Local Government TV

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sam Bennett in Congress?

You really think Sam Bennett is going to represent you? Think again.


  1. The list of reasons why we shouldn't vote for her continues to grow.

    The list of reasons to vote for her... well... there is none.

  2. This interest group of one hasn't been contacted by, and won't support Sam Bennett.

  3. If that "interest group" is going to help end the Iraq fiasco, more power to her.

    We can be sure Charlie Dent has little interest in ending the war. Dent received 45% of his 2006 funds from PAC's.

    The list of reasons to vote for her... well... there is none.

    Sure there is. She's not Dent who followed George W. Bush for 4 years of failed policy all over the world. IF you agree with the policies of GWB then the career politician Charlie Dent is your man.

  4. Hayshaker,

    What amazes me about Dent's finances is the amount of money he gets locally. he differs from other members of Congress in that respect. A lot of his money, even the PAC money, comes from inside his district. That's a testament to the amount of respect people have for him locally. Bennett, on the other hand, has to rely on outside sources. That's an indication that people locally have no confidence in her.

    As far as Bush is concerned, Dent is actually cochair of a group of moderates who has taken the president to taks over his handling of Iraq. I realize he will be painted as a Bush rubber stamp, but the reality is something different.

    Between Bennett and Dent, I actually believe Dent will do more to end our involvement in Iraq. Dent actually supported the findings of the bipartisan ISG.

    I don't agree with every one of his votes. For example, I certainly disagree with most of his union votes. But I like the way he approaches issues. He is the closest thing to what we in law school call the "reasonable man."

    Unlike Toomey, he has brought a lot of money back to the LV, money this area badly needs. With all the crime going on in the cities, Dent found funds for cameras, computers for police officers and other public safety equipment. He brought flood warning systems to an area iundated by 3 major floods over 2 years.

    I am a Democrat who will be voting for Dent. He has earned my support, over and over.

  5. No amount of pork will mask his continued support for aggression in Iraq. Dent took no one to task. He had a well-staged meeting with Bush because he knows he is in trouble on this issue and needs to appear moderate on the issue. His votes tell a different story.

  6. I like how you try to link me disliking Bennett to me liking GWB, when that's as far from the truth as you can get.

    And Bennett, if elected, won't be dealing much with GWB - just his aftermath.

  7. I'm not linking you to anything.

    IF you feel justified in voting for Dent and feel he voted appropriately over the past 4 years, go for it.

    If you disagree with Bush then vote for 3rd party or don't vote for anyone. A vote for Dent is a vote for the failed policies of the past.

  8. When someone better than Dent comes along, I will vote for him or her.

    Sam Bennett is not better and it will take a tough argument to prove that she is.

  9. So if Dent is good enough for you, are his 30-odd votes supporting the Bush-Cheney position on Iraq good enough for you too?

    It's an honest question. I understand there are still people who support the Iraq invasion. I perosnally hold it as the #1 most important issue facing this nation.

    I'm not thrilled with Bennett either. But until Dent has a plan with an item like "End the military action in Iraq and transition control of and responsibility for Iraq to the Iraqis" I find no other choice.

    Bennett actually has a 36-page plan on Iraq on he website. Charlie Dent's website doesn't even mention the word Iraq - even on his ISSUES page.

    A disgrace that he doesn't even consider it an issue while our servicemen are dying over there.

  10. I look at Bennett locally and know that I don't want her on a bigger stage. I don't look at just Iraq when thinking about who to vote for, I look at the picture as a whole. As a whole, I think Dent can do a better job, especially for the Valley.

  11. Give me a break, Charlie Dent is the poster child for interest groups.

    Why dont you report on where Charlie gets his money from. When he first ran, he was the boy with a pretty face. Now he is a pretty puppet for special interest.

    Sam will represent Valley interest. Charlie will represet those that pad his campaign coffers.

  12. I look at Bennett locally and know that I don't want her on a bigger stage. I don't look at just Iraq when thinking about who to vote for, I look at the picture as a whole. As a whole, I think Dent can do a better job, especially for the Valley.

    Similarly, I don't get wrapped up in local pork projects. I care about the country first which is why we send our representatives to Washington. We elect local leaders for local policy.

  13. "End the military action in Iraq and transition control of and responsibility for Iraq to the Iraqis"

    We handed the majority of both sides of congress to Dem's under these promises. And what did it get us? So are you saying Sam is promising the same?


  14. We handed the majority of both sides of congress to Dem's under these promises. And what did it get us? So are you saying Sam is promising the same?

