I just got a robocall from state Democrats telling me to tune in to
Channel 39's Puff News Tempo tonight. Host Amy Burkett, aka Harriet Nelson, polls a married couple after
LV Congressman Charlie Dent and contender
Sam Bennett sits down separately for dinner with them - spaghetti and meatballs. Since Democrats are spending money telling folks to tune in, I can only conclude that Burkett, consummate news professional that she is, has already tipped the Bennett camp in advance, enabling them to promote their candidate and her show.
Last week, Properties of Merit Board President Jim Molchany fell on his sword and resigned after
allowing Bennett's propaganda minister, Gary Ritterstein, help organize a news conference.
This time, the news arm of another nonprofit crosses the line to help Sam Bennett promote her campaign.
Isn't that nice?
The call came from
616-712-1796 and the automated caller states the call was paid for by the Pennsylvania State Democratic Committee.
"Since Democrats are spending money telling folks to tune in, I can only conclude that Burkett, consummate news professional that she is, has already tipped the Bennett camp in advance, enabling them to promote their candidate and her show"
That could very well be, Mr. O'Hare, but please remember this is the same campaign that not only challenged Rep. Dent to a series of debates, but essentially egged him on, only to have their candidate fall on her face repeatedly, in a magnitude that many have never before been witnessed in the modern history of LV political forums.
Just because the Bennett camp is hyping up an appearance on Channel 39 doesn't mean they know the show was a bonus for their candidate. They've made grave mistakes before, on a regular basis. The fact that they are still not gun shy of anything being video recorded does amaze me, though. The campaign is either fearless or completely inept.
If TEMPO was calling potential Bennett supporters it would be an issue.
There isn't anything unethical here based on the information we have at hand.
Pete & Anon 1:45,
Upon reflection, you're both right. The fact that the Bennett camp is telling people to watch this debate is not evidence they weere tipped by PBS. It could very well be tha the campaign, a comedy of errors, is just happy to see someone watching their candidate.
Got the robocall too. Funny, right after that happened I sent in my email to volunteer for the Dent campaign on Tuesday.
PBS is a sinful government expenditure, given other choices for the same programming and a need to fund more important, pressing priorities.
It's a slop trough for uppity lefties who couldn't get a job in the real world.
I stopped watching this show years ago when they decided that the shenanigans that pass for government in Allentown was too controversial to cover. The same can be said of the "Lehigh Valley" show that airs on FM 88.1
Bernie, you understand what a gold mine Allentown is for potential big news stories yet no one bothers to go after it. Why? I think we all know the reason.
Scott Armstrong
"It's a slop trough for uppity lefties who couldn't get a job in the real world."
Really? When do I start?
"It's a slop trough for uppity lefties who couldn't get a job in the real world."
This is oh so true. I really think the people are hurt by the fact that there is only one paper in town. It's a shame bc even that paper is struggling.
Reporters will themselves tell me they prefer some competition. It makes them better, and we benefit.
But a lot is going on and there are even attempts to control the message. The Allentown Good News blog, for example, moderates commentary. it refused to publish a comment from me that was critical of Allentown's Landlord Hall of Shame. But you have to give your liberal friend, Michael Donovan, some credit. He runs an open blog. Molovinsky does, too, except when Villa hijacks it to tilt at windmills and threaten people. Your A-town Commentator is a very informative resource.
You and I are on different ends of the political spectrum, but I admire your earnest desire for accoutable and transparent local government. That's why we are on the same page on so many local issues.
Lefty? Yes. Uppity? No way. Nazareth screens for that type of behavior - from the left.
I must be uppity because I drink Starbucks . . . Sumatra, too. I evewn use a french press. Also, I read books. All the time.
Finally, people are seeing and saying what I have been for years ! But to be honest, it is hard to get your written reports and articles out to the community if everything is controlled by one or two entities. Lehigh Valley is actually ripe for new community news shows, radio shows, and internet forums. Unfortunately, people are afraid of losing funding or making "leaders' angry and being shut out of the supposed "circles of importance".
Call me crazy, but I thrive on being an outcast !! (smile)
Alfonso Todd
P.S. And just to prove my point, look out for 5 Minutes of Flavor on www.lehighvalleyflavor.piczo.com
and J. Black Presents.... Coming soon, January 2009. Look out TEMPO and COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT !!!!
It appears to be an unlisted #...
Number: (616) 712-1796
State: MI Zipcode: 48838 - Unlisted Reverse Phone
and if it were positive for Dent, you don't think Millan would be pushing it?
Burkett is a hapless idiot with a helmet hairstyle
Any Burkett was palnning to or did run for office, as a Republican. Again the wingnuts engage mouth before shifting brain.
Most of the Ch 39 wine and cheese crowd are Republicans. They are the same Republicans that run the State Theater. They are the ones that like to tell the 'common folk' how to live.
Sorry if you guys have a party still run by the big $$$ Rockafeller Repiblicans but at least in the Lehigh Valley, you do.
Anon 5pm offered...
"It's a slop trough for uppity lefties who couldn't get a job in the real world."
Bite me, oh anonymous one. I worked in a grocery store 30 hours a week to put myself through one of your so-called elitist schools so I could get a good job making boatloads of money and be able to watch PBS whenever I damn want to.
PBS is certainly far less of a "trough" than that "fair and balanced" Faux news.
I love you guys - you won't deal in facts - only hyperbole (that's a 4 syllable word, doncha know)! What is scary (as far as the future of this country is concerned) is that you and your ilk decry the very education we need in order for our country to stay afloat.
Go dip some snuff - I don't take any of you seriously anymore.
demothug - watch whatever amen corner crap you like. just don't ask those of us who work and contribute to underwrite your appalling taste in propaganda. get it on the open market and stop coveting others money. what a shitty way to go through life.
Demothug --
See the thing about Fox news is that nobody sends me a goddamn tax bill for it.
Did your fancy-dancy education help you understand the situation now.
Nevermind. You were probably the idiot checkout kid who always crushed peoples bread when you bagged.
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