Just a few weeks ago, golden garden rakes were awarded by Sam Bennett's publicly-funded nonprofit, Properties of Merit, to the owners of deserving Easton properties. Upscale restaurants like Sette Luna and Phenom were competing for that coveted plaque. Coordinator Gary Bertsch, also King of the West Ward, thought it important that College Hill be included, although little community revitalization is needed there. Do folks there really need "the 'Tom Sawyer' power of cleaning up and getting others to join" in?
Maybe their privately-hired landscapers do, but not them.
This program is supposedly intended to give "citizens the opportunity to easily become stakeholders without requiring undue investment of time or money." But it's been perverted into a bunch of "I like me " awards for Lehigh Valley brahmins. In Bethlehem, the nominees include places like Ashley Development and Main Street Commons, both of which were publicly funded. But when I saw the heavily subsidized Allentown Brew Works listed, I headed immediately for the Cappy Crappy.
Dennis Lieb, an Easton activist involved in POM when it initially came to Easton, says this. "I saw the POM placards in the yards of $1 million dollar properties. I know that is not the intent. I also saw perfect examples of what kinds of properties should have been nominated that weren't. That's my take."
He blames Bennett. "The real shame of her lack of commitment to the Easton POM program is that people here really don't understand what it's supposed to be about: Accomplishing the most with the least and encouraging a sense of pride in the neighborhoods of lower to middle income residents. This year's candidates were a group of high end businesses and expensive private homes, some of which are on the market for over a million dollars. This isn't supposed to be about how much you paid for your landscaping or helping rich people sell their inflated-priced houses. It is obvious the people here just don't get it. I arrived late to the awards event this year and the presentations had already begun. As I stood outside, looking through the window, I saw how many of the typical crowd of Easton's wannabes and self-important ass-kissers were in attendance. I turned around and went home."
This program is obviously a complete waste of government money.
There's no way she will be elected with scams like this. How long until the guys and gals in charge shut her down?
It'll be a cold day in Hellertown before you ever get a rake.
I don't want a rake, I want POM shut down. Better yet, Sam Bennett's useless self raking leaves!
She is celebrating her 50th Birthday at a NY fundraiser thats allegedly for her. Bernie is rumored to be performing the Bat-tusi at the swank affair. Holy Canoli, Batman.
I'd really like one of those monacles.
Bennett is celebrating her 50th Bday at a fundraiser on her behalf? How appropriate.
I wonder if she is going to wear one of her MILF slut outfits -- just to maximize public interest in her "personality"
Any of Atiyeh's properties win?
Government waste and excess at it’s best. My bet, no one is ever held accountable for the squandered taxpayer dollars. The amazing thing is POM continues to operate!!! It was a bad idea from the beginning and now that the veil has been removed everyone can see that. Yup, rakes and plaques oughta do it....and people wonder why I am so hostile about paying taxes.
As the Easton 2007 Properties of Merit (POM) Nominating Chair I would like to state some truths concerning this year’s program. First of all, as volunteers we worked very closely with Sam Bennett on all aspects of our program. I have worked with Sam on both the 2006 and 2007 POM Easton programs and have found her to be highly committed to this work. I have been consistently impressed by her willingness to meet with volunteers at anytime, deliver materials to our doors, support us in tailoring the program to our specific goals for Easton, and offer direction and assistance in every aspect of the process from the start-up meeting to the final event.
For the most part, the volunteers this year evaluated both residences and businesses in their very own neighborhoods so that we had a representation from all four sections of town- Downtown, College Hill, West Ward, and Southside. We chose to limit our nominations to the top three or four properties with the highest scores from each neighborhood, consistent with the POM guidelines. Our intent was to be all-inclusive, recognizing accomplishments throughout the entire city.
The mission of the POM program is to award properties that are well-maintained and have an attractive streetscape appearance within the context of its neighborhood, that is, other properties on the block, serving as inspiration. This program does not base its decisions on the finances of a resident or a business owner. We do not call a real estate office to learn appraised values or listing prices, nor do we make inquiries into mortgages, second mortgages, or equity loans. There is no place in the POM program to determine or judge the costs of maintenance or repairs (a labor-of-love in all cases) and we do not prejudice the nomination criteria by thinking in those terms.
It is unfortunate that the cynicism of one man, a very talented and bright individual, I might add, who I otherwise respect, has irresponsibly maligned and attempts to taint a strong POM program gaining great momentum as it is fondly regarded by those who participated and by those who truly know it as a way of honoring Easton’s stakeholders each year.
Sandra Wideman
Easton 2007 POM Nomination Chair and Co-Chair
Easton 2008 POM Chair
Sandra, I'm sorry, but I have to agree w/ Dennis. I've looked at the nominations for last year, and it seems that POM no longer has anything to do with Tom Sawyer. It instead seems to be intended for area elitists. Knock yourselves out. But not a dime of public money should be dropped into this program. I'd much rather see it used to encourage home ownership pride in low-income people in distressed neighborhoods than in rewarding people whose homes that are already on Easton's house tour. And this program is being perverted even more w/ upscale restaurants.
Sandra, I do appreciate hearing from you. Thanks for your views.
I'd like someone to justfy to me with a straight face why I should be giving my money to someone as a reward for taking care of their property. This whole idea is such an outrage. Another government hand in my pocket
In theory, I get it. The idea is to encourage people to take pride in their community and that has a trickle down effect on a lot of things, including crime. But instead of being funded by public grants, this should come from, the private sector, if at all.
And I don't like the idea of rewarding properties that are already on Easton's house tour or upscale places that were built or refurbished with public dough.
Well, since a POM chairperson has graced us with their presence...let me thank you for handing out the Lehigh Valley's most expensive pat on the back! It is too bad we cannot quantify the value of POM thank yous. I have a feeling we would find the organization to be running way over budget. Just like Merrill Lynch and Citi dumped their underperforming CEOs, maybe POM should condsider doing the same.