    Obviously, the promises are empty without either a 1) Democrat President or 2.) a veto-proof majority. In the defense of the Congress (and trust me, I don't defend them strongly) they were still powerless. I'm hoping to ensure that both happen in 08.

  15. as a life long dem, and an elected official also, how could anyone support sam bennett? i will vote for dent and we need to settle the war with nothing less then a victory. dent gets his $ locally because you can talk to him even if he dosen't always hear you on certain matters.

  16. "nothing less than a victory" - Give me a break. We were victorious the moment Hussein was deposed. All of this is senseless nation-building that is killing Americans, Iraqis and is destroying the US economy and military. Can't you see that through your red, white and blue glasses?

  17. Something tells me Sam Bennett is one who couldn't locate Iraq or Afghanistan on a map.

  18. I thought Congress controlled the purse-strings. So why do they need more than a majority to submit a budget WITHOUT funding the war? So the president veto's it. It wouldn't be the first time the government was shut down. Also, congresses near single digit approval ratings might increase for standing on their principle.

  19. Mr. Dent is in trouble because of his support for GWB. Another problem he has that he may not be able to control no matter how much money he raises from PACs doing war business ..... the mood of the electorate is "mad as hell". When the voters are "mad as hell" they vote change. Ms. Bennett is an atractive, articulate candidate, not to those who have run down this leader for a long time, but she is atractive none the less. When you meet her, you like her. She represents change. "Mad as hell" = change.

  20. Bill,

    I want to thank LC Commissioner Leiner for mixing it up and sharing his views with us. I think interaction between leaders and the people they serve is great for democracy, and compliment you for telling us how you feel instead of playing it safe.

    Now let me tell you what is going to happen. Dent is going to crush Bennett. I know that, you know it, we all know it. She is a weak candidate. If the 15th CD were 100% Democratic, Charlie Dent would still win against Bennett.

    Once a Congressman has been reelected once, it is virtually impossible to unseat him. That usually happens only if the Congress member is caught in a scandal or fails to mount any campaign. Charlie won't be caught in any scandals. Bennett has already had a few in the four times that she's announced she's running. And Charlie knows how to campaign.

    Can I sign you up with Democrats for Dent?

  21. C'mon BOH. You keep ignoring the 2006 results even with the David and Goliath fundraising difference. This race will be closer financially and the Democrats have a laundry list of votes to attack him on.

  22. Bill L., a good man and a good Democrat. I am glad you are on LC Board. On this issue I agree with ohare, Bernie I don't always agree with you and I read with interest your blogging guidelines. I for one, feel you don't always practice what you preach. But on this matter, I fear my enthusiastic Democratic brethern will be disappointed.
    If Don C. or Callahan or even snakey Morganelli or Schweder had run, who knows?
    Sam Bennet is a weak candidate at best. She will have higher negatives than Hillary by the end of theis campaign. The 15th is a notorius ticket spilting distric. I think there will be a Democrtatic surge this fall. I know the Hope is Hillary heads the ticket and Bennet rides the coattails. I know the 'great' strategy of linking Bush and Dent is the plan. I know it will all fail.
    Just as we are trying to snatch Defeat from Victory with our Presidential chaos, we will surely blow a golden opportunity locally.
    The LV will not associate Bush with Dent. Dent is personable and likable. Dent is accessible, always has been. Ask some Demo elected officials and they will tell you he has always been more accessible than some Dem. officeholders. His campaign knows what you are going to try to do and they have every poiece of dirt on Bennet over most of her life.
    At the end of this mudfest, he will be on top and she will maybe run for something she can win, if such a position exists.

  23. Charles Dent has voted with a majority of his Republican colleagues 85.3% of the time during the current Congress. This percentage does not include votes in which Dent did not vote. Charles Dent does get a lot of financial support from outside the district. check this link http://www.politicalbase.com/people/charles-w-dent/6164/money/. What kool aid are you drinking now Bernie?
    Bernie O'Hare said...

    What amazes me about Dent's finances is the amount of money he gets locally. he differs from other members of Congress in that respect. A lot of his money, even the PAC money, comes from inside his district. That's a testament to the amount of respect people have for him locally. Bennett, on the other hand, has to rely on outside sources. That's an indication that people locally have no confidence in her.

