Bethlehem Dem concludes Boscola is an "opportunistic hypocrite who takes opposing sides of the same issue when it is convenient for her." Hopefully, this little ditty will cheer him up.
At last Thursday's county council meeting, a routine easement to PPL was on the agenda. The county was being asked to grant this soon-to-be-deregulated company an easement over county land. Council was assured this easement imposed no burden on the county and that the land itself is worthless.
But council refused to grant the easement, insisting that there be two appraisals first, and that PPL pay for them. When an engineer got up to complain, former council prez Wayne Grube had a very quick answer. "I don't know how in the world we can feel sorry for that utility. Those people have the funds to pay for an appraisal." Even Angle was persuaded.
After the meeting was over, I saw Wayne and told him, "You really stuck it to the man!" He barked, "Yeah, and now when I go home, all my lights will be off."
Boonie must have woke up last night and realized he hadn't written about Lisa lately, so he's working hard to meet his quota of Democrats to piss off.
Boscola's a Democrat? You could have fooled me. What party is Wayne Grube?
Bernie, Thank you for reminding us of Boscola's true posostion on electric de-regulation.The Morning Call did not point this out
"true posostion on electric de-regulation."
When paying bills, I feel my true position involves me grabbing my ankles.
"Yeah, and now when I go home, all my lights will be off."
It's better than having your brakes cut...
They all got to go.
Wow..this blog thing is kind of neat. I can curse if I want to? I can tell people how I really feel about them..especially elected officals? This is too good to be true! Freedom of speech...here in the Lehigh Valley? Pinch me..I must be dreaming! Here goes..Hey Lisa B. Who the heck keeps voting you back into office? There..I did it! I hear a police siren..
It'll take a lot more similar anecdotes to convince me that Wayne Grube has been little more than a sleepy rubber stamp who appreciates "nice" things - regardless of the cost to those whose tax dollars he's charged with minding.
Dave, the blog police just burst into my house, looking for my PC. I'm hiding in my bunker, but it's only a matter of time before they nail me. Run like hell!
I think Wayne may not be the brightest bulb but he means well. sometimes that is better than not being the brightest bulb and not meaning well like McHale or Dowd.
So is this the county being opportunistic or is the 2 appraisals paid for by the submitter SOP?
Usually, the county pays for the appraisals. This time, if PPL wants the easement, it will pay itself.
I see. Subjective law.
I'll be sure to use the "Wegman's can afford it" tactic next time I'm supposed to pay for my own groceries.
All law is subjective. the decision to grant or deny an ordinance is necessarily subjective. The life of the law is experience, not logic. Recent experience w/ PPL convinces me there is some justice in this.
I understand...I'm just dismayed (but not really surprised) an official would make such a statement.
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