A tidal wave of at least sixty county workers, each wearing bright green AFSCME T-shirts, had massed into Northampton County Council chambers. Dressed in green, they were seeing red. Hell hath no fury like a county worker scorned. They were there to prove who's boss - them. They wanted to see a hangin', too.
County Council was considering an ordinance that will henceforth require all employment policy changes to go through the Personnel Commission. If a policy is actually a regulation, it must be approved by county council.
Incensed by sixty-three policy changes dealing with working hours, conditions of employment and a "ton of stuff" over a two-week time frame, union workers wanted to stop the administration. Last night, they made their plea to the Northampton County Hangmen. They picked a good night. The Northampton County Bulldog, Ron Angle, is the one member of Northampton Council who would have stood up to a lynch mob of green T-shirts. But he was detained at a viewing.
Hangman Charles Dertinger, who has a few union T-shirts of his own, played to the lynch mob. "The county executive campaigned on the issue of building morale, and morale has never been worse simply because the employees are being treated like garbage." Naturally, the green T-shirts applauded. Employee policies must be the equivalent of waterboarding.
Hangwoman Diane Neiper added her voice to the choir, too. "They put our employees in stressful situations that really didn't have to happen if, months ago, we would have just stopped doing those policies and said, 'Let's back up. Let's talk. Let's get this done the right way.'" The green T-shirted lynch mob exploded in applause again.
Hangmen Prez McHale reviewed these policy changes, and said the one that caught her eagle eye was a policy change that eliminates retirement care for new employees. That was something Stoffa had cleared in last year's budget. Maybe they forgot.
Linda Markwith, who works in Human Resources, told the Hangmen this proposed ordinance would violate the county's Home Rule Charter. County Solicitor Karl Longenbach agreed. "Passage of this Ordinance is an unwarranted and unlawful incursion into the power of the county executive." Karl talks like that, even to hangmen. But County Council Solicitor Lenny Zito had previously told the hangmen this proposed ordinance is lawful. Since Zito was telling the hangmen what they already wanted to hear, his legal argument prevailed.
The ordinance passed unanimously.
Is it illegal? Beats me. I can understand why it was adopted, especially after hearing what Ann McHale had to say about the "policy" eliminating retirement health care for new hires. Perhaps the hangmen were just concerned about the county workforce.
It was all about hanging Stoffa and his cabinet. Immediately after their unanimous vote to interfere with the executive's authority over his own workforce, the hangmen also voted to demand that HR Director Connie Falk Sutton resign.
In his usual melodramatic tones, Hangman Lamont McClure led the lynch mob. "We must take a strong stand and let them know that Council does not believe that it is our job to have to clean up the mess that they create by their extralegal activities." [Green T-shirts applaud]. "Tonight I make a motion that county council demonstrates its sense that Connie Sutton Falk should resign." [Thunderous applause and cheering from the green T-shirts, who produce a rope].
While all of this was going on, Sutton was sitting quietly in front of me, a pawn being played by mean-spirited hangmen whose really want to slip that noose around John Stoffa's neck. I felt bad for her. It took courage to endure this unnecessary humiliation.
Dertinger claimed Sutton Falk "has taken just about every effort to either be condescending to this body, to not answer our questions or skirt around them." "Having witnessed the abrasiveness of this Director towards Council, and we're elected to sit here, I can't imagine what it's like for those who are working here. I think it is not only within our purview but it's our responsibility to call out when we see something of this magnitude, rather than sit idly by and let it continue."
I attend most county council meetings, and I've never seen Sutton Falk act disrespectfully towards any member of council. In fact, her attendance at these meetings, in and of itself, is a sign of respect. But everybody wanted a hangin'.
McHale added she gets lots of phone calls complaining about Connie. Horrors! Employees complain about the HR Director. There's a shocker!
Mike Dowd may have supported the ordinance, but hangin' was too much for him. "I'm not sure that this is our responsibility." It was too much for Peg Ferraro, too. "This is not in our purview and I feel this is inappropriate. I've been around here since 1989 and I think there have been more problems with Directors of Human Resources than any other job here. It's not an easy job and it's not easy to please everyone. I just feel this is inappropriate."
Laconic John Stoffa said, "Thank you, Peg," but was quickly silenced with an "excuse me" from McHale. What does Stoffa think this is, a democracy? How dare he interfere with the Northampton County Hangmen!
Sutton Falk, who sat mutely, was given no notice of this motion. She was afforded no opportunity to be heard. Not that it would have mattered.
Talk about abrasive!
Wayne Grube, another old-timer, spoke out. "Maybe it should happen and maybe it shouldn't. But I'm gonna' tell you something. I hope the rest of you employees don't think that this is going to be a butcher block for people in the administration every time that something happens. If these people feel they can do it, I'm not going to be a part of it. I will not put up with coming in here every two weeks and three weeks and carrying out an execution. . . . This is not a home of execution."
After that magnificent speech, which rails against a tyranny of the majority, Grube inexplicably voted with McHale, Dertinger Neiper and McClure to request Connie to resign. The trap door came open and down Connie descended.
The fallacy in all of this is that the people elected John Stoffa to administer the county, not county council, AFSCME or the county workforce. He's the boss and they work for him. They think it's the other way around. The Hangmen have now given a green light to a lynch mob in green T-shirts, signalling that everyone in Stoffa's cabinet in fair game.
"What'd you think?" a giddy deputy asked me as I left county council early, disgusted and in need of a shower. What I think is that any judge reviewing this ordinance will see what the Hangmen's real motive was, thanks to Hangman McClure's idiotic and just plain nasty motion.
Who's next? The green T-shirts will applaud and cheer as other necks are stretched on the gallows, but where will they hide when the hangmen come for them?
And they will.
Then through the town the Hangmen came
And called in the empty streets my name --
And I looked at the gallows soaring tall
And thought, "There is no one left at all."