POM is a sham. Banks? Funeral homes? what happened to awarding the money to people who cleaned up blighted and run down residential properties? I wonder what you would find out if you ran the addresses of the nominated properties next to a list of active Democrat committee people and Sam's campaign donors?
Bethlehem Housing Authority has an annual "Most Beautiful Yard" contest. Awards 3 cash prizes at a nice ceremony with refreshments.
judges are staff and Commissioners who drive neighborhood to take pictures and select winners. total cost $500.00..that's five hundred not fifty thousand bucks. go figure! larry@kisslinger.com
So Larry K,
Just so I read your comment right, are you advocating or have used taxpayers money to give awards away for what should be done anyway?
As Lower Mack said -
"I'd like someone to justfy to me with a straight face why I should be giving my money to someone as a reward for taking care of their property. This whole idea is such an outrage. Another government hand in my pocket."
I mean, what your telling us is that you agree with Sam Bennett and POM? You just quibble about the price? I don't wish to misquote you. Just trying to understand.
Is that a picture of Mayor Mitman?
This is just sillyness for silly people that are insulated from the blight and crime of the Valley's urban areas.
Let me take these people for a tour of Easton
Anon 12:38 PM said: "So Larry K,
Just so I read your comment right, are you advocating or have used taxpayers money to give awards away for what should be done anyway? As Lower Mack said: "I'd like someone to justfy to me with a straight face why I should be giving my money to someone as a reward for taking care of their property. This whole idea is such an outrage. Another government hand in my pocket. I mean, what your telling us is that you agree with Sam Bennett and POM? You just quibble about the price? I don't wish to misquote you. Just trying to understand."
Yes, since you are "Just trying to understand." I can educate you as HUD rules MANDATE PHA's, (Public Housing Authorities) legitimate expenditures to promote public relations with community and resident initiatives for the common good. BHA has 1500 low to moderate income housing units and has very high marks with HUD audits as a High Performing PHA. $500.00 annual for 1500 units striving to be an award winner is a very good investment, is my opinion. You're, not your as you type in your post, entitled to YOUR opinion. I, like you, don't like to have my tax money wasted, but the $500.00 spent by BHA is worth every penny I don't mind being spent annually. POM is the waste I do mind with little result for the common good. get a grip!
How is POM funded? Is it funded by the state via PA income tax? Am I paying more personally for POM than for Kisslinger's $500 Bethlehem foray?
If we are going to whine about taxation, there are FAR more pressing matters to whine about.
anon 2:31 PM: It's not...
"Kisslinger's $500 Bethlehem (tax) foray?" It's OUR tax foray! I was duly elected & appointed to watch OUR tax dollars for decades! I'll put my record up against anyone watching over OUR tax dollars being spent fairly as possible or not. What's your record?
Further, if 50 states, HUD monies, share in taxes for anything vs. one State, PA taxes...maybe you can calculate the different costs for each one of us for services rendered? We have elephants stomping around OUR government with OUR tax money and you're discussing a $500.00 national expenditure while comparing it to local, nonsensical, POM? I don't get it unless you're related to Siobahn! larry@kisslinger.com
Complaining about frivilous spending, whether $500 or $50,000, is not whining. $500 of taxpayers money goes a long way for providing food to the homeless. I would rather my taxes go to buying food for a homeless family than to buying golden rakes for Sam B. or refreshments and cash awards for Larry K. Aren't people supposed to keep up their properties anyway without government giveaways?
Kisslinger - Relax. I could care less about your $500 program. But then again, I'm not a tax whiner.
Anonymous @ 3:30 - Please. Get thyself to a Pentagon budget then whine to me about frivolous spending.
No one answered the question either. Is Kisslinger's $500 "worthy" program less expensive per capita than Bennett's POM? Just wonderin'. You know, before I whine, I'd like to know the facts.
To Anon 3:43
You've been blessed by God then to have $500 in your back pocket. There are many homeless that wish they can be in your shoes. Call me a "whiner" then if I stick up for the homeless rather than golden rakes for Sam B. or refreshments for Larry K., who in my opinion are two peas in a pod. Larry is just quibbling about the amount. And maybe there is more abuse at the Pentagon, but this situation is in our back yard and I'm glad Bernie O uncovers it.
The defense budget is $471,000,000,000.
Yes. Four hundred and seventy-one BILLION dollars. Its not a matter of waste, its a matter of priorities. If you want to feed the poor, you could each and every one of them fois gras with that amount of waste. $50K? That sticks to the bottom of the shoe of a Washington bureaucrat.
BTW, I do have 500 bucks and it has nothing to do with any god.
God is a concept,
By which we can measure,
Our pain
I have no problem with cash rewards to a low or middle income resident who does a good job maintaining her property. I get the concept.
I don't get the way it has been perverted by POM, where in practice it is being used to reward the upscale and trendy restaurants and homes that are alredy on Easton's annual tour.
I don't believe a dime in public money should be used for POM.
BHA awards, intended for low-income residents, are something else entirely.
Pizza Doro was nominated last year. They make Italian food and rent pricey apartments to College kids.
And Ashley's was a POM candidate. The GOP had their election night party there this Novemeber.
Gary had to admit defeat there.
It's a perversion anyway you look at it Bernie. That's why I found Larry K's statement incredulous. He's saying the same thing as Sam B. Just a different degree.
What he said was, it's OK to use public money to reward people who are already subsidized to live there by taxpayer money. Wow, rewarding people for what they should be doing anyway! What a concept.
I say there is no difference whether they are low income, middle income or high income; HUD housing or affluent neighborhood. This entire concept is a stupid idea. It's just Sam B. is more perverse than others.
It's outrageous! And in Northampton County, they had to pull programs for the elderly but we can afford rakes and refreshments. Bullshit!
Hey, just new to the site. I see that you put up the councilmembers campaign reports - thanks but can you put up the top dog in the county's report up also? He's the one that runs the show. We'd like to see who he has ties to. Thanks and keep up the good work.
Correct me if I'm wrong but POM recipients receive no monetary awards, do they?
