Commissioners agreed, 7 to 1, to pump $525,000 this year to keep the zoo open, with another $325,000 over each of the next four years. This is the solution that Lehigh County Executive Don Cunningham had proposed. He had previously argued it would cost just as much to close the place down. Only Dean Browning was opposed. He preferred giving the zoo $200,000 to meet its obligations now while commissioners and zoo officials work out a business plan, which is already partially developed.
Before things got started, Chairman Percy Dougherty asked the audience, "How many are here to support the zoo?" Nearly every hand went up. He then asked how many oppose the zoo. Not one hand one up. That includes Dougherty's potential Republican rival for commissioner this year, Marc Prinzinger.
Here in Blogistan, we were already firing up the barbeques and preparing for a feast of prairie dogs and penguins. But zoo supporters had a secret weapon last night that quickly destroyed all zoo opposition.
Cute little girls got up to save the animals. A ten-year old girl, Ashley, presented Commissioners with a petition signed by her her classmates at McKinley Elementary. She was followed by eleven-year old Amanda Jones, a Shoemaker Elementary student and future veterinarian, who told Commissioners, "I have no animals at home, only a hamster and a fish. At the zoo, I got to watch a lot of happy faces. If someone closes the zoo, it will make me very sad."
Game over. How the hell do you argue with that?
After the kids had made the sale, I thought a bison had entered the room. It was Carol Loomis, whose name pops up everytime the zoo is mentioned. She wasn't really there to oppose public funding, but wanted Commissioners to know about the "suppression of information about what is done to the animals." She's quite the eloquent speaker. According to Loomis, 35 prairie dogs became road kill on Rte. 309 after making an escape, seven kangaroos suddenly became just three and Zorro the Skunk has disappeared. I was waiting for her to reveal the location of a secret lab where animal experiments are conducted.
Sounds pretty bad, doesn't it?
But as I learned from zoo officials after the meeting, Loomis is looney. The prairie dogs caper did occur, but under previous tenants. Zorro did decide to move to a new zoo and who the hell is going to stop a skunk? The kangaroos were split up to different zoos because they are siblings and if they mate, we'll have three headed kangaroos who shit bison burgers. One 'roo did die of cancer.
I was impressed, as always, by the way commissioners treated each other as well as the public. In fact, so were several of the spectators, who complimented this classy set of leaders. So what did they say?
Dougherty: "I am a big supporter of the zoo. ... This is an important part of the quality of life. To close the zoo would be a great travesty."
Browning: "We're putting the cart before the horse. ... I'm not willing to commit to $325,000 in the out years when we are not sure what we are undertaking."
Andy Roman: "I'd like to send out zoo fliers with the tax bills."
Bill Leiner: "The administration has done an extremely good job. We did not give enough oversight to the zoo."
Dan McCarthy: "We're talking about a second last chance here tonight, but I'm not so sure there will be a third last chance."
Gloria Hamm: "I've heard a lot of words. Let's get on with it." [Audience applauds]
David Jones: "If saving the zoo is the end game, then we should put forth the right numbers. Eventually the third strike will come. We're trying to avoid that."
My hero, Sterling Raber, nodded and smiled, but said nothing. He's a wise man.
As the meeting winded down, there was none of the acrimony I see in Northampton County. Conservative Browning joked about providing a copy of The Daily Worker to Democrat Bill Leiner, and he responded "Thank you, comrade."
This is the finest group of municipal legislators in the Lehigh Valley. I feel sorry for Darryl Isherwood, who regularly covers this group. I'll ask Ron Angle to attend their next meeting.
"The Banker"
"Retired ASD Teacher"
and "Jonah"
are all Bernie O'Hare.
"Politically Neutral"
is an O'Hare alias too.
I don't support or agree with Bernie O'hare, and I am a county employee who really needs to stay anonymous. but I'd like to ask the anon idiot who is ruining it for the anons who need to stay anon to knock it off. I don't care who is who, as long as the discussion is interesting.
