Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

NLV Logic Attends Lehigh County Safe Streets News Conference

From NLV Logic: "I think I was the only non-county official in attendance other than the local media types. Thats too bad! The anti-crime package contains five parts: (1) a Safe Street grant program for local police departments; (2) a records management software system to be shared amongst local police departments; (3) an allocation for a regional crime center; (4) training for EMS and fire crews; (5) and an additional booking officer for the new Central Booking Office."


  1. Lehigh Counties small towns, cities and townships stand to gain with this proposal. Public safety knows no boundaries. I know living in Allentown we'll take all the partners we can get.

  2. seemingly there's nothing wrong with the proposals, but just do it already. how many press conferences must we watch on channel 69? i know there is a crime data base before now, i hope there's at least half as much validity to these new plans that we are paying for, IT'S OUR TAXES, OUR MONEY.
    here on city level, tonight is pawlowski first crime meeting. he will be introducing community policing as if he invented it. watch tonight on 69, but if you miss it, don't worry, pawlowski and martin are on about every 3 weeks with a new accomplishment, we should be so safe by now we shouldn't need police

  3. Lehigh county has 17 million in a tax relief fund.Four million for police,fine,how about giving to Lehigh county community college.Lehigh is one of four counties in state that do not fund comunity College.Local school districts mission statement is k to 12th grade.Allentown pays 1.3 million of school taxes to LCCC. I am not saying we should not pay something but Lehigh county could help fund Lccc,like other counties in state do. ALLENTOWN SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER ROBERT E. SMITH JR.

  4. I know politicians, this I about politics not public safety, trust me.

    Scott Armstrong

  5. Scott must have been right. It is about politics not public safety.

    The 5 Republican Commissioners just voted down $300,000 for cops in the cities while funding $1.5 million for computers in the suburbs.

  6. Yes. I was there. I'm writing up a post about it, and hope to get it published soon.

  7. From the Desk of :
    Little Miss Nobody USA
    Investigative Researcher

    An endorsement conveys the character and beliefs of, the honesty and integrity of, as well as the moral fiber of the person from themselves to the candidate being endorsed. The precipitation is that the person being endorsed is acting of your behalf as fiduciary agent for you and should therefore conduct themselves as you would. It is a projection of you to others that should not be taken lightly.
    When a person endorses some one for a special purpose, such as a candidate for office, it gives the endorser’s stamp of approval and testimony to the character of, the integrity of, as well as the ability to perform the tasks of the office sought by the endorsee.

    Dear Senator Casey

    You have recently endorsed Senator Barack H. Obama for president.

    1.) It is stated in the Antoin “Tony” Rezko fraud, bribery and extortion of public officials, and corruption trial, a fund-raiser for Barack Obama, that a high ranking government official is a person of interest. While not out right named as a witness, Senator Barack Obama is named as the person of interest. A motion filed by federal prosecutors identifies two instances when Rezko directed contributions to an unnamed "political candidate" who has since been identified by Chicago newspapers as Obama. Prosecutors charge Rezko directed $10,000 from a kickback scheme into Obama's campaign fund. Senator Obama has stated that the amount of contributions from Mr. Rezko were much more than previously stated. Senator Obama further states that he never did any favors for Mr. Rezko. However, on October 28, 1998, while a member of the Illinois State Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee, Senator Obama wrote 2 letters soliciting a loan for the Rezko Kenwood, LLC. Project, to build a 97 unit apartment building for Senior Citizens.

    Your response please.

    2.) In a law suit filed April 4th, 2008 in the United States District Court, District of Colombia, Judge Henry Kennedy presiding, Case # 1:08-cv. -00434-HHK.

    4. Plaintiff, Lawrence Sinclair is a natural person and a resident of Minnesota.
    5. Defendant, TubeSockTedD is a natural person maintaining an account with YouTube.com which contains his/her real identity.
    6. Defendant, mzmolly is a natural person maintaining an account with Demoncraticunderground.com which contains his/her real identity.
    7. Defendant OWNINGLIARS, is a natural person maintaining an account with Digg.com which contains his/her real identity.

    8. In or about January 2008, Plaintiff posted on YouTube.com a video in which in sum and substance he alleged that:
    a. In November 1999, Plaintiff was visiting Chicago, Illinois at which time he hired a limousine from Five Star Limousines Incorporated. A copy of Plaintiff s hotel invoice is attached hereto as Exhibit "A".
    b. On the evening of November 6,1999, Plaintiff s limousine driver telephoned then-Illinois State Senator Barrack Obama to set up a introduction of Plaintiff to Mr. Obama.
    c. Later that evening at a bar which Plaintiff believes was called Alibis, Plaintiff met Mr. Obama. Mr. Obama offered to purchasing cocaine for Plaintiff. Mr. Obama made a telephone call from his cellphone to a presently unknown individual during which Mr. Obama arranged the cocaine purchase.
    d. Mr. Obama and Plaintiff then departed the bar in Plaintiffs limousine and proceeded to an unknown location where Mr. Obama exited the limousine with two hundred fifty dollars ($250) tendered by Plaintiff and returned a short while later with an "eightball" of cocaine and gave it to Plaintiff. Plaintiff and Mr. Obama then ingested cocaine.
    e. Shortly thereafter Plaintiff performed fellatio on Mr. Obama in the limousine after which Plaintiff returned to his hotel, The Comfort Suits, Gurnee, Illinois.
    f. The following day, November 7, 1999, Mr. Obama appeared at Plaintiffs hotel room where they both again ingested cocaine and Plaintiff again performed fellatio on Mr. Obama.

    Your response please.


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