So how can BHA "awards" be different and better?
It never seemed to me that POM was about low income housing. I remember seeing signs on the West end. Not exactly low or even middle income.
Ranting and raving over nickel and dime stuff. As a previous poster stated, $477 billion. Think about it.
By the way, you should "uncover" all 52,000 grants listed on the state economic development site.
Oh and Mr. O'Hare, you never purchase anything from Barnes and Noble? I didn't know the McDonalds of book sales was elitist. Only in the LV. :)
From Whiner 3:59
Maybe this will be my last post, because you all don't get it. This isn't about nickel and dimes, or $500 and $50,000 or the freakin Pentagon Budget.
It's about a stupid program and the ability to make a difference with local yo-yo politicians. Maybe I can't change Washington DC, but I definitely will try to influence local city hall.
Taxpayers hardearned money is going to people for sprucing up their yards! And people were telling ME to get a grip? You've got to be kidding me! The only one who made some sense is Bernie O. He met me halfway by saying that Scam B. perverted the idea to an extreme and I agree.
And by the way, if you all can't straighten out $500 of hardearned taxpayers money, how in the hell are you going to straighten out $477 billion? The rest of you need to get a grip. Not me.
see that you put up the councilmembers campaign reports - thanks but can you put up the top dog in the county's report up also? He's the one that runs the show.
Thanks for both the nice words and suggestion. I want to get the county council finance reports up for those who were running. But I think it's a good idea to get the county exec, controller, and all county elected officials up there. I'll do it. I'll talk to EU. I know they're into good government and am sure they'll post Easton city council.
Whiner 3:59, you have to understand that Larry K is our resident blog JERK. Maybe he got some of that $500 when he was checking their lawns. Is Larry K still with BHA? As a taxpayer I certainly hope he is not. It sounds as if he was content in giving the store away and is proud of it.
Sounds like both the Whiner AND Larry K have valid points but are not really getting what the other one has to say. It sounds like you both believe that POM is BS - The Whiner because he or she believes that no money should be spent on such awards, and Larry K because POM has a budget of $350k to do essentially what HUD does with a $500 budget. Clearly HUD is more cost effective and costs every taxpayer less money then POM.
What The Whiner is missing is that in low income areas there is not always a great sense of desire to keep up properties. Yes, this is something that should be done by everyone, but reality doesn't match the ideal world he or she paints.
Hell, in an ideal world there would be no crime, Government would work efficiently and on a balanced budget, there would be world peace, and I would be much better looking. Without elective surgery to make me a better looking guy, I do not expect any of the above happen in my lifetime.
I think the bottom line is that POM is a nice way for a career politician who cannot get elected to office to get a Government subsidized paycheck without having to do a whole lot of work. Bennett has kissed enough elected official ass to get such a nice gig. It is wrong. As is the use of this organization to help others who are politically connected.
1) Ranting and raving over nickel and dime stuff. As a previous poster stated, $477 billion. Because the defense department has a wasteful budget, does that mean we should stop looking for waste in other programs, especially when they are programs over which we have some control? Under your goofy logic, we might as well send all out controller and auditors on permanent furlough. Who needs them? Your reasoning is actually that of a defeated person who is unwilling to look at the problems right in front of you.
2) POM recipients receive no monetary awartds, but POM itself is largely funded w/ public dollars. That's why we need to look at it. Hey, it's not the defense department, but we need to start somewhere.
3) I'd agree w/ the POM Tom Sawyer justification only in the case of homes in distressed neighborhoods. The POM site itself gives the impression its goal is to give owners pride in their neighborhoods. That's fine in some places, but not for folks who hire their landscapers. Sorry.
Public money should not be spent on programs that do nothing more than massage the egos of elitists.
4) By the way, you should "uncover" all 52,000 grants listed on the state economic development site. Why do you think they are now published on the Internet. The reason for that is so that we can give them some scrutiny. And I've done so in a few cases. One is the $10k grant for Parkland's hockey team. In fact, you should spend some time reviewing them yourself.
5) Only an elitist would call B&N the McDonalds of book sales. That's the top of the crop in thse parts, bippy, and you know it.
Whiner 3:59, you have to understand that Larry K is our resident blog JERK. No, that's me, damn it!
You people are getting ridiculous. I used to be a fan of this blog, but holy crap! The negativity here is beyond ridiculous!
First off, I've never met Sam Bennett or dealt with POM. I really don't know much about it. I'm simply a casual reader of this blog and have been since the Boscola debacle. But I'm serious when I ask this. I'm just wondering what all of you have done to contribute to your community and the Lehigh Valley? There's been a lot of bitching and moaning on this blog for a while. It's what blogs are for, I guess. But really, what have you moaners done that's truly been of a benefit to your communities?
Anon 9:24,
I'm just wondering what all of you have done to contribute to your community and the Lehigh Valley?
We each of us have our own way of contributing. Complaints, moaning and growning, whining, etc., - that's all part of democracy. In the final analysis, we decide what's right.
This post about POM, for example, is one I weanted to do since last week. That nonprofit is largely funded with public dollars. I was under the impression that its purpose was to reward property owners with a rake or plaque, a simple thank you, to instill pride in the community, etc.
I've learned that the program is instead being used to reward folks whose homes are already pretty snazzy. It's also rewarding upscale restaurtants and businesses built with public money.
This is something I think the public should know, at least on a blog. It is what I call blogworthy, if not newsworthy.
The nice thing about a blog is I can throw something up there and watch how people react. In this case, we've heard from one of the people in Easton's POM prtogram. We've heard from some whho believe this is a waste of public money under any circumstances. people like me don't object to the concept, but think it has been perverted. And there are others who think we'd be better off looking at other things.
You think we're all nuts. You're probably right.
But I've actually liked the discussion here, for the most part.
My point is that this discussion is actually a contribution to the LV. This is a democracy, and those of us called citizens are the most important persons in government.
Some of us like that role, anmd that includes me. i have never sought public office, nor do I ever have any intention of doing so. I believe we can make contributions in many ways.
