That got me thinking. We do have them, you know. There are selfless government officials right under our noses in the Lehigh Valley, largely unappreciated, who work hard every day to bring government closer to the people. I take them for granted. In fact, I spend most of my time excoriating local pols, from Sam Bennett to Lisa Boscola.
It's a gift.
But can I use my blogging super-powers for good? Can the Lehigh Valley blogosphere identify the top ten government leaders of 2007, leaders who have tried to make government both transparent and accountable? I think we can, but it will take your help.
So here's the deal. Feel free to nominate any elected government official serving in local, state or federal office. I'll keep nominations open for a week. After that, we'll list all nominees and vote for another week. I'll ask LVPoliblog to do that as part of its weekly poll next week. If that presents technical difficulties, I can do it here but will try to con, I mean persuade, another blog to host the polling. After another week, we'll have our winners. Feel free to list your nominations in the comments to this blog, and explain why you think your selection is top ten material.
To give you an example of top ten material, I'll nominate someone myself.
Two summers ago, I was playing ball one lazy afternoon with neighborhood kids at Nazareth Hall Park. It was one of those horribly humid days. Even breathing was a major effort. But we had a home run derby going, so there we were. Everyone who wasn't batting sat in the shade, except for the idiot who had agreed to pitch - me. It was so hot my nose began to melt.
I was rescued from certain death by heat exhaustion when an even bigger idiot came to cut the grass. It was Nazareth Borough Councilman Jack Herbst. He unhitched a big mower and went straight to work.
That's Jack. Although plagued at a young age with heart problems, he's completely selfless. He fought the good fight when Essroc decided to build an underground conveyor belt to move cement. And he's coached kids for years.
In kids' baseball, he took a team of rejects and misfits that no one else wanted, and turned them into champions for three years straight. Not bad, eh? While other teams bought high tech aluminum bats, his team just practiced, nearly every day. The funny thing is that Jack wasn't really interested in winning. He just wanted those kids to learn the sport and feel good about themselves.
On borough council, Jack is one of three members who successfully resisted last summer when the good ol' boys decided, behind closed doors, to move borough offices into a kids' park. He later persuaded a reluctant council to conduct all meetings, including committee meetings, publicly. And Jack was the spearhead for Nazareth's skate park. After years, he finally nudged its borough council into funding a skate park, and pulled in money from other municipalities and private businesses.
Jack is one of the good guys. We do have them. He's my first nominee for the Top Ten Good Guys (and Gals) in Lehigh Valley Government.
OK Here you go Bernie:
Good Guys and Gals:
Jenn Mann, Bob Freeman, Steve Samuelson, Joe Brennon, Don Cunningham.
Bad guys and Gals: Take a walk and you will trip over examples everywhere.
Why is it necessary to have (and gals) in parenthesis?
I'll nominate Emmaus Borough Council member Wes Barrett. He is definitely stepping up in terms of trying to make local government more transparent and accessible, most notably by rigging council meetings for broadcast over the web & on the local cable access channel. He's also one of the most "out and about" elected officials I can think of, which I consider to be an important sign that he cares about what is going on in his community and is better able to make decisions on behalf of those who reside in it.
(that last part is why I will also "second" the nomination for Joe Brennon)
Anon 8:15,
Am I sexist?
I initially wrote, "who are the good guys?" Whenever I use the word "guys," it is intended to be gender neutral, e.g. "How are you guys doing?"
After writing that, I realized that, no matter what my intention, guys refers to just one sex. So I added gals in parens to make clear that I intended everyone. The "Good Guys" is a commonly used phrases but "good guys and gals" is not as common. But in hindsight, I should not have used parens, either. Subconcious sexism on my part.
I stand corrected.
I have met many local officials who are truly in the game because they feel a need to contribute to the common good. Whether they are as open and accountable as they should be, well, that's another question. I think most go into elected office wanting to be open and accountable but quickly learn that providing too much information usually does nothing more than leave them open to criticism from local gadflies or The Morning Call-amity. The media, for all its vaunted interest in open and honest government, almost discourages such because it is so quick to condemn for every minor offense rather than providing and deep and sincere perspective on the process of government -- local, county and state. In that vein, O'Hare, I'd like to see you extend your challenge by inviting The Morning Call-amity to cover and/or conduct its own such poll.
My personal nominees: South Whitehall Commissioner Brad Osborne (hope he doesn't get in trouble for this); Southern Lehigh School Directors Bill Miracle and Mike Eddinger; former Upper Saucon Supervisor Allen Cassaday; and state Reps. Freeman and Samuelson.
