Looks like Siobhan “Sam” Bennett, Representative Dent’s current opponent, is also miserably failing at raising financial support from people in our community. Here's the latest from the Dent camp.
In her most recent campaign finance report covering the time between April 3rd and June 30th, Bennett raised $154,000 in contributions above the FEC-mandated $200 itemization threshold. Of this amount, only $19,820 came from contributors living within the 15th Congressional District.
A disturbing 87% of Bennett’s itemized (Non-PAC) contributions came from outside the communities that make up the 15th District.
In fact, Bennett raised more money from out of state ($34,409) than she did from people living in the 15th District ($19,820).
“It’s ridiculous,” said Dent Campaign Manager Shawn Millan. “You go through her reports and you see street addresses for California but nothing from Catasauqua. Even worse, Bennett has once again failed to disclose required information about her donors on the FEC Report.”
Bennett received 40 itemized contributions from people living in the 15th District and 202 from people outside of the District with 51 contributions of that total coming from out of state.
Millan, who managed Representative Dent’s 2004 campaign against Driscoll, sees patterns being repeated between Driscoll’s carpet-bagging candidacy and Bennett’s. “It’s the exact same. I used to page through Driscoll’s reports and the addresses would all be New York, Philadelphia, California, Massachusetts. Bennett’s are exactly the same.”
She was doomed from the beginning.
Ed Pawlowski and Don Cunningham raised most of their money outside the area, this is standard Democrat procedure here, you may want to look into it.
Scott Armstrong
Dent again; how boring!
I see No We the People Politician Walking!
This is a more fitting image for Dent!
What does that image have to do w/ Bennett's nonexistent local support?
One thing that FEC reports do not report is non-monetary support. There is no measure for volunteers.
Many local people are volunteering for Bennett's campaign and that cannot be discounted.
In tough economic times, of which the incumbent Dent is partly responsible due to his support of Bush's policies, volunteers may be as valuable as contributions.
Hmmmmmm! Let's see. Bennett's campaign is being run by a Dem staffer from DC, brought into the LV for that purpose. This is the third one - 2 have been from DC and one from Philly. Dent's campaign is being run by the same person who has run them all - a LV native.
I see no groundswell of grass roots support for Sam in Congress.
Why don't you actually visit her office and see who works there. I doubt that they are all from out of town. I'd guess 10%
Bethlehem Dem stated: "In tough economic times, of which the incumbent Dent is partly responsible due to his support of Bush's policies..."
If the economy is now in "tough times" and you are going to try to blame Charlie Dent, wouldn't it be just as (or more) appropriate to blame the Democrats in Congress? After all, they have been the majority in Congress while things have gotten "tough".
If you had any clue you would realize that the Dems in Congress do not have the votes to override a veto so to blame them for anything while Bushy boy is around is ridiculous..
Dent votes with Bush a good majority of the time which means he votes against the wishes of the valley's voters on issues most of the time. Dent will probably win the election because he is a nice guy and she cannot match his fundraising among other things. I'd love to see who he gets his big donations from..Either way you can cut her down from here to wherever on these idiotic issues but when it comes to issues people care about she is much more in step with the valley than he is..
when it comes to issues people care about she is much more in step with the valley than he is..
If that were so, it would be reasonable to expect a large number of small contributions from her grass roots followers, but 'taint happening.
Wrong again Kimosaby! There is very little correlation between her being in step with people on the issues and the amount of small donations she is receiving. Their is a perception out there, which you continually perpetuate, that she cannot win. Therefore, why would people donate to someone who cannot win? Doesn't mean they don't agree with her on most issues..
There is a perception out there..I hate when I don't proofread..
Therefore, why would people donate to someone who cannot win? Doesn't mean they don't agree with her on most issues..
That's certainly part of it. People do perceive her as being incapable of winning. Dent is not one of those people.
But people don't agree w/ Bennett on most issues. She sticks her finger in the air to see which way the wind and then tries her best to say what she thinks they want to hear.