(Blogger's Note: The poem quoted is Maurice Ogden's The Hangman)
Your favorite solictor Len Zito found Sutton-Falk and Stoffa to have acted outside the county code. Read his opinion for your self.
This is a perfect example of you get what you give. Connie has been bashing people and unwilling to compromise with anyone. She deserves nothing more in return.
Your favorite solictor Len Zito found Sutton-Falk and Stoffa to have acted outside the county code. Read his opinion for your self.
And perhaps they did. But county council pandered to the lynch mob last night. Especially bc it was a union lynch mob. County council sent the message that the Indians rule, not the chief. County council immersed itself into the executive's role. Worse than anything, vounty council debased another human being, who was sitting there. She as not even affordefd the opportunity to defend herself. It is the most dewscpicable action I've seen that despicable body take. And county employeees have the gall to cheer? They should hang their heads in shame.
"This is a perfect example of you get what you give."
Listen, where will you hide when the hangmen come for you? What they did to Sutton Falk last night, they can easily do to any one of you. They can claim that you violated the Charter and must resign. That trumps everytrhing else.
Last night, every member of council violated the charter. During a public hearing, Pat Strunk rose to speak. She was told to sit down and wait her turn. County council adopted the ordinance without hearing from her. In doing so, it violated the Home Rule Charter. By Lamont McClure's reasoning, the seven members of council present last night should resign.
There is absolutely no news here.
AFSCME owns Democrats and has for a long time. Even in a totalitarian county, the Central Committee and all of the rest of us must occasionally be reminded who the boss really is.
Democrats simply acted like good Democrats last night.
Wayne Grube is simply the biggest coward I've ever seen in local politics. I've never considered him a threat to split the atom anytime soon, but had no idea what a craven tag-a-long he is.
He's simply the worst public official in this county. He stands for nothing - despite barely coherent, phony statements. He's the embodiment of everything that is wrong with politics and should resign immediately and give pay back what he's taken from taxpayers under the false premise of serving them.
This is not a personal attack. I do not know the man. It is an attack on the miserable job he's done as an elected official. It's similarly an attack on the one-party sheep who continue to put up with his brazen contempt and utter failure to properly steward county money.
I imagine his decomposing carcass will have to pried from his council seat, as he'll never admit he's unable to do his job. And who the hell would notice anyway?
His vote was totally inconsistent with his speech. And what happened last night is perhaps the lowest act I've ever seen from a county council.
I am especially perturbed by the idiotic employees who participated in the lynching of Connie Sutton falk. What they don't realize is that they applauded a malicious group who next week could decide to make a similar demand on any one of them.
Couldn't this have all been avoided if Mr. Stoffa had simply directed his HR director to submit the Policy Manual to the Personnel Commission for review? What would the harm have been?
"Couldn't this have all been avoided if Mr. Stoffa had simply directed his HR director to submit the Policy Manual to the Personnel Commission for review? What would the harm have been?"
This is the best defense for the Democrats' cowardly actions? Go back to bed, Wayne.
The harm in that is that (1) it dilutes the power of the executive; (2) it makes it more difficult to supervise employees.
The way I look at this is there are two separate issues. First is whether the policy manual should be reviewed. Reasonable minds can differ on that point, and it's apparent a judge will be making that call.
The other issue is the complete and total disrespect shown by council to a cabinet official. I am also disgusted by the union employees who attended last night's meeting to lynch Sutton Falk. It was a vicious set up. It was county council at its lowest. Even though the woman was there, she was not even offered an opportunity to defend herself. Stoffa was silenced, too.
The idiots who engineered this should stop and think that council can do to them what they did to Sutton Falk.
If those sixty union workers think they control elections, they better think again. Taxpayers are going to be very upset to learn that county council has ruled that inmates can run the asylum. This will not play way outside the circle of spoiled brats who think they run the county.
No taxpayer with knowledge of the facts will support the reelection of the council members responsible for that debacle. That includes Dertinger & Neiper.
You got a lot of nerve O'Hare. You talk about the taxpayers...COUNTY EMPLOYEES ARE TAX PAYERS. How dare you make a statement about "inmates running the asylum" and "spoiled brats and "idiotic employees". Union employees have a contract and Sutton-Falk and Stoffa have NO RIGHT making ANY changes without negotiations. As far as elections go....HELLO!! union members are also REGISTERED VOTERS.
i dispute the notion that union members are voters. if one would take the time to go through the voting rolls, you would find that many are in fact not even registered.
and of the ones who are, how many live outside the jurisdiction in which they serve?
"You got a lot of nerve O'Hare."
Yes, I do. You would do well to remember that.
For thirty years, county execs have been doing exactly what you challenged. Perhaps you're right. I doubt it, but that's not what bothers me.
What bothers me was that you spoiled brats were a lynch mob. In your little green T-shirts, you hooted and cheered as Connie was strung up. You disgusted me.
And you are idiotic bc what happened to Connie could easily happen to you tommorrow or the next day.
All that union has done for the residual unit is get them some T-shirts. If the workers had any sense, and many of them do, they'll dump it.
I noticed entire offices missing last night. Nobody from register of wills. Nobody from recorders. Nobody from civil division. Trouble in paradise?
Only 70% of the county workforce even lives in Pa. Only about 60% of the workforce lives in the county. And I know that only one-third of those workers ever bother to register.
But even if every last one of you were registered, your behavior disgraced you and the county in the eyes of other taxpayers. And believe me, I will make sure the taxpayers know exactly how you and the Hangmen behaved. They will see you for what you are - greedy people out to screw anyone who gets in your way.
You are also under the misimpression that you run the county. That will have to be corrected. It may take an election to do it, but it will be done.
Don't even try to defend your despicable behavior.
In my younger yeasrs, I actually organized a union at a chemical plant. I have a lot of respect for unions. I have no respect for your union or your behavior.