Any list of unelected "good folks" would have to be topped by Bethlehem's Charlie Brown. If we could clone Charlie and elect him to every office in the Valley, this would be a better place for all.
Jeezus, O'Hare, this being positive is tiring. I'm gonna stop now and recover.
The Curmudgeon
Great to hear from you! I know what you mean. Writing two positive posts has made me ill. I'm seeing the doctor.
I'd include Charlie Brown but this list is for elected officials only. I know plenty of folks like Charlie, and perhaps they should be recognized, too. I speak of Frank Flisser, Northampton County Counbcil Clerk,, and Paul Kokulos, Nazareth treasurer. There are many unsung heroes like that, and they shoud be regognized separately.
I'll send a vote to Don Cunningham.
While not an elected official, i'd
like to nominate ben gress of
southside allentown. for years and years, gress has generously given of his time and attention. from block watch captain to hot dog making king (for charity). although in his seventh decade, gress continues to labor and listen to citizen complaints, endless early morning phone calls and somehow still cares!
-Bob Freeman
-Don Cunningham
-Joyce Marin (Emmaus Borough Council...still have a crush...ssh!)
-Kurt Derr (Lehigh County Commissioner)
-Mike Dowd (Northampton County Council)
-Sandy Green (Kutztown Mayor)
Let me know when you are ready for the good people in appointed positions or the bad people who are elected. I got a tractor trailer of each.
I second the nomination for Wes Barrett. I also nominate fellow Emmaus Borough Councilwoman Joyce Marin for her tireless effort to make Emmaus a better place to live, based on the principles of New Urbanism.
I'd like to see you extend your challenge by inviting The Morning Call-amity to cover and/or conduct its own such poll.
Curmudgeon, The MC does not tell me what to post and I don't tell tell them what to publish. Any newspaper is free to conduct its own poll. They sure as hell don't need my blessing.
My libertarian leanings notwithstanding, and my diametric opposition to his political positions cast aside, I second the nomination of Bob Freeman. His personal integrity, and the frugality with which he administers his office is a model for all public servants.
the first time I met Freeman in his office, his computer work-station fell apart and his keyboard fell onto his lap. He put it back together and said he just couldn't bring himself to replace it.
PS I also happen to thing Mayor Pawlowski is doing a great job of making lemonade from the lemons he inherited from previous administrations in Allentown.
Freeman gets my vote too. If it weren't for 1994 being a horrible year for Dems he would be Senator right now. 1994 sucked!
Hey Bernie,
Why don't we run Freeman for Congress?
Bet he would be a cleaner and better candidate than Bennett.
Nazareth bad guy ...
Cops: Coach's spouse threatened his family
Police say incident began over beer being poured down the sink by man's stepson.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
The Express-Times
U. NAZARETH TWP. | The husband of Nazareth Area High School's varsity field hockey coach faces charges after police said Wednesday he threatened his family with a gun.
Michael A. Reiss, 40, of the first block of Mitchell Avenue, began choking his juvenile stepson after Reiss found him pouring beer down a drain, police said.
Police said Reiss then got a pistol and loaded it. Reiss' wife, Beth, told the two boys in the house to run. Michael Reiss pushed Beth Reiss to the ground, police said.
Beth Reiss confirmed she is the field hockey coach but declined to comment further.
Michael Reiss is charged with three counts of simple assault, three counts of harassment and two counts of disorderly conduct. He was released after he posted 10 percent of $10,000.
Nazareth Area High School Athletic Director Bob Holland declined to comment on the matter. Nazareth Superintendent Victor Lesky did not return phone calls seeking comment.
Anon 3:21,
I feel bad for Ms. Reiss and her children. But I don't see what this has to do with her qualities as a coach or the subject of my post.
Tom Foolery -
1994 wasn't all bad...
The Rangers won the Cup!
(But besides that, the year did suck.)
Bernie.. I hate to change the subject, but how much money do you make a year running this blog? Everytime someone looks you get a "hit" and you get paid by advertizers on how many hits you get. AJ told me he gets a check every year for his blog. I wonder where your heart is. Do you care more for the valley or more for posting a topic just to bring interest and "Hits" to your blog for a bigger paycheck at the end of the year. Bernie I like you and respect you. Please come clean with the dollar amount $$$$$$$$
Hey O'Hare, izzit true yer making money on this blog? If so, how do the rest of get in on the scam?! I could use the dough. Way to go, amigo!
