Both The Express Times and Morning Call have detailed accounts of yesterday's two-hour preliminary hearing, conducted in a small, but packed, courtroom before a no-nonsense magistrate.
This is the play by play, and it's bad news for John Morganelli, who wants to use Severson as a political consultant in his AG bid. Severson may not have touched Angle, but he certainly hurt Morganelli.
Senior Deputy AG Marc Constanzo headed the prosecution team, while Severson was represented by one of the Lehigh Valley's best criminal defense lawyers, George Heitczman. During a preliminary hearing, the Commonwealth has a very low burden - it need only show that it is likely that a person has committed a crime. Most defense attorneys simply use the hearing to gather information and pin witnesses down. Most prosecutors try to get away with as little evidence as possible. Constanzo produced five witnesses, and tried to keep it brief. The witnesses were sequestered.
1. Edmund Mugavero. This elderly gentleman was sitting in church with his wife and daughter. Severson sat behind him, and when his cell phone rang, actually answered it and started talking during a funeral mass. He did hear some sort of "disturbance" behind him, but had few details beyond that. At some point, Mugavero turned around and asked Severson to step outside if he wanted to talk. At first, Mugavero claimed that was it. He had to be shown his previous statement before remembering that Severson had told him to "shut up and sit down."
Mugavero was the Commonwealth's weakest witness.
2. Frank Febbo. Febbo was seated next to his wife, and she was next to Severson, who also happens to be a neighbor. He testified there was some "commotion," and that Severson was "very upset" about something. At one point, Severson started shouting, "You haven't seen anything yet! Wait 'till we're outside." Febbo saw Severson tell Mugavero to sit down, noting that he was very loud and said it a few times. He also heard Severson say, "If you want a real show, wait 'till we're in the parking lot." He claimed that Severson's cell phone went off a few times and he continued to take calls during a funeral mass.
After the service was over, Severson came up to Febbo and put his arm around him. He started bragging about his time in the service and showed him his Vietnam pin, He claimed he was not afraid of anybody and told Febbo, "Anybody gives you a hard time, just let me know. ... I'm a born killer."
Febbo characterized these remarks as inappropriate but felt they were said kiddingly. He distinguished them from how Severson was acting in church, which he said made him "pretty alarmed."
3. Mary Ensslin. Ms. Ensslin testified she was seated at the rear of the church and was alone. In fact, she was there to mourn, and wanted to be alone. But she was eventually met by Ron Angle, who at one time served with her on Northampton County Council and the Bangor Area School District. Angle sat beside her in the rear of the church.
After mass had started, Severson walked in the church and found a seat in front of them, a few pews away. Severson because worked in her first primary campaign for Northampton County Council as a political consultant.
After a few minutes, Severson turned around, noticing both her and Angle. He immediately began making aggressive gestures and sounds and actually stood up. She claimed his arms were making a punching-like motion but was unable to recall whether he used the finger. She heard Severson say, "We're going to settle this."
A few minutes later, Severson stood up and turned around a second time. Putting his hand in his pocket, he began to point and jab it at Angle, saying "We're going to settle this. I'm going to stick this in you outside."
When he turned around, Angle asked Ensslin, "Who is that?"
Ensslin: "That's Tom Severson. Don't you know him?"
Angle: "No. I've never seen him. He's wound a little tight tonight."
Severson then stood and turned around a third time, continuing to make the remarks and jabbing motions. "I'm going to stick this in you in the parking lot." She was alarmed and so was Angle.
As the mass was ending and everyone was turned away, Angle told Ensslin he had better leave and slipped out a side door. When Severson turned around and discovered it, he got out of his pew and started heading towards Ensslin. As she ran away towards Lenny Zito, Severson thundered at her, shouting "If you ever run for public office, I'm going to destroy you."
She believed Severson was armed, was fearful and asked Zito to walk her to her car. She refused to go to the burial service the next day because she was afraid.
4. Ron Angle. Angle explained he was in church to pay his respects, having known the family for forty years. Asked to say for the mass, he looked for and found a seat in the back of the church, where he sat with Mary Ensslin. After mass had started, a man he later learned is Severson came in and sat a few pews in front of him.
A few minutes after mass had started, Severson jumped up, got irate, gave him the finger and said "Fuck you!"
Angle waved hello, turned to Ensslin and said, "Must be an unhappy constituent." Angle then saw the exchange with Mugavero, and noted that Severson told this elderly person to sit down.
Severson continued making derogatory remarks throughout the entire service, yelling, talking or glaring the entire time. Ensslin told Ron this angry man was Tom Severson.
Angle testified, "He kept saying, 'I'm going to get your fucking ass. I'm going to kill you.'" Severson even pulled the end of a switchblade knife from his pants pocket and said, "I'm going to kill you." According to Ron, "I felt this guy was capable of killing me. He was out of his mind."
He decided to make an early exit out a side door and was just able to get in and lock his truck when Severson was out there too, yelling again that he was going to kill Angle. He stopped when people began leaving the church.
After Angle got home, his wife told him to call the police, but he instead took a sleeping pill and went to bed. After thinking the matter over, he decided to report it. "This guy is capable of killing me. If I don't go, he might kill someone else."
5. Pen Argyl Police Officer Jonathan M Hoadley. Hoadley told Litzenberger that Severson, of his own volition, actually gave him a typed and signed statement, admitting that he had given Angle the finger. he also admitted saying "Fuck You," "I'm gonna' get you" and "We'll finish this outside."