Anonymous 10:35 wrote: "If you had any clue you would realize that the Dems in Congress do not have the votes to override a veto so to blame them for anything while Bushy boy is around is ridiculous.."
Okay, so what were the votes where Mr. Dent did not vote to override a veto? You can try to make a case about those.
If you're simply saying that the Democrat Congress cannot do anything while President Bush is in office, I think you are making excuses.
I don't remember the Democrat campaign theme for 2006 being, "Vote for us, we won't do anything for 2 years". Was that what we voted for?
Bernie, I have been told by people who volunteer, that there are many local volunteers helping Sam's campaign.
As for why there is not a large amount of small donations from local people: there were over $18,000 of unitemized ocntributions (contributions less than $200.00) You have no idea where these contributions are from.
To address anon: Dent supported Bush's economic policies, which helped to cause our current economic problems. Sam Bennett did not vote on those policies, Dent did. You can try to turn this to a R v D debate, but it is a Dent v. Bennett debate. Dent needs to be held responsible for his votes in the House.
Also, most people probably do agree with Bennett on the issues, since her views our counter to the Bush views. Any poll will tell you that voters do not support Bush's policies, therefore they must support views counter to his.
Also, most people probably do agree with Bennett on the issues, since her views our counter to the Bush views.
This is where you assume that Bennett actually has views on the issues. I submit she merely sticks her finger in the wind to see which way it is blowing. From my conversation with her, it was apparent her understanding of many issues is quite limited. She may be sincere about health care and energy, but is certainly not well-informed. Moreover, it is easy for someone who has no record to say whatever people want to hear.
You are right there, Sam does not have a record to stand on. That may be a good thing for Bennett. No record v. a record of supporting Bush. Look what that got Dertinger. I know it was not a win, but it was a message to Dent.
On the topic of outside money for a campaign, did you have a problem when Cunningham had a local fundraiser for the Murphys (Patrick & Lois) at Starter's in 2006? Should the local people who went not have donated since the candidates were not for the 15th? Where do you draw line about outside contributions? Just curious, since you criticized Bennett.
(interestly enough, that fundraiser is a big part of the problem between you buddy Joe Long and Cunningham)
Charlie Dent = Really Bad
Bennett = Not so Bad
Charlie Dent the wrong agent for America
"As for why there is not a large amount of small donations from local people: there were over $18,000 of unitemized ocntributions (contributions less than $200.00) You have no idea where these contributions are from."
Bennett could answer that question easily enough. Those smaller contributions may not show up on an FEC Report, but candidates still have to maintain those records.
Why not ask her to release those records?
5 will get you 10 a lot of them are from out of the area.
Bennett = Not so Bad
That's one ringing endorsement. i can see it now. "Vote for Bennett. She's not so bad."
Bethlehem Dem,
I'm sure that a person running for Congress will take his or her money where he/she can get it. I have no problem with raising funds for someone outside the district. I do have a problem when it seems like that is the only way a candidate can raise any funds at all. Murphy was able to get funding inside her district, too.
I'm aware that Long was upset by that fundraiser. I believe it was scheduled before it was certain whether Dertinger was even in the race, but I don't know the details.
It wouldn't be the first time a not so bad was chosen over bad..Or the last..It is also only your opinion that she looks to see where the wind is blowing before she takes a position on a vote. The majority of Americans hate the idea of immigration reform. Yet she and john mcCain support it. Certainly isn't following the wind there.
I concede those points.
But people don't agree w/ Bennett on most issues. She sticks her finger in the air to see which way the wind and then tries her best to say what she thinks they want to hear.
As opposed to Dent who merely looks to the Whitehouse on how to vote.
That's what career politicians do. That's how they remain career politicians.
Bethlehem Dem said:
"Dent supported Bush's economic policies, which helped to cause our current economic problems. Sam Bennett did not vote on those policies, Dent did. You can try to turn this to a R v D debate, but it is a Dent v. Bennett debate. Dent needs to be held responsible for his votes in the House."
Okay, so what economic policies helped cause our current economic problems? Was it the opposition to more oil drilling or to increasing the number of oil refineries in the US? Maybe it was the failure to make permanent the Bush tax cuts? Oh wait, those were things the congressional Democrats have done.