From Whiner to Anon 9:24
This will be my last post.
In an answer to your question, I am sure that each and every one of the posters on this blog (even the one's that disagreed with me tonight) have each contributed in their own way. I don't mind the bitchin'. Really.
It's when people remain silent to authority that will worry me the most. If nobody responds to Bernie O's rants, then we are all in trouble.
Well said!
At the Pen Argyl Area Concerned Citizens web site, there's a nifty little quote - "Democracy is not a spectator sport." Those who have their opinions and share them are contributing to their ommunity. There are over 260,000 people in the LV. How many read a newspaper? How many have even heard of blogging? Thoise who take the time to inform themselves and then share their opinions might be the biggest contributors of them all. Feel free to respond to my rants any time you want.
Anonymous 9:24 PM said... You people are getting ridiculous. I used to be a fan of this blog, but holy crap! The negativity here is beyond ridiculous!
First off, I've never met Sam Bennett or dealt with POM. I really don't know much about it. I'm simply a casual reader of this blog and have been since the Boscola debacle. But I'm serious when I ask this. I'm just wondering what all of you have done to contribute to your community and the Lehigh Valley? There's been a lot of bitching and moaning on this blog for a while. It's what blogs are for, I guess. But really, what have you moaners done that's truly been of a benefit to your communities?
I have to agree with Anon 9:24, it's a bunch of whiners who sit on their ass and complain about the people who really are making a difference in this Lehigh Valley. It almost sounds as if they are jealous of the positions these people hold and the tough decisions they make (which are not always popular). They should shut up and run for office themselves as they are judging others and have not done a thing to improve this Valley with their belly aching and whining. It seems nobody does anything right, if you follow the lead of this blog. It's time to move on to a more positive proactive blog and get away from this garbage that is being spewed on this site. Keep going and don't look back.
It's time to move on to a more positive proactive blog and get away from this garbage that is being spewed on this site. Keep going and don't look back.
Gee, was it something I said?
Bernie O'Hare said...
I have no problem with cash rewards to a low or middle income resident who does a good job maintaining her property. I get the concept.
I'am totally speechless.
No wonder the middle class is getting gutted each and everyday!
I haven't heard a good idea out of anybody that has had any affluence in the last 40 years for the middle class.
There's a new concept being developed:
American on American Crime.
Where Americans sell out the interest of their neighbors and community over the interest to further exploit wealth towards the top at the expense of the middle class.
American on American Crime Needs to Stop! and It need to stop Now!
the real problem here is that people embellish falsehoods to promote an agenda and then get their knickers in a twist when their BS is exposed. they can have their so called opinions but look like fools and will only send this blog into the dump. look what happened to chris casey since the election the responses to his blog has hit the tank.he has lost it due to his sterling disposition.this one too will peter out.the only action bernie gets is when he slams Bennett.keep up the good work,bernie, your THE MAN for the lehigh valley.
08 is getting close. The Sam the Scam supporters are getting desperate. The Democratic wave of 08 (and it is coming) will not be big enough for Sammy. People like Dent, even after some of you slam him, he's still likable, personable. Scammy isn't, she's plastic. Many Dem's smile but privately say I'll never vote for her. This entire POM issue is one of the many items that will be brought out next year. Hell, till it's all over, she may not even get as may votes as Dertinger.
Anonymous said... 2:58 AM
Maybe you didn't see this about Dent:
Dent's fundraiser for Rudy
Rudy's Ties to a Terror Sheikh
Here's the link:
Dent is An American on American Criminal on the Middle Class and should not be reelected under any
Rudy's Ties to a Terror Sheikh:
Giuliani's business contracts tie him to the man who let 9/11's mastermind escape. http://www.villagevoice.com/news/0748,barrett,78478,6.html/1
Way to go Bernie, it looks as if you support this conspiracy by your endorsement of Dent who is in lockstep with not only Bush, but now Giuliani. Check it out you scumbag. http://www.villagevoice.com/news/0748,barrett,78478,6.html/1
anon 1:29, everytime wimps like you post anon and attack the Bernie's of the world for pointing out the issues that you don't want to gear or read about, you reinforce my belief that Bernie and his gang are serving the community. And why is it BS to point out bad behavior by elected officials? anon 1:29, you are nothing but a troll. Bernie Kisslinger, and even Casey I respect, they sign their names. yet you don't. I don't have a blog, but I will use my real name.
Wow! Even though your link doesn't work (we probably hacked it!), you still got me. We're all actually bin Laden supporters.
Of course, this post doen't have anything to do with that, but don't let that stop you.
Check again scumbag.
lookie lookie Bernie you scumbag.
Wow, this topic has exploded since I last logged on!
1. What the hell is this American on Americans Crime post about? Nice, create the premise of a fictional class warfare to win over the “middle class.” Twist and manipulate the inflation and real income figures, allow Lou Dobbs to spew some nonsense on CNN, and then maybe you have won over some fence sitters that have no real economic literacy.
2. The link doesn’t work, scumbag. Probably because the story isn’t legit, go figure. Something from the Village Voice bashing Rudy, I can’t believe it! Hey, lets play Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon with the Terror Sheik. I bet I’m even connected in some way.
3. To the people who are criticizing those who bitch, moan, and complain here...political discourse is one of the most essential elements of sustaining a viable democratic society. Silence is golden for those who would like to exploit their positions of public office to obtain power (or wealth) through mandates and the taxpayer coffers. They work for us and we have every right to evaluate their performance. Blogs are just another platform from which we can make this happen.
Change it again you scumbag because you don't want people to see the link.
Wasn't the point of POM to reward (if a plaque can be construed as such) properties regardless of owner? Are the recipients of the awards standouts in otherwise shabby areas? I'm just asking the question. It seems Mr O'Hare has invented his "take" on the program to build a straw man. Am I wrong? I definitely could be.
BTW, Barnes and Noble is a giant corporate entity akin to Target or Orange Julius. An elitist would shop at a mom and pop bookstore or buy books online. :)
I'll help our link-challenged friend. Here is the actual link.