  24. Contributions to Charles Dent:
    Contributions by State
    State Total Contributed
    Pennsylvania $1,403,716
    Virginia $26,982
    District of Columbia $24,200
    New York $20,900
    Florida $15,350
    New Jersey $14,900
    Maryland $7,000
    California $5,500
    Washington $5,000
    Ohio $4,750
    Illinois $4,000
    Utah $3,000
    Wyoming $2,000
    Louisiana $2,000
    Tennessee $1,250
    Arizona $1,000
    Connecticut $1,000
    Mississippi $1,000
    Michigan $1,000
    North Carolina $750
    Minnesota $250
    Massachusetts $250
    Alabama $250
    Contributions by Metro Area
    Metro Area Total Contributed
    Philadelphia $93,366
    DC Metro $58,182
    New York $27,150
    Pittsburgh $12,250
    Harrisburg $8,750
    Orlando $6,250
    Cleveland $4,250
    SF Bay Area $4,000
    Ithaca $4,000
    Chicago $4,000
    Salt Lake City $3,000
    Seattle $3,000
    New Orleans $2,000
    Detroit $1,000
    Sacramento $1,000
    Chattanooga $1,000
    Charlotte $750
    York $750
    Los Angeles $500
    Columbus $500
    Montgomery $250
    Minneapolis $250
    Boston Metro $250
    Nashville $250
    Rochester $250
    I guess this is all part of the 15th Congressional District Bernie!

  25. Dude, You make my point. Of the $1.5 MM raised by Dent for his 2006 race, $1.4 MM comes just from Pennsylvania. Don't you realize how unusual that is? 90% of his funding for this year's race comes from Pennsylvania.

    In sharp contrast to Dent, a whopping 78% of Bennett's contributions come from outside the district and 30% come from outside the state. Nobody's buying Sam Bennett's pitch here. I'll have more on this tomorrow.

  26. BriberyYour search for DENT, CHARLES in Bribery returned 1 articles

    Newest First | Oldest First | Closest Match
    Page: 1
    Bidding Goodbye to Tainted Money
    WASHINGTON, Dec. 1 (AP) - Seeking to distance themselves from former Representative Randy Cunningham, some Congressional Republicans are donating to charity political money that he gave them over the years.

    December 2, 2005
    Is this in the district Bernie?

  27. Wow! A search for the terms "bribery" and "Charles Dent" turned up one news article about someone else. Charlie better withraw immediately and wear wool sacks.

  28. From within the district, Bernie?

    PAC Contributions to Dent, Charles Wieder (R-PA)

    2007-2008 PAC Contributions: $322,555

    Based on data released by the FEC on Monday, March 03, 2008.