The Curmudgeon
River 6:23 & Curmudgeon,
There's a couple of ways to make money blogging. I spend a lot of time blogging and would like to make some money at it. Unfortunately, I'm more interest in expressing opinions and covvering stories than I am in making money. My efforts have pretty much failed.
I won't take ads from local businesses who would like a link because it would affect my independence. Unlike the msm, which has a separate advertising department, I'm a one man operation. Newspapers can create a firewall between local advertisers and their news or editorial department. I can't. So I don't take and have never solicited ads from local businesses. I think that might be fine for some blogs, but not this one.
I have used different ad services over the past year. I like them because I don't have anything to do with solicitng for ads. They just run here. So far I've earned $13 from that. First I had google adsense, but they fired me. Then I tried some other service called bidvertiser and another one whose name I can't remember. I've earned a grand total of $13 from that.
I also load links to ebay auctions. There I do pick out the ads, like Phillies Tickets and things that I like. It doesn't matter how many times you click on that. I only get paid if you actually buy something. I've made about $50 from that.
So since May of last year, I've earned $63 from blogging. I'd like to do a little better. I usually blog at least 5 hours per day, between the reading and everything else. I have suffered financially as a result of blogging. My income right now is lower than it's been in 5 years.
I do think it would be unethical for me to link to local businesses and then try to claim I'm independent. But using these ad services is a way of avoiding all that.
I hope I've answered your questions. If I'm in this for the money, it's time to stop. But I believe I've acted ethically. If you think I'm wrong, let me know.
The Lehigh Valley Planning Commission. They are the only ones in the entire Lehigh Valley that tell it like it is when it comes to development. Their lack of spin is refreshing.
Thank you, Mr. Keiser! :-)
I will dispense with the usual liberal Democrat feel good folks. Good Guys and Gals. To me a decent human being who doesn't think you are a lesser creature and actually accomplishes something, love it or hate it.
My picks-Cunningham, Callahan and Dent. Yes Dent, if LVD can pick that snake in the grass non-achiever Dowd, I can pick Dent. I have plenty of former officials I could name. I think when it is all said and done more are good people then there are bad, most just don't wear there sweetnes on their sleeves. Dem's are a sucker for that crap.
Hey Bernie Guys does include Gals, thats the modern usage, Christ it must have been a liberal Dem that would have to mention that.
Anon 12:08,
That's what I thought, too. But then it was probably wrong for me to add (and Gals).
I like your picks.
And now I'll add my second favorite, John Stoffa.
I would also like to nominate Mike Dowd. He took the time to listen to us up here in the Slate Belt with our issues regarding Wal-Mart, and even took the time to drive up here and view the site.
Then, last winter I ran into him up at Camelback Ski Area when my son was in his school ski club. Apparently Mr. Dowd and his wife take the time to chaperone the Easton HS Ski Club. I got to talk to him up there and he just genuinely seems to be a good person who is truly concerned about this county.
Thank you Mrs. Dowd.
"Anonymous said...
Thank you Mrs. Dowd.
11:21 AM "
If you are referring to my comment, stuff it - you are obviously ignorant!
I am not Mrs. Dowd, my last name is far more difficult to spell than that. I had the "pleasure" of dealing with County Council during my time in elected office in the Slate Belt.
Stoffa, Dowd, fine if the qualifications are not if you can or have done anything worthwile but just 'act' nice by smiling and nodding, then I misunderstood the premise. I therefore nominate someone who I don't agree with but who is a 'real' person and not a 'poser'. I nominate Ron Angle. Many may say what, Angle a good guy? My answer is yes. At least he has a record of achievement and doesn't just go with the wind and say what you want to hear at the moment, for that alone in the vast sea of political BS he is truely a good guy.
Anon 2:24, Good, At least no one can say that I was the person who nominated Ron.
Craig Dally & Rich Grucela. Two great guys from two different political parties.
more nominations: Jean Belinski (Bethlehem City Council) and Judy Dexter (Bethlehem Area School Board).
- Don Miles, Bethlehem, PA
Don, Thanks for the nominations.
Jean Belinski? Don, have you been to a Bethlehem City Council meeting in the last five years? I haven't seen you there in a long time, and I can't help but wonder if you are aware of Jean's current performance on that council. Jean may have always been a little paranoid, but now she's over the top. Plus, she sold her political soul to Schweder and Rooney in exchange for complete funding of her last election. Bethlehem's watchdog? More like Mike and T.J.'s personal anti-Callahan pit bull. A big mouth and a willingness to pander should not earn someone's placement on this, or any other, positive list.
I add my "second" to Stoffa, Marin, Freeman, Mann, and Samuelson.
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