Local Government TV

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Anti-Semitic Smears From the Sunshine State

Let's put aside Israeli foreign policy for a moment. People of good will can have dramatically different opinions about whether Israel has gone too far. But there is no justification for this chant."Go back to the oven. You need a big oven, that's what you need." Those remarks come from Fort Lauderdale, where people should be dodging sharks during the day and getting totally wasted at night.

Hitler would love it. I guess Israelis are supposed to sit still as lethal Hamas rockets rain down on their cities.


  1. Sounds like Angle is in Florida.

  2. Instead of trying to turn this into an attack on Angle, try and remember who has really suffered for a very long time. Do you think you can do that? I know you can.

  3. "Hate is not a prison. Hate is the god of day, newly arisen. Hate is a heat that disinfects my soul."

    Your Soul must burn like a torch each and every day O'hare, the way you settle your personal scores using your blog.

    Israel is bombing Schools and killing Children, but It is okay, because Hamas started it.

    i wonder what God Almighty thinks of that reasoning, or does he deem violence okay, because the Jews were once sent to ovens?

    Murder is wrong, what part of that commandment has that legal addendum saying it is okay under certain conditions?

  4. I saw footage of the school bombing and was struck by the conspicuous absence of dead or injured children. I saw lots of grown men being carried out. Seemed a bit strange for a school.

  5. israel withdrew from gaza years ago leaving all the infrastructure behind; settlements and a greenhouse industry. rather than use these assets the palestinians destroyed them
    the palestinians elected hamas whose platform is the destruction of israel
    for the last three years hamas has fired thousands of rockets into southern israel forcing the israeli population to spend hours each day in bomb shelters
    hamas a embedded their military infrastructure in civilian locations.
    israel has decided the defense of its citizens is more important than international opinion

  6. Bernie,

    Why let people post slurs and insults anonymously? One can justify an anonymous posting to protect a source that may fear retribution for the information they are disclosing. However cowardous behavior seems to be the motivator for most of the nameless posts that appear here.

    Scott Armstrong

  7. Wow,

    "I Beg to Differ" is now justifying anti-Semiticism simply bc I don't like it.

    As I indicated from the onset, people with good will can certainly support or oppose Israel. But to make a remark like "go back to the oven" is just too hateful and disgusting. A person like "I beg to Differ," who attempts to justify that hatred, is no better than the jack-booted thugs who kille 6 million Jews 60 years ago. That comment will stay up bc it shows us how some people think.

    Scott, I am taking a firmer stance on the hate coming from certain quarters.

  8. Bernie,

    I think the discourse will best be served when insult bears a real name.

    To the point of the post, how does one not see who the good and bad are in this fight? Why is there so much sympathy on the left for people who use violence to achieve a political objective and teach hate to their children? Should not liberals recoil from this sort of methodology? It has been said many times that if Israel’s enemies disarmed there would be peace but if Israel disarmed there would be no Israel because it would be destroyed. Israel is a Democracy, it is surrounded by monarchies, theocrats and dictators, and in light of all this too many make excuses for the violent excesses of Palestinian radicals/terrorist.
    While it has already been pointed out here it is worth repeating, Israel gave the Palestinians a chance to control their own affairs when they withdrew from Gaza and the West Bank. They allowed free and fair elections to proceed. While there is still hope for Palestinians aspirations of an independent state that will live in peace with Israel on the West Bank, Gaza instead elected a terrorist organization to office. To no one’s surprise violence and hatred are the two priorities of their newly elected rulers. So while grade-schoolers are watching video cartoons of martyrs, reading text books filled with anti-Semitism and rockets are fired into Israel from civilian locations the people of this area slip deeper into misery and hopelessness.
    How can there be any doubt as to who is responsible for the current crisis?

    Scott Armstrong

  9. Scott,

    There is no doubt in my mind that Hamas is directly responsible for the current crisis. Israel has a right to defend itself. I respect people of good will who have a different view. Over the years, Israel has heeded their concerns, often to her own detriment.

    What I can't respect is an outright condemnation of people, especially with the hateful and hurtful language used by the woman in this video. What I detest even more is the anonymous coward, "I beg to differ," who will attempt to justify an anti-Semitic remark simply becayuse I condemn it. And that's what is really going on.