    Altria Group

    Food Processing & Sales

    American Meat Institute



    Comcast Corp

    National Cable & Telecommunications Assn

    Telephone Utilities

    AT&T Inc

    Verizon Communications

    Electronics Mfg & Services

    Siemens Corp


    SAP America


    General Contractors

    American Road & Transport Builders Assn

    Associated Builders & Contractors

    Associated General Contractors

    Special Trade Contractors

    National Electrical Contractors Assn

    National Roofing Contractors Assn

    Construction Services

    American Council of Engineering Cos

    Day & Zimmerman


    National Soc of Professional Surveyors

    Building Materials & Equipment

    American Portland Cement Alliance

    LaFarge North America

    National Ready Mixed Concrete Assn

    National Stone, Sand & Gravel Assn

    RC Cement


    Defense Electronics

    DRS Technologies

    Energy/Nat Resource

    Oil & Gas

    Exxon Mobil

    Sunoco Inc

    UGI Corp


    National Mining Assn

    Peabody Energy

    Misc Energy

    Philadelphia Suburban Corp

    Electric Utilities


    Commercial Banks

    American Bankers Assn

    Citizens Financial Group


    AFLAC Inc

    Blue Cross & Blue Shield Assn

    Fireman's Fund Insurance

    Real Estate

    National Assn of Realtors




    Health Professionals

    American Academy of Otolaryngology

    American Assn of Nurse Anesthetists

    American College of Cardiology

    American College of Emergency Physicians

    American College of Radiology

    American College of Surgeons Prof Assn

    American Dental Assn

    American Nurses Assn

    American Physical Therapy Assn

    American Podiatric Medical Assn

    American Psychiatric Assn

    American Society of Anesthesiologists

    Society of Thoracic Surgeons

    US Oncology

    Hospitals/Nursing Homes

    American Hospital Assn

    American Surgical Hospital Assn

    Genesis HealthCare

    Pharmaceuticals/Health Products

    Abbott Laboratories

    AmerisourceBergen Corp

    AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals

    Biotechnology Industry Organization

    Boehringer Ingelheim Corp

    Bristol-Myers Squibb

    Eli Lilly & Co


    Johnson & Johnson

    Merck & Co

    Pfizer Inc

    Schering-Plough Corp


    Lawyers & Lobbyists

    Lawyers/Law Firms

    Blank Rome LLP

    Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney

    Cozen & O'Connor

    DLA Piper

    Duane Morris LLP

    Wolf, Block et al


    Van Scoyoc Assoc


    Air Transport

    Aircraft Owners & Pilots Assn

    Federal Express Corp

    General Electric

    Lockheed Martin

    United Parcel Service


    Automotive Free International Trade PAC

    Enterprise Rent-A-Car

    National Auto Dealers Assn


    General Motors

    Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Assn

    Penske Truck Leasing


    CSX Corp

    Norfolk Southern

    Union Pacific Corp

    Sea Transport

    Society for Relief of Distressed Pilots

    Misc Business

    Business Associations

    International Franchise Assn

    National Fedn of Independent Business

    US Chamber of Commerce

    Food & Beverage

    Hershey Co

    National Restaurant Assn

    Nestle Waters North America

    Beer, Wine & Liquor

    National Beer Wholesalers Assn

    Retail Sales

    Sears Holdings Corp

    Wal-Mart Stores

    Business Services


    Lamar Corp

    Chemical & Related Manufacturing

    Air Products & Chemicals Inc

    DuPont Co

    Misc Manufacturing & Distributing


    Transportation Unions

    AFL-CIO Transportation Trades Dept

    Air Line Pilots Assn

    Masters, Mates & Pilots Union

    National Air Traffic Controllers Assn

    Professional Airways Systems Specialists

    Public Sector Unions

    International Assn of Fire Fighters



    Republican Main Street Partnership

    Leadership PACs

    21st Century PAC

    American Success PAC

    Buckeye Liberty PAC


    Cmte for the Preservation of Capitalism


    Continuing a Majority Party Action Cmte

    Every Republican is Crucial PAC

    Freedom Project

    Freedom Security Prosperity PAC

    Good Fund

    Help America's Leaders


    John S Fund

    Longhorn PAC

    Majority In Congress PAC

    Mike PAC

    New PAC

    People for Enterprise/Trade/Econ Growth

    Promoting Republicans You Can Elect

    Prosperity PAC


    Rely on Your Beliefs

    Sharp Pencil PAC

    Texas Freedom Fund


    Voice for Freedom

    Human Rights

    Turkish Coaliton USA PAC

    Gun Rights

    National Rifle Assn

    Candidate Committees

    Friends of Jeb Hensarling

    Friends of Roger Wicker 2002

    Friends of Sam Johnson

    Gingrey for Congress

    Lincoln Diaz-Balart for Congress Cmte

    Mario Diaz-Balart Congress

    Mike Conaway for Congress

    Neugebauer Congressional Cmte

    Roskam For Congress

    Shelley Moore Capito for Congress

    Turner for Congress

    Walden for Congress

    Wally Herger for Congress Cmte



    Tuesday Group PAC



  29. Many of those PACS have contributors from within the district. That's just the way it is. Charlie gets most of his money locally and Bennett does not. Spam away! But that does not change the truth. I'll have something on this tomorrow.

  30. Dudes,
    My obscessed young Demo brethern, I know the blond hair and red dresses gets your acne ablaze but what is with the spam type postings.
    The average voter. Not demeaning, but 'average' non-political junkie, voter will lose interest within a few seconds of your thesis.
    My young dudes, this is a good practice for you but you better have a drunk Dent speech, or a payola scandal with golden backhoes, now that is what voters will pick up on.

  31. Anon 9:38 & 10:18,

    Would you please consider providing links to the sources of your information? Thanks.

  32. wow all those asterisks are really doing the trick.

  33. Anon 4:38, Let's knock off the sexual slams or I'll have to delete your comments.

  34. I'm no fan of Bennett. But Bernie, who care if 90% of Dent's funding comes from PA. It should come from the 15th. Are you saying the money from Philly and other parts of the state are ok? That 90% should come from the 15th CD, no if's, and's or but's.

  35. heres another angle. tom burke the absolute best councilman we have had here came up short in the last election. the dems are really cooking and after many years of unorganized attempts,are finally engaged to vote.

  36. Bernie O'Hare said...
    Anon 4:38, Let's knock off the sexual slams or I'll have to delete your comments." It should have been deleted.

  37. Joe long has ensured Dent another term by chasing all the viable sane candidates out of the race.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.