Don't some members of council (McHale, McClure, Grube?) have family members working for the county? Don't they have a conflict voting on HR policy issues? Wouldn't a county judge have to refer it outside for that matter?
Stick a fork in Stoffa. He's done next May just like Glenn. If he even decides to run at all. How does he win a Democratic primary or get get reelected without the backing of labor, his party boss, the employees, money, Council,...???
Just for the record...please do not lump me in with the green wearing t-shirt crowd from last night. I was not in attendance at the council meeting last night. Do not lump all "union employees" together. Not all county employees are spoiled brats. Certain jobs are union whether you want to be in it or not. Yes, I wrote you have a lot of nerve, because I feel that you were attacking county union members as a whole. There are a lot of decent employees working in the row offices that have no choice but to have their job be considered union. I still do stand by the fact that if union members have a contract, then Sutton-Falk should not be able to make changes without negotiating first. In your last blog you seem to be attacking me as being a part of the "lynch mob". I was not, so Bernie, I think you owe me an apology.
Your blog has become alot like Fox news, unfair and unbalanced. When council ripped apart the Reibman administration you seemed not to have much of an issue with it. Although Reibman got tired of the constant harassment and indignant remarks and finally decided not to show, his department heads had to sit by and get assaulted by Angle rants. You seem to have more of a problem with Sutton-Falk getting abused because she is a Stoffa appointee. I have seen her in action and it's not pretty. She is nasty , arogant, and abusive. Apparently last night was a Karmic reaction to her misdeeds. Where John found her is a mystery. Why he hired her is one also. However, she would probably be more productive in a job that doesn't require her to deal with Human Beings. She just isn't good at it. Employees aren't the only ones that feel this way. I have spoken to administrative folks that dealt with her and were turned off. Whether she should be fired or not is not normally the business of Council but maybe they felt that they needed to send a message. You are one of the very few that were upset by the message. Congrats on that. You are 1 in a million that know her and actually like her.
"Don't some members of council (McHale, McClure, Grube?) have family members working for the county? Don't they have a conflict voting on HR policy issues? Wouldn't a county judge have to refer it outside for that matter?"
All three have family members who work for the county. but unless there is a specific benefit to a family member that does not apply to everyone else, there technically is no conflict. A county judge could decide a question like this, too. There is no direct conflict.
"Stick a fork in Stoffa. He's done next May just like Glenn. If he even decides to run at all. How does he win a Democratic primary or get get reelected without the backing of labor, his party boss, the employees, money, Council,...???"
He is disgusted by all the spolied brats and the Hangmen. But last time he ran, he won the primary wioth no support from labor, the party boss, employees, money or council. His campaign warchest is actually in the hole. But the people who vote in these municipal elections are much more savvy than those who vote once every four years for Prez. They take the time to inform themselves. And it is very clear that Stoffa is having trouble getting things done because the hangmen throw up roadblocks at every opportunity.
" In your last blog you seem to be attacking me as being a part of the "lynch mob". I was not, so Bernie, I think you owe me an apology."
Fair enough. I will apologize for lumping you w/ the loonies.
Bernie, this article is why I read your blog. Request: Can you start covering some Lehigh County meetings?
Anon 7:28,
When Vince Dominach was wife-swapping on the county dime, I never called on him to resign. So your analogy is wrong. I was a Reibman critic, but never made it personal. The hangmen have made things personal.
Connie Sutton-Falk could be the most acerbic person in the world (that's actually me) and would not deserve the treatment she got last night. She was provided no notice. She was given no opportunity to be heard. She was denied basic due process, which is a violation of her civil rights.
But that made no different to the lynch mob in green T-shirts or the Hangmen.
When Stoffa attempted to speak, he was silenced, too. The county's top ranking official was denied an opportunity to speak.
Orse than anything else, the lynch mob knew this was coming. It was a set up, a disgrace.
Oh well, nobody likes her anyway,. so we can screw her? What happens when we decide that nobody likes you?
You should all be ashamed. Any of you with green T-shirts should burn them.
Bernie, this article is why I read your blog. Request: Can you start covering some Lehigh County meetings?
I covered a few last year and should try to do so. I will make an effort to do so.
Bernie, I second the request that you cover Lehigh. This may have been your most powerful post yet. But how did you get those long quotes?
I'll try to make more time.
I recorded the meeting. Every word is accurate. The only lie is the bit about the rope.
Thank you for the nice words, Mrs. Stoffa.
Connie harasses the rank and file employees of the county and Boonie rises to her defense. There is no defense for her horrendous treatment of the county work force. There is no defense to her breaking the administrative code.
I don't know a single head of HR who was well-regarded by rank and file employees. It has been by no means been established that she violated anything. Moreover, she wa denied due process by a petty council of hangmen and a lynch mob.
I'm 7:38 anon. I have no green shirt. I would be proud to wear one though. I agree that she should have had a chance to speak. However, as Angle always used to point out to the Reibman administration, "It's their meeting and they decide who can speak and who cannot. Again, what can I say, it's her karma..Whether in this life or in the past one, she ****** someone. Although I hate to admit it you have, maybe in a lapse of judgment, shown some small flashes of humanity. Haven't seen that in Sutton-Falk, srry..
Thanks for the post! I guess Dirt needs to get support from the local union. I'm sure they'll finance his campaign for county executive.
I do think the ET and MC did a good job on coverage.
Was this lady responsible for hiring the sex offender a few months ago? Seems everyone has a hard time keeping track of these people. The ET reported on their Web page today that a sex offender was caught today in the crayola factory, How the hell did they catch that dude and not catch the sex offender who works in the alpha building? I noticed a guy from the Meghans Law website and did a little research. He works in the same building as the crayola factory. It's a shame.
HEY! I'm 7:38 anon. Don't hijack my compliment to Bernie, especially since he's mad at me for calling him a liar.
