I've decided to list them all below, with one question - would you eliminate any of this funding if you were King?
1. Allentown Art Museum $48,563.00 Arts education designed to enrich lives by engaging, informing and inspiring people through collecting, preserving, studying, exhibiting and interpreting works of visual art.
2. Allentown Symphony Association $9,744.00 Provide funding to allow local & Non Profits to use Symphony Hall at a reduced rate.
3. America on Wheels $5,000.00 To provide funding to lower the student educational programs and to preserve the historical, social and cultural impact of over-the-road transportation systems.
4. American Federtion of Musicians Local 45 $6,218.00 To provide funding for approx. 80 concerts to be performed by 6 Lehigh County Concert Bands.
5. ArtsQuest (Musikfest) $6,196.00 Musikfest- Funding for Banana Island, which focuses on a myriad of art and entertainment for children.
6. Bach Choir of Bethlehem $5,513.00 Promote and encourage appreciation of the aesthetic and spiritual value of Bach's music through education and performance. Financial support for the 102 annual Bach Festival May 1-2 & 7-9,2009.
7. Baum School of Art $9,207.00 Support of the Baum School's Scholoarship and Financial Assistance Programs.
8. Burnside Plantation $3,564.00 Support the Educational Programs and Activities at Burnside Plantation.
9. Civic Theatre of Allentown $6,395.00 Operational support to Civic Theatre, an organization providing quality, affordable live theatre/music/films through arts education.
10. Community Bike Works $1,369.00 Sponsorship of 4 children for the 3 month Earn a Bike Program.
11. Community Music School of the Lehigh Valley $4,223.00 Financial Scholarship Assistance and Outreach Programs, to introduce youngsters to music and instruction to reorganize sr. population and music.
12. DaVinci Discovery Center of Science & Tech. $5,250.00 Support part of the salary and expenses of a new staff position dedicated to expanding public programs on energy conservation, sustainability & the environment.
13. Lehigh County Agricultural Society $6,197.00 Promotion of the Allentown Fair's Agricultural Educational Program. Improvement & advancement of Agriculture, Horticulture, Livestock, domestic/mechanical arts and entertainment to the county.
14. Lehigh County Historical Society $5,000.00 Funding for Historical Programs. Allentown Band Concert, Coplay Days, Ghosts of the Museum & History Expo.
15. Lehigh Valley Arts Council $3,682.00 Funding for publications and cooperative arts marketing initiatives.
16. Liberty Bell Shrine Museum $5,000.00 Annual support of Pip the Mouse program.
17. Mayfair $20,000.00 Sponsorship of MayFair 2009, which is scheduled for May 21-25, 2009.
18. Minsi Trails Council/Boy Scouts of America $5,513.00 Operational support of the Learning for Life Program supporting Elementary Students in urban areas.
19. Muhlenberg Summer Music Theatre $7,323.00 Sponsorship of Muhlenberg's Summer Music Theatre.
20. PA Shakespeare Festival at DeSales University $10,100.00 Sponsorship of the Pennsylvania's Shakespeare Festival at DeSales.
21. Pennsylvania Sinfonia Orchestra $6,496.00 General programs and operational budget of 4 summer concerts and 5 subscription series.
22. Police Athletic League $2,000.00 Funding for Camp Blue Line, a week summer program for 4th &5th grade students in Allentown.
23. Repertory Dance Theatre $5,000.00 "Programming cost associated with educational outreach programming "
24. Volunteer Center of Lehigh Valley $1,847.00 Program support of the Youth Program and the Youth Volunteer Connections desigend to mobilize the community to care for one another through volunteer networking.
25. WDIY (Lehigh Valley Community Broadcasters) $4,917.00 Operations support for the 2009 year for WDIY 8811 listeners support radio.
26. Whitehall Historical Preservation Society $2,000.00 Funding for restoration of the Peter Grim House. Provide planning, funding, management and general oversight for advancement & preservation of historical heritage in Whitehall
27. Wildlife Information Ctr (approx.) $5,110.00 Funding for public programming and interpretive signs, brochures and support for Environmental Educational Center.
i'd cut every one of them, i know they all sound wonderful, but they're suppose to, it's called grant writing. if he(cunningham) wants to funds these organizations, let him find cuts in his bureaucracy
I agree with Mike. Cutting a budget is always difficult, it is also necessary for the public good.