Whoops. It actually cuts it off.
Add this to the end of the previously posted link.
I mean this...
Hey, there's no conspiracy here. Bernie's above that.
If you want to see this freakin' link, click here
Bernie, I know we bicker now and then, but the truth is I agree with you 9 times out of ten. You are absolutly correct on this one. I think programs like POM should be absolutely volunteer. Why should someome get a $100,000 salary for being the boss of herself and some volunteers who do it for the love of the city. That is pure waisted tax money. And with the 3 murders on 13th street just yesterday, I can think of many ways that money can be well spent. Also Larry Kisslinger mentioned that they had $500 allowed in the BHA for the most beautiful yards contest. That is money well spent. That $500 is in the BHA budget. That simple $500 probably saves the BHA $10,000 or $20,000 a year by not having to go and clean up someones yard. Thats a far cry different than POM with $100,000 spent for just one employee a year.
Anon 9:33, Wethervain & Hayshaker,
1. Wethervain, shhhh! Don't let them know I keep changing the frickin' link. Hayshaker & Anon 9:33 should learn how to do links. Maybe Jolly Joe Timmer can spare five minutes and teach them. If they promise to be good, I'll do a little post about it.
2. I'm no Giuliani fan, but that linked article is a lengthy piece of nothing. Its sheer length indicates the author is struggling. But the photoshopped pic of Rudy is a nice touch. I thought only bloggers did that.
3. That link doesn't have a thing to do w/ POM, but what the hell, it's Friday.
4. Hayshaker, the theory behind POM, from its own frickin' web page, is to reward homes in distressed areas. "[M]inor nuisances, if left unchecked, turn into major nuisances: that is, if someone breaks a window and sees it isn’t fixed immediately, he gets the signal that it’s all right to break the rest of the windows and maybe set the building afire too." Plus, you've got this. "The bulk of municipal energy goes towards punishing quality of life offenders, leaving no resources to thank those that for no other reason than personal and civic pride take the extra time to plant flowers, tend lawns, weed sidewalks, and replace street trees." In theory, the idea should be to reward properties in distressed area, not to reward folks who hire the best landscapers. But each community POM has leeway to set up its own program. And that causes problems. Anything that strays from helping people in distressed areas is, in my opinion, a perversion of the original purpose of this program. I douibt that Lehigh County or Senator Browne will be kicking in any money for this outfit in the future. And once Rendell leaves, so do the DCED funds.
I just don't think we need a public fund to give attaboys to places like Sette Luna or Ashley Development or ABW. Let the chamber of commerce do that, and let it use funds from the private sector.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to take a shower. I feel like a ... well, a scumbag.
There are one or two anons that post here, that have no other motive than to bash Larry K. It is a shame because Larry Kisslinger is a retired politician who then and now, spoke only the truth, and you anons are just that ...anonymous
Larry K. walks around with his palms up all the time. Ask BHA people about him. I believe he is still there. Some of those at BHA would like to talk to someone about his activities there, but are afraid of there jobs.
anon 11:02, to quote Ronald Reagan......"there you go again"
Anon 11:02,
The subject of this post is POM, not Larry Kisslinger, who has stepped down from the BHA.
You are accusing him of soliciting handouts while a member of the Bethlehem Houysing Authority. Please substantiate that. Instead of making a vague accusation, a serious charge like that should be specific. Since he no longer is a commissioner, there's no reason to fear him.
If this charge is true, Larry should be nailed. If it is untrue, as I suspect, then you should be nailed. In that regard, I want Mr. Kisslinger to know your ISP is Verizon and your partial IP is 71.175.181.#.
Is the area around Sette Luna distressed? Does it stand out in some way?
I'm just playing devil's advocate here.
Hell, people are quibbling over a ED grant and there are $100,000 in missing laptops at BASD and no one seems to care. See today's Morning Call.
Anonymous 11:02 AM said..."Larry K. walks around with his palms up all the time. Ask BHA people about him. I believe he is still there. Some of those at BHA would like to talk to someone about his activities there, but are afraid of there jobs." (it's their not there, uneducated anon nitwit-why not identify yourself so we can converse, chickenshit?) nobody was EVER threated with loss of their job by me for anything "EVER" got it?
my answer is for you to please take a poll of all 60 employees, residents, potential residents, politicians, MSM and any member of the public I served and "try to prove" what you suggest here as a BS Anon! FYI, I'm not still there at BHA since my early resignation January 2007 B/C of political intervention that I opposed. BTW, NorCo D Chair Boss Long "is" still there with some of his cronies! Afterwards, the energy contract became an explosivive MSM finally corrected issue. You suggest BHA employees may have had negative issues concerning my services there as a Commissioner? I double-dog dare you (ISP Verizon and your partial IP 71.175.181.#.)to survey all I mention above and let us all know the results! medium income person with palms up (some)time asking folks to help me and our constituents is all!
1. Sette Luna is in the nicest part of Easton's business district. Don't get around much, do you?
2. There you go again with your bait and switch. Yesterday, it was the defense budget and all the other DCED programs. Today it's Giuliani and BASD. Listen, just because waste is going on somewhere else, that's no reason to stop looking at the waste right in front of you. You're free to investigate anything you find wasteful, write a post, and I'll publich it if you can back up your factual assertions. I'll even do the links for you. But stop with the bait and switch already.
Mr. O'Hare - I don't get to Easton, thats for damned sure. :)
Bait and switch? I'm not intentionally doing anything of the sort. I never posted anything about Giuliani. Where do you get that? I admit I tried to post the guy's proper URL.
I'm just pointing out that this blog has a thing for chasing poor drunken Sam Bennett (an easy mark) and not ever addressing the larger scope. The scope is MUCH larger. But then again, I'm not insulated enough to think Barnes and Noble is "elitist."
I am sick and tired of people complaining about two-bit crap like POM and ignoring massive waste on all levels of government.