I know you want to blame everything (whether rightly or wrongly) on Bush, but it really serves no purpose in this discussion if you are not going to be specific.
If you want to take Mr. Dent to task for a particular vote, please do so and we can have a debate on the issue, talk about how Ms. Bennett would have voted if she were in office, and discuss the likely results of that vote.
Simply trying to bash Mr. Dent by mentioning the President is at the grade-school level. Unfortunately, that's the level that many seem to want to play on this year.
Okay, so what economic policies helped cause our current economic problems?
Should we begin with the out of control spending by the REpublican Congress that the PResident did not veto a single time? How about the war in Iraq which has drained capital from this country and forced us to increase our debt to China? How about the weak dollar?
Of course these are all a result of two years of a Democratically controlled Congress? Or is it the fault of Bill Clinton?
Time to come out of the Bush Reality Distortion Field. Bush's favoritism of the wealthiest Americans and of corporate America in general has yet again NOT trickled down.
By the way, Congressman Dent wholeheartedly supported this egregious war in Iraq. Sound judgement, Chuck.
"Should we begin with the out of control spending by the REpublican Congress that the PResident did not veto a single time?"
You mean like Dent voting for that big-spending SCHIP Program for children's health care?
-- Yours, Pitchfork
As opposed to Dent who merely looks to the Whitehouse on how to vote.
Really? He's voted against Bush quite a bit this term. While rejecting the nonsensical immediate withdrawal options continually pushed by Dems, Dent supported the bipartisan ISG. He was co-chair of the Tuesday group, which harshly criticized the prez over his handling of Iraq.
In this term, Dent asserted his independence.
When he deviates from Bush, you claim he is just pandering to voters. When he supports a Bush position, you claim he is a rubber stamp.
Which is it?
The reality is that Dent, unlike Bennett, has a record. He has held office. He has hade to cast votes. Bennett can appear to be all things to all people, but I question whether she is even that well-informed.
I have no problem with you posting a link to an anti-Dent video. But let's be nice and avoid terminolgy that can be perceived as sexist. I do not appreciate sexual references. It's not fair to either candidate. So you can report your link and call Dent a liar or whatever, but let's avoid referring to other people like that.
Please delete and repost your link, using less derogatory language. If you can't do that, I'll do it for you. OK?
I like the stroke or gatekeeper technique. This is not surprising if true. He's up for reelection.
Something this country can't afford.
Bernie O'Hare said... 5:25 PM
He's voted against Bush quite a bit this term.
fine: how would I delete it?
you will have to do it.
Blogger Bernie O'Hare said...
I have no problem with you posting a link to an anti-Dent video. But let's be nice and avoid terminolgy that can be perceived as sexist. I do not appreciate sexual references. It's not fair to either candidate. So you can report your link and call Dent a liar or whatever, but let's avoid referring to other people like that.
Please delete and repost your link, using less derogatory language. If you can't do that, I'll do it for you. OK?
7:17 PM
OK, I will delete the comment. You are welcome to repost the anti-Dent link, but not the language. It's insulting to a race involving a female candidate. I will look at the movie later and hope it is relevant and Dent-specific.
I deleted a comment cuntaining a vulgar term that should not be used in a race between a man and a woman.
"As opposed to Dent who merely looks to the Whitehouse on how to vote."
The Morning Call's DC Correspondent says that Bennett's charge that Dent votes with Bush in lockstep is false. The Ad Watch articles in this race should be interesting.
Still, never let facts or civility stand in the way of a good Bush Bash.
-- Pitchfork
Top Three Reasons Bernie loves Charlie:
3. It takes up space until Bernie finally goes into heat for Obama - like the rest of the left blogosphere and MSM.
2. Charlie is a RINO who pisses off both political extremes.
3. Charlie will actually talk to Bernie.
Anon 8:55,
When you've got me, you've got me. You have me laughing my ass off.
I'll have to wait for the next congressional race. This area is so god dam weak.