  10. Bernie, You can find knuckleheads who say many hurtful poorly thought out, emotional statements as depicted in your u tube clip. It is not really helpful to use garbage like this to make a sober analysis of a conflict or to draw conclusions. The fact is Israel does have the right to defend itself. The questions is how many Palestinians must be killed to even things. I wonder what your tolerance is 500, 1000, 10000, all of them ..... I am afraid this invasion will not solve anything but strengthen Hamas with the Palestinians. I hope when the current peace impotent administration leaves Washington the new administration will engage the peace process to try to solve the disgraceful violent situation that has existed there for over half a century.

  11. "It is not really helpful to use garbage like this to make a sober analysis of a conflict or to draw conclusions."

    Bill, I agree completely and state at the onset that people of good will can have different views about Israeli foreign policy.

    I am using this garbage to draw attention to the visceral hatred many have for Jews. The comment from "I Beg to Differ", which tries to justify that irrational hatred, is just additional proof.

    My focus is not Israel, but the irrational hatred against one people.

  12. This is all true. I don't like what I have been hearing the past two weeks. People are insisting Israel is to blame. That my fellow Americans is the easy way out for those few who blame. It starts with 200, them 300, 800, etc. Thats exactly how Adolph Hitler got started in his beer parties in the 1920's. Hamas rockets from Gaza...now its rockets from Lebanon again. For 2000 years there have been a group of people who wanted to destroy Israel, now America is also on the list.

  13. Their are no friends in international diplomacy. Israel is a strategic ally in a very bad neighborhood. Hamas rockets (largely provided by Iran) have killed few Israelis despite hundreds of daily firings for the sole purpose of inflicting terror. Hamas rockets have, however, recently shown far greater range to the point where Israeli nuclear facilities are now - or will soon be within striking distance.

    This isn't just a tit-for-tat dust up. It's a long expected Israeli counter-punch to Iran's ongoing proxy war with Israel.

    I don't particularly like or dislike Israel. I know I don't trust them as they've spied on us to protect their own interests. I get why, but don't trust them. Nonetheless, the alternative in the wake of Israel's destruction would be very bad for the civilized world.

  14. Bill, I'm not sure how you make the statement about "evening things?" I don't see this as evening things as much as I see it as self-defense, which we all have a right to. My tolerance is that Israel has the right to do whatever it takes to ensure their safety, but no more than what it takes.

    Besides terrorists getting hold of nukes, my biggest fear here is Iran with a nuclear weapon aimed at Israel. You then have two clear targets/countries. I wouldn't know what to do then.

    The Banker

  15. Everyone acts in their self-interest. Hamas does. Israel does. The U.S. should.

    This post probably will not be popular, but my question is what is the U.S. self-interest in Israel? Will it be an economic crisis if we don't trade gem diamonds with Israel?? Yet, according to the Congressional Research Service, "Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World
    War II. From 1976-2004, Israel was the largest annual recipient of U.S. foreign assistance, having recently been supplanted by Iraq. Since 1985, the United States has
    provided nearly $3 billion in grants annually to Israel."

    What do we get in return for giving so much of our tax dollars? What do we get for the cart blanche support? Your answer is probably, "a strong ally in the region." I see the blowback of terrorism, hostages, ever-present threat of getting sucked into regional mid-east war.

    I am a strong supporter of Israel defending itself, but the U.S. should do just that, let them defend themselves. We should divorce ourselves from the Arab-Israeli struggle. Its not our struggle. Speaking of "blowback", the U.S. helped create this by insisting on the elections that brought Hamas to some legitimacy of power in Gaza. So much for preaching democracy, ready or not.

  16. Way to twist, O'hare. Nowhere do I condone what Hamas is doing.
    Are all those Palestinian kids being carted to the morgue on CNN any different than Israeli casualties from Hamas rocket attacks?
    All are equal in God's eyes.

    An eye for an eye, and eventually everyone is blind to the murder. I am no anti-semite, but if that suits you so be it.

    You make an assumption that suits your view. You are wrong.

  17. " Anonymous said...
    maybe its worth posting a video of zionists who talk about killing the evil dogs.

    Leiner is right: this video shows idiots. How about showing the other idiots in this conflict who want to kill Palestinians b/c of who they are. Then we can be astonished at how horrible both extremes can be."