Scott Armstrong
If these programs are vital to the county then the funding should not be cut - it should be increased. If they are merely nice to have, then cut them. Of course it takes political courage to do so.
I believe the current levels of funding speak volumes as to whether the grants are essential or not. God forbid that these organizations would actually have to be funded directly by the community they supposedly serve.
it is worth noting that the funding decisions on all of these grants are made by a committee that includes administration and commissioners. They review numerous applications and boil it down to a list of recommendations that the commissioners then vote on.
Cutting a budget is only good if it is necessary. This budget does not include a single tax increase and is very conservative on revenue projections, all b/c the county is walking out of 2008 with a surplus and we have a reserve account just in case we see difficult economic conditions like we see this year. At this point, the cuts are not necessary. If we see that the next budget's revenues are low, then cuts are necessary. What none of the commissioners are willing to say, is that the small cuts proposed won't even come close to covering the deficit if this does become necessary. If we are going to cut our way through this mess, then it will include cuts to the DA's budget, the prisons and other necessary services.
"God forbid that these organizations would actually have to be funded directly by the community they supposedly serve."
Like impoverished inner-city children? Can we say "let them eat cake"?
Does anyone know if, during the application process, these entities must prove they have a true need for the funds, not just talk about what they'd do w/ the proceeds?
For example, my gut reaction is ArtsQuest has sufficient resources to fill their role without more government support. That may not be true, it's my perception. But that brings up the question. Anyone have an answer?
The Banker
little hungry poor children? pay for an extra curator at the art museum. more missed school days for field trips to transportation and science museums. help bring foreign art films. fund mayfair, so allentown can spend 3.8million because of heavy park use. support well endowed colleges, etc. please!
"Does anyone know if, during the application process, these entities must prove they have a true need for the funds, not just talk about what they'd do w/ the proceeds?"
Not only do they need the funds, they have to prove there is a community need for the programming they will provide. The scholarships and financial aid that these organizations provide allows financially disadvantaged children to take advantage of the summer programming that they would otherwise miss, just as an example of some of the programming.
MM, if you think field trips are missed instructional time, I have no doubt you would cut more than just quality of life funding.
$200,000 out of a $400,000,000. budget ??? I'm more concerned about the $800,000,000,000 borrowed from others and will only grow if we spend the next "100 years in Iraq" - John McCain .. to fund the invasion of Iraq, and the $700,000,000,000. bailout, and the $11,000,000,000,000. US debt. To go after Pip the Mouse and ignore the Republican reality in the huge numbers above is shocking. This is why people are voting for change this November 4. Obama/Biden and Bennett. The same folks complaining about Pip the Mouse turn a blind eye to shocking fiscal transgressions by their party (R) at the Federal level. God help us. (PS - Bernie, I'm not sure if I support the mouse. We will be examining your list next year in board committee meetings. We have to make some changes to how we conduct our county business - budget reality. also, Bernie, you are invited to the Coplay Town Watch - Properties of Merit Awards reception at Sam Owens Restaurant in Coplay. It will be a fun evening. Starts at 6:30.)
I would question the $10,100 for DeSales's Shakespeare. Ticket prices are prohibitive and keep folks like me away. Why should we pay to support something we can't afford to attend?
Comm'r Leiner,
Just as Comm'r Browning is willing to comment here, I must let both of you know how much I appreciate your willingness to share your reasoning. It makes government more accountable.
I agree these are very small sums in a $400 + MM budget.
I would like to know a bit more about the programs that grants are suggested. For example, in number 6, "Promote and encourage appreciation..." is not enough for me.
