Erroneous Police Report
Despite the unusual detail that Kari retained, the Holmes family has dealt with a police officer who refused to shake hands with Kari and prepared an erroneous report that was originally misplaced. This faulty report eventually resulted in a letter to Allentown's police chief.
Dear Sir,
You are receiving this request that the Allentown Police Department Offense/Incident Report for Complaint # 08-30857 be corrected/amended or appended as it does NOT record NOR does it reflect my statement made to officer Todd Haldaman the morning of Thursday, April 24th in the least.
I clearly reported to the officer that I was the victim of an assault by individuals who I had no contact with whatsoever prior to them attacking me.
However, the officer incorrectly recorded 'victim stated she was assaulted after having an incident with another motorist.'
I clearly reported to the officer that the attack was perpetrated by not only the motorist, but the motorist and two [2] passengers, with varying degrees of involvement and increasing degrees of racial and sexual slurs, threats, and physical violence.
I clearly reported to the officer that I had scrapes and scratches, severe pain and visible swelling, in my neck, left shoulder, left elbow, lower back, left knee, left hand palm area, right calf, right knee and right ankle.
However, the officer recorded only 'minor swelling' in the 'right ankle.'
I clearly reported to the officer that I had blood on me that was not my own. I asked if that could be used to help identify any of the individuals.
However, the officer replied, 'no, this is simple assault, that kind of thing is not needed in this type of case.' And no indication of this is found anywhere in the faulty report.
I clearly reported to the officer that a Caucasian female, in her mid-twenties with long blond hair was the first individual to physically attack me.
However, the officer incorrectly recorded that I 'claimed to have been assaulted by an individual with [long] brown hair.'
I clearly stated to the officer that I would NOT refuse medical attention, but rather that I would POSTPONE medical attention…
However, the officer incorrectly recorded that I 'REFUSED medical attention.'
A number of other items were stated succinctly and directly that the officer recorded as the complete opposite. This incorrect and opposite record of my statement is creating a severe problem as it has prohibited your detectives from proceeding affectively [sic] and with a clear understanding of the facts in this case.
I have every confidence that you will address this matter promptly, and expect to hear from you by Thursday, May 1st, 2008 before the close of business [4:00pm] that my statement has been recorded correctly and attached in an addendum to the incorrect report that has been filed.
Thank you,
Kari E. Holmes
So far as I know, no action has been taken to correct any of the mistakes made by the officer who took the report.
Inconclusive Meeting with Mayor Pawlowski
Once of the reasons why Mayor Pawlowski is Mayor Pawlowski and not Mr. Pawlowski is because of the support he received from the Holmes family. He met with them on May 5, and this is how that meeting went, according to Dr. Holmes.
Mayor Pawlowski, several Allentown Human Relation Commissioners, Police Chief and two of his assistants, and several PA Human Relation Commissioners and others met to discuss two incidents: Kari Holmes' allegation of hate crime and Christopher Cabellini's allegation that his car was vandalized because of his sexual orientation. Kari recounted the incident and the follow-up to date. She asked that the initial police report be corrected since the officer gave several points directly opposite to what she told him. I asked that there be a policy or procedure to flag or alert to an amendment when an officer's report is incorrect. The mayor is not at all keen on any change in policy. The mayor and police chief assured Kari that they are doing everything according to procedures already in place to look into the discrepancies. The sincerity was evident. Sincerity is not likely to insure Kari's attackers come to justice. As it is, well-wishers found one of the attackers within an hour of knowing what the police have known for a week. This is just one of many indicators that present policy and procedure is drastically ineffective.
No Arrest
According to Dr. Holmes, police know who the attackers are, but have made no arrest. It may very well be that police have a lot of detail, but the decision to wait is probably prompted by a need to secure some evidence or get input from a prosecuting attorney.
What You Can Do
If you witness a "bias-related incident," you can report it here.
Is Allentown PA the incompetence capitol of the world, or what?
Bernie, what's your view on harsher penalties for thought, sorry "hate" crimes?
