“The concept of an economic stimulus bill is that it should be ‘timely, targeted and temporary.’ This legislation, overall, fails those three tests.
“This legislation devotes less than 10 percent of spending on hard infrastructure projects, which are proven to create and preserve the greatest number of American jobs. Congress can maximize job creation by dedicating funding in the stimulus bill to road and bridge construction, airport upgrades, rail and mass transit enhancements and water infrastructure improvements.
“Congress has strayed from providing temporary relief to address the immediate difficulties facing our economy by establishing over 32 new government programs at a cost of over $136 billion. As President Ronald Reagan once said, ‘A government program is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll see here on earth.’
“Many of the programs and priorities that are funded and established in this bill are efforts that I strongly support. I support increased funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH). I support strengthening the federal commitment to children with disabilities under IDEA. I support expanding research under the National Science Foundation (NSF). These programs are important but they should be considered through the normal appropriations process, not included in a bill that is intended to provide an immediate boost to the economy. They must be part of our long term plan to make our country more competitive in the global economy.
“President Obama has done an excellent job setting a proper bipartisan tone by reaching out to Republicans on this issue, and I agree with him that Congress must pass legislation that creates jobs and stimulates economic development immediately. However, Speaker Pelosi lost sight of the President's goal when drafting the bill considered today on the House floor," Congressman Dent said. "I hope that the House, Senate and Obama Administration will work together over the next few weeks to develop a stimulus package that more effectively addresses the economic challenges this nation faces.”
According to a New York Times analysis, the impact of this stimulus package will be felt within weeks. People will notice more money in their paychecks as federal withholding decreases. But whether it will revive the economy is far less certain.
Stimulus bill moves us closer to nationalized health care and rationing
The House of Representatives approved an $819 billion economic stimulus package Wednesday. The party line vote was a blow to Barack Obama's alleged desire for bipartisanship. All the Republicans and 11 democrats voted against the bill. One thing in the bill that went mostly unnoticed was a new bureaucracy called the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research.
If the information comes from the New York Times then it must be wrong.
This was a pork sandwich not a stimulus bill. Government is not the solution it is the problem.
Scott Armstrong
If you look into this stimulus package it is payback and pork. Millions of dollars are going to groups such as (and including) ACORN. It supports projects that will not even begin until 2010 and 2012 and many that are just frivilous. Stimulus must be a shot in the arm to increase employment and free up cash, if it goes on too long it becomes welfare and if you read the stimulus budget that is exactly what is apparent...much of it is payback and welfare.
Increasing the federal budget by 30% - borrowing and spending lots more money that we don't have - is a perfect recipe to fix all of our problems. I can't understand the lack of bipartisan support. It's the federal equivalent of $186,000 per parking space disguised as economic stimulus and job creation.
Dent is clearly a Regressive.
I chalange any democrat to connect the ACORN money and the hundreds of millions to be spent on "family planning services" to any stimulation of the economy. I applaud Congressman Dent for his position on this. Why does money have to be filtered through the federal government to stimulate the economy? Anyone? Anyone?
This bill is the longest distance between two points and probably won't even get us there. How much do you think a dollar sent into the government is actually worth to be able to be spent? Every hand that touches it is a devaluation. A dollar directly from my pocket into the economy has the most value. Go ahead, call me simplistic, but I stand by the concept.
"If the information comes from the New York Times then it must be wrong."
According to the NYT article linked to in the post, the lower tax withholding will have an iommediate impact, although it will be a small one. Benefits checks will continue for the unemployed instead of stopping. People getting food stamps will be able to buy $79 more every month. Sttates will get the funds they need for their human services programs.
Republicans believe the tax cuts should be deeper, which would lead to a more immediate impact that directly benefits working people. Also, even the NYT points out that the infrastructure projects are not "shovel ready," as Congresmman Dent puts it.
"We won the election. We wrote the bill." --- Nancy Pelosi
Sure sounds like bipartisanship to me.
One thing though, I'm glad she's taking credit for it. This is very poorly crafted legislation that will have more of a negative impact than a positive one.
The Banker
If the information comes from the New York Times then it must be wrong.
This was a pork sandwich not a stimulus bill. Government is not the solution it is the problem.
Scott Armstrong
You do understand the concept of government spending as a way to remedy a recession, right? A stimulus package is widely agreed as the best course of action from both sides of the aisle. Why do the Repubs need to get partisan is a time of great economic turmoil?
Yea, the Republicans think the tax cuts should be deeper, like in 2001. All the money goes to the rich and they buy up a few mexicans. The mexicans then spend all the pennies on food and stimulate the economy..The problem with the Republicans is that when they call for a middle class tax cuts it's for their middle class. You know, the folks that make from $500,000 to a million. Gotta love em..