Anon 10:07,
"as Angle always used to point out to the Reibman administration, 'It's their meeting and they decide who can speak and who cannot.'"
Not quite. Although county council can shut people off, it is bound by the Sunshine Act, Home Rule Charter, and Contitution.
It cut off a county worker, Pat Strunk, who wished to address them during the public hearing on the ordinance that the green shirts were there about. That violated the Home Rule Charter.
It also denied basic due process to HR Director Connie Falk Sutton. She could be the nastiest person in the world (I maintain that it's me), but is still entitled to due process. They interfered with her employment and damaged her reputation without either notice or an opportunity to be heard. That's about as blatant as it gets.
Bob, Jr.,
I'm by no means mad at you. I'm called names all the time and didn't perseive what you wrote as a personal attack. I simply pointed out that if you start a comment thread by calling people liars, as you did, you must realize that someone might come back at you.
Anon 10:07, I'd add that the exec has the right, under the Home Rule Charter, to make reports to county council. That by definition should include the right to make comments he deems appropriate. McHale was out of line with him.
"How does he win a Democratic primary or get get reelected without the backing of labor, his party boss, the employees, money, Council,...???"
HE did it once before -
Bernnie isn't this the Dem team helping McHale in her Executive run. My understanding is she wanted an issue to get rank and file behind her so the Dem's helped her by organizing this lynch mob.
I am an employee who supported Mr. Stoffa, and didn't she support the Reibman job cuts and pay freezes? This all seems a bit hypocritical, considering that I don't think Council can fire an administrator.
Seems like a sneaky way to fish for votes. The Council Dems and the Prez should be ashamed.
You are either 100% correct or very close. There preplanned maneuver was designed to ingratiate them in the eyes of the union, ruin the morale of the county exec's staff and deter him from seeking a second term. It may very well have the opposite effect.
This is like reading Kremlinologists' reports about inner-party struggles back in the day.
It's funny to see local CCCP members take shots at each other because there's no real dissent in NC and never a dispute over spending more, doing less and sticking the one-party boot up everyone's ass.
Please don't pretend there is serious debate going on here. In the larger scheme, Stoffa and the majority of council are just different heads of the same ass.
Hey, Bernie, I hope to see you Sunday night at 22nd and Tilghman in allentown for the big debate between Sam and Charlie. Or are you afraid of what Bennett's mobsters might do to you in th e parking lot? LOL!
Yeah, I'll be posting it. I'm not worried about Bennett's campaign -they're all actually very nice.
Boonie, quite to the contrary. His enemies are praying Stoffa runs. Watching him humiliated and all of your self-righteous puffery go down the drain is going to be a lot of fun !
It's not just the union employees that have problems with Sutton-Falk. The county started a job study last year and nothing has come of it. Non union employees haven't seen any results of the study and she said theirs would be done first. It is because of Reibman and the layoffs and the pay freezes that brought in a union in the first place. Union members had to work over 4 years with no pay increases and unsettled contracts all the while the county was handing out pay increases for non union employees. Might I also add that while healthcare contributions have gone up for union members, the county has NOT made the non union members pay ANY additional costs for their healthcare on top of giving out raises.
"Boonie, quite to the contrary. His enemies are praying Stoffa runs. Watching him humiliated and all of your self-righteous puffery go down the drain is going to be a lot of fun !"
Knowing that people like you are out there is all the inspitation I need to instensify what I've already done.
We fought a revolutionary war so that people could be provided with notice and an opportunity to be heard. I know what side I;m on, and I see what side you're on.
Anon 12:01,
The county can't do anything for union people or it will be charged with an unfair labor practice. There must be negotiations and it's usually the greedy people who hold everything up for everyone else. While I certainly understand why county workers felt the need to go union, it has been a disaster in Northampton County, giving workers less than they would have gotten if they had remained nonunion. I think it's time to say goodbye to the union and all those green T-shirts, at least in the residual unit, where it has been most useless.
As far as the Hay study is concerned, that should have been done by the end of July. That is what everyone in the administration was led to believe. People are right to be upset. But Connie Sutton Falk is not doing the Hay study. The Hay group is doing that. So is she supposed to resign over a pay study that she is not doing? You must realize that makes no sense.
Mr O'Hare, are you even reading anything that has been said here from the employees??
I am appalled that you refer to the county employees as you do...and say we are greedy--that we think we run the place. Try putting up with all the changes the past few years the administration has done to the employees........consider when other executives were in office, the employees were treated with way much more dignity and respect, and had better incentive and recognition to want to be at work every day..............this is downright shameful to treat employees the way administration does as of late.........just because you don't see it or want to admit to it, it's true......and especially an office like the one I work in........employee morale is uber important FOR THE SAKE OF THE COMMUNITY AND TAXPAYERS, AND THE ADMINISTRATION KNOWS ABOUT THE PROBLEMS IN OUR OFFICE, but the problems are never dealt with and ignored..........AND WE SEE WHAT COULD EVENTUALLY HAPPEN TO THE QUALITY OF OUR WORK AND HOW IT WILL AFFECT THE COMMUNITY IF ITS NOT ADDRESSED.......you know it could be that if the executive and his appointees would face the situations we present instead of running the other way and hiding then this could have been avoided, but the employees are so sick and tired of screeming wanting and waiting for someone to hear---for the county to not only abide by the labor and union laws but to maybe want to keep the employees semi-content-----but this is not what is happening here.