I hate to even say all of this, because it's a horrible thought. But if it's crossed my mind, I'm sure it's crossed others as well...Something here just does not add up on either side. Ms. Holmes was very descriptive as to what happened, and to say it was horrible is a gross understatement. The MSM has virtually ignored it. The police / city appear to be ignoring it as well.
I'm sorry, but this does not compute. Either Ms. Holmes is not being truthful or we have a city police / administration that makes the south 40yrs ago look like great in comparison.
What gives here?
I usually enjoy your blog, it's my guilty pleasure of the day, but the comment on the picture is clearly crossing the line.
Anon 8:05:
Thats just Bernie's inner racist. It tends not to hide itself very well at times. You get used to it after a while.
I usually enjoy your blog, it's my guilty pleasure of the day, but the comment on the picture is clearly crossing the line.
I apologize if the picture offends. I used it is because it clearly shows the absurdity of racism. It shows how goofy we must look to God. That picture will stay. I read comment after comment in the MC reader forum that makes overtly racist remarks. I am using the word in a way that shows how foolish it is.
Bernie, what's your view on harsher penalties for thought, sorry "hate" crimes?
My view is that we need to worry about making the case that clearly exists, i.e. assault and recklessly endangering. That's enough to make the point. I have no problem with a hate crime per se, but it adds to the ividentiary burden and makes things harder for the prosecution. How do you prove an assault is really racially motivated? Is the use of a racial epithet enough? What if kari had bumped into these people first?
The comment at 8:21, which smears me as an "inner racist," was posted by someone who works for the CITY OF ALLENTOWN. Instead of addressing any of the concerns raised by the Holmes' family about the city's inept handling of this matter, someone who works for Allentown actually tries to kill the messenger by calling him a racist. He does so from a city computer, too.
The IP Address of the posted comment is 208.251.203.# (CITY OF ALLENTOWN) and the ISP is Verizon Business.
This is a typical Pawlowski tactic. Any criticism directed at him or the city results in a personal attack designed to marginalize the critic. It's an ad hoiminem approach, the tactic of an opponent who has no argument.
Why is that comment crossing the line? Bernie is bringing to light what noone will come right out and say. No need to mince an words.
The City of Allentown, the DA and the police are doing just that. Looking at this saying, "well, they're just a bunch of (insert n word here), and we're not going to do anything about it."
Either Ms. Holmes is not being truthful or we have a city police / administration that makes the south 40yrs ago look like great in comparison.
I don't think things are quite as bad as all that. I have no reason to doubt Ms. Holmes or her report. Do you?
Unfortunately, she dealt with a police officer who appeared to have no interest in her or her story. That happens. To make matters worse, his "report" was misplaced, so the MC did not have an account or police blotter and apparently had to rely on Dr. Holmes for its report. As far as the errors in the report are concerned, that happens. As far as changing reports, that's just not going to happen. I'm sure that police will gladly add Ms. Holmes' explanatory record, but no report should be changed. It appears to me that the wheeels of justice are grinding, ever so slow, but ever so fine. The Holmes are naturally upset but that's the way things are.
You KNOW, I saw the above photo and at first was like WHAT !!!!??? and then I looked at it for what it is. Racism is ALIVE and WELL in the U.S., Lehigh Valley,and
A-town; and like the above picture, I don't know whether to laugh or cry...
Alfonso Todd
And another thing!!!!!
Considering so many ANONYMOUS bloggers are concerned with the word NIGGER on the picture, I am curious to know how many have contacted the numerous elected officals that are responsible for seeing that justice is done!!
The word NIGGER represents much more than a racial epithet! It represents the history of black people in this country, but just as, if not more importantly the injustice that is being done here by those who work for WE THE PEOPLE!
This is an outrage!
I have no reason at all to doubt her - just to me it seems like there is an awful lot of "happenstance" in this situation.
I hope you're right but I'm not as comfortable with what's been happening here.
I apologize if the picture offends. I used it is because it clearly shows the absurdity of racism. It shows how goofy we must look to God. That picture will stay. I read comment after comment in the MC reader forum that makes overtly racist remarks. I am using the word in a way that shows how foolish it is.
