1)"He's our father. He's the father of our house. He's supposed to take care of us. If he doesn't take care of his children, who can he take care of?"
2) "Nice guys finish last."
3) "The expansion of Properties of Merit to communities throughout the Lehigh Valley is an incredibly positive development! POM has had a wonderful impact on neighborhoods in Allentown where property owners have taken a greater interest in their own properties."
4) "I realize your license to practice law has been indefinitely suspended for mishandling your clients' cases. I also understand that you blame your suspension of your license to practice law on your continuing recovery for alcoholism. Fair enough. But as a former lawyer who has lost the right to practice, even in light of New York Times v. Sullivan, you should be very careful before your accuse someone of violating the law."
5) "The people who left under my reign are people I am still close with."
6) "Bernie, You're an Asshole!"
7) "Take three zeros off all of it, and you've got the right answer."
8) "You keep writing about Lower Macungie and open records. Pat yourself on the back. What a difference you make."
9) "We do it for the love."
10) "The only ones I want to hear speaking up and complaining about immigration are the Native Americans who we screwed."
That's an awesome image. Who made it?
You can make your own right here.
Thanks. That's awesome!
I think I'm going to start making my own each month.
chris casey,mike schlossberg,kisslinger,ajcordi,aphroditiesdaughter,the only ones that post in here.
Glenn Reibman
bernie and sam bennett
# 4 was spoken by Lamont "88" McClure
Anon 8:29,
# 4 was spoken by Lamont "88" McClure
#2- Ann McHale
No. 6 by many people, but Joe Long is my choice
Anon 9:43 gets a poptart!
#2- Ann McHale
Absolutely right! Said of John Stoffas, and during a council meeting.
Anon 9:45 gets tweo poptarts for not only being right, but making an astute observation.
No. 6 by many people, but Joe Long is my choice
Yes, I get called an asshole all the time, but Joe Long did it on WGPA 1100 AM!
Anon 8:17,
bernie and sam bennett
Anonymous 1:56 AM said..."chris casey, mike schlossberg, kisslinger, ajcordi, aphrodities daughter, the only ones that post in here."
wrong on two counts; 1. none are kisslinger quotes, and 2. many more real folks comment here plus, unless they're all the same person, hundreds of Anon's like you. larry@kisslinger.com
8 is attributed to Bernie Kieklak. Boy do we miss him or what? He always made things fun.
Anon 12:45,
8) "You keep writing about Lower Macungie and open records. Pat yourself on the back. What a difference you make."
You get two poptarts. I didn't think anyone would get that, especially since I don't write too much about Lo Macungue.
Is this an open book test?
It's open blog. Every quote comes from this blog!
I thought so.
1.Allentown merchant (BiBi Hazra) discussing Mayor Ed’s shabby treatment. I hear the case has been turned over to Lehigh County Children and Youth (child neglect).
2.Ms. McHale who came in first on Tuesday with the highest percentage of Council District vote. (Although Angle got the most votes within a District). By her own reasoning Ms. McHale must not be a nice person.
3.Lisa Boscola explaining why it is O.K. that the lowly taxpayer funds Ms. Bennett’s exorbitant salary.
4.Lamont – bitterly defending his own lack of knowledge about the Law.
5.Her Royal Highness, the Great Exalted, All Powerful, All Seeing, Grand High Registrar Debra DePaul.(Just pay no attention to the Man Behind the Curtain
6.Joe (won’t be Democrat Chairman for) Long.
7.Sam Bennett’s campaign spokesperson – hoping to distract IRS officials from looking into Bennett’s offshore accounts.
8.Bernie Take No Prisoners. I think. This quote lacks Klieklak’s typical “flowery” language it is a little difficult to identify. But the tone is bitter enough.
9.Wall – to – Wall Organizer discussing why volunteers do what they do.
10.Rendell and as tempting as it to expand on the “who we screwed” comment. I’m going to leave it alone.
I really love poptarts!
Any flavor is fine. As long as there is PLENTY of sugar. See you later.
annon 10:05
BO is an opiniated jerk but Yikes! Do you kiss your mom with that mouth?
You need to get a foul language buster on here, you let too much s#it pass through the blog hole, as I said before I love to argue a point but the curse words and foul language is a little too much for ( my wife , not me ) find out where Timmer got his scrambler for Angle and use it here. Fun is fun the language has to go.
Larry I know you hate anons, but can't tell you who I am , might incriminate myself !
Voice of legit anons & anon 1:39,
Sorry about that, folks. I guess some folks are into talking like that.
What difference does it make if you see "shit" or "s#it" on here?
Those folks weren't complaining about that. It is a mixture of foul language combined with messages of hate that is actually designed to do the opposite of what I try to encourage here. It suppresses discussion.
Larry "I know you hate anons, but can't tell you who I am , might incriminate myself!"
I don't hate Anons! I hate anons
who comment/attack others instead of dealing with issues! If you're going to deal with personalities, at least have the courage to identify yourself is my stance. larry@kisslinger.com
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