Yes I was there, and yes Stoffa and Falk could have gotten up to defend themselves, the councilmembers even asked why she wasn't the one given the speech.........she did get up to approach the bench, she turned around and sat down!!! Why did Stoffa and Falk have someone else give the speech?? Why didn't she approach when the members wanted her input and her say?? She had every chance during their plug, was even requested to, and she didn't move. AND WHY DOESN'T SHE EVER RESPOND TO UNION REPS AND COUNCILMEMBERS WHEN THEY SIMPLY REQUEST INFORMATION EONS AGO?? You may not know about what goes on behind the scenes with the union and it's meetings and our sloppy inappropriate and unlawful dealings with the person in question--for the past 2 years. She continually refuses to answer anyone.......until the very last possible minute before a move can be made on union's end according to law......does this sound nice or fair or legal to you?? I'm sorry, I didn't even know what was going to happen and I had no clue what was going on......I am sure many of the employees......present and not present....had no clue the personal attack that was going to happen............we came as a group because our contract and our negotiations with administration is beyond ridiculous---certain employees it seems are being ignored, constantly and between us, the union, and council, according to the meeting aren't having our questions answered-----
I may not know which way is lawful, the point is it definitely looks like they drag their heels by the sake of the county employees whenever it concerns them, almost like they are punishing us.....especially union members, whether its our say to be union or not.......I'm sorry but I HATE going to work every day knowing how the administration thinks of us and treats us, and councilmembers are right--who the hell in their right mind would want to work for a county with these problems and attitudes??
I just wanted to add that Falk is as they say she is.........someone, I don't want to get into any trouble because I'm stating this and know this but--it just so happens that she told some of our coworkers during one of the grievances that all we do all day is look at computer screens.......well if that's just wonderful--who the hell is she and what knowledge does she have of our office and what we do to sit there and say all we do is look at screens? If that's the case then they should "lower" all of our pay.......and don't worry about the phone calls they'll start receiving when our work isn't getting done because all we do is look at screens. Demean, put down, condescend, any way you want to look at it, the employees and their jobs to their faces.........make them feel like a pile of $#%^........NOT EVEN GIVE THEM A CHANCE TO SPEAK UP FOR THEMSELVES................that is how this administration runs.......well I'm sorry if you think she didn't deserve it, and perhaps it was the wrong way to deal with the situation with the public there..........I'm sorry it looks that way...........but unbeknownst to you and what youv'e seen of her compared to what the employees deal with on a daily basis, then they treated her the same in kind the way she and Stoffa treats us..........that is why the employees were clapping, for once someone had the decency to admit the employees mean something and they don't deserve to be treated this way...........it sure feels good after all the frustration, stress, and bitterness I have to deal with at work during the day, to be slappled in the face with a ridiculous paycheck 'that we hear so much of that a group of people will get paid to fix for us' promise yet when asked on the status on the group we are ignored again, finally hear someone in charge admit that we are worthy and hard working.
Face it, whether the policy changes are done under administration or under council approval........Stoffa and Falk were still violating the law and union by initiating such changes.......and the fact that they have had "MANY" times to stand up for themselves and explain and they simply refused over the past months/years only means that "THEY" hung themselves!!
Anon 2:12,
The admin had a presentation to make concerning the ordinance and though Linda Markwith was the best person to make it. She's been there longest and is most knowledgable. Who are you or council to tell the administration who appears to give its message? It's reached the point where you all think you are the county executive. You even decide who should present their case. Do you realize how arrogant you are?
Contrary to your assertion, Connie Falk Sutton was never given the opportunity to defend herself. She never spoke to the ordinance but that's the executive's call, not yours. The people did not elect you - they elected John Stoffa. And this was before the motion asking Sutton Falk to resign.
Once the motion was made to ask Sutton Falk to resign, there was no opportunity afforded her to speak, a basic denial of due process. If that had been done to any one of you, you'd be hysterical. Thanks to precedent set by Comrade Lamont, you could be next. Don't piss offf his wife.
You were there, so you know this is true. I have the tape and you can listen to it if you were too busy cheering or looking for rope.
You don't like Connie? Too bad. She's not there to be your pal. Neither is Stoffa. he serves the people of Northampton County, not you. Come to think of it, that's what you're supposed to be doing, too.
I bet you'd love to replace her with someone who lets you do whatever the hell you want, and damn the taxpayers. You're going to have to get rid of Stoffa first. He thinks it's his job to serve the people of Northampton County. He didn't know he was supposed to let the union cuckold him.
Your behavior Thursday night was an embarrassment to the county. It was an insult to good unions everywhere. You really do think the inmates run the asylum. And you did behave like spoiled brats. There is no defense for your outrageous behavior.
You insist that Stoffa and Sutton Falk are breaking the law. Tell me, what law school did you go to? You already think you're the county exec, but do you think you're a lawyer, too?
What you did was violate Sutton Falk's right to be heard and defend herself. I did go to law school. True, I lost my license, but not for being dumb. It was a cheap shot with no warning. It was needlessly embarrassing. It was repulsive and you should hide your head in shame.
If you think the ordinary peope of Northampton County are going to tolerate your bullshit, you better think again. I know I won't.
One other point. When Stoffa tried to speak up for Connie Sutton falk, he was shut down. Maybe you were singing union songs or something, but I have it on tape. Ask me next week and I'll play it for you.
Not that long ago, yuou had a big inmflatable sewer rat perched at the county campus. Now I know what that rat symbolizes - you.
Shame on you.
"I'm sorry, I didn't even know what was going to happen and I had no clue what was going on......I am sure many of the employees......present and not present....had no clue the personal attack that was going to happen."
I just caught that part of your comment and should respond.
I've attended many council meetings at which one group or another appears en masse to demand something. The second their item is over, they file out.
When your group appeared en masse to support that ordinance, which is your right, you never left. You waited and then McClure made his motion. This was obviously pre-planned. On the basis of McHale's reaction and Grube;s speech, I think it was planned in advance.
I will believe that you may have been unaware, but your group knew what was going on. And there is no way that you can defend the applause that erupted twice while Lamont danced on Connie's grave.
It was repulsive. Be ashamed.