In case you are wondering, I know perfectly well how to create a link. I was trying to show the actual URL but the blogger.com site has some issue with posting long URLs. Sue me.
I am no fan of POM but I think its mission if implemented in a professional manner could be good for a community. In Easton it was nothing more than a political joke! Come on, C-Town and Las Delicias. Has anyone other than the Easton POM Chairman been there. I live on Southside, they are horrible, dirty places. Las Delicias is in a strip mall known for the quality of drugs offered for sale. Oh, that's right, the Easton Chairman wanted the Hispanic vote. Politics, not quality - that's what was wrong with the Easton POM.
I can't even find the award recipients on the POM website.
Hayshaker, I don't know why, but the actual award winners are not listed, only the nominees.
WOW, I just read the rapps on the Dent-Rudy connection and a link to terror. I liked the Kevin Bacon analogy. I have been a lifelong Dem. who for now must remain annon., let me say I know Ms. Bennet not well but I have delt with her. I have had numerous dealings with Charlie Dent. If a 7% of seperation deal with Rudy and some esoteric inside the beltway ratings are the best you got, Dent will win. As much as we Demo's can get all caught up in the rah-rah philosophy, Sam just doesn't have the 'it' a winning congressional candidate needs. They will also kill her with her own words and actions.
To prove my Dem. roots, let me add I find the 9/11 Rudy praise silly. What exactly did he do? He went to the site and was calm and reassuring, propbably like 80% of all mayors would have been. Rudy as Mayor of New York and a big time prosecutor knows how to work the room. Ask the firemen and support staff in NYC what they think of Rudy.
That reminds me of the Republican phrase, "Thank God Bush was Prez and not Gore during 9/11". What! Gore would have given terrorists the keys to the city? He no doubt would have hit Afgan, pursued Osama, built a real coalition against worldwide terrorism and if necessary expand the no-fly zone over Iraq and continue to put the screws to Saddam by isolating the country, if necessary. I doubt he would have rushed into an 'I can do it better than my Daddy', war.
Sorry for the tirade but I forgot my meds and I'm staring at a picture of BO.
People, people, people! ANY wasted tax dollars are worth mentioning and it REALLY matters when it involves someone who wants to run for Congress! Gee, that means that we pay SB for this "gig" and then she hopes that she gets the chance for us to pay her even more so she can decide who else she wants to give MY money to. The fact that anyone would pay someone a full salary for this is crazy. If local governments want to create neighborhood pride associations which are volunteer, and more personal AND no tax dollars (or very minimal), then great. It's a good concept that is being very poorly done. Let's try achieving neighborhood pride where it's needed most and in a more sensible manner. Otherwise, I should turn in my fiscal conservative card and put in an application for SB's job.
Boy I wish! I had the time to comment on all the twisted ideas and theories people have here.
Bernie thanks for the entertainment.
Doing business with a so called enemy is a lot different then knowing someone.
I like who is going to be the lest
candidate to be a criminal against the middle class and that's going to be Bill Hall hands down.
American on American Crime on the Middle Class needs to Stop!
Only you can Stop!
A on AC on MC
It's your choice!
You have done everything you could to disparage all of the good work that Sam and POM have done. Why do you do that? You're as bad as some on the Morning Call Forum.
A bunch of haters!
Why doi you equate and attack on the perversion of POM w/ an attack on Sam Bennett? Programs that reward the rich and powerful? That's fine, but do it w/ private bucks.
You and others here in the blogosphere as well as a number of people in the morning call forum have done everything you can to derail POM and Sam. It's not just this particular post, but a series of posts that you've put up here that have done that. It's not just you, but a number of bloggers that have done that. I suspect this has been coordinated.
My question is why? Why have you done this?
This post is not aimed at Bennett per se, but instead is directed at her POM program, which appears to have been perverted.
Now as far as the attacks on Bennett herself are concerned, I can tell you that there's no personal attacks, but a strong belief that she's probablty the worst kind of person to elect for anything. Her oppportunism, incompetence and exaggerations have been highlighted in detail, but I think they should be highlighted. Her run for public office will actually hurt her fellow Dems. During the last general election, she actually was solicited funds for her own campaign, drawing resources away from other races, as though she's the only person who matters.
As far as coordination goes, I don't tell other bloggers what to write and they sure as hell wouldn't dare tell me what to write. In case you haven't noticed, I'm very much my own person. The reason others are attacking her, in other blogs and at the MC forum, is because she's a terrible candidate.
"Now as far as the attacks on Bennett herself are concerned, I can tell you that there's no personal attacks, but a strong belief that she's probablty the worst kind of person to elect for anything. Her oppportunism, incompetence and exaggerations have been highlighted in detail, but I think they should be highlighted. Her run for public office will actually hurt her fellow Dems. During the last general election, she actually was solicited funds for her own campaign, drawing resources away from other races, as though she's the only person who matters."
You and others have been on the against her since day one with result being an erosion in her standing. Now that you guys have succeeded, and if you believe that her candidancy is doomed, why continue doing this? There's rarely a month that passes without someone in the blogosphere launching yet another attack.
There's much more behind this of a nefarious and sinister nature. The various posters over at the Morning Call forum (and I suspect that you were one of them) refused to let the salary topic die a natural death even after the salary was cut. Now, there's a problem with POM even giving out awards. You guys are just looking for anything to dump on Sam and POM. She cuts her salary, you're still not happy. She encourages people to upkeep their properties and you're still not happy.
its because of all the attention bernie gets via his opinion not about truth. he overall gets more action when he slams or comes up with theories.does the globe,star and national enquirer come to mind.and lets face it the enquirering MINDS in here want to know.
The various posters over at the Morning Call forum (and I suspect that you were one of them) refused to let the salary topic die a natural death even after the salary was cut.
Your suuspicions are wrong. I don't use sock puppets or post anonymously. If I want to say something, I say it, and its under my own name. I don't ever post anonymously.
Also, I don't play nice with others. I've very much my own person. In fact, that's why I left LVPoliblog. I prefer being on my own.