MM, as someone who directly benefitted from some of these grants in the last decade, I'd just like to point out that taking a field trip out of your run down super shitty overcrowded classroom to places like art museums and symphony hall are essential in terms of allowing children to grow intellectually and emotionally. Summer programming that your parents can actually afford to send you to makes all the difference, especially when your parents work and can't supervise you all day long. Places like the Discovery Center bring to life ideas that you might have learned about in science class but which the school district could never afford to demonstrate. That is how you pique a child's interest in learning and exploring ideas. Its very hard to "dream big" if your world is very small. Experiencing these things is probably one of the most effective ways to "broaden" the horizons for a lot of young people in Allentown. Everyone loves to complain about crime & gangs.... not only are these programs "nice," but they are definitely an investment in crime prevention. You know as well as I do that all data on education shows that a student who was exposed to the arts is considerably more likely to go on to college than a student who never had that opportunity. They are less likely to become criminals later in life. Being against throwing resources like the ones we have here in the LV at children is just going to come around and bite you in the ass later on.
I would agree though that *SOME* of those organizations probably don't really need the county funding, as banker pointed out ArtsQuest is made of money.
I also have the personal opinion that Mayfair has almost completely failed in its mission, and so the county/city/state should all withold funding until they get their ship righted, but since I am not the county exec, I'm not going to split hairs.
Overall I'm in favor of "quality of life" grants, and I think they are very necessary to the overall health of the region. Each of those dollars spent in grants is leveraged into so much more in terms of private funding or revenues earned or services offered that its a worthwhile expenditure, in this taxpayer's opinion.
As far as the $700 billion just borrowed is concerned, are you telling me it should not have happened? If so, then you oppose Bennett's poition. Are you telling me that we should not have tried to scrutininze that sum for a few days to make sure we can get as much for homeowners as is possible? I'm sure you'd agree that the bill Dent voted for is an improvement over Version #1.
POM is handing out awards in Coplay at 6:30 PM? I hope Bennett is not using that nonprofit to conduct her congressional campaign.
AJ, Each item was thoroughly reviewed, as noted in one of the comments.
The question I have about DeSales, for example, wss undoubtedly asked and answered.
I also happen to think Mayfair is a big fat failure.
I fault no one for asking the questions.
I'd cut most of them too. These are desperate times for taxpayers. Worries about job loss, medical expenses, children's schooling, loss of home. Apply for Grants.
The same folks complaining about Pip the Mouse turn a blind eye to shocking fiscal transgressions by their party (R) at the Federal level. God help us. (PS - Bernie, I'm not sure if I support the mouse.
Bait and switch. The subject was Lehigh County's budget. Cut em all.
The AAM is free on Sundays thanks to a Target Corp. grant (according to the Morning Call) and yet even a personal note to the new museum director to suggest he place a sign outside the museum on Sundays announcing "It's Free" no sign is present as of last weekend.
michael molovinsky, i see your point. almost every one of these grants is for the arts. it raises the important question of whether there should be public support for the arts in our society. i waver back and forth on this.
but BERNIE, you are making the same argument i make concerning medicare, medicaid and health care for teachers and public employees: i am self-employed and cannot, at any price mind you, buy the same level of health care for myself and my family that we routinely supply to senior, the indigent, to teachers and various government workers.
this thread might not be the optimum place for this debate, but to echo Bernie's thoughts on DeSales Shakespeare fest . . . why do we subsidize levels of health care the average citizen cannot buy?
in light of all these funds going to the arts, would it be permissible to say: "die, chen arts group?"
"For example, my gut reaction is ArtsQuest has sufficient resources to fill their role without more government support. That may not be true, it's my perception. But that brings up the question. Anyone have an answer?"
ArtsQuest does many things well and therefore everyone thinks that they don't need any financial help. One of the things they do well is find essential funds to run their organization. They run this charity, (it IS a charity - with the proceeds from their festivals and events going to support the Banana Factory) as a business - which means that they should have a decent amount of money put aside for economically hard times or a financial disaster. The expense to run this organization is incredibly large and I would argue that although the money goes to support the Banana Factory and all of their programs (programs exposing and involving inner city, latch-key kids to the arts)the whole community is also the recipient of their existence.
Bethlehem is hailed as one of the best cities to live in the country - Money Magazine - with many other accolades from other NATIONAL media, and our festivals play a large part in receiving these awards.
Also, the economic boon to Bethlehem is also another reward as a result of this organization. More people here and the more people spend money in our stores. I also have met more than a few people who have been exposed to Bethlehem because of Musikfest (Evelyn Beckman who opened up an art gallery - Ambre Studio - and moved to Bethlehem, comes to mind.
