Seinfeld character George Costanza used to avoid digging into his pocket at Christmas by claiming he was making donations in his coworkers' names to a fake charity called The Human Fund - Money for People.
To me, it's almost always the most stressful time of the year, as I scrounge to find money for gifts here and there and waste hour after hour trying (unsuccessfully) to wrap them.
This year, it's a lot easier for me because I'm broke. I don't know about you, but I'll be making lots of donations to The Human Fund.
Terrific. Unfortunately I've already pledged money to Kramerica.
Worth Repeating Department:
"Bill Villa has eliminated all the good will and support he had. Blogosphere is united in their plea for him to get help."
Not from Bernie O'Hare
Worth Repeating Department:
"Bill Villa has eliminated all the good will and support he had. Blogosphere is united in their plea for him to get help."
Not from Bernie O'Hare
Worth Repeating Department:
"Bill Villa has eliminated all the good will and support he had. Blogosphere is united in their plea for him to get help."
Not from Bernie O'Hare
Bernie, I'm the one who has been posting the last 3 posts. These were not done by me. Mr. Villa strikes again.
Check this Festivus site out!
BTW Festivus is also the Birthday of the greatest Rock Star of the Alternative era of Rock, Eddie Vedder!
Bill Villa I see your pic in the dictionary next to the word scumbag
noun informal
a contemptible or objectionable person.
See Bill Villa
Buy a freaking life dude!
Or at least a good blow up doll! You have way too much time on your hands.
Anon 1:29 & Spike,
It is interesting to see Villa now flames himself so he can respond. I will delete his comments. I let a few remain yesterday, but only bc they proved MM's point. I must have deleted at least 50 comments yesterday. I will delete any newe comments from him, but for a constant spammer like him, some are inevitable unless I enable comment moderation. I do not want to do that bc I like the free and open exchange of ideas. That becomes impossible when Villa goes into spamming mode, but I will delete his comments when I see them.
Bernie, anon 129 here - going forward I'll keep my "worth repeating" post to the Troll site. It belongs there anyway.
Understood and thank you. If you see a Villa comment here, which you can usually detect by the fact that it is always OT and involves personal attacks, rest assured I will delete it. And thanks for letting me know about those three "worth repeating" comments. I was a little puzzled.
'Welcome - it puzzled me for a second until I figured it out.
Don't feel bad about being broke. I pulled this trick last year... (link)
Damn! Great minds think alike.
Bernie your post inspired me to speak of MY holiday.
woops hit enter accidently.
At my blog. was the other sentence I wanted to type.
Worth Understanding Department:
Can someone help me to understand this? I have really been trying to empathize with Mr. Villa. But as I research this topic and read his tirades; more and more, I really feel sorry for him. (I know Mr. Villa, you don't need my sympathy or to value my opinion.)
But from his standpoint, I think that I am missing the things that are fathomed to be the true problems with blogs and Bernie.
I am sorry for the lost of his daughter and what he feels that life and the justice system has shorted him. But he can't and doesn't seem to want to be helped unless he helps himself. (I know sir, you don't want or need my help or my perceived condescension.)
Mr. Villa, I pray for you every night. And Bernie, I pray for you every morning and every night. (And whether either of you want or think you need my prayers or prayers from others - we still offer them on your behalf!)
Please Mr. Villa, show some respect for others, yourself, your family, and at the very least - your daughter. (I dare to mention to show respect to your daughter's killer - so as to not upset you more. But at one time in your life, may God willingly let that moment come.) Life, as you very well know, is precious and at times - way too short. Please live it properly and respectfully. We reap, what we sow. Therefore, we get in return, most, if not all, of what we have given to others.
And since I am Catholic, the ONLY way you can make these words have no meaning is to not respond to them. Therefore, taking steps in another direction, hopefully the higher road, validates this. Whereas, making discouraging remarks only feeds fuel to the fire of relentless prayer and the untiring militant work towards fighting evil and sin.
Bernie, I was back in town over the holiday and stopped to pick up some things at Mr. Kokolus' store. The Jeep was out front, but I didn't want to impose. As an aside, I was just ordained to a minor order. In the near future (2 or 3 years), it will be a major order. Then you will be more than welcomed to bend my ear. But in the mean time, leave that to the true men in black.
