Well, the hangmen are at it again, and this time, they're attempting to string up a regular, career service, employee.
Their latest victim is the Director of the Criminal Division, Leigh Ann Fisher. She had been invited to yesterday's Finance Committee to explain the efforts her office makes to collect restitution. Before she could get started, council prez Ann McHale ambushed her.
Citing vague allegations of "condescending" emails and "complaints", the imperious Ann McHale demanded to know what is going on. Fisher asked for details, but McHale declined, stating that information is classified. In America, you may have a right to face your accuser, but there must be some exception in Northampton County.
What McHale is really doing is pandering for more union votes in a quest to become next county exec. If that involves stepping all over an office supervisor, too bad. What the green T-shirted lynch mob known as AFSCME fails to comprehend is that she'll step all over them, too, when it becomes politically expedient.
If you chop down all the trees in the forest to get the devil, where will you hide when the devil turns on you?
I have deleted an anonymous personal attack posted by a troll.
Damn trolls!
She will turn on the green-shirts when it is expedient.
Excellent point. When the time comes, they will follow her piping into the sea, like the rats they are.
The madness at Northampton County is sickening. No other government in the Valley (Lehigh County and the 60 some municipalites and school districts)operate like this bunch of neophytes. I find it troublesome that Council believes it has some sort of day to day power when it comes to employees. Where is Stoffa? Why are these issues not being addressed by him? If I were a County employee being hauled in front of any Council member or the Board, I would have an Attorney. I would then make it clear of my intent to sue each member of Council as an "individual". Employee/Employer issues are to be handled by the Administration. Period.
Anon 9:04, Stoffa was sitting in the hearing room. So was Leigh Ann Fisher's immediate boss, the Director of Court Services. Like you, I believe that either Stoffa or her boss should have stopped this kangaroo court as soon as McHale started. This council is attempting to advance itself on the carcasses of county workers.
There are many hard working, dedicated people working for Norhtampton County. They understand the term "civil servant", and respect their employer, the citizens of Northampton County. Others view their jobs as just a job. The unions have fanned the smoldering embers of discontent among the rank and file to the point of creating a toxic attitude towards supervisors and the administration. The natural evolution of this bitterness is poor service to the public. Those employees who buy into the union dogma of "us versus them" forget who they really work for- THE PUBLIC! So, instead of complaining about rules that are meant to protect the public's interest they covertly and immaturely run to their pious ally on County Council, Ann McHale. Instead of considering the best interests of the county citizens she was elected to represent, McHale grandstands at every opportunity in order to embarrass the county administration. This is highly irresponsiible. REMEMBER WHO YOU WORK FOR ANN McHALE AND UNION MALCONTENTS! This administration was elected by the people and should be respected for that. You can disagree without being disagreeable. We have heard that phrase a lot lately...
When is Ann McHale's seat up for re-election?
Ann McHale who is she really? Does she really know how things run in the county? Does she know who is initially responsible for monitoring the collection of fines, cost & restitution? Apparently not if she "attacks" Leigh Ann Fisher, Clerk of Court. Maybe McHale should get an inside look at the cycle of things before she starts bashing one. Maybe, she should bash the Directors of the probation departments. For it is the probation officers who are initially responsible for ensuring their clients make regular payments are are supposed to have their cases paid in full prior to closing of the case. Does that happen...nope, probation officer will request the case be closed with the defendant making either minimal or no payments at all towards costs/restitution. ThoseI guess that is acceptable to Ann McHale. I guess it is a good thing that the Criminal Division, including its supervisor, has broad shoulders, and you can put the blame on them. They are an office of hard working individuals, one day someone will see that and appreciate them!
McHale was just re-elected to her district seat last year. She does not come up again for three years. A Dem in a Democratic district, she is safe. But now she wants to run for exec, and is consorting w/ union business agents while ignoring the people.
Yesterday,. she was vehemently against the easement being sought by Keystone Cement to add capacity to its mostly union business. Without that easement, the company said it weill have to lay off people in July. The county hasd been dragging its feet on this for about four months.
The company is even willing to donate an easement over land for rails to trails. But McHale does not want to go along. "Someone's lack of planning is not our problem."
Tonight's meeting should be very interesting. I'll have my tape recorder.
Anon 10:05,
Thank you for an excellent observation. Neither McHale nor her fellow hangmen will dare criticize the black robes.
McHale was out of line with Fisher. But I'm sure she picked up a few union votes.
Ann Mchale is and always be a neophyte. She has never ever run a real business with real employees and a real budget that affects not only employees but tens of thousands of taxpayers. She is an insurance agent for gawd sakes. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Also, didn't she try to award a County Health insurance contract to a prefered provider? She is not qualified for any executive job. While I am not a Stoffa cheerleader, at least he came up through a system. It is about time that Ann McHale be called to the carpet. BTW -- I do not work for the County but am a mere taxpayer watching all of this from the sideline.
" Also, didn't she try to award a County Health insurance contract to a prefered provider?"
I will try to find out.
I'm really disgusted by the crew on council, and tonight they meet again.
Anne's preferred health insurer one whom she cocktails with at Saucon Valley belies any interest in best deal for taxpayers or county employees. Not hard to find him Bernie he is in bethlehem and has used his country club crowd to secure business for decades.
She is a handsome older woman tho! Regal even!
True. Angle adores her. He smiles as she sticks knives into him. She was also out of line w/ Leigh Ann Fisher.
I finally got it! Alice in Wonderland..the Queen of Hearts.."Off with their heads"! Tell me I'm wrong?
Leigh Ann is a class act and, in my experience, very competent.
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