Bernie you're not Lennie Bruce, I understand your position but there is no justification for the word period.
I have complained to the morning call numerous times for a variety of remarks in the blogs . There response has been to remove those offensive comments when they are notified. Bernie this is an offensive comment and this is your notification. Leave the picture take down the work
You understand the word, but don’t misjudged the context. It was born in a culture that was forcibly segregated and racially oppressive. It is because the races remain, by and large, separate that African Americans have maintained their own linguistic traditions; it is because they remain unequal that such a loaded word can retain such contradictory meanings for blacks and whites. In other words, without racism both its offensiveness and its camaraderie would be meaningless. I am well aware of the subversive quality of turning oppressive language on its head and using it defiantly. Such is the journey that has transformed former slaves from Coloreds to blacks and finally to African-Americans . . Nonetheless, the last noun that many victims of hate crimes heard before they are killed by racists is not something I wish to claim nor should anyone of your stature..so Bernie take down the word.
Retired ASD teacher here.
Like Alfonso, I am becoming VERY concerned about the racism I see more openly in this community. I do read the Morning Call Forum, and am amazed by the volume of racist comments.
Even more amazing to me, is that it's quite obvious The Morning Call edits what appears on their Forum. Generally, the blatant racist remarks are the postings that remain!
I, and a few friends, have posted legitimate non-racist opinions there, only to have them removed by The Morning Call editors. In most cases, I can see through the whole thing, as what I offered is different from what I see to be the opinion of The Morning Call management.
I no longer waste my time posting on The Morning Call Forum because what its readers see REALLY ISN'T all that was actually put forth by local citizens.The overall message one receives from that forum is not a true reflection of those who visit there.
Because the Morning Call picks and chooses what remains there, I can only assume THE PROMOTION OF RACISM to this community fits its corporate agenda. Therefore, I would expect The Morning Call to heavily investigate on behalf of the Holmes family.
I apologize for my repeated rants about the disservice I believe The Morning Call is doing to this community. The Morning Call COULD be a valuable instrument of positive change for Allentown. So far, I don't see that interest and can't understand why not.
Evidently, The Morning Call management is naive to the self-inflicted destruction of its own journalistic integrity.
Retired ASD teacher here.
To Valima and others, from years spending work days in public schools, I can tell you the word "NIGGER, NIGGA, etc." is a quite common term among those who were its initial target.
Possibly due to hip-hop culture, the word you feel so strongly about has willingly and rapidly become a term of endearment.
Like you, I don't want to hear it, especially NOT from the mouths of those who were, and should still be offended.
There IS work to be done, but Bernie's use of the term (together with that photo) is not where the work needs to begin.
" I understand your position but there is no justification for the word period."
I disagree. I believe that word, like other words, can be used to make a point. i believe it has different meanings, depending on the context in which it is used. I've used it once before in a post about yard sales, of all things, and it was done for a reason.
My purpose is not to offend, but to draw attention to the absurdity of its use as an attempt to disparage another person.
I was born in a culture that is segregated, too. And here's the kicker. There is still one hell of a lot of de facto segregation. It exists in jobs, housing, education and employment.
I appreciate your concern and we're actually on the same team here. We both want to improve race relations.
I don't like the word, either. i have heard it used most often as a term of derision. I was with a group of young black men who used the word that way a few years ago, and asked them to stop. They did, but i don't think they understood me or why it bothered me so much. These kids were using it with each other to put each other down after poor plays, and i thought it was bad for their self-esteem.
Retired ASD is right about the MC Reader Forum. I have written about the blatant hate there many times.
I believe this picture helps me make a point. I am sorry it offends you so much.
As much as that photo offends, it also can be an educational tool. I have read all of the responses to it and have noticed how there are different attitudes toward the word and picture. As a Black man, I have to wonder WHEN will the work to educate people on racial tolerance begin (and I mean beyond February, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Harriet Tubman) and WHO will actually start an open conversation ? Many may disagree, but this photo DID start an open and honest dialogue. So, I guess a picture is worth a thousand words.