Anon 10:03am, I agree (as do the Rs that I've spoken to) that a properly crafted stimulus package is a good idea. My argument is this is not a properly crafted package - too much waste and too long to see an impact on key items that create economic activity (i.e., construction projects).
So far, the only D who is trying to be bipartisan is the President - I don't think Pelosi or Reid got that memo.
The Banker
Banker -
I see a lot of bipartisan posturing by the President but very little action.
He could have easily asked for changes to the House bill. Of course, his administration helped write it.
Bernie -
Just a few months ago, a multi-billion dollar bailout (TARP) was passed for the banking industry. Supporters said it would solve the problem, and that we needed to pass it quickly to avoid disaster.
It passed, and we're still in the same mess. I don't think you'd find many outside of Washington who think that it was a good idea.
Well, here we are a few months later and we now need a huge stimulus bill passed, and we need to pass it quickly or the results will be devastating.
How stupid are the American people?
Please don't forget that then-Senator Obama was a major player in crafting what the TARP program would look like, and also voted for it (as did Senator McCain).
They are now trying the same solution - massive government spending - and hoping for a different result. Isn't that the definition of insanity?
anon 10:00
"A stimulus package is widely agreed as the best course of action from both sides of the aisle."
these geniuses could not solve a two piece jigsaw puzzle. Many acedemics stated thatthis is the worst possible course of action
anon 10:03
"All the money goes to the rich" What do you think they do with it moron.....I guarantee it isn't "family planning services" or ACORN....they spend it or invest it and you get a job
This is what House Republicans are looking for from Obama:
Holy Heck! Dent is quoting Reagan and talking about fiscal responsiblity (after voting for the SCHIP bill). Maybe his political handler realizes that he has made some big mistakes in how he has been advising Congressman Dent.
The whole "move to the Left" strategy by the moderate Republicans has been a MISERABLE failure.
Glad Dent might be seeing the light, but he will need a lot of votes to make up for the Big Government SCHIP bill which thinks that "poor children" are 25 years old and in families making up to $80,000 a year. Conservatives proposed a bill that would actually expand coverage to real "poor children". It was rejected. The Dems and liberal Big Government Republicans wanted a middle class entitlement program instead.
A small minority of liberal Big Government Republicans (Leaders and elected officials) have been leading the GOP straight into its electoral disasters. Lost 54 seats in the House and 14 or 15 Senate seats in the last two election cycles. Who have been the biggest losers? The more liberal Republicans.
Maybe they are finally learning that they are the extremists in the Party and that the grass roots principled Republicans are not. Look at this vote. By standing for limited government principles unashemedly, 12 Democrats actually joined the GOP!! Now even the media doesn't want to point out that the Republicans unanimously opposed this spending monstrosity with 12 Dems. Why? The average voter does not support this B.S. Principles work, pollwatching does not.
I hope S.M. has the smarts he claims to have and is quickly learning the lesson. The obstinance by the "Rockefeller" Republicans should cease soon.
And the Libs have already overreached. Sorry folks, but the honeymoon is over.
This bill is misnamed! It isn't a stimulus bill but a stopgap bill. It seeks to keep us afloat and hopefully we can make some modest gains in jobs and economic recovery. I'm not gonna hammer Chuck for saying no but I do see the Senate gutting this bill and crafting one that is palatable to most all of the politico's. Pelosi got to stop the entitlements and amendments hanging on to this. This is too important to screw up!
There is not, nor can there be anything from the government called "stimulus."
The bill is simply a standard budget bill with a whopping 30% increase in spending; paid mostly by borrowing.
The very nature of these omnibus spending bills is pork. How many times must we cover the same material?
Look at us. We're taking economics lessons from the same bunch of lawyer-politicians who created the original mess!
Japan tried this "stimulus" path and stayed mired in recession for the decade of the 90s. We'd still be in the Great Depression if not for WWII.
I guess we let a Obama, Pelosi, and Reid spend us to prosperity - and then pray for another big war.
“You do understand the concept of government spending as a way to remedy a recession, right? A stimulus package is widely agreed as the best course of action from both sides of the aisle. Why do the Repubs need to get partisan is a time of great economic turmoil?”
No I do not understand/ believe that increased government spending is a way to remedy a recession. That makes me a fiscal conservative. Conversely if you believe otherwise you are keynesian/liberal.
Partisan? Republicans are now partisan? Are Republicans now partisan because they are finally acting like Republicans? Or is it because they are not rolling over for Obama? The media/Democrats will call the Republicans “partisan” anytime they don’t heel on Obama’s command. That action is of course pure hypocrisy.
Scott Armstrong
"not so casual observer said...
If you look into this stimulus package it is payback and pork. Millions of dollars are going to groups such as (and including) ACORN. It supports projects that will not even begin until 2010 and 2012 and many that are just frivilous. Stimulus must be a shot in the arm to increase employment and free up cash, if it goes on too long it becomes welfare and if you read the stimulus budget that is exactly what is apparent...much of it is payback and welfare."
