He is now also a criminal defendant.
Last December, Severson went totally ballistic at a funeral mass in Pen Argyl when he spied Ron Angle in the congregation. He actually stood up, and started shouting "Fuck you! - I'm going to kick your ass in the parking lot." He even offered that famous second finger salute.
After this had gone on for at least ten minutes, an eighty year old fellow named Eddie Mugavero turned around and asked Severson to knock it off. Severson plastered him with a few "fuck yous" as well. "If you don't like it, leave, you little midget."
As mass was ending, Angle rushed out a side door and ran to his truck as others slowed Severson down. Scissorhands soon spun around and bolted to the front of the church, screaming at a few people in the process. But by the time he made it to the parking lot, Ron was safely in his big-ass truck, waving goodbye. Severson continued to scream at him and everyone else in the parking lot.
Inside courthouse sources confirm Severson has been charged by the Pennsylvania Attorney General with a number of offenses, including terroristic threats, assault and disorderly conduct. Attorney General Tom Corbett has been mulling this one over since early January.
Update #2: The Morning Call's Joe Nixon has added his report, too. This one provides even more details of what one anonymous commenter calls hearsay.
Severson has been charged. My report has been confirmed by the ET. Our stories are within one minute of each other. I guess the ET is full of shit too.
Anon 12:48, aka Bossman Joe Long. Just think, Joe. You've indebted the local Democratic party about $9,000 to this guy. Don't it make you proud?
Terrific job, Bernie! Your work on Severson is really beginning to pay off.
Angle as a victim? That is hilarious..If anyone deserves to be terrorized he does.This will be tossed faster than a streaker at a Jesus revival..
Wait, I thought this was hearsay. Severson represents the very worst in local politics. His troubes are just beginning.
I didn't say it was heresay..That's
from a less informed anonymous...I do agree with you about Severson also. I just think that it's hilarious that he be charged with this after all the crap he's gotten away with over the years politically..
Severson should run for office. He has the street cred!
He's just another bum who made political sport out of the socially acceptable disrespecting the Catholic Church. And he did this at a solemn Mass of Christian Burial. What a thug. If he pulled this crap at a Mosque, he'd be charged with federal civil rights violations. Hey, there's an idea.
Angle as a victim? That is hilarious..If anyone deserves to be terrorized he does
If sure you don't mean that in a nasty way. No one deserves to be a crime victim.
Well, this is going to become a campaign issue for Morganelli - his own backyard and he refused to act. Interesting that the man he will face in the General Election is the man who took steps to clean up this mess.
Frankly, Corbett has just earned my vote by taking on Tom Sleazeball when Morganelli faltered.
And Joe - your days as party chair are numbered. You hired that slime to advance the interests of Democrats? Shame on you.
I think the reason Corbett moved on this was in retaliation for DeNaples. Now he has a mailer against Morganelli in the fall. As for Angle these two deserve each other. I agree if not for the AG race this would'nt have happened and it will probably end up being tossed. But it will be a good line againsy Morganelli.
Well, this is going to become a campaign issue for Morganelli - his own backyard and he refused to act.
Morganelli did what he said Cobett should do in Bonusgate - he acted by recusing himself in the face of an apparent conflict. Corbett took 2 and a half months to decide something that would take any local DA about thirty seconds.
Morganelli has viewed Severson as a friend he can control. Frankly, I don't think Severson can be controlled. I'm a friend of John, too. He can't control me. But then again, he doesn't pay me.
Imagine that, there is someone out there meaner and more disrespectful than Angle. Maybe now that Angle got a dose of his own medicine, he will know how it feels to be picked on and berated!
I don't like Morganelli, but he's done the proper thing here - almost.
Corbett has also done the right thing to John's political consultant, and he's properly put John on the spot. Corbett has likely neutralized the sleaze that we know John would've unleashed via Scissorhands.
I'd like to see John address the issue of the outrageous disrespect that was shown to a faith community in his county, at its house of worship, at a Mass of Christian Burial. The political theater pales in comparison.
John Morganelli should strongly disassociate himself in every way from a monster who would violate the sanctity of any faith community's religious services.
We know Severson is politically "effective," but at what cost, John? Enough is enough. Do the right thing.
Will Morganelli Disassociate From Severson? Clock:
1 Day
I would be embarassed to even cough at someones funeral.....
I think I believe Ronnie. He is afraid of his own shadow.
I think this episode is showing a lot of growth on Angle's part. Look he used to flee the police now he is running to them . . .
If Morganelli makes it to AG that will put Sleazy Severson's influence in the AG's office...way too much power for that creep.
I was there. Eddie Mugavero is my father. Incidentally he's 72, not 80, and he is NOT someone to be treated with such disrespect. Frankly, I can't believe Severson had the temerity to talk back to my father. Despite my father's supreme dignity, Severson is lucky he walked away with all his teeth still in his head.
The church was incredibly silent, despite being full of mourners for the well-loved Gemma Turtzo. We were there because our families are not only related, but close.
You might be interested to know that Gemma was Severson's wife's aunt. In addition to the dustup, Severson's cell rang while the coffin lid was being closed- and he took the call!
The whole thing was unspeakably shocking. My father did what everyone else wanted to do, actually.
Wow! Thanks so much for your input. No one should be treated with the disrespect visited upon your father.
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