Now to get back on topic, I think the zoo is a good asset to the community. Some assets that are worth having aren't big money makers, sometimes they serve the whole through what they do to improve the "essence" of a community. The Zoo does that.
It needs to be operated more efficiently, but what doesn't?
Montgomery County has farms with tainted milk and kids getting sick from the petting zoo experience at the open farms. You guys have bison. I'd trade you any day.
Anonymous said...
I don't support or agree with Bernie O'hare, and I am a county employee who really needs to stay anonymous. but I'd like to ask the anon idiot who is ruining it for the anons who need to stay anon to knock it off. I don't care who is who, as long as the discussion is interesting.
This boondoggle is quite consistent with the new "change" strategy of spending our way out of debt. I can't believe we didn't think of this sooner.
"I don't support or agree with Bernie O'hare,"
I already know what I think and am not running for anything so I don't need your support. I am interested in what you think and invite disagreement so long as we can refrain from the personal attacks.
I don't see the day when the zoo is able to stand alone financially, but still think Comm'rs did the right thing. It does promote our quality of life and aids in the education ofg our youth. I was surprised that even two college professors were on hand to discuss how theur classes use the facility.
anon 7:09am sounds like Bernie O'Hare ...
I'm really glad the zoo is staying open. I just hope they can figure out some sort of marketing strategy to become profitable. It's a shame to let a place like this go to waste. For once I can say that I'm proud of our elected officials for making a quality decision regarding the Lehigh Valley.
I must add that the use of children is priceless. I can't believe they actually did that. I laughed for a good minute over that one.
the "I don't always agree with Bernie" pre-fix is classic O'Hare
Anon 6:18 -
You're a stalker.
BOH - I thought you filed against this jagoff. How's that going?
Back to the Zoo. I am conflicted on this one. We lived in Lehigh County and took our kids there a lot when it was the Game Preserve, and they loved it. It would be a shame if other kids didn't have that opportunity.
On the other hand, if it can't sustain itself through private means, it may be a "nice to have" at a time that tax money should be used for essentials. Even if LC is financially sound, as Cunningham says, this does not seem like the right time to be making commitments like this.
The "now is not the right time" argument was noted last night by Dougherty, but he feels so strongly about the zoo that he felt the county's support is necessary. He is, by training, an educator. It is undeniable that the zoo offers plenty of educational opportunities.
I was a little surprised that no one was preseent to oppose the zoo. But those little girls really had an impact.
"BOH - I thought you filed against this jagoff. How's that going?"
Villa's harassment trial is currently scheduled for March 23. He has continued it a few times while trying, unsuccessfully and repeatedly, to get a frivolous criminal prosecution approved against me. He has claimed the DJ originally assigned is biased. He has claimed the DA is biased, too. He has repeatedly contacted the persons I list as potential witnesses, threatening a "bloodbath" of litigation. And so it goes.
I thought people might be interested in this story, so I drove to LC lasat night, sat thru the meeting, taking notes, spoke to a few folks afterwards, drove home, and then wrote until nearly 3 AM. I realized the papers would have good accounts, but was hoping to catch some of the flavor and a few details to complement the MSM accounts. I honestly don't know how Isherwood and Nauroth can prepare their news accounts so quickly. It takes me forever. But I was hoping to add something.
I fully expected to see Villa's usual snarks, which really just make him look even more nutty. I would have deleted the comments because they are OT personal shots that I've already repeatedly addressed. I deleted about 40 or 50 comments on Monday. Since people have responded to the comments, I can't delete Villa w/o deleting them, too. So it will all stay.
But I will delete Villa whenever it is possible. He has been trying since September to destroy this blog. Now that he and his wife have morphed into grant-seeking Pawlowski cheerleaders, he is trying harder. He would like me to enable comment moderation so that my blog becomes less interactive. That is not going to happen.