The only bloggers at LVPoliblog whom I know are Julian Stolz and Chris Casey. I've never met the others. I've only met Casey once, for about three seconds.
You explain all those bad Bennett things as some sort of goofy conspiracy among people who don't even know each other to try and get her. Here's another possibility for you to consider - she's a very bad candidate who has no business seeking public office. People are outraged by her opportunism.
Bill Hall is running against her, but will probably lose bc he has little support. So she is the likely nominee. And when that happens, Charlie Dent is going to chew her up and spit her out. It will not be a pretty thing. He defeated Dertinger easily during a time when this area voted stronlly Democratic. Now if he could do that to Dertinger, imagine what will happen to Sam, from POM to goofy campaign finance reports to caliming to be in DC to speak to "special interests" to an outrageous salary at POM to a POM that appears to be a bullshit program designed for elitists. And when Bennett goes down, she may bring a few Dems down with her. Moreover, people who give to her losing casmpaign will be wasting money that would be better spent on someone who might actually make a difference.
Its been a while since my original comments on the POM controversy (and the conversation seems to have roamed far and wide) but now I'd like to give you my final take on things before riding into the sunset on this topic. I was happy to see a contribution to the conversation by Sandra Wideman. I consider her a friend as well as a valuable asset to Easton. She and her husband renovated and maintained a home in Southside's Lachenour Heights and helped create a sense of community up there that is lacking in many places today. I am a little confused though as to why she is now representing Easton's POM program as she has (I think) been living in Forks Twsp. for the past few years, but that's no big deal to me; she still has ties to Easton and her motivations are always commendable.
Reframing my original comments a little may help clarify what I've been trying to say and perhaps defuse some of the claims of character assasination towards Sam Bennett and/or POM that I and others have been accused of as well as relieving anyone's fears that I have suddenly become a cynical recluse.
My original distaste for the way POM was run in Easton was the result of my personal interaction with the process. I stand by my claims that Bennett left us high and dry to muddle through a totally unfamiliar process with only weeks to prepare for a program roll-out. It was unprofessional and disrespectful to those of us who had plenty of other (non-paying) work to do in this town at the time.
If Bennett's attitude and behavior has modified for the better as Sandra reports, then that is great to hear. It is also great that different folks with the time to participate have filled in since I and many others are now tied up (and no disrespect meant by this) with somewhat more crucial issues. I have no idea what the actual "awards" to the recipients entailed but I would agree with many of you that the level of administrative compensation now reportedly involved for this program seems excessive. I always thought Sam was volunteering to do this when she first came to Easton and was surprised to read differently. I've been involved in many Easton projects including the original Weed and Seed program and it seems that undeserved/excessive compensation always follows the politically connected in all these programs-at least until the public blows the whistle.
I also have no desire to "malign the program". The least of my concerns is what POM does or doesn't do in Easton. I just see how something based on a theoretical model like POM can become distorted or go somewhat astray when local personalities get involved. I didn't attend the POM awards because I would have felt like a hypocrit rubbing elbows with many of the same people I feel are ruining this city. Members of the HARB and Planning Commission attended the awards and I'm sure they were applauding and patting each other on the back for their good taste in selecting the winners. At the same time these same people are selling this city down the river with their un-informed, lazy and (most recently) arrogantly irresponsible decisions as members of those organizations.
Case in point; Riverwalk's merits can still be debated I suppose (despite my believe that only a brain-dead moron would still hold out any hope for this Arcadia Properties side show) but trying to discuss the process behind these decisions-even in very abstract and general terms-with some members of the Planning Commission is like a street beggar trying to wring a dinner invitation out of Marie Antoinette...the only thing missing from my conversations was a dismissing wave of the hanky.
It wouldn't be so bad if these people actually RESEARCHED anything before forming their opinions but it seems from my experience that the audience knows more about the projects than they do 99% of the time and I get the sense that they are reading their packets for the first time five minutes before the meetings start.
As for the HARB, they violate their own ordinance with regularity, use the Pa. Historic and Museum Commission as a crutch to avoid making their own locally-informed decisions and NEVER, EVER have the guts to stick their necks out for anything that betters the city if it means attracting any controversy or stepping on any bigwig's toes (with HARB member Lynne Holden being the sole exception to this trait).
Sandra Wideman is great. Many of the people involved in POM are great. Gary Bertsch works his ass off to promote the West Ward (and he wasn't using POM to get votes on Southside-he knew he was dead over there anyway.) City Hall is mostly absent in the day-to-day support of these people and many like them. POM may have some minimally positive affect on the community and that is nice. I think at least it makes the winners feel better about where they fit in the scheme of things. I can't help but feel though that we are investing great amounts of energy in short bursts every few month's or few year's to accomplish...well, not too much.
I don't really want to diminish the quality of the work being done but God, can't we get it together and figure out a way to upgrade our deteriorating neighborhoods across the board? Or coordinate our code, rental licensing and police data base? Or bring just one, year-round, fresh food market to Easton? Or create sustainable neighborhood districts, based on the historic district model, that would eliminate toxic building materials and methods? Or give our citizens some tools and knowledge to survive the coming energy and climate crises? I'd settle for just getting rid of all these assinine, neighborhood killing, one-way streets!
Instead, we are wasting all our time, energy and money on where we are going to build a parking deck (with borrowed money) to park all the imaginary cars that we will be driving around in on fill-ups of imaginary gasoline in the coming decade...sheeesh!
This is just me, but personally, I can no longer subject myself emotionally to any more of these types of endeavors. I know too much about how the city machine likes to distract us from reality with the occasional feel-good diversion. I'd rather that we just get together with neighbors and friends once a week or so at one of our local pubs and have some beers and listen to some music and talk some shit...more ideas and long-term good would come from that. The British Empire used to shut down the colonial cafes, taverns and pubs because THAT is where all the REAL revolutionary thinking started. We need a history lesson.
Oh no, BO you know this 'Bunch of Haters', She has posted on MC forum for months. You are on her Radar screen.
