"You need someone who knows what is going on as a public servant! I think I can fill that position! Please consider me for filling Wayne Grube vacancy on NC Council position? Folks ask me, almost daily, to consider running for many different political office positions. I am not ever going to run for any political office positions…ever again…(been there, done that) but I would be proud to fill-in for Wayne Grube til end of his term and not run for another….Patti was, and always has been, greatest supporter of Wayne and I understand her position wanting to finish Wayne’s “term” and her reason for changing her mind thereafter. I would be glad to do it for Wayne, Patti and community, is all. My resume’ is included at my website below for your consideration. If I would be considered, I would be honored. Thank you and Merry Christmas to all."
Larry Kisslinger
I doubt the four Dems on county council will go for this.
Ahem, Julian Stolz
Hope you had a great Holiday!
Sorry Julian. Will fix the typos.
Is this the Kisslinger that had a very controversial tenure on the Housing Authority Board ?
yes it is. he couldn't get along with boss long or that short guy ...lumppy. was a dem at one point in his life. switched parties, ran for mayor of bethlehem, sat on council and worked sor service electric for a long time.
I think Larry would be a great choice
I back Ron Angles wife. Then cameras would be there recording meetings. For a Reality Show.
I can see a election now, just think of when Peter Griffin ran vs his wife for the school board on family guy.
It would be great fodder for bloggers.
And if you want great fodder for wrestling fans, Jolly Joe!
Larry would be a great choice. He has always worked with and for Dems and Republicans. I'm not sure if an internet resume is enough for Council though..I see no reason why he couldn't get McHale's support and possibly other Dems. The question would be whether this former Republican County Chair can get the Republican votes. Guess we'll see..
Larry has my NC Dem vote.
This will finally give him something to do since retirement.
"he couldn't get along with boss long or that short guy ...lumppy."
This is certainly true, but the reason why it is true is because Bossman Long regularly violated the Sunshine Act at BHA. Kisslinger blew the whistle. He believes in open and accountable government and for that reason has earned the emnity of people like Long, who like smoke-filled back rooms.
I doubt Larry has a chance although I agree he would be very good.
Larry Kisslinger would be a breath of fresh air on Council, a great choice.
They won't do it.
Happy Kwanza!
I understand he is solidly in the old Bethlehem Club Ann McHale camp. Enough with the insiders. They cross Party lines just to help each other.
Spike is on to something. I like it alot.
Isn't it rather imperious to post a resume online. How hard is it to print a copy out and send it to council and make it legitimate. If he doesn't do that Council can use that as an excuse for not considering him..Anyway if you don't have the energy to do that and put yourself ou there with the others how much energy will you have to do council's work??
Bernie O'Hare said... "he couldn't get along with boss long or that short guy ...lumppy."
"This is certainly true, but the reason why it is true is because Bossman Long regularly violated the Sunshine Act at BHA. Kisslinger blew the whistle. He believes in open and accountable government and for that reason has earned the emnity of people like Long, who like smoke-filled back rooms."
Is this true and substantiated about Bossman Long? Has this been documented somewhere, other than on this blog? The Morning Call sent Matt Assad to investigate this and found no violations of the Sunshine Act as per the Morning Call. Is Larry just blowing smoke, or can he verify this about Long. You have to prove beyond a doubt that Long did this to give Mr. Kisslinger credibility.
You quote me as referring to "that short guy." That is inaccurate. I said no such thing. If you wish to quote me, be accurate.
You then claim the MC had cleared Joe Long. Quite the opposite. The BHA was regularly violating the Sunshine Act with "premeetings." In fact, it is The Morning Call that dropped the dime on Bossman Long. He was planning on a secret meeting with Congreessman Dent, who actually cancelled the meeting himself when he learned it would violate the Sunshine Act.
larry has more than a little ego and touch of drama queen about him. the last thing norco council needs is another prima ballerina.
Larry should show up at Council like everyone else and make his case.
True Larry as he has shown in the past here can in fact be quite the drama queen. He was a prima dona in the past , I don't know about now.
I agree the last thing Northampton County government needs is another Drama Queen or a Prima Dona, between Stoffa and Council those roles are abley filled.
Bernie O'Hare said... "The BHA was regularly violating the Sunshine Act with "premeetings." In fact, it is The Morning Call that dropped the dime on Bossman Long. He was planning on a secret meeting with Congreessman Dent, who actually cancelled the meeting himself when he learned it would violate the Sunshine Act."
So I guess this means Long did not violate the Sunshine Act, based on what is quoted here? Long set Larry Kisslinger up, by saying he was going to meet with Dent and the rest of the Board, to see if Larry was supportive of him. Larry showed his true colors by running to the MC and assumed a violation was going to occur. I guess this means Larry can't be trusted from Bossman Long's perspective. Why doesn't someone ask BHA what happened? Get to the truth. Or doesn't the truth mean anything on this blog? Ask about those secret meetings and were they going on when Larry Kisslinger was Chair of the board?
That's one hell of a way to set somebody up. As I understand your tortured logic, Long was going to commit a Sunshine Act violation just to see if Larry would uphold the law over Long.
Did he pass? Was he supposed to follow Long or thew law?
In addition to the secret meeting that Long scheduled with Dent, we have those premeetings, which violate the Act. I assume you admit that and there is no recorded allegation of violations under Kisslinger. Your charge is one of those red herrings.
I agree with Anon 6:01. If he wants the job show up before council and make your case..Period!
Larry would be an excellent choice to fill the vacancy .....period!
Larry drinks kool aid from the same cup as O'Hair.
It would be great for all the people who have complained about Larry Kisslinger to show what they have done for our community and compare it with his record. Thank You.
On this notion of "filling" and unexpired term - I have less problem with a Larry Kisslinger that Mr. Grube's widow. With all respect, asking her to make such a decision at this time of grieving seems thoughtless. Whether it's LK or some other, have them sign a document that makes it clear that they serve only until end of term, and may not run when the election is held. This might avoid the unpleasantness that Bethlehem encountered when Cunnigham left office.
(Voice of Reason)
well, the thing is, wouldn't it be a civil rights violation to tell someone they can not run for a public office?
Under these circumstances, no.
Thanks for kind comments from many here! However, funny that some folks here do not identify themselves or call me 610-691-5338
always in phone book, about my public service and/or with questions. They seem to know more about me, my public service and intentions than I do! I faxed resume' to Mr. Flisser yesterday asking him to share with Council members. Also, who ever said I wouldn't attend a public meeting if asked? BTW, BHA Commissioners Long and Sanders violated the Sunshine law many times, probably still do, is my opinion and I never did! If you don't have facts, why comment here anonymously? Council or Judges pick whoever they so desire to fill vacancy and life goes on, end of story.
Larry would be an excellent choice. He loves his community and has served very well for about 40 years.
I got to know him when I was a commissioner with the BHA, proposing ideas I felt would benefit all involved. Most of these met with negative response from two strong members. I resigned Oct. 1, 2008.
I choose not to "write an expose'"
just refer to some articles in the Morning Call. I certainly hope Larry is strongly considered.
Paul Reitmeir
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