    A big difference between Israel and its enemies is that Israel jails its extremists when act against the innocent. It is unfortunate that Israel’s enemies choose instead to honor their extremists as heroes.

    Scott Armstrong

  18. I Beg to Differ with I Beg to Differ, who attempted to justify what Hamas is doing and minimized the inflammatory comments evoking images of the Holocaust.

    Pardon me, but your swastika is showing.

  19. Beg to differ
    The big bad HAMAS men hide behind their children and their women all the time. They use mosques as places to store weapons. They are a front organization for Iran as is Hezbollah.
    You and others like you, including at least 4 letter writers within the week to the Express-Times, hurl you vitriol about with know idea as to what is going on and has gone on in this area for eons. Israel needs to eradicate the likes of HAMAS and Hezbollah getting rid of a poison that will kill all the Jews they can find.

  20. Chris, Hamas purposely hides behind women and children while "Beg to Differ" hides behind anonymity.

    But he's no anti-Semite. He completely dismisses a revolting comment and then proceeds to attack me and then condemns Israel because I publish a blog decrying anti-Semitism.

    The Dark Side has that one.

  21. I wonder if I Beg To Differ would like to offer a "final solution" to the Israel question?

    The US self interest in backing Israel is the alliance with the only thing close to a western democracy in an area full of cheap oil, cleptocrat sheiks, and the impoverished masses they keep down on the farm with religious bullshit that they don't even practice.

    Lighthouse's concern for the trouble Israel brings neglects centuries of similar trouble in the pre-Israel era. Letting them fight it out would likely result in Israel's annihilation, perhaps nuclear, of its threatening neighbors if permitted to take their gloves off.

    Israel graduates 60,000 engineers each year from some of the finest schools on the planet. The US benefits greatly from this as we no longer produce as many math and science graduates. Israel's Arab neighbors provide the world with exponentially more terrorists and destroyers of humanity.

  22. You've got your problems and we have Polowski

  23. Bernie,

    That video is no more or less an accurate potrayal of a people as this one is of the other side:


    It's all bullshit and it just needs to stop. There is no longer any right or wrong. It's all WRONG. Who will be the braver party?


    That logic - "Israel has decided the defense of its citizens is more important than international opinion" is right out of the Bush playbook. Are you okay with that and America's tanding in the world that comes with what we've done in iraq and Afghanistan.

    I'm not.


  24. I get the Iraq criticism. But Afghanistan?

    Analysis by bumper sticker. Very heady.

  25. Tuesday Night Dates
    So what would you suggest that Israel should worry more about world opinon then their own safety? I'm sorry but I go with protecting the my people first. The only person I have to really worry about is myself and the same goes for my nation. Name the last foreign nation that came to our assistance. Katrina, how many stood up and said we will help. Answer none. The world expects us to take care of ourselves and them. The same holds true for Israel. They will take care of themselves and damn to the rest of the world. Teaching that the rest of the world is some how important is what gets you into the situation such as Katrina where you sit there waiting for the government to come along and save your sorry behind. Didn't work then and it never will. One of our biggest problems is that we no longer teach the youngsters to be dependent on themselves and only themselves.

  26. To think that 65% of American Jews just voted for a guy who wants to 'talk' with no preconditions to Hamas and their sponsors in Tehran. This habitual voting by these folks is more outrageous than the 95% of blacks who voted for Obama.

  27. Yeah hard for me to feel sorry for a nation that attacked the US Navey for NO GOOD REASON!


    Read about it!

    Isreal commited a terrorist attack on Americans.

    As they did when they SANCTIONED the JDL's terror bombs in NYC late 1970's early 1980's to get revenge fro WII!



    Save me this, woe are the Isreali victims bull.

    The Isrealis in the town that was "bombed" are the hard line anti Palestinians freaks whoare as bad if not worst than Hamas.

    Maybe Hamas excists becasue Isreal is over run by Jews who act like NAZI's!

    Oh and for those who support the end to seperation of Church and State.


    both nations run the way Jerry Falwell preaced in the "name of god".

    Both are rather screwed up!

  28. O'hare's invoking Hitler, look out!
    The Blog Nazi himself is on the march, run for your lives!

  29. The Team Casey/Villa haters are at work, but they don't post anonymously.


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