~~Alex J.
Washington, D.C.
Thank you, so much, "Father Alex."
Up very late, I see; geez, don't miss morning mass.
I will consider your advice along with J Spike Rogan's who you should also pray for:
"Bill Villa I see your pic in the dictionary next to the word scumbag
noun informal
a contemptible or objectionable person.
See Bill Villa
Buy a freaking life dude!
Or at least a good blow up doll! You have way too much time on your hands.
Bless you, Father Alex O'Hare.
I'm buying Bill Villa a Manssiere for Festivus.
Or is it a Bro?
Whatever. We'll proceed with feats of strength and an airing of grievances.
Father Alex,
Next time you're in town, call. Troy, Tom and I would like to take you to lunch. And please, you've got to hear my confession. You already know some of my sins, so maybe it can be a "best of" sort of thing.
I haven't seen you for a few years. Give me a call or drop a line next time you're home. WE miss ya'.
I deleted a bunch of "personal" shots that this morning. It looks like they were intended as comedy but I can't allow them bc they almosat certainly would be misinterpreted.
Anon 8:31 is too damn funny to delete. I'll risk the wrath.
its disgusting people need to make attacks in such a juvenile manner. But if that cat poops in my bushes one more time...
Pray for me Bernie! Pray for me! Villa is!
bill villa provokes and antagonizes, then portrays himself as a grieving father when confronted with his aggression. over at casey's blog, he implies that i torture him. much like the young college student begging villa to be let alone, i also would prefer no discourse with him. the difference with me and the college student, is that i will not leave his distortions unanswered. for a person who would normally receive nothing but pity for the loss he suffered, he cultivates loathing from a growing group of people.
although i was not a member of the troll blogs, and have commented there only a few times, the villa's declared me "evil" because i stated that i understood why those blogs were created. they were created because bill villa was spamming and highjacking blogs with endless comments supposedly because "blogger tuesday" upset him. his comments usually contain a insulting adjective before his target's name. his relentlessness is aggressive, antagonistic and cruel. signing his unnecessary aggressive tirades as a "grieving father" is not appropriate. the villa's have elevated me to monster status for pointing out their hypocrisy
It's creepy, all these starry-eyed young boys (Rogan, Russo, Cordi) all blindly defending O'Hare so hard.
And now there's a priest involved too.
Actually, what really is creepy is that this is the kind of anonymous shit that Villa has been spewing here and on other blogs for well over two years. I've already deleted this comment once, but will leave it up to make the point that this is one sick pup.
At this time last year, Villa was posting the same kind of anonymous bullshit on other posts on this blog, posts about my father. From there, he graduated to hijacking blog threads. He has graduated from that to threats and the language of violence, designed to annoy, alarm and harass. A separate blog was created for him and his kind and to spotlight his behavior, but he has only gotten worse. He started spam blogging, littering this blog with as many as 500 identical comments in just one day. He has been chargedd with criminal harassment and has responded with witness intimidation, threatening potential witnesses with lawsuits and using that language of violence again, bragging it will be a "bloodbath." From there he has gone to obstruction, suggesting the judge must rule in his favor bc he knows a lot of registered voters in Nazareth.
Villa is a greasy, manipuilative troll who uses his daughter's death as a shield behind which he launches vicious attacks at anyone who tells him what he does not want to hear. Russo, AJ, Rogasn and a Catholic priest are slammed with hints at pedophilia from a disgusting homophobic piece of shit who lacks the courage to sign his name to his constant libels.
Shame on you, Villa. And shame on your wife, for participating in your sickness.
Only at Bernie O'Mcall's LVR "Forum" could one see (in the same post) ...
* O'Hare gleefully allowing a commenter to publicly call Bill Villa a "scumbag"
* O'Hare masquerading as a "priest" admonishing Villa to "show others more respect"
And litigious, I believe, but we'll let attorney (for now) Dave Najarian weigh in on this one, he's our resident legal expert, Dave?
What O'Hare and Molovinsky call "blog hijacking" a district magistrate may very well see as merely "winning blog arguments" and "beating bastards at their own game."
Bernie O'Hare is not claiming to be a priest nor writing anonymously as one. And neither have I.