Alfonso Todd
Thanks, Alfonso. I appreciate your perspective. I think racism is rampant in the LV. I hear the references to persons of color from the most unlikely sources ... and often. I certainly have no wish to offend, but do hope the pic stimulates people, including myself, to think about our own attitudes.
"racial tolerance"
Semantics Rant: I'd rather see "racial acceptance." The word "tolerance," to me, always evokes a vibe of "I'm putting up with you," i.e., I'm tolerating you ... even though you're not, well, me. The word "accepting," to me, feels more like: hey you're in. Same as me. We're equals. I'd vote for losing the word "tolerance" from the dictionary except for uses like "I have a high tolerance for pain." And English vocabulary.
Dear Retired teacher
If you don"t want to hear the word why would you write the word in this blog? This is an unnecessary education or should I say fragrant justification of the various denotations and connotations of such a vile word? That's not the education I need repeated
There is no justification for the word period. Take the word down
"I apologize for my repeated rants about the disservice I believe The Morning Call is doing to this community." -Retired ASD Teacher
... no need to apologize to this reader of your comments, Teach. I always find your critiques of The Morning Call to be accurate and insightful and I'm sure many if not most observers would agree ...
As much as that photo offends, it also can be an educational tool.
Help me understand this people have died over that word. It's not casual.
As a Black Man I cannot accept that word period. The word has been used for many generations to educate folks on a litany of things all non positive education on (how to have a proper picnic) need I go on.
The acceptance of that term equates to self denigration in my opinion and cannot be reduced to a casual term that is acceptable to any person with red blood..
Take the word down
You are a liar. You know damn well that comment 8:21 didn't come from city hall or the city of Allentown. As a matter of fact, it is not even a Verizon account.
The truth is, you have no idea where it came from.
To retired ASD teacher,
I don't think Bernie is trying to start the work here, I think he is trying to bring light, remind, and expose the serverity of the situation that has occured to Ms. Holmes. Those who are responsbile for bringing justice, have not done so. Not only have they not done so, they have turned the other cheek.
You are shocked to see that word on this blog? I am shocked to know that NOTHING has been done about this case.
master mcbean, I don't think the word in this context is being used in a casual or defamatory way. It is used a symbol of the injustices that has occured with this particular case.
However, I'm no Bernie so I cannot defend or offend him for having the word in that picture. But that is my $.02 on the matter.
You don't see the word as crossing the line?
That's my generations fault for not educating you of the reality of that word.
Deeper still you may be subject to a view of the word that is not based on historical context but mere hip hops affinity for using that vile word. Over time you become desensitized to it .
I'm sorry we failed you
Your first reaction was on point .
What was he thinking.....
The second reaction probably speaks to your generation. What I mean is that if you are under 40 you really don't view the word with the same indignation as those over 40.
Jim Crow was something you read about in the history books, you didn't witness the colored bathrooms of the south or the back door entrances it wasn't personal to your generation. King Malcolm Stokey and Eldredge were subjects relegated to intellectual discussion in college. Protests and Civil disobedience that's history? Am I right?
My generation is responsible for passing on the intense pain of the word and we have clearly failed you if you consider that word as an educational tool.
I'm sorry we failed you
The word is persona, its use is offensive and should not be used in any context.
Please tell Bernie to take it Down
I agree w/ the general theme here that racism still exists and is very real. In my view the only way to deal with it is head on, and going head on means feelings will get hurt.
Also, is context not as important as the actual word being used? Bernie used a very offensive word here, not in a derogatory fashion, but to make a point - "the absurdity of racism."
Also, the fact is that younger black people have done a great job de-sensitizing everyone to many words. That's going to change any time soon.
Let's deal w/ the problem of racism, let's not get caught up in a word. In other words, pick the right fight - otherwise you can get marginalized (i.e., Guillermo Lopez and the "Pork Chop" fiasco with the Ironpigs) and accomplish nothing.
