Condemning Portnoff's "cavalier attitude towards the Rule of Law," A Montgomery County judge has ordered this firm to pay $5.2 million in damages to more than 16,000 state residents being charged illegal fees.
If Portnoff has a cavalier attitude when it comes to overcharging taxpayers, that's only because it's in the "pay to play" game, too. During a nonelection year, on 1/6/06, Michelle Portnoff dumped $1,000 right into the coffers of Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski.
And in the past two years, Allentown has paid Portnoff $89,848.86 for its tax collection services, according to Allentown's vendor list. Everyone wins but the taxpayer, whose home security is often threatened by a predatory collector motivated by a profit margin instead of the general welfare of a resident who may have fallen on hard times.
i am ashamed and embarassed that we are forcing this "sopranos" type law firm on our neighbors, friends and relatives. people who are delinquent in their property taxes are among the neediest among us . . . and need patience and compassion, not intimidation.
Bernie is right on with this one
Consigliere hit this right on the head. At a time when government should be showing some compassion, they sic these attack dogs who will inflate those tax bills at ervery step. And all that money will go into Portnoff's pocket, not the municipality.
The way our laws are set up, there is no need for a private tax collector. people have two years to payt a bill. When they sell the property, the bill will be paid.
Speaking of bad lawyers how did you get kick out of the bar O'Hare
This question has been asked and answered about 1,000 times now by people who attempt to distract attention from my argument by attacking me, the old ad hominem trick. I was kicked out of the bar, way back in 1985, because I'm a drunk. In fact, should I ever seek readmission, I'm one of the few who actually has to prove I'm sane. I deserved far worse than the slap on the wrist that I received. I may be crazy, but I;m not stupid, and I know what you're trying to do. here.
What are the facts of that caused you to get kicked out ?
I have been asked and have answered that question, too. I agreed to dismiss a client's lawusit without his consent. There was no lucre or malice involved, just alcohol. Of course, this has nothing to do with my post now, does it?
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