Your ACORN claim shows one thing. You listen to Rush and Sean and think its true...... it's not.
THere is a provision for money for groups to restore run down housing. That is NOT ACORN.
Please don't waste our time with Rush/Hannitty lies. If you think infotainment is news, sad day for you.
As for Charlie Dent. Where is the "Bi-Partisan Charlie" we hear so much about?
EVERY big bill he just follows GOP political stunts.
When will Dent vote FOR the residents in the Lehigh Valley NOT the advance ment of Republican politics?
The more intersting case is Kanjorski. Who voted against it because that is probaly what Lou Barletta would have done.
Maybe the House being a two year term is very sour for America. They spend all their term thinking of the next primary and general election, and not serving US!
"Maybe the House being a two year term is very sour for America. They spend all their term thinking of the next primary and general election, and not serving US!"
Or maybe this was just a bad bill...
ACORN is indeed a "community housing group". They recieved many millions in the housing bailout bill in July (remember that one?)
There reason? To provide "counseling" to people with mortgage troubles. Yeah, and register 12 times and remember to vote Democrat!
How come Republican non-profit activist groups don't get taxpayer dollars?
Oh, that would be "partisan".
Sorry, you are wrong.
From the acorn.org site:
Service delivery: ACORN and its allied organizations provide extensive services to our members and constituency. These include free tax preparation focusing on the Earned Income Tax Credit; screening for eligibility for federal and state benefit programs; and, through the ACORN Housing Corporation, first time homeowner mortgage counseling and foreclosure prevention assistance, and low income housing development.
It is this aspect of ACORN that will get hundreds of millions of dollars from this bill. Of course, not one cent will flow into their activism or voter education efforts!
Joe Hilliard, Not So Casual,
It appears that you have fallen prey to a number of myths concerning this stimulus package, which may or may not be a good thing. It's very complicated and I don't profess to know much more than anyone else.
Seven myths are dispelled at Media Matters.
As far as ACORN is concerned, the reality is that the bill at no time even mentions ACORN. A provision would appropriate $4.19 billion "for neighborhood stabilization activities related to emergency assistance for the redevelopment of abandoned and foreclosed homes as authorized under division B, title III of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008."
That could include ACORN and many other neighborhood groups.
If the IronPigs had pork like that, they wouldn't lose a game.
EVER. One man's opinion.
If this thing was so wonderful and outstanding and in need of bipartisan support, why did 11 Democrats vote against this?
And why does anyone really care if no Republicans at all vote for this? From what I understand, a majority exists in Congress and their votes are not required.
Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the gang can do whatever...
So when this great thing works all the promised wonders, all the Republicans and the 11 Dems can just get voted out of office like Grand High Idiot Bush.
What's the big deal? Who gives a damn anybody not in favor of this LATEST bailout thinks?
Score Card:
Bankers 2
The People 0
Thanks Dent; you didn't fool me.
Scott Armstrong supported the bankers bailout. He's so far up the GOP ass he has no creditability.
Open Letter to Charlie Dent:
Charlie if your so secure with your
bull shit vote.
I suggest that you deny the money coming from the bailout.
All of you Dent gatekeepers should support Charlie in this endeavor.
Please I beg of you to stand up for those "funny dumbass principles" be proud because the GOP said so!.
Surely; it's true what the world says about America, were the dumbest people on the planet.
Agree. Pelosi and Reid have it right. We must borrow, spend, and abort our way to prosperity.
Kanjorski voted against it to try and win the "Barletta voters" over. Since his people are afraid no young voters in the Poconos will come out in two years ago like they did for Obama.
Which is a bit of a insult to the young voters. That is basicly Rep Kanjorski saying "You kids don't really care about your community, and future. So I better make sure the Barletta fans like me"
This sends message that members of the house ONLY worry about re-election.
Nice post with the Media Matters link.
I didn't even see Media Matters on it.
Several papers around the country debunked it.
(That damn Liberal media, with their FACTS!)
I like that the names you see over, and over, and over in that article is Rush"send my imigrant maid to buy my illegal drugs" Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Michelle "do I ever have sane statements" Malkin.
For those not in the know Malkin encouraged fake Anhrax maillings at one point to "liberals".
And as for ACORN, yes the questionable folks they PAID for siganatures made bogus signatures and names. (But what was the Odds Tony Romo would vote in random polling places where he dosn't live? Slim to none.)
As for the far right wing crackpots on AM radio blaming this whole housing crisis on ACORN. When did ACORN become a banking institute? Oh, you mean they never gave out loans just advice?
Maybe the problem is some on the right who yapped about self responsibility and pulling one up "by the boot straps".
Maybe, just maybe it's time the BANKS take responsibility for making loans to folks they knew could not afford the loans. (Who they told don't worry you can afford this) In place of "the blame game".