Master McBean, you are correct! I am under 40 (wooh00 ) <--joke, and do only know Jim Crow to be something I've read in history books.
When Dick Gregory wrote "Nigger", were you offended? When John Howard Griffin wrote "Black Like Me' and the word was used in there, were you offended? WHen movies about the old south are on TV, or documentaries are done and that word is used, are you offended?
I can understand the shock effect when one first clicks on the head line "No Arrests in Racial Assault Against Kari Holmes" and sees a yellow duck shouting the 'N' word at black ducks. What I don't understand is how the message of this post has gone astray. I strongly suspect Bernie's intent was to bring light to the subject that NOTHING has been done with the attack against Kari Holmes. The attackers called her nigger, they called her nigger bitch and used other phrases using the word nigger.
Where is the outrage on behalf of KARI? So many are here protesting for Bernie to take the word down..
Why not use that energy calling city hall, APD, news stations, lehigh county DA or ANYONE THAT WILL LISTEN!!!
We're all so concerned that the word is being used but not much is being said about the fact that a black woman was violently attacked by three assailants while NIGGER was being shouted at her!!
Retired ASD teacher here.
Master, and Anonymous 2:12pm:
I believe the dialogue of most value is the dialogue that is honest, true, and does not "beat around the bush," whatever that was derived from.
If you are not willing to put everything upfront in a discussion, you lessen the ability of that discussion to be whole and complete.
The issue here IS the word NIGGER, as used on a blog. A blog protected by free speech, much like the words "cracker" and "whitey" are protected. Such written and verbal characterizations are an offensive effort ONLY if the mind of who uses such words intends them to be offensive. My use in this context was not intended to be offensive, as evidenced by the rest of my message. A message that you chose to ignore in its totality.
I also DESPISE our vocabulary having to include the word "murder" and what it represents, but I still say that word whenever I chagrin about such an action being a part of our daily lives.
I agree, take the words murder and nigger down. None of us are comfortable with either. While we BOTH discuss this situation, I think, it is idiotic not to focus on those words (and being specific about WHICH words) and their meaning.
My hope is the urban youth I dealt with when I was in the classroom, several music artists, and BET will lead the charge on this issue.
My question to both of you is this:
How do you assess curent uses of the word "Nigger" among today's youth?
I wish they wouldn't do that. Do you share my view?
Bernie you must be enjoying this
"You are a liar. You know damn well that comment 8:21 didn't come from city hall or the city of Allentown. As a matter of fact, it is not even a Verizon account."
I just knew that someone would come along and try to deny that Allentown was resposnible for the attempt to divert everyone's attention from Kari Holmes.
That's why I saved the reference from my sitemeter. Here's the pertinent information:
Domain Name (Unknown)
IP Address 208.251.203.# (CITY OF ALLENTOWN)
ISP Verizon Business
Location Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : Pennsylvania
City : Allentown
Lat/Long : 40.6018, -75.4746 (Map)
Distance : 13 miles (local visitor)
Language English (U.S.)
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Internet Explorer 6.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; InfoPath.1)
Javascript version 1.3
Monitor Resolution : 1152 x 864
Color Depth : 32 bits
Time of Visit May 21 2008 8:15:37 am
Last Page View May 21 2008 8:21:05 am
Visit Length 5 minutes 28 seconds
Page Views 4
Referring URL
Visit Entry Page http://www.lehighval...blings.blogspot.com/
Visit Exit Page http://www.lehighval...blings.blogspot.com/
Out Click 4 comments
Time Zone UTC-5:00
Visitor's Time May 21 2008 8:15:37 am
Visit Number 261,604
Before this person posted his comment at 8:21, there were four comments. This person, one of Pawlowski's minions or Mayor Ed himsel, is the fifth. It definitely came from someone who works for the City of Allentown.
How Ironic. Bernie O'Hater and the hatemongers talking about hate. The merry band of Allentown bashers. How many of you actually live here? Villa?