Litzenberger had no choice other than binding this matter over. With these charges hanging over Severson, John Morganelli will have to drop him or surely lose. Morganelli has always been loyal to his friends, but the person who Severson really stabbed is John himself.
During the entire hearing, Severson made a point of sneering at Deputy AG Constanzo as much as possible, instead of keeping a low profile. If he thinks his switchblades and Vietnam pins are going to intimidate a state prosecutor, he is in for a rude awakening. If anything, he is just encouraging Constanzo to pursue an investigation into Severson's possible election law violations.
The Morning Call did a better job in reporting the details of the hearing in today's report than it did in yesterday's. Still it only reports on Mr. Angle and Ms. Ensslin's testimonies. For some reason, there is no mention of the other three witnesses, including the police officer's testimony regarding Mr. Severson's own written statement as to what he said and did at the funeral mass. Today's Express Times report seems to have more details on the overall events of the hearing.
Ruh roh, John.
Which of the Scissorhands tactics displayed at the Mass will you be using to defeat Corbett?
It seems someone was looking at too many James Cagney movies and took them a bit too seriously...
....somebody get DA Morganelli a better suit (or dryclean this one) look at how his left lapel is curled up. DA Jim Martin looks worse but that's because he passes out and sleeps in his suits....
Maybe Morganelli can get him work release so he can help with the lost campaign?
Bernie, I cannot stand this Severson guy. He's a real slimeball. That being said, I have to tell you it's very unfair for you to use the phrasing "Yesterday, District Judge Ralph Litzenberger ruled there is sufficient evidence to believe that political consultant Thomas "Scissorhands" Severson is a criminal." He has not been convicted of anything yet. It's just a bit unfair in my opinion.
Anon 4:05,
The only way that Litzenberger can bind the case over is by concluding there is sufficient evidence to believe Severson is a criminal. That's what it's all about. As a matter of law, there is sufficient evidence from which one can concude he is a criuminal. There's nothing unfair about that. That's the law.
Severson acting like a moron in church has nothing to do with Morganelli. As a matter of fact, Morganelli recongnized his conflict and referred the case out. Corbett has yet to recognize his conflict in prosecuting this guy by appointing a special prosecutor.
Severson acting like a moron in church has nothing to do with Morganelli.
True, but if Morganelli continues to use Severeson, the sins of the consultant will be visited upon the candidate. Is Morganelli going to drop this guy ir not?
If I had to guess he is probably no more likely to drop them then he is to drop you !
This case does reflect on Morganelli. Does Morganelli surround himself with good, respectable people, or does he keep company with people of questionable integrity and ethical standards? Kinda like John McCain hiring the same consultants who attacked him in 2000 (when they were working for Bush) and then stating he was going to runa different kind of campaign. Not happening. Morganelli deserves what he gets from this.
"Severson acting like a moron in church has nothing to do with Morganelli."
Severson not only acted like a moron, a district justice found sufficient evidence that he may have acted like a criminal.
This is Morganelli's crowd. Our parents taught us in third grade that we may be judged by those with whom we associate. I'll bet John received this advice also. He's just so desperate to get elected, he's chosen to ignore it.
Yes, the people you surround yourself with are important. Just ask Corbett and his best friend convicted felon Bob Asher and the tens of thousand of dollars in campaign cash that Corbett has taken from Asher.
If I had to guess he is probably no more likely to drop them then he is to drop you !
Yes, John is loyal to his friends. But if Severson had an ounce of loyalty to John, he would never have put John in this position.
Cut him loose.
Can you please state what the position Morganelli is in exactly. People are literally laughing about the Angle allegations.
The position John finds himself in is having a campaign consultant who has now been bound over to face criminal chargfes as a result of threatening behavior during, of all things, a funeral mass. The most damaging witness against Severson, by far, is Mary Ensslin, who herself felt threatened and had reason to feel threatened. In addition to that, Seversaon is being finally being investigated by the AG for campaign law violations over the years. That is not yet widely known, but I suspect it will be fefore long. How can John maintain that the AG is too cozy w/ outfits that advertise on behalf of statewide judicial candidates when his own consultant sends anonymous mailers? How can John complain about DeNaples when a close campaign associate is facing criminal charges?
I wish he had been sitting in the courtroom furing the preliminary hearing. The entire time Severson was there, he was looking right at the AG, sneering at him. Eventually, the AG noticed and would look and smile at Severson whenever there was damaging testimony. Instead of keeping a low profile, Severson has chosen to taunt the AG, a very biog mistake. I don't think Heitczman could notice this from where he was sitting. But if he did, I'm sure he'lll have something to say to his client. Severson's behavior is just begging for more investugation.
Is this what John wants? Tell me how the hell that is supposed to help his race? I like John and think he represents something new and different in his AG bid. He's a poor boy from south side Bethlehem who has been in the pits as a prosecutor for over 20 years, trying murder cases himself. he has remained very accessible. He brings a lot to the table. I'd hate to see Severson bring him down.
Cut him loose.
Correction: Corbett has taken hundreds of thousands of dollars from convicted felon Bob Asher.
Aher's conviction is over 20 years old, too. It's so old it could not be used against him as evidence.
"People are literally laughing about the Angle allegations."
Sadly for Severson and Morganelli, the district magistrate is not "people" in this case. He thinks there's evidence of criminal conduct by Morganelli's political adviser.
In fairness to Severson. I think he may just be mentally unbalanced like Ron Angle.
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