screw you just like everyone else that has supported him!

  3. I hope John claims your services as in-kind on his campaign expenses

  4. Well, Stoffa is screwed now. Aren't you like the kiss of death to candidates?

    Pretty much.

  5. "Stoffa is going to screw you just like everyone else that has supported him!"

    Gee, an anonymous fly pretends top know Stoffa.

  6. Fly, what is showing is that you are an anonymopus coward afraid to attach your name to your anonytmous attacks.

  7. As I said! BO, Your ego is showing! I don't need to defend myself to of all people you!

  8. And I will repeat myself again to say that you are an anonymous coward afraid to ID yourself when you attack someone decent like Stoffa. People like you is what is wrong with government today. People like Stoffa, who puts the taxpayers ahead of whatever special interest you are backing, is what is right.

  9. "what is showing is that you are an anonymopus coward afraid to attach your name to your anonytmous attacks"

    BO, 1st learn how to spell anonymous! 2nd The truth is out! That's how you see your Anonymous posters?

  10. Wow, you caught me in a typo! That must prove everything an anonymous coward says is right. Second, my sitemeter does not reveal your identity. You are still an anonymous coward posting shit for some hidden special interest. Stoffa, who uses his real name, speaks for the taxpayer, someone for whom you have no regard.

  11. i don't think stoffa lacks integrity, but integrity alone doesn't get the job done. you need someone as county executive willing to step up to the plate and get the job done.stoffa forms commitees hoping someone has plan to get something accomplished. has he gone out and gotten the county funding for anything? unfortunately it's hard to point to anything he has accomplished. people voted for him hoping to see good things happen, they didn't. from outside appearances it seems to that council is unwilling to work with him and vice versa we need a person who can work with all the people and get something done so to that end maybe it's time for a change.

  12. Council is unwilling to work w/ Stoffa because of his integrity. He won't play ball. He has this silly notion that partisan politics should not be used to reward hacks. Instead of replacing Stoffa, it's time to replace these council members who have made NC the laughing stock of the LV.

    Stoffa is by no means perfect, as he would be the first to admit. But before you start looking for other qualities in a county exec, you have to have someone w/ integrity.

    McHale lacks that quality. Not even close. During budget hearingls last year, she spent most of her time trying to figure out how to steer more money to the State Theatre than they had asked for. She even wanted county money to go to a LC nonp[rofit in Bethlehem, that Chriskindlemart.

    Worse, she has injected herself unnecessarily into the county bidding process. She nearly cost the county $1.8 MM more last year for the IT contract than weas eventually negotiated. And now, with the Gracedale pharmacy contract, it is evident she is trying to steer the work to her pals at St. Lukes Hospital.

    She thinks her country club plas are a little more imprtant than the taxpayers. This is NOT the kind of person who should be running Northampton County. Remember, she's pretty dfasmn imperious. She even wealked out on Michelle Obama!

    I'll take John Stoffa any day of the week.

  13. i hear alot of critizism pointed to ann mchale, so i feel compeled to tell you something i personally witnessed that i belive points to her integrity as well.there was a young woman stranded in a wheelchair her bus never showed up for her, she was distraught, hungry tired and needed to use a restroom.ann mchale noticed her went and spoke to her learned of her problem and went out of her way to get this woman a meal and made a few calls to assure her she would get home safely calming all her fears. ann mchale never knew anyone even noticed. the woman didn't even know herself who the kind woman was,ann mchale may have made some bad decisions or mis-spoke on occasion but in all honesty she doesn't lack integrity, regrardless if she has counrty club friends or not i'm not sure about but i do know ger heart is in the right place.

  14. stoffa's problem is that this time the Dem party is ready. They didn't take him seriously in 2005.
    This time they are going to hit him with everything but the kitchen sink.

    Nice guy. but I think he will lose. It happens. Steve Barron didn't drop out because of Stoffa, he dropped out because of McHale

  15. maybe if Stoffa bored you all with a description of the condition the county was in when he took office and the dirt he had to clean up, your tune would be different. If you've been keeping track about cancelled contracts, changes in health care, the TI contract, etc, then you know that he managed to avoid increasing taxes by saving the county millions and millions of dollars.

    Sure, there are some folks out there who do not like him - big deal. He did what he thought was right and, for the great majority of the time, his approach benefited the county.

    How many strikes have we seen in 4 years from those labor unions that never existed in the courthouse until Reibman showed up?

  16. Stoffa inherited a huge surplus and has sat on it giving away crazy contracts. The Human Services contract was nitz it will cost the County plenty. The 'union' mess is because Stoffa promised every pissed off employee everytning they wanted and when he got elected he reniged. Standard procedure for Stoffa and a trait he is known for here and in Lehigh.
    When he is cornered he throws people under a bus or whatever is close.
    Oh and the Ann McHale wheelchair stroy is a nice touch that almost beats the Stoffa working the weed story.

  17. the ann mchale story is true i personally witnessed it.my reason for sharing it is simply this while you may not like her or agree with her, integrity at least in mind isn't something she lacks. i don't no the weed story so i can't comment but i'm sure it's interesting.

  18. Anon 7:35,

    That wheelchair story is very nice. I have no reason to doubt you. But her kindness to a stanger does not translate to personal integrity. Why does she curry favor with St. Luke's officials, even to the point of trying to disregard a legitimate bid? Why did she push council to give money to the state theatre that representatives there never even sought? Why does Glenn Reibman have no love for her?

  19. you have more insight on that than i do. all i really know is anyone interested in local poltics,becoming county executive,council members etc... sure aren't in it for all the glory in it.they all obviously care a great deal about the citizens of northampton county, for that alone they all deserve some credit.i haven't heard her discuss anything she would do if she were county executive,but whoever is running i will listen to carefully and make my descion after hearing them all.

  20. Stoffa will lose badly in the primary.

  21. I'm sure McHale will do her best, with help from Christian Perrucci, Joe Long & Lisa Boscola, to buy the election. Get out your checkbooks! But don't worry, there's a job or county contract in it for you.

  22. What makes you think I'm looking for a job. I'm not even a McHale fan. Stoffa will need to work to overcome what you just said. Why do you always think someone is looking for a job or contract.

  23. Because someone is always looking for a job or a contract. McHale is surrounded by them as well as union officials who will make themselves taskmasters over Northampton County taxpayers. They think the taxpayers work for them while Stoffa has this weird notion that it's the other way around.

    Stoffa has been a pretty good custodian of the public purse while McHale was attempting to hand out money everywhere she thought it would help her.

    The voters are a bit smarter than you may think.

  24. After the nice fat donation by former Republican Chair J. Bradt and help in the campaign by current Republican Chair Peg Ferraro, Stoffa made sure Republicans were brought into the Administration. He even promised to do what Angle wanted him to do with County money, before he took office.

    Don't throw stones O'Hare when your boy is the Prince of pay to play.

  25. You are out of your mind. Fortunately, the voters are not.

  26. Kindly Grandmother Ferraro stole Bob Nyce's identity. How nice of her to do that.


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