In this band, he can play lead guitar, while Bernie O plays keyboards by bashing his head on his laptop! Cordo can play bass from Bethlehem, and The rest can sing chorus. Where am I now, you retarded bag of hate spew? What do you do every night, climb out of your coffin and spin agiant wheel, and decide who to shit on? Why don't you just admit you are a pompous bag of self important shit. Even the Horshe shit smells better than you.
When you going to tell your girlfriend that you have been shilling her grandson off as your own? Cause you have no family, they shunned you. Maybe I should tell her. Won't she be surprised to find out what a great Grandpa you are. Tell you what Bernie O, I'm having breakfast at the Mickey D's at Northampton Crossings tomorrow AM. why don't you stop in at 7;30 AM and see if you can guess who I am. I'll be waiting. I just finished my lunch at Panera on Allentown's west side, I'll be hungry by then. see Ya, Lover?!
Master Macbean,
I appreciate the point you are trying to make and we're really all pretty much in agreement. Retired ASD and Valima have both made their points quite eloquently, as have you. The word "nigger" is clearly hateful and demeaning. Words can hurt. And that's precisely why I used it - it's an absurdity for any group to think it is superior to another. A yellow duck is superior to a group of black or brown ducks? It's nonsense. I believe the picture and the use of the word in that context makes the point. It is especially more poignant in the context of this post, which dramatizes a city that seems reluctant to move very fast on what appears very much like a racial assault from three people who freely used the word "nigger" with respect to Ms. Holmes. Are they moving slowly because of her color? Why did the officer who took the report refuse to shake Kari's hand? How did the report get "lost?" Why was it so full of factual averments so contrary to what Kari Holmes now claims?
And really, when it comes to hate speech, i've seen it practiced very nicely at the MC Reader Forum. Once one word is filtered, the bigots find other code words to use to dehumanize mothers and fathers who love their children just as much as anyone else.
I do feel bad that my use of the word, and the context in which I use it, is still offensive to you. But perhaps that is a good thing. Many of us have deluded ourselves into thinking that, so long as our lexicon includes no such words, we are a "tolerant" (sorry, Bill) or accepting society. We aren't. Beneath the surface, many whites still think that word when they see a group of blacks. And it is an absurdity. It has to stop. I feel I made a point. I have no desire to offend you personally. But the picture stays.
My grandson, incidentally, is half black and half Asian. I want him to grow up in a world that has no racism. So do you. perhaps you're right. perhaps I'm right. But we both have the same goal.
Anon 4:00,
You can see me anytime you want. I'm not hiding anonymously, although I know who you are. You and Casey can yuk it up.
My grandson, who I love very much, lives in Allentown. That's one reason why I care about that place, and we're all part of the same LV.
No, I am not biologically related to my grandson. I've mentioned this more than once. But that's who he is in my eyes and in his eyes and in the eyes of his grandmother and mother. That is what they all call me. That is what I've been since his birth. You see, he has no biological grandfather and his father is far away, so he's stuck with me. He doesn't seem to mind because i love him very much. I have not shilled him off as anything.
Like I said before my generation failed you
I'm sorry
We are on the same side
I have to admit THIS was a ggod blog session today and Vilma was correct, as was McBean and anyone who gave a valid opinion, because in reality, they all are our OPINIONS. We did, unfortunately, get off track when it came to Kari and her malicious incident and I hope WE all keep moving forward and assist her with the fight. Many have called City Hall to complain, I staged a march and gave information to the press and am also doing an event that hopefully will bring people together. McBean made a good point also. The word NIGGER does mean something different to the older generation. My Dad walked with Martin Luther King and went to marches such as The Mule Train in Birmingham, AL . I don't think you all failed Vilma and I, because from the books she quoted by Dick Gregory, etc she, as do I, KNOW our history and have PRIDE in our culture, people, and selves. As far as de-sensitizing the N-name, I believe that only a person can give POWER to any word. Yes it is a cruel word that was, has, and still is being used in hate around the world, but OUR generation refuses to allow that word to effect us as it did prior generations. Thus, in a way, we have transcended and taken power away from the word. History will show how we as Blacks or Afro-Americans have made great strides in the work place and businesses, but we also have to do the same in attitude and thought processes...
