But when it comes to personality, there are few people finer than Phil. Before last night's meeting of Northampton County Council, for example, he made it a point to come back into the cheap seats and talk to me. He and I previously did some work on Easton's Bachmann Publick House, which has the dual distinction of being Easton's first bar and courthouse. I'll never forget the look of excitement on his face when we found some old court records.
Since leaving the mayor's office, Phil has been the President and CEO of The Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corporation. Historically, this nonprofit has been shrouded in secrecy. It has refused to release records to public officials even though public money makes up a sizable part of its budget. At one point, public officials were even subjected to a broadly drafted gag resolution concerning a $70,000 severance package for a CEO who had abruptly "resigned." Express Times publisher Martin Till reacted to this muzzle by leaving LVEDC himself. "To exclude board members from any discussion involving LVEDC is absurd." In the meantime, Council member Ron Angle was begging to be sent there for just six months. "That's a mongoose you'll set loose in the snake pit. Give me six months in the snake pit."
Phil Mitman wants to change all that, and faced a dubious council last night to proclaim a new "climate of collaboration." He assured them that, aside from personnel files, they are pretty much free to inspect records. And he explained LVEDC's role. "We are the Lehigh Valley's only agency paid to market the Lehigh Valley locally, nationally and internationally. We are a one stop resource, a nonprofit that encourages prosperity and job creation."
He reviewed their annual budget, and noted that much of the nonprofit's financial information is now publicly posted on its web page. He even invited Ron to come down and look at their records himself.
He then noted the following accomplishments:
- Over the past two years, LVEDC has helped forty-four companies obtain more than $52 million in financing. This has led to $102 million in total project costs, 1,300 new jobs and 456 retained jobs.
- Northampton County business attracted more than two dozen loans, $29.6 million in financing, $62 million in total project costs, 851 new jobs and 375 retained jobs.
- Over the past five years, the Lehigh Valley has increased jobs at three times the percentage rate in Pennsylvania.
- The Lehigh Valley accounts for 17% of all new jobs created in Pennsylvania over the past five years.
- The Lehigh Valley has added more jobs than any other metropolitan region in the state - 22,000 new jobs over five years.
When all was said and done, some members of council were still suspicious. Wayne Grube told Mitman, "I'm from Missouri and I want to see some projects here." Ron Angle conceded, "You've made some changes. But the puppeteers are still the same people."
Time will tell whether LVEDC is really moving in the right direction. But Phil Mitman is clearly trying to make a difference. Before he left, he made sure to give me a package of materials listing 11 recent success stories in Northampton County alone.
Good luck LVDEC and more importantly good luck Lehigh Valley. Just look at all the great things that Phil accomplished in Easton and the Bachman House is such an asset! Maybe, just maybe, things will turn around in spite of, not because of anything he has control over.
Lad you never made it to enough council meetings under Mitman.
He ripped into and belittle a older resident who dared speak out vs Riverwalk and question its legality.
Wouldn't ya know it. He (the citizen) was right!
Guy also avoid the times the public spoke for 90% of his four years.
Very W like mayor.
Even if he belives in global warming unlike W!
Phil will be good for LVEDC but that God we were able to get Sal back. He has already proven in three months that a "recycled: mayor can be a better Mayor. Keep up the good work Sal and good luck Phil in your new venture. You will do well.
You are far too kind. His tenure in Easton was a horrible four years where NOTHING was done for Eastonians that were in need.
All of his City Hall focused on hubris projects.
I can not remeber him ever publically addressing crime or housing.
I refuse to feel sorry for him. And I can not share your enthusiasm for any stats he produces (you have obviously never seen his 30 good things in Easton package. Which was loaded with projects that have never happened).
The floods were not his fault, but he can't be absolved of responsibility in the death of Officer Sollman. His administration put off fixing the EPD's issues until they couldn't put it off any more.
No Bernie, a handshake and a smile are easy to produce. The proof is in the pudding.
I respect your point of view as an Easton watchdog. I'll agree Phil was an ineffective mayorm, a very big disappointment to me. I do believe his heart is in the right place and he will try at LVEDC. But in the end, the puppeteeers from the Lehigh Valley Partnership will decide how far he may go. Since they operate in secrecy and are motivated by bottom liness as opposed to the general welfare of the LV, I have no trust for that group. The LVEDC is its semipublic arm.
I always get a charge how republicans take care of republicans in both private and public sector. Mitman, Dowd, Ervin.
Yet they and the newspapers go nuts if a Democrat ends up in a job. Let us be honest, good heart or not, Mitman was ineffectual and he is making big bucks to smile.
Not a bad gig, not a bad gig at all. Most connected Republicans always land on their feet
Anon 2:35, Where is Glenn Reibman working and how did he get that job? It's everywhere.
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