ANON 8:02 how many poor babies that no one can afford to raise will you adopt? What? NONE!
Why is it the most hardcore anti-choice (aside from opposing democracy in action) also NEVEr seem to have adopted kids?
I mean if you love the gift of life, why do you always wimp out on doing what Jesus says in helping the poor?
Hell most Anti-Choice also oppose food stamps.
Because Jesus always said "Fuck those bums! Get a job!"
And let me not forget to add,
It was the financial leeches, that got the pre-Obama bailout that did NOTHING to save our economy. But bankroll their spoiled life styles.
$400 wast baskets anyone?
Yeah folks made a hell of a lot of noise when Citibank almost bought a private Jet with tax payer dollars. (Had W still been in office I suspect they would have not been stopped)
But why no outrage that YOUR tax dollars is paying for the Mets new Stadium naming rights.
Should millions of our tax dollars name a stadium for a team of choke artist?
Instead of "Citipark" maybe it should be named "The land of lost hope and broken dreams"
And don't get me started on tax payer funded vacations.
Even a cattle prod could not stimulate this bill. It is so full of waste and pork that we have gone from the generation after the Greatest Generation to the generation where our children and grandchildren will look at us and look at our graves and say...What the freaking hell was wrong with you people!
Spike Grunted:
"ANON 8:02 how many poor babies that no one can afford to raise will you adopt? What? NONE!"
It's always about the money isn't it? You wouldn't prescribe death for costly old folks. Or would you?
I do support Dr Kovrkian.
ACORN protested against banks. They lobbied politicians. They threatened lawsuits against banks.
What did they demand? Mortagages for people with little to no income. No money down loans.
They got what they demanded. And we are all paying the price today.
The old adage is true. You can't get something for nothing. You might for a short time, but at some time the bills come due.
I'm no fan of ACORN. But where did you get these "FACTS"?
I'm just wondering where your misguided talking points were fed to you from?
FOX? Rush drug addict? Sean Hannity? Crazy Michelle Malkin?
Washington Times? NY Post?
Just wondering.
Since if ACORN was such a powerfull Lobby group, why did their Allentown office close. And why most of what they pushed for was voted against by the GOP majority of that time?
I mean it is BANKS (run overwhelmingly by Conservative and Libertarian minds) that got this law changed so they could "Bet" on the risks of loans too big for the folks they gave them to.
I read REAL newspapers. Philly inquirer , Washington Post, NY Newsday. And only watch good Cable news (Bloomberg).
Just wondering.
And a open note to all in Charlie Dents district.
The talking heads "pundits' seem to think that all the Republicans in the house that voted no come from "Hardcore republican and conservative districts".
Last time I looked all three major cities in the area have Democratic mayors, and Democratic majorites on their councils.
Most of all, the valley went rather heavily for Obama.
As a resident "represented" by Congressman Dent.
Do you like being labled "Hardcore conservative"
do you like that he went as always in line with the neo-conservatives and well ignored the more center leaning majority he allegedly represents.
Spike, if the alternative is to spout irrational rantings such as yours, then I am a proud "ardcore conservative"
"""" Bernie O'Hare said...
Joe Hilliard, Not So Casual,
It appears that you have fallen prey to a number of myths concerning this stimulus package, which may or may not be a good thing. It's very complicated and I don't profess to know much more than anyone else.
Seven myths are dispelled at Media Matters. """""" Thats another joke in itself. You and Spike and others yap about Rush/Hannity/Fox listeners being foolish, brainwashed, and a list of other names. If that is true you have fallen into the same trap. Media Matters is about as one sided as you can get. I was surprised to see it listed as your reference:)!!! They not only tell you how to think, but also what to think and when to think it!!:):):):) So the JOKE is on you guys !! LMFAO
No question that Media Matters is itself a biased source. But it links to nonbiased sources in its discussion of the myths surrounding this econmoic stimulus package.
Bernie, I must say I like your Richard Nixon self claimed pic the best of all the pics you have posted as your own the past few weeks. You have just proved my own point. Do not believe every thing you see or read from the media.. and this is part of the media. In fact I don't think you even believe everything you write!. Even your longtime pic was before you gained 100lbs as seen on your TV visit on channel 39 last spring. The bottom line is this. The facts you post are at times only a fact as dreamed in your own mind to promote your own agenda.... nothing more. And when someone disagrees with you , you love to try and rake them over the coals. That is not diplomatic nor honest. Also, This is not anonymous as you look up the isp numbers and know who all posts are from.
I read bills for legistlation via C-span.org.
The only bias C-Span has is that they have no take or spin to put on it. Something Fox, AM talk radio and MSNBC, and CNN all can NOT claim!
If the TRUTH is "irrational", and your proud to be a "ardcore Conservative" , I guess that means you are proud to keep your head in the sand?
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