* Conserve electricity and set your air conditioner at a higher temperature.
* Choose a cleaner commute -- share a ride to work or use public transportation. Bicycle or walk to errands when possible.
* Defer use of gasoline-powered lawn and garden equipment.
* Refuel cars and trucks after dusk.
* Combine errands and reduce trips.
* Limit engine idling.
* Use household, workshop, and garden chemicals in ways that keep evaporation to a minimum, or try to delay using them when poor air quality is forecast.
The bus is FREE on ozone action days, and you can check schedules here.
It is suppose to be near 100 degrees. I am playing in a golf tournament in the AM and swimming in my pool or in thhe AC at a lower temperature in the afternoon. I figure that since I will be in an gas golf cart for 4+ hours it offsets my carbon footprint and I can make my house cooler then normal. By the way there is really nothing wrong with the ozone layer
I have just deleted a comment posted by Henry Schaadt, aka River. In a post about an ozone action day, there is no need to call other people names.
At least we aren't hearing the nonsense that the hot weather is further proof of "global warming" anymore.
I will be outside landscaping all day. No whining about the heat from me.
Scott Armstrong
I have just deleted another comment posted by Henry Schaadt, aka River. In a post about an ozone action day, there is no need to call other people names.
Henry is sure active today...
I expect that, while the environmental movement will continue to hold events like this, economics will drive the situation. By that I mean if it's too expensive to keep the a/c on full, then people will turn the temp up and save $$. Same thing w/ driving.
Environmental issues are the same as presidential elections - most people vote (or base their actions on) their wallets.
That's the biggest reason why the Republicans are in trouble (and I am a Republican).
I saw some forecasts/reports that the temps may reach and even exceed 100.
I too would like to hit the golf course this week to practice because I'm doing a bowling/golf outing on Saturday (6/14). If I do decide to get out, be assured that it will be early in the morning, and may only be nine holes if the air becomes warm(er), like it is today.
Those are good suggestions, but they should be practiced year-round instead of just o-zone action days.
Hopefully, this week I can get my bike tuned and get my new gears put on. Too bad there aren't that many places I'll have to ride it this year. Last year I used it to go to school almost every day, but no classes right now.
Henry, I"m not sure where you are coming from. I made no comments at all that had to do w/ invading privacy or telling anyone what to do. Rest assured I don't care at all what you do in the privacy of your home.
Please re-read my post, I think you missed the whole point of it. The points you make are valid, but have nothing to do w/ my post.
Does this mean I can print out your post and wave it in the face of my neighbor who insists on cutting his lawn twice a week, whether it needs it or not? "Bernie says you have to stop mowing!"
Seriously, I would love to exchange my gas mower for a push mower if I didn't think it would kill my husband and me to do it the old fashioned way.
Another thing I'd love to do is get rid of our second car. It's not just escalating gas prices, but maintenance and insurance that we'd love to be rid of. But our work schedules don't mesh. He'd be taking me to work at 6AM, and even though I'm an early riser, that's too brutal for me.
I have just deleted three more comments posted by Henry Schaadt, aka River. In a post about an ozone action day, there is no need to call other people names. There is no need to insult commenters here. I have warned him about this many times before.
Henry might be a very angry environmentalist.
They are irate that 'Cap and Trade' died in the Senate this week due to grassroots actions and citizens who spoke up against the proposal.
Bernie Do you know if LANTA comes anywhere close to the court house in Easton ? John Stoffa
Kathy -
There are lawn mowers now that still use fuel and/or oil but operate off of mostly the battery. They are recharageable and usually the same price as the rest of the mowers. They work just as good, too. Check em' out if you get a chance - it might be worth it :)
I'm still waiting for the impending Ice Age I was promised on the first Earth Day, thirty years ago.
It was kinda steamy in my sweater yesterday, but I'm certain the environmental absolutists won't have let me down.
a.j.c. -- Thanks for the tip. I'd love it if they were quieter, too. There's nothing I hate more in summer than the drone of lawn mowers.
Play starts at 9AM with breakfast, if one is so inclined, at 8:30 AM. Got the sunblock that covers both type rays. Have a nice wick it away shirt and white shoes to keep my feet cool. Lots of water on board as well as some fine cigars--Punch Presidents and Gloria Cubanas R series.
Since you are playing golf and bowling make sure you don't get the balls mixed up beacause that could widen the holes on the greens.
"" Joe Hilliard said...
Henry might be a very angry environmentalist.""" I love the environment but I am not an environmentalist. I fell I am a realist. With that I mean we all do what we can to help. I do my part, you do your part etc. Last week on the PCN channel they had a global warming conference. A person on board was a state employee and she was stating that she has no air conditioning and in the winter time she has her thermostat set at 55 degrees. That may be fine for her but many people cannot live like that. We all have to chose our own quality of life. I feel it is unacceptable to tell the mother of a newborn child, a person with a medical condition, or a senior they should be living in their home at 55 degrees. I don't have air conditioning but I can take it. Some people cannot and I feel sure when I am older I will not be able to stand it either. I also feel that someone living many miles away from you trying to tell you what you should do on a hot day to save the earth regardless of your own personal health and comfort is not going to work. I feel if people get extreme about the carbon footprints, etc, like telling others on the block what they should be driving(I drive a 4 cylinder Toyota) or do in their own homes, the entire Gore Warming concept is just going to collapse on itself. Thanks Henry
Kathy - Can't help ya with the noise - you're on your own, lol.
Chris - Making the cups wider might be what I need!
Henry, where are you coming from that you feel someone is telling you what to do? Did I miss something here?
I am glad you mentioned that. Perhaps the Gore warming people should take a hint from you and start thinking that they are not the only people on earth. The USA is doing a lot for the environment, they should talk to China, India, SA, Africa ,Russia ,mexico,etc. But its all here.. and I think I know why. This is where the money is. Al Gore has made millions and millions of dollars in profits. When you say who is telling us what to do? Just look at the posting for this blog item. Don't cut the grass, don't drive, turn up the air conditioning, etc. That is what I am talking about. Hey... everybody knows it is stinking hot outside. Why is someone trying to tell us what we should do and should not do. Thats my point Thanks Henry
With this bad heat and humidity I would like to mention something. If you have a doggie who lives in a dog house out back, please bring him inside and put him even in the basement or cool closed garage... whatever you can do to keep them out of the hot sun. Thanks Henry
Henry tells us he doesn't like being told what to do. Nobody told him to do anything. They are called recommendations, and are no different from his own recommendation concerning dogs.
There are a lot of people like Henry who are sick and tired not only about the Global Warming/Climate Chnage hoax but the rules and regulations cropping up all over. I sold a commercial property in Moore Township. You should see the hoops we have to go through. Everyone from the Federal government, Department of Labor and Industry, to the local board is involved. The property is the former corner store at 512 and 946. The costs for this have been unbelievable for a building of this size given that we are actually cutting down on traffic at the spot.
Yesterday I was told by a police office in Bushkill Township that she could not stop the loud garage band music coming from a neigbor's property due to the noise ordinance that allows people to make noise until 10 PM. To top it off the police do not enforce that ordinance the zoning officer, who has the equipment in his office, enforces it. On top of that they no longer enforce disturbing the peace. Can you spell words like stupid, inane, and frustration. This is why people are irritated when some government school graduate steps up and tells them what car to drive.
Bicycling is bad for the environment.
Our own fuel is considered bad too?
People moving is bad?
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