Known to all at the courthouse for his compassion, easy manner and constant one-liners, Mark was escorted out of the government center late Wednesday afternoon. No retirement party. No cards. No good-byes. Just a shroud of secrecy. I honestly don't know whether this wall of silence is designed to protect Mark or the court officials who have been trying their best to have him fired for over a year.
The Adult Probation Office, which Mazziotta headed, supervises offenders on probation and parole. Its goal is to "produce law abiding and productive citizens within the community."
Efforts to reach Mark at home were unsuccessful.
Afternoon Update: Both The Express Times and Morning Call now have detailed accounts on Mazziotta's "involuntary retirement." Both accounts report that Mazziotta served "at the pleasure of the court" and talk about his "philosophy and management style." I'll have more on serving "at the pleasure of the court" on Monday. It's a fancy way of saying who you know matters more than what you know.
what the hell? Mark was class, through and through. let us know more details as they develop please.
Not a good sign. I hope this is a mistake that will be rectified in due time. Hoping for the best..
This guy was a jerk to his employees. Take this note think with the head on your shoulders!
Anon 7:21,
I'm with the first two commenters. Mark is a very kind-hearted person who went thru hell with his sister's illness. He thought with his heart. He might have engaged in locker room humor. If that is a firing offense, the county better make a clean sweep. If he were a jerk to his employees, he would have been gone a long time ago. I think he was set up by someone looking to advance her husband.
Bernie here you are again with the blinders on. If only you could make a bias opinon on anything I would give your blogs some credit.
I agree there are two sides to every story. I have not heard from Mark but know they were after him a year ago on what seemed very much like trumped up charges. I also did some of my own digging and it corroborates what he tells me.
I think my blog is factually accurate. Mark was shoved aside. He was escorted out of the building. He has been there 28 years. He is affablle. It is shrouded in secrecy.
As a matter of opinion, I like Mark. You obviously don't, so that makes me biased. Understood. Are you the person trying to push Mark out of the way? Are you trying to create an opening for someone else?
I do know bits and pieces. From what little I do know, it looks very much like Mark is being shoved aside.
Bernie why is there always a Conspiracy? The guy did somethings wrong he got fired let it go.
Bernie why is there always a Conspiracy? The guy did somethings wrong he got fired let it go.
Because, as I said, I already know bits and pieces. Perhaps he needs to go. Perhaps there is a conspiracy. That's par for Northampton County. You see, I've known Mark for 28 years. He is a class act.
What did he do wrong? If it's his locker room humor and one-liners, isn't that a tad harsh? But please, enlighten me. You're anonymous.
That the problem all you know is bits and pieces. You once again taking one short conversation and making a conspiracy is par for course. Now your enlightened.
Who said anything about one short conversation? You just gave yourself away. You have a vendetta against Mark. So who gets his job? You. One of your friends. Please enlighten us.
county employee said; bernie you should pack it up and move to trinadad, co. i think you would feel more at home there. in your eyes only the selected few click members can do no wrong, everyone else is always suspect to you. i believe you have some unresolved issues with this thing called life. dont worry like they say' "good things comes to those that wait". if you try reporting the weather, you would never be wrong in your reporting.
Sure B.O. I gave myself away...what? If you think so come see me for lunch. Please for the sake of mankind get a hobby.
bernie you as always are ill informed about the events that are occurring right under your noise. i wonder if you commented to the aledged "imfamous car counting sex scandel". which involved our superstar county administrator while counting cars one saturday afternoon. i bet you think he is a hell of a guy too. your blog is as entertaining as a root canal right after a spaggetti dinner at st. anthonys.
It's ironic when the political persuasion that forwards political correctness is done in by its own political correctness.
I'm not a county employee, but figure it's rather difficult to get yourself fired from your county job after so many years. I await "the rest of the story."
p.s. I understand the very loose parameters for spelling, grammar, and punctuation here. The composition of the anonymous and/or county employee comments, however, send the mind reeling over the quality of employees drawing paychecks at the government center. I'd also prefer that county employees not blog on taxpayer time (10:39 AM).
Just keep paying your taxes
That's right. How dare people question the firing of a 28 year county employee!
Anon 11:11, 10:42 & 10:39,
If you're in the county employ, I sure hope you're not writing probation reports bc your grammar and spelling are horrible.
The slimy remarks made tell me that something is very wrong here. Some people are looking to advance themselves at Mark's expense. I believe he was set up.
