Local Government TV

Friday, August 15, 2008

Bennett's Boo Boo: She Knew About Debate, But Skipped It

On Wednesday, I told you congressional candidate Sam Bennett failed to appear at a candidates' night attended by fifty people. Sponsored by the Parkland School District Alumni Association, a nonpartisan group, LV Congressman Charlie Dent was there, and discussed his energy policy in great detail.

Bennett had been demanding a debate on energy policy. In fact, just last week, she participated in a mock debate in which the Lehigh Valley Congressman is portrayed as "Chicken Charlie the Dented." But when she had an opportunity to do the real thing, she took a powder.

One commenter suggests Bennett was never invited. He even hints the candidates' night never occurred. Yep, the Evil Shawn Millan, Dent's campaign manager, made the whole thing up. I decided to check it out. Late yesterday, I spoke with Elmer Heiney, a member of the alumni club's board. He told me he both mailed and called Bennett's campaign to invite her to participate in the candidates' night.

Maybe Elmer Heiney is a figment of my imagination, too. Maybe those fifty voters don't exist, either.


  1. Maybe there isn't any election, either...

  2. maybe BOH is still full of crap.

  3. I am sure we will see reports in the paper...right? What other candidates were there BOH? I must of missed the advertisements in the paper. Was it in the Parkland Press?

  4. I'm a parkland alumn. I'd like to get invitations to these kinds of things. Any idea who I call or email?

  5. Geoff, close your eyes, wish real hard and click your heels three times.

    Seriously, I can't put Heiney's phone number on a blog, but I'll call and give it to you.

  6. "I must of missed the advertisements in the paper."

    How old are you? Seriously. We all make spelling errors. I'm one of the worst when it comes to typos.

    But the sentence above is as bad to me as taking nails and dragging them along a blackboard. With that kind of grammar, I don't think you do much reading. You're probably missing a lot more than a debatre notice.

    You are anonymous so I can say this without embarrassing you personally. If you use blatantly bad grammar to make a point, I tend to dismiss the substance of your argument. Perhaps it's unfair, but there it is.

  7. I closed my eyes, wished real hard and clicked my heals three times. What I saw was a bunch of unicorns prancing through the meadow with you, Charlie Dent, Sam Bennett, Tony Philips and Ed Pawlowski. Charlie had a lute, Tony was ribbon dancing, Ed was playing the banjo and Sam was singing to the birds. You were trying to ride the unicorn, but he wanted nothing to do with it and decided to sit on you instead. I figured something was afoul and perhaps I had walked through some mystical portal. So I ran back into the woods screaming "there's no place like home". I was startled back to reality by your phone call.

    Sheesh. Go on work related trips for a few weeks and return to find local blogging doing weird things to the natural order. That kind of stuff is bad for your health.

    Thanks for the phone call, if only b/c I'm out of that weird dream.

    Back to the reality of work...

  8. Geoff,

    You see Bernie when you close your eyes? You might want to get that checked out...


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