The person who could bring this home; will have my vote in the next heart beat!
Willie Nelson Announces 9/11, Anti-War Event on the Alex Jones Show
It's curious that you refer to Democratic Iraq plans as immediate withdrawals. Dent and the GOP also voted against any timetable even timetables linked to benchmarks. Yet the President has just recommended that Congress come up with a "time horizon" which seems to be exactly what the Dems recommended last year. I'm sure Dent voted against it like he has every time a vote to end the war has come up.
I can tell you leave in Allentown or very close to it. Don't believe any of these people. Specially don't look for answers here.
Anonymous said... 10:35 PM
It's curious that you refer to Democratic Iraq plans as immediate withdrawals. Dent and the GOP also voted against any timetable even timetables linked to benchmarks. Yet the President has just recommended that Congress come up with a "time horizon" which seems to be exactly what the Dems recommended last year. I'm sure Dent voted against it like he has every time a vote to end the war has come up.
Charlie Dent is the best thing that happened to the LV.
A lot of Bennett's money is coming from websites who's purpose is to retain a Democratic majority. This is the FEDERAL government we are talking about after all.
True, and little money is coming from the folks who really know her.
Its time for change. Mr. Dent is a career politican. Give Ms. Bennett a two year term and see what she does. If she does little, put her out in two years. The nation needs change. Bennett represents change.
How long has Commissioner Leiner been in politics?
Perhaps its time for a change for him too?
You forgot to end your sentence with the world "Not"!
If you didn't forget; I could use a laugh. I ask you to prove your foolish statement.
I love people with lower i.q. and
don't know any better.
Anonymous said... 1:34 PM
Charlie Dent is the best thing that happened to the LV.
Bernie does Dent pay you to slander Bennett?
Dent has had a less than spectacular term. Except for a few earmarks what has he done for the Valley?
I resent that. Slander is spoken. Written defamation is called libel.
Bennett is free to file suit if she feels defamed in any way. What I've posted is factually accurate. Truth is always a defense.
Your suggestion, on the other hand is false. I do not solicit or accept payments from anyone to espouse or oppose any point of view or person. I also happen to believe, as a registered Dem, that Charlie's moderate views are a reflection of the views held by his constituents. And as you yourself concede, he has managed to bring a lot of badly needed money into the district.
This should be one hell of a race so would like to make a prediction.The local college students when they return and organize will hammer charlie mercificsly on his voting record demanding an explanation.They will also expect to hear his vision and thoughts on his future votes in a democratic administration.Charlie will respond by blasting Bennett on her inexperience etc. etc. etc. Shawn is a master of the attack.we shall see if his diversion from the issues campaign style will succede in this time of changing politics as usual.The Obama success is a good bellwether as to what campaign styles are currently resounding with the voters.
Dent's voted every time for the war, every time for the tax cuts, every time for Bush energy policies. Additionally, he's raised a lot of money through local corporate folks like Air Products, Charles Snelling, and the late- Jaindl.
I think Sam Bennett sucks. She's not my idea of a congresswoman. However, I don't like George W. Bush. I don't like McCain. I'm voting for Obama. I don't feel any of his big local backers represent my values.
Guess I'm voting for Bennett and her non-record. Sounds like a lot of other Americans will be following my logic this fall too. The whole GOP has to be gutted and rebuilt without all the ideological crazies.
"Dent's voted every time for the war . . ."
Wrong. He voted every time to fund the troops over there. Guess who joined him every time except once? That would be B. Obama.
Oh, and Dent wasn't in Congress to vote on starting the War.
He did vote to support the Surge, however, which it sounds like Obama is wishing he had done more and more everyday.
Yeah, I guess I'd hate tax cuts, too, if I felt like the government had some basic right to reach into my wallet and take what it feels like. Call me pro-choice on taxes, in that I'd choose not to pay a lot of my money to the government.
By the way, I am guilty of being well off. I earn enough bread so that I benefit from the tax cuts. I'll keep my money -- if you don't mind.
As to Dent raising a lot of money from local folks -- at least they are local. What's your point?
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