In fact, from what I saw yesterday while looking at sworn statements in the PFA office, I now am forced to question how some people in the probation office get their jobs. I'll have more about that next week.
Whatever is going on, Mazziotta is a classy guy. It's apparent that some of the folks commenting here are far less classy.
Any firing of a county chief probation officer had to be reviewed and approved by the new President Judge. It appears that a suspension was not warranted until an investigation is done. It has already been determined that a firing is appropriate by the President Judge. End of story.
That's just the beginning of this story. I know how easy it is to railroad someone in this county. I've seen it done before. When you work on the court side of the county, it is very much who you know, not what you know. The internal politics and backstabbing would make ancient Romans proud.
Like I said, wait until Monday.
I've dealt with mark in the past. Great guy and class act. He obviously made a mistake in some regard. I'd guess it would be a big one to get him fired. Otherwise I'd have to agree with you that something is fishy in mudville..
Your right, the President Judge had to approve the firing. But what if the President Judge had someone in mind for Mark's job all along. I'll bet the decision to fire Mark was made at the 45 million dollar lunch table high above the rotunda.
At will employees just like in the Executive branch. This guy left a few dood ones slip away to bring in his boys.
That is life in the Govt. Pres. Judge calls the shots.
It is true if BO, is on your side it is love it or leave it, the facts be damned.
Mark is a nice guy, I think he is a really competent guy. But , he like others can be thrown out on a whim.
I guess it isn't the throwing out it is whetehr Mr. O'Hare deems you worthy of tears.
bernie i hope you can help him somehow. he is a class act and nice as they come. i wish him the best.bad things seem to happen to good people all the time. i'm still trying to figure that out. tc bernie
Anon 6:15,
I said two years ago that the way judicial employees are hired and retained needs to be re-examined. I said it again a year ago. Quality people should not be dismissed simply bc someone knows someone.
ask anyone who actually worked in the department what they thought of Mazzy!
"Your right, the President Judge had to approve the firing. But what if the President Judge had someone in mind for Mark's job all along. I'll bet the decision to fire Mark was made at the 45 million dollar lunch table high above the rotunda."
This blog lead the cheers for the new prez judge. New prez judge; same old story of putting your faves in place. If the guy had a reputation for locker room talk, he'd been tempting his fate for a long time. It was just a matter of time before a woman rose to a position where she could do something about boys being boys. Payback is a .... well, you know.
Although there are career service regulations and unions all over the place, patronage is alive and well in Northampton County. Judges have control over a significant and growing number of employees in probation and domestic relations, to say nothing of their personal butlers, called tipstaffs.
I had naively assumed for years that these employees were selected fairly and based upon their knowledge and experience. But about two year ago, I learned that is not so.
I found this out when a highly ranked elected official (not Angle) began complaining to me that Onembo had rejected one of his recommendations for a position in the probation office. She was rejected in favor of someone else the court wanted. "We have someone else in mind."
Both this elected official and the court administrator were discussing a position that had not even been created or approved by Council. Although the position had not yet been advertised, it was already filled by the courts.
Fortunatel;y, Mazz is on very friendly terms w/ John Karoly.
To all who care - don't cast stones lest ye be stoned.
BO, your right, Mark is a classy guy, but more than that he is a VERY giving individual with a heart of gold. Just recently he genorously donated his free time and efforts to help conduct a charitable event in which more than $10K was rased to help two families with children battling cancer. This after his sister Marie lost a valiant fight against the same disease. Mark could have just as easily said, "the hell with it", my sister is gone I don't care what happens with anyone else who has cancer. But, Mark is not one to sit on is duff and just let things happen. He is a fighter who knows right from wrong and is always trying to do the right things for people.
I strongly suggest other commentors find out the person behind the man before labeling him like all others.
As you said BO, let's wait until the dust settles on this one. I'll bet you'll be surprised where the dirt ends up (BTW, black robes don't always hide dirt well)
This is untrue. I spoke to one person who is quite upset and I rec'd a telephone call -unsolicited - from another probation office employee who thinks Mark was set up.
We all know he has a tendency to tell inapproprate jokes. But if that's grounds for termination, you better start cleaning out your desk bc it's only a matter of time before someone finds something wrong with you.
Where will you hide when the devil turns on you?
Hey Anonymous
what are you YELLING at. And why do you need to maintain your anonyminity? ...hmmm et tu Brutus!