I figured it was only a matter of time, since i made the mistake of posting a comment on the Villa's website...i tried to no avail to make clear to Bill Villa that I am not Bernie or any of the other people involved in this whole mess with him, but he just refuses to listen, so I will state here unequivocally I AM NOT BERNIE OR DAVE OR AJ OR ANYONE ELSE ANYBODY WOULD KNOW.
I am sorry for having to waste anyone's time in reading this but I wanted to clear this up before it gets out of hand...if you see any posts as "Jonah" or "Jonas" that are not logged into Blogger, then you will know it is an impostor.
bernie, congratulations on thus far resisting comment moderation because of the villa's. Practically every blog in the lehigh valley had to adopt this defense because of them, mine included. pawlowski's willingness to endorse such negativity by interviewing there, suggests how little he respects the public's right to opine.
I don't know if I would agree with the concept of "using" the kids. I think the kids can and should be allowed to express their opinions on issues that matter to them - kudos to their parents for giving them a window into local government and getting a little taste of activism.
Anon 12:31, I agree with you completely and loved seeing those kids there last night. So did everyone else.
Jonah, Thank your for your comment. I also read you at Bill White's blog now and again. I am sorry you have been put in this position.
Villa knows you and I are different persons. He knows he's lying. That's not why he and his wife do this. He and his wife want to disrupt normal on-topic discussion. It does not matter that they destroy their own credibility in the process so long as they make the blogosphere a distasteful place for everyone. It doesn't matter that they are marginalized so long as they marginalize this form of media completely.
So they will lie and will repeat their lies, just like Goebbels.
I will delete their comments when I can, but will NOT enable comment moderation. I would only ask that folks ignore the Villas and their personal attacks. I will delete them as soon as I can.
Please do not feed the trolls. That's easy to say, but hard to do.
These are my thoughts from the Commentator on this matter.
When children are use as props to influence the outcome of a municipal vote the outcome is often predictable, most elected officials cave. So it was last night with the Commissioners of Lehigh County. I have it on good authority that there was a clear sentiment among the commissioners that due to the fact that the zoo had failed to live up to its commitment to be self sustaining it made sound fiscal sense to pull the plug. After all, it was General Trexler's mandate that this area be a game preserve, the zoo was the more recent afterthought of elected officials.
Commissioner David Jones talked a good game but then voted to appease the crowd. Percy Dougherty expressed his reservations but justified his support with the fanciful invention that this was a compromise. Andy Roman was at the end of the line and the last to vote so he knew the outcome. In a cowardly fashion he voted accordingly. Gloria Hamm gives no thought to anything and to the surprise of no one used emotion instead of logic to decide her vote. Bill Linaer is the board's official talking point Democrat. He takes orders from Cunningham and follows them without question. As a good soldier he would vote to turn the animals loose on 22 if that was his master's wish. In the end only Republican Dean Browning made the right decision for the tax payers. He understood that people are more important than the failed zoo experiment. The nation is in a recession, people are losing their jobs, and the county is facing potentially steep revenue declines. In this environment seven of nine county commissioners think this is a good time to throw more money at a nonessential project? This is a prime example of exactly what is wrong with government. Our elected officials are too often irresponsible and self serving.
Instead of congress holding hearings the nation should be calling in the elected officials of all levels to testify, we should be holding them to account. Clearly they are the cause of many of the nation's problems.
Scott Armstrong
Maybe the Brew Works can take over the zoo snack bar too.
Let the panacea go countywide.
As a card carrying member of PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals), I'm disappointed. I was hopeful to test new recipes for Turkey Jerky and Shish Kabunny.
Please remember me if the zoo closes. I got first dibs on the lambs and goats. Kibbee nayee made out of lamb and/or goat is awesome! Or better yet, the gift that keeps on giving. Goat cheese!!!
Peace be with you, ~~Alex J.
Maybe the Brew Works can take over the zoo snack bar too.
Animals brewed on site...
I apologize for my "I don't agree with you" header. I didn't intent to incite your troll.