My name is Alex Joseph. I was a former barber and a parole officer in Easton, Pa., Northampton County for several years.
I am currently a seminarian and an ordained Cantor in Washington, D.C. aspiring to be a Maronite Catholic priest.
Please, if you don't beleive who I present myself as, feel free to ask around. Maronites are all throughout Easton. Especially most Lebanese people in the Lehigh Valley can claim a Maronite heritage.
If you want to make discouraging remarks, please feel free. That is your GOD given right. But to post anonymously and make such hideous comments only gives credence to the help that you truly need.
Bernie, I am sorry for this and if I caused you any problems with my post. But be assured, again, we offer prayers for all of you on a regular and daily basis. May God have mercy on all of your souls and especially my soul.
Peace be with you, ~~Alex J
Washington, D.C.
Father Alex,
It is I who must apologize to you for Villa's disgusting and sleazy homophobic and pedophilic suggestion, directed at you and a group of other young men whose sole offense is not to accept him as Gospel. Now he will add you to his growing enemies' list, even though I understand your only desire was to try to help. That was the mistake I made with Villa, too.
Father Alex, welcome to "Villa's World." Many have tried to reach him, to date all have failed. I truly hope you succeed.
The Banker
Spike Rogan's description of Villa is entirely apt and he identified himself, too. I have deleterd about fifteen or so Villa comments and will do so again as time permits.
If you saw all the grey hairs I have. you wouldn't call me a young boy.
I missed the part where I'm defending Bernie?
But again, keep getting angry at and through the internet. If it is some calming experience, I guess that is okay.
My point, and please re-read what I have said, is that this type of diatribe is useless and fruitless, on the internet. And making remarks about young writers and a catholic priest is the same language of hate that is so piously argued against by certain visitors to this site. I do not care if I "get to you," because in the grand scheme of things, "you" do not matter. At all.
Again, if you hate Bernie and all the bloggers sooooooo much, stop reading them. It is that simple. You hate the morning call? Don't read it. But every time you visit a site, or buy a newspaper, you just support them. And truth be told, your message of hate is not some revolutionary message you'd like it to be. But again, it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.
I am sure enough in who I am to not let an "internet flaming" attack get me upset. It was a nice attempt at ANON Humor, but like everything else that hate mongers try, it failed miserably.
Oh internet rage.
Mansierre too tight? Could explain the crankiness.
Best to Father Alex. I could sell tickets to my confession. I'm contemplating writing it in Augustinian fashion. Although I still think he had more fun.
In response to Anon 8:32:
St Augustine is one of the great stories of the Church. He lived such a colorful life but chose to convert to Christianity. Although he may have had some kind of wild and colorful life while he walked the Earth (and probably had a lot of sinful fun in the course of those actions.) If we believe in the Church's teachings, St. Augustine is having the ultimate fun in the presence of God in Heaven. And the beautiful thing about this, no matter how horrible we can be at times, just like St. Augustine, ultimately the greatest doctor - God - can cure any of our ailments. We just have to accept his abundance of Grace that he continually gives onto us. So there is always hope for you, me, and all the beautiful (and colorful) people here.
And thanks for all the well wishers and compliments.
Peace be with you, ~~Alex J.
Washington, D.C.
"Father Alex," please do come again, we would never let J Spike Rogan call you a scumbag or let Bernie call you a piece of shit.
The Banker
FYI Father Alex, the previous post was no doubt from Mr. Villa. He smears everyone and posts under other peoples' names.
Bernie knows me, and knows that wasn't me.
Go back to the Troll site Mr. Villa.
The Banker
Also I know you wouldn't bash me. We may disagree on Politics but in sports and entertainment we seem to be very alike.
And in pissinjg off a unnamed psyco we are on the same page as well.
I'm shocked no bogus Spikes have turned up as of yet.
Spike, I'm sorry, I should have said something Villa going after you under my name too (and Bernie) - I was so annoyed that he's now taking shots at a priest that I focused solely in that direction.
Agreed - and now I'll wager a fake Spike shows up shortly!
The Banker
Father Alex,
I remember you from your days at the courthouse. It was so nice to see your comments. We all miss you and wish you the best. Don't let that tortured soul bother you.
I'm talking about bernie.
Hey! No cookies for you!
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