Local Government TV

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Patti Grube Resigns From Northampton County Council

Less than a week after being sworn in to fill her husband's unexpired term on Northampton County Council, Patti Grube has resigned. That's the word from a fellow council member, who asks not to be named.
Update: The Express Times Sarah Cassi has a few more details, including the letter that Grube sent to Council Prez McHale. "My thinking was clouded by the passing of Wayne. The decision was made too soon after his death." The Morning Call follows The Express Times with a little ditty. "I apologize to all members of council for the confusion this has caused."

Patti, they're used to it. Council has thirty days to replace Grube, or it goes to the judges.


  1. anonymous Council Member?! R U F k Me?! There's only one member of council who refers to you as a non amoebic life form, and that's Ron "I want to feel important" Angle!
    Get real! Good for her, getting off of the Governmental version of the Titanic!

  2. Actually, I haven't seen Angle since the budget passed. He's in Florida this week, but I'm sure he thinks of us little people from time to time. Do you miss him?

  3. So if this rumor is true, how will they fill this post?

  4. Same way they filled it with Patti. They have 30 days or the courts step in with one of their own.

  5. I wish I was related to someone down there. I could use the extra income and I have no record or experience.

    I'm a perfect fit (except for the relative thing).

  6. You can always claim you're Ron's illegitimate son. If you add that he's a jerk or something, the job is yours.

  7. BOH you remain full of S**t I spoke with one of the members of council a little earlier and Media Whore Ron has already been working the rags trying to get his name and quotes in the story. But this for once the story should be about MW Ron since it was he who took advantage of this grieving widow just to get his name in the paper. By offering her up as a candidate even before her husband was in the ground. I hope Mrs. Grube finds peace while she continues to deal with her loss my prayers are with her.
    And I hope the media remembers how Ron tried to use this noble woman, next year when Ron tries Again to run for County Executive.

  8. The only person obsessed with Angle and getting him in on this story is you. Ron's in Florida, dude, catching lunkheads. Listen, if you like, I might be able to get you a date with him. Maybe you can carry the tray for his cigar ashes and run behind him when he goes horseback riding. I used to do that, but ther horse kept shitting on me.

  9. Maybe Ron will nominate one of his Sheep

  10. I guess we'll have to wait and see which one of you is right and which one is full of it when the papers come out tomorrow. Bernie you're gonna look stupid if Angle is quoted.

  11. "Bernie you're gonna look stupid if Angle is quoted."

    Has that ever stopped me?

    There are already two news accounts. I've linked to them in my update. The ET and MC accounts mention Council Prez McHale, not Ron. But I'll call him and tell him to drop his fishing pole and call the press. I would not want to disppoint you. He does make good copy.

  12. My favorite part of fishing is hacking apart the chum.

    At any rate, I'll nominate Glen Riebman in order to clear space for Patti on the bridge commission.

    See you soon. I'll be back for Kwaanza.

  13. That Ron from UMBT is an imposter. Ron uses lures, not love bait. He's got a great Dertinger plug and his McClure bug is bringing them in left and right.

  14. I hear the Dertinger and McClure plugs are joined at the hip. Or was that somewhere else.

  15. Ronnie completely made a mess of this Patti Grude appointment. Ronnie was grandstanding and it has blown up in his face.

  16. Screw the bunch of you. As we say in the township: all around a pig's ass is pork, and all around a sheep's ass is ewe. I'll fix this when I get back. Hold the fort, O'Hare.

  17. The blame should also be shared by the MSM that clamored for Patti Grube to be put on Council. It was just another story for them and a way to maybe shortcircuit any County Council independence.

    Of course this blog ran with it because Angle wanted it so he could play puppeter again.

    No one thought about a woman who had just lost her husband and had not had a chance to grieve. Of course her judgement may have been foggy. Too bad both Morning Call and Express Times wanted their pound of flesh. To the point of bugging the poor lady at ther husbands grave site. Was that by the not so classy Sara Cassi?

    Jackels, the bunch of you.

  18. Don't pick on Sarah - she was just doing her job. Its Angler who couldn't wait until he got into his Jeep to call the newspapers about a great idea. Wayne wasn't even covered up yet. But there was Ron Boy injected himself into the story.

  19. "Jackels, the bunch of you."

    And I can spell it, too.

    Patti Grube's appointment was a good thing, and nobody hounded her, as one commenter idiotically suggests. But let's face it, it's pretty hard to put up with that classless bunch of snakes. One meeting is all it took for Patti to realize this was not for her. Angle has been there 9 years.

  20. Well I guess I was Right Media Whore Ron was the only member to be quoted in both rags. BOH you seem to have some sort of man love crush on Ron and I suppose he lets you worship him as long as you continue to Lie for him and defend him in the face of overwhelming evidence. Media Whore Ron needs the press to breath and you need MH Ron to be relevant, a marriage of need.
    This lie unravelled in 24 hours I wonder if someone had the time how many other claims you have made would be found to be lies as well.
    I guess we will have to wait to see how big a liar you are until MH Ron announces his next attempt to run for Executive.

  21. Whoever you are, you're completely nutz. The news accounts mention several council members and provides their reactions. Angle is only one of many. The council member most prominently featured in both accounts is McHale, and that's bc she is part of the story. Your claim, like you, is irrational.

  22. Hey I hear Mike Fleck and his dad are both looking for "honest" work LOL!

  23. I'm so lonely. I'll be much happier when the next wave of Fleck for City Council are plastered all over me.

  24. The blame should also be shared by the MSM that clamored for Patti Grube to be put on Council. It was just another story for them and a way to maybe shortcircuit any County Council independence.

    Of course this blog ran with it because Angle wanted it so he could play puppeter again.

    No one thought about a woman who had just lost her husband and had not had a chance to grieve. Of course her judgement may have been foggy. Too bad both Morning Call and Express Times wanted their pound of flesh. To the point of bugging the poor lady at ther husbands grave site. Was that by the not so classy Sara Cassi?

    Jackels, the bunch of you.

    BOH is the biggest Angle/Stoffa supporter since Adolph Hitler went Aryan. Can you say, Ron Angle removed from WAEB?

  25. The MSM was very sympathetic to Ms. Grube. The ET, in particular, had a number of very touching stories from the people who Grube touched oiver the years. Moreover, the ET called Mrs. Grube just once about her interest, and it was after the funeral. I have not spoken to the MC reporter. I believe she was the ideal replacement. She, more than anyone else, knew her husband's mind. She is a Democrat. She had no interest in running for the job. She is obviously a very bright person. She was willing to serve.

    Unfortunately for all of us, it was too much for her. But she clearly was the person who deserved first shot at this, as evidenced by the unanimous vote in her favor.

    What you are doing is spinning and are somehow trying, ridiculously, to claim some anti-Semitism. What, was Mrs. Grube a member of Hitler Juden or something? Get real.


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