Somebody's got to do it. In a recent story, it reports Claysburg police are hot on the trail of Sasquatch.
Sasquatch, from an American Indian word meaning “Amish-smelling,” has been reported in the mountains near Claysburg. Once it was just thought to be yet another hillbilly inbreeding experiment gone awry; however, the latest reports suggest that Sasquatch is alive and on the move.It's nice to see another blog that never lets facts get in the way of a good story.
“We don’t take kindly to various drugged-out creatures comin’ into our town and stealin’ pick-a-nick baskets and leaving their big ugly paw prints around,” said town monster control officer and bebop saxophonist Roscoe John Coletrane. “That menace will be six big feet in the ground once me and the boys are done with him… or her… don’t mean to be sexist.”
Nice but go to the Express breaking news..man and woman arrested in Bethlehem park for taking nude pictures of each other! Claimed it was an artistic endeavor! Disorderly conduct was the charge.
It was O'Hare and Angle. And don't ask who the cops pegged as a female, I don't even want to think about it.
Burne - you are correct. Casey is crazy. Nobody should even consider killing you. The waste you have made of your life, and your knowledge of that fact, is more than punishment enough for the minor nuisance you make of yourself with this site.
Dave, Thaks for that story. I'll have a small post about it tomorrow.
The DotPenn blog is hilarious! They may be out in the middle of nowhere but they know funny!
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