County Executives dump good administrators all the time. What's the difference? Other than O'Hare thinks this one is unfair.
County Executives dump good administrators all the time.
Wrong! County execs have the right to choose their own cabinet level positions. They do not and are not permitted to replace department heads like the Recorder or Register of Wills.
When judges are permitted to replace a department head ... for any reason that suits their fancy ... that is pushing patronage too far. It becomes too easy for people who are looking to advance themselves to start sticking knioves in other people's backs.
Didn't Jack Bradt toss out the CYF and MH/MR directors to put in his own and Brackbills people?
What Jack Bradt and Brackbill did was attempt to demote a long-term human serives employee. I can't recall her exact title. That action resulted in a lawsuit that the county eventually lost.
Court Administrator Onembo should be fired from his position, the Mazziotta termination is a personnel matter and should not have been commented on in the press. The county may have violated Mazziotta's rights by Onembo commenting on the matter. I hope Mazz sues the county for millions.
That's true, too. McFadden would not comment, Mazz still has not returned my calls but Onembo damns him with faint praise. I suspect this is a violation of Onembo's privacy rtights.
"Who you know" hiring isn't just alive and well on the Court side of Northampton County. The prospective employee you mentioned was hired by Morganelli himself after probation refused for a very valid reason. The employee was hired for a position in the DA's office. Check out whose attorney papa is a big donor to the Morganelli campaign. I doubt the Executive branch is any different. If you choose to throw stones, just throw them evenly.
The Exec Branch, the one that's supposed to be political, is a lot different. And that's not just with Stoffa. That was true w/ Reibman, too. Other than cabinet level officials and one "exempt" employee for each, all the workers are governed by careeer service. There is no politics.
It's very disturbing to see it run so rampant in the judicial branch, which is supposed to be above politics. Domestic relations employees are considered judicial. Tell me, how can anyone trust a judge to impartially decide a question in which domestic relations is one of the advocates?
I think that emplyees considered judicial need more protection. Otherwise, a certain few with access will just install their pals and cronies.
Government by crony is never a good thing.
As far as Morganelli is concerned, I have never hesitated to point to his heavy contributors, which include people like Ayiyeh and Angelos. The only reason I'm not too upset is bc he is running for statewide office, and lots of money means very little in those races.
Mazz definitely had and has a heart of gold. anything you needed, he did for you. he was a personable guy...it's a shame that his behavior got him into trouble, but he'll be fine. he has had nothing but bad luck lately. his wife is fighting (and winning) her battle with breast cancer. i will keep them and their family in my prayers.
God Bless.
When I heard this story, I did not know what to say. Everyone seems to point the finger, but who's is the blame in this situation?
I will have more to say about this soon. I had hoped it would be ready for publication today, but it's not.
This is what happens when you work for a boss who can fire you for any reason, even a bad reason.
Unfortunately, there is a movement afoot to place the civil division, criminal division, archives, register of wills, orphans court and PFA office under the control of the courts. That will effectively render the employees in those offices as little more than slaves, who can be bullied and forced out.
I will have more to say soon.
It is very upsetting to see Mark slammed by some who where never on the side of good things he has done. I know Mark for over 20 years and saw the many individuals he has helped. He is honest and caring and sometimes abrasive, but he is by far much more ethical than many of the John Stoffa favorites who get promoted for running up tax dollar spending and giving contracts to their friends like in the County Drug and Alcohol Department. Mark is not perfect, but he is NOT UNETHICAL like others in the county system. County hiring and firing is based on friendships and not the well job done by many of the employees.
Most of the employees o nthe exec side were there before Stoffa ever became exec. But I'm curous.
1) Who are John Stoffa favorite who got promotions? Name them, please.
2) How did these promoted John Stoffa favorites run up tax dollar spending? Please provide specifics.
3) Who are the John Stoffa favorites in the county drug and aclohol program?
4) Who are the friends to whom contractsd were awarded?
I want answers to these questions. If you can't supply them, it's very safe to conclude that you are the unethical person. You've already made a good start by challenging someone's integrity anonymously.
If you want to attack Stoff, fine. But try something that people will actually believe. When you attack the integrity of the most honest official in local government, you just marginalize yourself.
Call him slow. People might buy that, but you're just making an idiot out of yourself.
I have deleted 2 OT remarks that attempt to blame Angle or Stoffa for everything, just like Anon 5:56. Further OT comments will be deleted w/o comment.
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