Bernnie I think it would have been better if John had let Ms. Falk make the presentation. I agree it was his call. The problem is they may have felt Linda would be treated better by Council. The problem with that is Council knows Linda has no formal HR training and is in her job mainly because of the efforts of one of Reibmans old croonies. People like her but know she was and is not qualified. Ask some of the other HR people about that.
Most importantly though, I agree this was a set-up. Like an earlier postter said the Dems, McClure, Dertinger and Naiper are in McHales pocket and are working to get her elected County Executive.
I don't care for how Stoffa has run things but I think she would be no better. So if John does not run I guess we will have little choice.
bernie,wasn't stoffa who went to the union picnics and asked them for there vote? the union members were important when he needed there vote. he made lots of promises he never kept. union members are taxpyers to. there opioions matter. . ... the golden rule says do unto others etc.. connie sutton hasn't any problem mistreating anyone. in my encouters with her she is ill mannnered. seems to me connie sutton can defend herself,she does't need any help, quite noble of you though bernie. i'd like to think john stoffa would have enough courage to stand before council and plead his case and could have if he wanted to. i find it hard to belive council did not afford him that opportunity.it is because employees are treated with no deference they act the way they do. i do belive that ann mchale does care about county employees and frankly its time someone did.
Anon 7:23,
If you want to cite the Golden Rule, then apply it to yourself. Don't needlessly bash Connie Falk Sutton. She doesn't have to hold your hand or get you a birthday card. I think a lot of you hate her, quite frankly, because she is a woman. She has a job to do and she is doing it. Sure, she's brusque. Lots of others will smile at you and stick a knife in your back. Would you prefer that? I prefer a real person.
But even if she were the meanest boss in the world, she did not deserve what happened. It was revolting. I am still furious over that shabby treatment.
As far as whether Stoffa should have presented the administration's position, there you go again - you make the mistake of thinking you're the county exec. That's his call, not yours.
You can criticize Stoffa for being slow to decide things or equivocating, but don't make the mistake of assuming he has no regard for the county workforce. He does, and very much, but it is time this workforce recognize that that is what they are - a workforce and not some little fiefdom entitled to a check every two weeks for just showing up. Stop acting like spoiled brats. Burn the green T-shirts. They are a symbol of your failure as decent human beings. You and Stoffa both have an obligation to the public.
On Thursday night, when you debased Connie Falk Sutton publicly like that, you embarrassed yourselves in front of the entire county. You sent shockwaves thru Stoffa's cabinet. None of them should really do anything for fear that whatever they do will be publicly ridiculed and they will be asked to resign.
You could all clap and hoot, but who will speak for you when it's your neck in the noose?
As long as Ds run NC's one-party charade, no union member has anything to fear. No need for anyone to stand up for them.
This is much ado that will result in nothing. SSDD, despite the tempest created on these pages.
Boonie, you are irrelevant and it isn't bc you are a disbarred lawyer who cost injured people two million dollars due to your negligence and insubordinaiton. The real reason you do not matter is that you cant hide your hatred. There so much of it in you that it just spews out and clouds and in some instances obliberates your reason. So keep smearing and slandering and becoming more and more inconsequential everyday.
Anon 9:11,
Well, now we know why someone shot at Ron's sheep that night. It's the same people who try in vain to defend the vicious lynching of a Stoffa cabinet official on Thursday night. Thanks for establishing the connection. Couldn't have done it without you.
Incidentally, before you shoot another sheep, know this. Ron Angle has a picnic at the end of every summer.I was there. it was no fundraiser. Charlie Dent stopped by. So did a lot of other people.
It's very clear to most of us where this hatred comes from, and you are a very sick person.
This blog thread, along with my sitemeter information, will be forwarded to the police. I'll let them trach you down and you can explain where you were last Saturday night.
Anyone who says baaaaa-d things about Bernie gets accused of animal cruelty and has the police sicced on them.
Bernie about Thursday night. If it was a set-up then who planned it? I think it was frustrated and angry employees and not a pre-planned attack.
I don't see much sense in thinking otherwise. Reibmans people were constantly attacked and berated and no one defended them. When Angle and McHale brought on the new heatlcare plan, they promised it would cost the same. The plan is much more expensive than the old plan. REmployees remember that too.
I guess I don't see council as friends of the employees especially Angle and McHale the way you make them out to be.
I think they both voted to freeze employee salaries and cut jobs too.
Sorry, I don't think employees see them as anymore friends than John Stoffa.
It is hard to know who to believe anymore.
anonymous said...
I've work for the county for 25+ years. It has changed tremenously. It used to be great to go to work. The prior county execs/used to care about the employees, show their faces & actually speak to us either in private or sit with us at lunch times. Now all they care about is themselves. Connie Sutton-F--k (as she is know by some) is invisible, has no people skills & who knows what she did to get this cushy job. When confronted, she acts as if She would rather be elsewhere & has no regards for other people opinions or comments. She need to take a course on how th work with others.
This situation reminds me of the following biblical story -
"According to the Gospel of John, the Pharisees, in an attempt to discredit Jesus, brought a woman charged with adultery before him. Then they reminded Jesus that adultery was punishable by stoning under Mosaic law and challenged him to judge the woman so that they might then accuse him of disobeying the law.
Jesus thought for a moment and then replied, “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her.” The people crowded around him were so touched by their own consciences that they departed.
When Jesus found himself alone with the woman, he asked her who were her accusers. She replied, “No man, lord.” Jesus then said, “Neither do I condemn thee: go and sin no more.”
Please commit the crime of false reports. Please.
And just so you know how false your report is. I was home with my family. I don't own a gun or a Jeep Cheerokee.
Then you have nothing to worry about, unless you hired the person who did it.
Anon 2:11,
"It is hard to know who to believe anymore."
It's not hard at all. You should be going to more meetings and/or reading more about what is going on. You should talk to the people who did go and read the news accounts.
