So Morning Call humorist Bill White was bragging the other day that he's an 18-game season ticket holder with the Lehigh Valley IronPigs. Big frickin' deal!
As you can see, I have a VIP pass for opening day at the Dugout Suites. My ticket is so damn special it's on a lanyard. I may even pitch a few innings, but Angelina Jolie gets so worried.
I can't wait for the stadium to open, despite their lack of morals and ethics in the community - not to mention their lack of business skills.
It's all about the game, for me - I can't wait to watch a few!
You'll be sitting next to Pawloski. How good is that?
A subsidized ticket to a subsidized stadium?
Wanna trade tickets?
See you there! I'll buy the first hot dog!
Bob Uecker,
Actually, i'm going to be doing that throughout the game. I'm going to be switching with a few people so we all can see what the different seats are like.
Blue Coyote, I'll be looking for you, so hide!
Burnie, I think you should write about your family more. Your Daughter's bravery, your father's fascinating WWII story as well as his friendship with Vonnegut and your Grandson's little league exploits. You use your family more cravenly than most politicians.
bernie. come on ,have you fallen for the pay to play trip.
You use your family more cravenly than most politicians.
I suggest you get a dictionary and look up that word. Your use of it in that sentence makes absolutely no sense.
When my daughter is suddenly sent to Iraq, it bothers me enough to want to say something. When I come across a diary my dad maintained, it moves me. When I see a 1945 leeter penned by Vonnegut, I want to share it. When I watch my grandson, it brings back all the magical mysteries of childhood.
If this disturbs you, then move on. I don't hold a gun to anyone's head.
I have been forced to delete an anonymous racial remark. Some people are sick.
bernie. come on ,have you fallen for the pay to play trip. ????? I got a ticket by being in the right place at the right time. Some big shot could not go, and I was the first person he saw that could go. Over the years, I have received free Yankee and Phillies tickets from time to time from attorneys for whom I do work.
This is the type of perk that people like you Bernie should recieve, you've earned it.
Thanks. I am a big baseball fan and do have six tickets at various points this year. I know and do work for some lawyers who are season ticket holders to the Phillies and Yankees and sometimes they'll give me tickets for games they are unable to attend.
I did happen to luck into this VIP ticket, and my only regret is that my grandson is away this weekend. He won't be able to go with me.
I intend to share my good fortune with a bunch of other folks goinmg to the game. We'll trade tickets at various points in the game. That should give us all a good idea of the best seats and give us an opportunity to check out the stadium.
Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and.........BERNIE O'HARE ???
Bernardo why don't you give us a list of all the lawyers you do title searches for and how much they give in political contributions. I bet a bunch a guys do government work and gasp also give to politicians.
I like the idea of trading seats throughout the game. I'm sure you already have a deal worked out with someone that is on the Club level, but if not let me know. It might be fun to check out the dugout suites!
Anon 4:07, and your point is?
Of course, some of the attorneys for whom I've done title searches are political and give campaign contribitions. I don't believe any lawyer who contributes to local officials should be entitled to do business with them. Most of them will agree with me that our "pay to play" system needs an overhaul.
BO, tell everyone the REAL story behind the free VIP tickets- everyone who attends the game will now know that you moonlight as the ironpigs mascot !!??!! you have blown your cover !!!
Bernie ^^^^ If you don't have a visa to get into East Allentown you can't get to the Stadium. County Commissioners and City Council Members need visas too.
Anon 6:27, I don't even need a costume.
Was this 'pay to play' ticket from Stoffa or Cunningham for writing nice stories. Fess up BO which Pol gave you the ticket.
They were sold out quick. a lot of ordinary folks were deprived. The insiders always get the goods.
Was this 'pay to play' ticket from Stoffa or Cunningham for writing nice stories.
Wow! Singling out Stoffa and Cunningham! Now, who hates both of these guys? Why, Bossman Joe Long, a regular reader of this blog.
As a matter of fact, neither of these fine gentleman offered me a ticket. And no string attached to this ticket, other than the lanyard itself. I happened to be in the right place at the right time. I have occasionally accepted tickets to games from people who can't use them. I'm sure that you have, too. I'm taking the tix from someone who already had them but simply is unable to attend. I've done this sort of thing long before I ever started blogging. It never occurred to me that this might be inappropriate. If it is, then most people I know are guilty.
On Friday, there were plenty of tix floating around at different workplaces that people had but that they are unable to use. My brother told me that there was word about a number of tix at MC. Those tickets are sold or given away. I think anyone who wants to go to that game could get in.
Because this is a VIP ticket, I will share it with a bunch of people who have never gone into the dugout suites. I'd even share it with you, but you won't identify yourself.
The method used to fund the stadium project constitutes an abuse of our hard earned tax dollars. The name of the team is an insult to local residents. I for one will continue to drive to Reading to see quality minor league games. Don’t look for me in that stadium I won’t be there.
Scott Armstrong
"The method used to fund the stadium project constitutes an abuse of our hard earned tax dollars."
Under the Casey Administration, our hard earned tax dollars went to the Wyoming Valley to fund an outdoor baseball park and an arena. Under the Ridge Administration, our hard earned tax dollars went to Erie County to fund lake-front property.
Finally, under the Rendell Administration, our hard earned tax dollars came home. Keep going to Reading, Scott, but at least the Lehigh Valley finally got it's share of the Commonwealth pie.
Often times I don't agree with Rendell, but at least he spreads the checks around the state and not just in his own backyard as previous administrations have proven.
I suddenly have ZERO reasons to ever go to Reading again.
I still can't believe Allentown has a baseball palace. It's real.
... and beautiful, too.
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