Alfonso Todd
How did I get dragged into a hateful and threatening comment? I didn't even comment on this post.
While your all fixated on the word nigger, you're forgetting what this blog was about: Kari Holmes' struggle.
Bernie, what's your record high # of posts for a topic?
"How Ironic. Bernie O'Hater and the hatemongers talking about hate. The merry band of Allentown bashers. How many of you actually live here? Villa?
In this band, he can play lead guitar, while Bernie O plays keyboards by bashing his head on his laptop! Cordo can play bass from Bethlehem, and The rest can sing chorus. Where am I now, you retarded bag of hate spew? What do you do every night, climb out of your coffin and spin agiant wheel, and decide who to shit on? Why don't you just admit you are a pompous bag of self important shit. Even the Horshe shit smells better than you.
When you going to tell your girlfriend that you have been shilling her grandson off as your own? Cause you have no family, they shunned you. Maybe I should tell her. Won't she be surprised to find out what a great Grandpa you are. Tell you what Bernie O, I'm having breakfast at the Mickey D's at Northampton Crossings tomorrow AM. why don't you stop in at 7;30 AM and see if you can guess who I am. I'll be waiting. I just finished my lunch at Panera on Allentown's west side, I'll be hungry by then. see Ya, Lover?!"
um, you might wanna stop self-medicating.
just a suggestion.
Bernie, what's your record high # of posts for a topic?
133. The Kieklak post.
"How Ironic. Bernie O'Hater and the hatemongers talking about hate. The merry band of Allentown bashers. How many of you actually live here? Villa?" -Anonymous, 4:00pm
I live in Allentown. Have all my life. My address is on my web site. How bout you? What's your address in Allentown? What's your name?
And let's be clear about what I hate. It's only two (2) things:
1. Local Justice System Injustice
2. The Morning Call Covering It Up
Like in the Kari Holmes case.
You gotta problem with this?
Try to get over it.
And stay out of my way ...
I challenge you to post a screen grab of the information regarding the city's visitor who posted the 8:21 comment.
It is not very difficult to copy and paste IP information from another day and edit the parts you need to suit your argument.
Anon 6:57,
I posted all the relevant data above. It clearly came from A-town's city government today, at the time indicated and on the post indicated. Instead of providing answers, it just smeared someone, kinda' like you're doing.
Mr. O'Hare,
I get your point, and I know your aim is true, but the caption did make me a little queasy. Mostly because Ms. Holmes is such a dignified woman and the posting was about her. If she and her family can take the high road in both words and action, I think we all can.
Aside from the illustration, however, thank you for the informative update and links to DECI reports. It shows how much you care about the Holmes family and their plight. Please keep up the good work.
Retired ASD teacher let's test that free speech out away from the Computer. Do you remember the scene from rush hour Jackie Chan while waiting for Chris Tucker to conduct what ends up being a mock interrogation, Jackie attempts to mimic Tucker’s casual greeting, extending his fist in the modern equivalent of hand slap and utters… That vile word
a raucous confrontation ensues, with Jackie scarcely avoiding a severe beat down by all the black guys in the pool hall… because he addressed one of them thinking he could use free speech..
Retired teacher why not test this out at one of the local AME churchs on Sunday...I'll even pay to see your free speech there.
Bernie...last year the people of Easton had a cerimony to bury the N word. The problem is how can that word ever go away when it is posted in headlines in the number 1 or 2 blog in the area? It was a really cute pic of ducklings till you added your comment. Thanke Henry
I don't live in Easton and I've explained in great detail why I used it. You're a day late and a dollar short.
Bernie, can you post a link to that Kieklak-133 post? I'm curious. Thanks!
That link is on my left side bar and here ya' go.
Thanks for the link, sorry I missed the one on the side-bar. Interesting reading to say the least!
I was a day late, and yes ... that pic is still obnoxious. Thanks Henry
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