It took 12 yrs of Brackbill/Reibman incompetence to screw up the county. You seem to think John Stoffa can come in, snap his fingers and everything will be better. We have all found out differently. On top of that, Stoffa has been held up at every opportunity by a council infested with partisans who want him to fail. Unlike previous councils, they are more motivated by politics than by good government.
If it was a set up, who planned it?
That's easy. McClure & Dertinger were behind this as well as several key county people in the union. It was very obvious to me this was pre-planned. Grube had his written speech, McHale recognized McClure right away and the sea of green T-shirts stayed instead of filing out.
Reibman's people were constantly attacked and no one defended them
This is complete BULLSHIT. The only person who ever attacked Reibman's staff was Ron. he could be horrible, but even he never made a motion acting that any one of them resign. When Vince Dominach was using county cell phones to arrange his wife swapping encounters, council still let Reibman handle the situation.
Angle and McHale brought the new health care
That's McHale's baby. She brags about it regularly bc it has saved the county a lot of money. If you have problems with it, you should make them known to council instead of spending every Thurdsday night at home. Don't count on the union to speak for you bc it has not.
Both Angle and McHale voted for the freeze and layoffs
Wrong. Angle voted the budget down.
I picture Angle and McHale as friends to the county worker
I don't know where ytou got that impression. I have been very kind to Angle but I have been pretty harsh w/ McHale. I do think both council members are very well informed. I would argue that Angle is a freind to the county taxpayer first. He'll be your friend if you recognize your first obligation is to the public. He adores employees who work hard and hates the staff that walk the halls or goof off.
The very reason why John Stoffa ordered a Hay salary study is because he does care about the county worker and its uneven salaries. But even there, he is being criticized bc the results are not in fast enough. He's being criticized for wanting consistent and updated policies. He might be the only friend you have left, and you all spit in his face. That's why I really think that you'rer all acting like spoiled brats.
Shame on you.
from everthing being said here it sounds like connie falk knew exactly what was going on . ..thats why linda markwith got the honors of he presentation sounds like a premptive strike to me.
I'm sorry Bernie,actions speak louder than words. Yes, Stoffa ordered the Hay study, yes, it seems he wants to see change. But, going back a couple of comments, past executives got involved with the employees. They visited the offices, talked to everyone, wanted to see how things are going. The 2 1/2 years I've worked here in the government center, I have not ONCE seen this man come to our office.......I heard about it one time--while I went to the bathroom, on a day when practically no one showed up because of how dangerous the weather was to be out in, hah, how nice, all he wanted to do is peek in and thank the dedicated (no idiot) employees willing to risk their lives to actually get in their car and drive to work. I do know there are standards the county upkeeps, but good Lord, no one in their right mind is going to actually do courthouse business in that kind of weather-----if he truly cared about employees, he would have, could have, made a call, a decision to close the offices if only for everyone's safety.
I also recall the time when him and council kept stalling on a decision on our raise and we came to his office, Larry Murin said we wanted to talk to him----his response---very caring and concerned about county employees O'Hare??---was "WELL, I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU".
Nice, all the employees want is someone to listen and answer the questions that no one is answering for us. But, if Stoffa cares so much about us, the employees, how come he doesn't want to see us, nor talk to us?? From any outsiders point of view, that doesn't sound very concerned to me. It's almost like a game to him. If he adores the employees that work hard, then it would be nice to hear it coming from his mouth, see him come to the office, introduce himself, ask me what my name is, how are things going for me at my position, is there anything I feel I might want to discuss..........etc. Nada.........nope. (This goes for the councilmembers too.) But when I go to union meeting, all I hear about is the lack of response from our questions and concerns. Gee, that is so caring. Gee, if it's not their fault for the study not being done, when you get a call asking why, how freakin hard is it to simply say, oh I don't know let me find out and I'll get back to you. .........and next day.......a call back apologizing and have a response from the company conducting the study, and perhaps an e-mail or memo the employee masses with updated information??? No, the administration has no comment will give no comment, and even when the law demands times up, where's your answer, not have a real good or clear one?? Gee, we must have been given different facts here......... I must not really be at work to see the man when he makes his "caring" rounds..........I do believe it is good protocol when a person is in charge of so many different departments, to be that person in charge of policy changes, that they should take it upon themselves to see how things are running..........for the county taxpayers benefit if only..........but hey think about how good it would be for employee morale too?? Think about it....it's called GOOD interactive management........when there is NONE the employees get just a tad upset.
Past execs got involved with employees
Are you out of your mind? For 8 years, Reibman slept on the fourth floor. He visited no offices. The last exec who did that regularly was Gerry. And do you think the county exec's job is to walk around and hold your hand? He serves the taxpayers, not you. And by your own statement, it looks like he did stop by your offices, and you criticize him for that. Spoiled brats.
He should have met us when we put up an inflatable rat and marched en masse to his office
Once again, are you nuts? Stoffa should meet you, but never should meet employees who are attempting to bully him. Once again, you seem to think he works for you. It's the other weay around. And both of you work for the taxpayers.
What the taxpayers will see is that Stoffa looks out for them while you look out for yourselves and step on other people who are doing their jobs.
And you've been there just 2 1/2 years? You have no idea what things were like before so stop trying to tell someone who knows.
Only a true moron would hire someone to shoot farm animals.
i'm a taxpayer and can't point to a single thing john stoffa has done on the taxpayers behalf. he works for all of us in northampton county including the employees. has he gotten the county anything. how often does he show up for work anyhow? could be the reason he doesn't drop by. i"m sure noone expects hand holding just and executive who shows some interest in the employees. if thats how reibman acted shame on him two wrongs dont make a right does it. how do you think he ranks as far as county executives go .personally i think gerry seigfried was class act. what say you bernie? you seem so angry bernie that same anger your experencing is exactly what the employees feel. can't blame them for that.