These things cannot not be ignored.
The funds provided from the County are paid back - triple fold. This expenditure is definitely worth it.
"in light of all these funds going to the arts, would it be permissible to say: 'die, chen arts group?'"
This inflammatory comment would be far more inflammatory if it made any sense, but it doesn't.
lynn logue:
I think you are making a great and valid point about ArtsQuest - however, this funding is going to support a component of Musikfest - Banana Island - We all know that Musikfest generates huge revenues for ArtsQuest, so it would seem to me that if they are reaping the benefits of having families visit Musikfest during the daytime in order to do arts activities at Banana Island (and buying their lunch and snacks from the vendors), they should be able to spend the money to support the programming.
Funding for the Banana Factory, or even more specifically, for B-Smart or any of their "community" programming is obviously a different story.
Lynn, appreciate your comments as well, and I don't doubt the good work that most of these organizations do. However, I still believe there should be a "financial needs" test on the organization as part of the grant process. If an organization has sufficient reserves to pay for its programs, it should do so without government support. That way, county $$ can either be saved or redirected.
The Banker
Our country, state, counties, and cities have serious problems.
This type of spending is unconscionable and usually the result of some pol using my dough to look magnanimous to his wife's friend's coffee clatch.
Let's start a list of things more important than those on the Santa Claus list. I'll start.
1) health care
Discuss amongst yourselves.
Funny. I remember ad-free PBS running self promoting ads with the tag line, "If not PBS, where?"
The free market soon provided the answer with A&E, Discovery, TLC, Smithsonian, National Geographic, History and many, many more.
The arts won't disappear when public financing of it does. And given some of the crap PBS serves up, the arts might actually improve in government's absence.
It is not a matter of "if" we should fund all these nice things. It is a question of priorities and "if" we can afford it. We cannot.
This budget has a $12 million operating deficit. It is DEPLETING surplus funds. They are spending more than they are making. That is irresponsible.
Commissioner Leiner, nice tirade. But you are a County Commissioner, not a Congressman. How about minding the store that you have a vote and influence.
Is it responsible to spend $12 million more than the county has?
Yes, Harrisburg and D.C. are out of control also. But let's fix those things that we can more directly influence.
This debate will grow over the next year.
Lynn Logue,
Thanks so much for your perspective.
ArtsQuest is going to be walking away w/ some very big bucks from NC this year.
EDven Angle is on board with the funding request, which will come from hotel tax as opposed to real estate taxes.
ArtsQuest in in Northampton County, what gives?
Yeah, It's taking over the SteelStax and there will be a little theatre for kids and PBS will relocate there, etc., etc. It looks pretty nice.
Cut, baby, cut. I don't know how long our local governments can continue to Keep our Arts Alive when government can't even sufficiently protect its citizens. If people want to support these good programs they need to take out their checkbooks and help. Try as they might they couldn't subsidize culture in the City of Allentown.
Anon 7:42 AM stated: Like impoverished inner-city children? Can we say "let them eat cake"?
The point is that these non-profit organizations find it much easier to pack a meeting room at budget time instead of making their case directly to the community.
I have no doubt that the community would fund valid and needed programs for "impoverished inner city kids" and any other good cause.
However, it is much easier to siphon money from county commissioners who view a $12 million operating deficit as a drop in the bucket since that sum is not as large as the overspending at the federal and state levels.
Bill Leiner Jr. wrote: "To go after Pip the Mouse and ignore the Republican reality in the huge numbers above is shocking."
Bill, if Republicans are guilty of anything it is that they have acted like Democrats in terms of spending over the past few years. Instead of fighting wasteful spending and budget deficits, they jumped on the bandwagon. Oddly, I haven't noticed a decrease in federal spending since the Democrats took over a few years ago.
Your post in response to the county's operating deficit of $12 million is an excellent example of what went wrong at the federal and state levels. Democrats ignoring the overspending is the first step. Republican failure to stop it while in the majority and their willingness to go along with new county spending programs will be the next.
PIP left with Hess's. The only one left is Ricky the Rat!
Absolutely. I would cut every one of them. They are grants not rights. While the rest of the world has to tighten belts...so should we. These are lean times if you haven't noticed.
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