What I would like to say is that
I envy the County for its game preserve, which is what it should have stayed. I made one comment at that other blog, and was mocked. I don't plan to leave another.
Anon 5:17, The whole point to having comments is to hear from people like you, who need to remain anonymous but who have things to say. I have learned far more from my readers than they have learned from me. I want disagreement and lively discussion. But I hate the childish snarks and will delete them.
surprise, scott armstrong launches another attack focusing on political party. the vote had bi-partisan support. there was no bi-partisan support on the other side.
Scott is a silly Republican but on this issue he makes a valid point. When a support group solidifies and adds children for good measure it takes strong leaders to do the right thing.
In this case the right thing was to give a bridge grant for one year to re-organize the Zoo and see if it is savable. In these difficult times it was really pathetic to see the Commissioners cave to the pressure of the room. How many hard working, taxpaying citizens never make it to these meetings, plenty.
It is similar to the Health Bureau. If that turkey was put to a Countywide referendum it would drop faster than a Lead Balloon. That is why the Counties backdoored it with the blessing of the LV Partnership.
It will just be another attraction for the transient, non-working thug class who will get all kinds of free service. Please don't use their BS that it will pay for itself. Two years in and both Counties will be paying millions each to make it work.
Sort of like the Zoo only a lot moore expensive and less used by taxpayers.
Let me take a deep breath, OK, on this I agree with Scott. As a Democrat who reads Scotts usual crap that in and of itself is amazing.
"the Counties backdoored it with the blessing of the LV Partnership."
Bingo. Sorry, I'm getting OT on my own post.
Scott Armstrong
The new comment character "KathyD" is really Bernie O'Hare.
So is "The Banker"
"Retired ASD Teacher"
"Politically Neutral"
and countless "anonymous" (wink wink) commenters.
All are Bernie O'Hare.
You are being duped by a master.
All I can say is I wonder what Mike Longworth (may he rest in peace) would think if he could see Villa's antics.
The Villas have no respect for any of the dead.
Stop attacking the Villa's. Have you no shame?
None whatsoever. Villa comes into my house, attacks me, attacks my readers and gets handed some of his own medicine. My days of feeling sorry for him are long gone.
I can quote many scriptures from Gospel in which Jesus was not so nice. Sometimes he could be characterized as coming off as being quite sarcastic. Jesus preached to turn the other cheek, but in only a few instances did he actually do such. Whether it was calling out the Pharisees, mocking his Disciples, and/or showing true human emotions whether in his human nature or his divine nature; he exhibited such emotion to get his point across.
If I have to bang my own head against the wall to get the point across, so be it. If I have to be a fool, so be it.
Everyone I come in contact with are my sheep. But there is always one that must be a black sheep. And this one may take a little longer to herd.
Peace be with you, ~~Alex J.
The angry Priest strikes again. But then what type of Holy Man would hang oit on this blog.
The kind interested in saving people, even assholes like you.
You are correct in one instance and wrong in another. I am angry. I am angry that sin has gotten ahold of one of the sheep. I am one of the Church Militant fighting sin. Therefore, I hate the sin but not the sinner. Which leads me to where one of your statements needs a little correction. I am not holy. I am a sinner. God did not choose angels for these duties. He chose regular people to spread the message. That way having sinners, such as myself, can express God's messages in everyday language and experiences. Thus, hopefully allowing people to relate to regular Joe's like me.
You can find God anywhere. Every platform is an opportunity to testify, such as this blogspot. This is the only "job" that is a lifestyle that I know of that you don't leave at work or at the office. You live it 24/7. And, thank you for giving me the opportunity to point that out.
And as always, all of you will be in my prayers. If the anonymous message sender wishes for a more personal touch, please sign your name to the messages; so I may add your name to my prayers. If not, it doesn't matter. I say them, anyway. But please let us pray for each other. Keep me in yours.
Peace be with you, ~~Alex
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