Local Government TV

Friday, September 05, 2008

Bennett Misses Yet Another Candidates' Night

If you visit LV Congressional candidate Sam Bennett's web page, one of the first things you'll see is a calendar ticking off the days that Congressman Charlie Dent has refused to debate her. It's over 30 days right now.

Sounds like he's ducking her, right?

Wrong. During Wednesday's "Meet the Press" event, Express Times reporter Jessica Coomes specifically asked Bennett about any upcoming debates. According to Sam, "We have at least four or five, and three are televised? Two are televised."

If this is so, then why does Bennett's web page claim "Charlie Dent has refused Sam's debate challenge for 036 days?"

Her campaign site is cynically misleading voters.

Amazingly, on the very week that Bennett was clamoring for a debate, she missed a candidates' night at Parkland High School. But was she invited? Here's what Congressman Dent himself told me. "She was invited. Elmer Heiney invited her. He most assuredly did. I asked him directly. She was not there. She did not attend."

Believe it or not, she's done it again.

This time, she missed an opportunity to speak to non-partisan Lehigh Valley Clubman’s Association on Wednesday night at Northampton's Alliance Fire Company. It's a collection of VFWs, American Legions, volunteer fire companies and other social clubs. In addition to a speech, Bennett was offered the opportunity to answer questions.

Congressman Charlie Dent, who did attend, is perplexed.

“Siobhan Bennett issued a phony debate challenge nearly a month ago. It’s amazing to me that she thinks the people of this community will support her even though she failed to show up in public to explain her positions on issues important to so many of us.”

“Although, if you look at the fact that most of her financial supporters aren’t here in the 15th District or in our communities, maybe she doesn’t have much to say to people who actually live and work here."

Bennett claimed she never was invited to the forum, but the group claims invitations were sent to the Democrat and Republican Committee Chairmen of Northampton and Lehigh counties.

“I find it hard to believe that Siobhan was somehow unaware of the Clubmen’s Association Candidates’ Night considering Jack Wagner, Democrat candidate for Auditor General, John Morganelli, Democrat candidate for Attorney General, as well as John Ritter, Democrat candidate for the 187th District State House seat, were all in attendance tonight. Obviously, they all got the memo,” said Dent.

“If Jack Wagner can come all the way from Pittsburgh to attend the forum why was it so difficult for Siobhan to make her way up MacArthur Road?” Dent questioned.

Shawn Millan, Congressman Dent’s campaign manager, chuckled at the absurdity of Bennett's debate calendar on her website. “It must be short a couple of pages since she keeps missing these forums.”


  1. "This time, she missed an opportunity to speak to non-partisan Lehigh Valley Clubman’s Association on Wednesday night at Northampton's Alliance Fire Company. It's a collection of VFWs, American Legions, volunteer fire companies and other social clubs."

    Oh-oh. Those sound like the kind of small town Pennsylvanian working class nuts who cling to their guns and their religion.

    That's probably not Sam's crowd.

  2. Sam's crowd involves those that she doesn't have to speak with in person. It's easier to lie on the Internet or over the phone.

  3. I have just deleted an anonymous personal attack against one of the candidates. Their personal lives are off limits on this blog. Unless you're willing to provide your name and prove that kind of statement, please don't make it.

  4. Bernie, maybe they should send the invite to "Katherine Seck" instead of Sam. She seems to be the only person allowed to speak anyways.

  5. SON: Dad, Why do the local newspapers support the Republican Party and Charley Dent so much?

    DAD: So there will be more people available to deliver their newspapers after they lose their jobs.

  6. Bernie,

    you must get a copy of that new Charlie Dent ad online. It's pretty funny.

  7. Dear Kathryn,

    Two months ago, I challenged my opponent to sign a clean campaign pledge. He refused. And now we know why. Just today he unveiled a sleazy and dishonest television commercial about my years as a community and non-profit leader.

    I need your help to respond to his mud-slinging and Karl Rove style politics. Please contribute $100, $50 or $25 today.

    These sleazy tactics shouldn’t be a surprise. Last week, we saw Republicans denigrate Senator Obama’s community service. This week, Charles Dent fell in line with the Karl Rove playbook and disrespected the concept of public service. It’s no wonder. Since he left for Washington, he hasn’t served the public -- just Big Oil, George W. Bush and Washington Lobbyists.

    Please contribute $100, $50, or $25 today to help me have the resources to define my record in the face of his lies.

    My opponent doesn’t have a record to run on so he’s content to distort mine. He can’t run on taking tens of thousands of dollars from Big Oil, Big Gas and Big Washington lobbyists. He can’t run on voting to give Big Oil $13 billion in tax breaks. He can’t run on voting against health care for veterans, while the taxpayers pay for his. All he can do is run from his record and try to distract the voters of our district from the real issues facing our country.

    Help me fight his character smearing and change the status-quo in Washington.

    Your help and support will make a difference. Together, we can put an end to these tired old Washington games and move our country in the right direction.


    Sam Bennett

    P.S. Don’t let my opponent get away with his dirty Karl Rove-George Bush tactics. Contribute $100, $50 or $25 right now!

    Paid for by Bennett 2008


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.