To Haters I can assure you, no decent conspiracy in its right mind would include O'Hare. He is a demonic jack-ass. Having said that, all his points are well taken. You probably won't like this Blog. See how we treat each other.
Sammys problems are self-inflicted.
no decent conspiracy in its right mind would include O'Hare. He is a demonic jack-ass.
I can't argue with that. I always wondered about that 666 at the base of my skull.
I posted about this topic because Dennis Lieb, whom I respect, had some valid points that checked out when I looked at POM's web site.
My question is why? Why have you done this?
OBviously, because he supports the Republican candidate for Congress. Isn't it obvious? The pro-Dent columns are almost infomercials for Dent's regular Joe appeal.
I find it extremely humorous that Mr. O'Hare singles out Bennett as the lone opportunist here. I'd probably point out that ALL politicians are opportunists, even your beloved Charlie.
You're full of it, as usual. As I've already explained, it's a Republican dream to have Sam Bennett as an opponent. Their worst fear right now is that she drops out and anyone, including Bill Hall, takes her place.
But this post is not about Bennett's congressional follies: it's instead about POM perversion. You've spent several days suggesting we should look instead at a wasteful defense budget, at other DCED grants and at BASD. Now I understand. You just don't like anything that casts Bennett in a poor light.
Too bad.
My party, tight or wrong, eh? Unlike you, I'm no blue dog DEm and will support an R if I think he or she is the better candidate. In fact, most of my fellow Dems feel the same way.
Bennett is an opportunist and it has nothing to do with her politics. From her days at Mayfair until now, she has only been interested in herself. Sure, all pols have shades of opportunism, but few are as selfish as Sammy. Ask those who know her for any length of time. I have.
Ah, resorting the personal attacks.
At any rate, you are correct that I would not under any circumstances support Charlie Dent and his support of the Iraq debacle. Sorry. You may support the war, you may find other issues more important. Most of the country DOES NOT and will categorically reject any candidate who does.
By reading your Callahan article, its obvious that you are easily charmed. Charmed enough that you cannot even see Dent's opportunism. (Dent's journey to the Whitehouse to decry the Iraq policy is a perfect example of photo-opportunism at the highest level. He went on to do absolutely nothing but his name was mentioned in all the papers as a fence sitting R.)
Its obvious that you are helping to get Dent re-elected. I don't like Bennett either but I like these words on her website:
"I want to bring our troops home, to the hero’s welcome and lifelong support they have earned."
So sue me.
Bennett is an opportunist and it has nothing to do with her politics. From her days at Mayfair until now, she has only been interested in herself. Sure, all pols have shades of opportunism, but few are as selfish as Sammy. Ask those who know her for any length of time. I have.
This is rich. A politician interested in "themselves?" WOW. Stop the goddamned presses. You are reaching now, Mr. O'Hare.
Dent is a career politician. You act as those he's Mr. Smith in Washington.
Mr. O'Hare -
Can you find the word IRAQ on Charlie Dent's dentforcongress.com website?
That is reprehensible.
Anon 9:54,
I see numerous references to Iraq on Dent's congressional site. But why is this discussion relevant in a post about POM?
There's no personal attack here. You've tried to pull a bait and switch and just about everything you can think of to take the focus off another Sam Bennett problem. The topic of this post is POM, not Iraq.
But while we're on it, the truth of the matter is that Dent actually tried very hard to avoid the publicity that ensued when his Tuesday group met with Bush. Get your facts right.
And while we're at it, I support Dent's approach to Iraq. I've blogged about it several times. I don't like the genocide that would result from the various withdrawal plans urged by cynical congressional Dems, who were asking for something they knew they'd never get.
I did vote for Dent and do support him. I've acknowledged that many times.
And as far as being easily charmed is concerned, there's a host of people who would take issue with that.
Mr. O'Hare -
Can you make sense of these positions?
"another Sam Bennett problem"
a post about POM?
Which is it, Mr. O'Hare? A post about POM or another calculated hit piece on Dent's opponent?
As for the Tuesday Group, hogwash! The Washington Post reported that the meeting was disclosed by its participants. Dent is a career politician calculating his every move for re-election. Quit kidding yourself.
Thirdly, no one said anything about Dent's Congressional site. The dentforcongress site was specifically addressed. Bait and switch? Indeed.
Finally, you "don't like" the genocide? Wow. Me neither. But for those of us realists, we'd say thats already occurring.
1) This post is about Bennett's POM. It is both another Sam Bennett problem as well as indictment of another public funded program gone astray.
2) What I said about the Tuesday group is accurate. That meeting was intended to be private, but one congressman blew it and spoke to Tim Russert. That's what happened. In fact, in July, when this group sent a harsh letter to the prez, Dent refused to respond to interview requests.
3) Why on earth would Dent's campaign site say anything about anything. It's still up from his last run, with a letter thanking his supporters. he's not in campaign mode yet.
4) I understand that point, but think the facts on the ground are much different now than they were even a month ago. The blood bath has been stopped. But if we leave, it will be as if the pipes had burst.
This post is about Bennett's POM. It is both another Sam Bennett problem as well as indictment of another public funded program gone astray.
Fine. Then don't get riled up when people make it about Bennett/Dent. You are bewildered why people would support the sometimes-drunken Sam Bennett over Dent. Iraq is clearly a reason - and a good one.
Furthermore, the Tuesday Group meeting was disclosed the next day by its participants shockingly enough on the eve of an Iraq funding vote. If you actually believe that Dent did not milk this to his political advantage, I don't know what to say. Maybe you actually do believe in Mr. Smith.
Sam says I want to bring the troops home. OK, how, when, what is the plan. How will you implement it. How will you create a coalition in congress. Most people are angry over this Bush War and want it to end. The Prez mucked things up good. Problem is making meaningless, crowd pleasing platitudes is not enough.
Guess what I received in the mail today? An invitation to Sam's Birthday bash. You can't make it up.
Wow! Mine must have been lost in the mail.
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