I have worked for the county for over 30 years. I actually enjoyed going to work but let me tell you this, it has changed BIG time in the last 10 years but especially now. I thought John Stoffa would be a breath of fresh air - wow, I was way off the mark on this one. And that Connie Sutton-Falk is THE worst. She has no people skills whatsoever. You would think maybe she would take an interest when one of her employees confronts her with a problem. She sits behind that desk & looks at you with that stupid look like you shouldn't even be there. Didn't give the time of day; didn't listen to what needed to be said; just agreed with the "other" side. How unfair is this? How much longer does all this go on? This county has become a laughing stock!!
Very cheap shot at Reibman unless you have proof he slept not some third person account but a verifible source you are no better than a harping gossip. Reibman did visit different Departments and handed out gifts every Christmas.
Your irrational man crush on Stoffa blinds you to reality.
Stoffa promised many things to employees to oust Reibman and once in he threw the employees under the bus.
That is why employees have to be very careful about who they support for Executive because talk is cheap.
"Very cheap shot at Reibman unless you have proof he slept not some third person account but a verifible source you are no better than a harping gossip. Reibman did visit different Departments and handed out gifts every Christmas."
I do. The easiest way to see Reibman during his tenure was to visit the local golf course.
Anon 9:06,
I agree the county has become a laughing stock, but it's bc the inmates are running the asylum.
Things were going the wrong way for 12 yearsa before Stoffa took office. No one, especially he, could perceive the number of fires he had to put out.
My recollection is that the residual unit's union brought a big fat inflatable sewer rat on the night they cornered Stoffa and demanded a raise. So I suspect you know a lot about them. You may even know how to hang people. But you know nothing about public relations bc you all embarrassed yourselves.
So the job is too big for Stoffa, since he can't fix it. He should step aside for someone else who is better able to do it. There are a few on Council who could do a better job.
You must belong to the Connie Sutton-Falk fan club! You ARE unfair and unbalanced. You failed to miss the whole point, the government workers were there to hear the Resolution that was or was not going to be adopted. Nothing more, nothing less. The County workers did not place that on the Agenda.You have no idea what she has put many, many workers through. Even heads of departments don't like her mannerism of Director of HR. What does that say to you?
What the heck are you even talking about? Inmates running the asylum? The inmates would probably do the same job or, in some cases a better job, I'm sure than Stoffa & that crazy Connie-Sutton Falk. Unless you have dealt with her as a county employee with a problem or grievance, you do not know what she is really like & why you would defend someone like that over all the "hardworking" county employees, ceases to amaze me. Get all your facts first & this many county employees cannot be wrong!!!!!
Hey Bernie O'Hare - SHE was not given an opportunity to defend herself? Are you kidding? She is just getting what she hands out. I dealth with her & guess what? She didn't want to hear what I had to say.
"Get all your facts first & this many county employees cannot be wrong!!!!!"
Yes they can. It's called a lynch mob, a tyranny of the majority. What you did was totally outrageous and inexcusable. i tracked down your union rep today qand asked her if she felt proud of herself. She ran from me because I was publicly humiliating her like you did to Connie Sutton Falk.
You lost an advocate Thursday night. You lost someone who spoke up for you.
And I don't give a rat's ass what you spoiled brats think.
In the last two comments, you are telling the exec how to do his job. Listen, why don't you learn how to do your job first? The people did not elect you county exec.
Re: Anon 7:23 - Bernie O'Hare's comment
Don't needlessly bash Connie Falk Sutton. She doesn't have to hold your hand or get you a birthday card. I think a lot of you hate her, quite frankly, because she is a woman. She has a job to do and she is doing it. Sure, she's brusque. Lots of others will smile at you and stick a knife in your back. Would you prefer that? I prefer a real person.
But even if she were the meanest boss in the world, she did not deserve what happened. It was revolting. I am still furious over that shabby treatment.
She deserved everything she got because that's how she treats us. And being a women has NOTHING to do with it. You can be professional & still treat people?employees with respect. And when called on to settle a problem, work with the county employee, don't just do what you want - listen to both sides CSF!!!!!!!!
Re: Get all your facts first
Listen Bernie O'Hare - I wasn't even at that meeting. I'm giving my opinion as an employee that has dealt with CSF. So don't assume that everyone writin here was a part of that. I do not need to be a part of that - I know what she is like. And how dare you say I should learn how to do my job first - I HAVE been doing MY job for over 29 years.
Or you haven't.
You weren't at the meeting but can tell us she deserved everything she got.
You can tell everyone else how to do their job. Do your own.
If you've been here 29 years, coinsider what would happen if you acted this disrespectfully to someone in Gene Hartzell's administration.
You've become spoiled brats.
I have to laugh when some of you say someone on Council can do a better job than Stoffa. Are you for real?
The current members of Council are not competent enough to heat milk, much less be County Executive.
O'Hare writes:
You weren't at the meeting but can tell us she deserved everything she got.
You can tell everyone else how to do their job. Do your own.
If you've been here 29 years, coinsider what would happen if you acted this disrespectfully to someone in Gene Hartzell's administration.
You've become spoiled brats.
That's right Mr. O'Hare - I was not at the meeting but from what I'm hearing, she deserved that & more. And I did NOT disrespect HER but let's keep in mind, when I needed her she was VERY disrespectful to me. Don't you get it? I'm speaking from a personal encounter with CSF - she is THE worst HR director I've known.
You know, you keep saying the same thing over & over again. How would you even know if I'm doing my job. You're clueless to the fact. I have been a very dedicated employee & did way more work than some of those high-paid people.
And don't you dare tell me I've become a spoiled brat - I'm the one my office can count on when things need to be done - come in early & stay late. So don't you dare disrespect me with your thoughts - keep them to yourself until you are sure you know who & what you're talking about.
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