"There is this much truth to everything I say."
This was submitted by Anon 10:35. The winner can contact me at BOHare5948@aol.com. I sure hope there's only one Anon 10:35.
Today's one-liner: "The shortest way to the distinguishing excellence of any writer is through his hostile critics." Richard LeGallienne
Damn! I really wanted that lunch, too!
Bernie, I 'm the winner, but hesitate to reveal my identity.
Doing a post here is quite tempting.
Anon 11:54,
Congrats! If you'd like to retain your anonymity, that's fine. You can send your guest post to BOHare5948@aol.com. If you'd prefer, you can even post it as a comment here, and I'll convert it into a separate post for you. I'll even look for a picture. I'd also be happy to meet you and Ron for lunch, but you'd have to lose your anonymoity while eating with us.
"I'd also be happy to meet you and Ron for lunch, but you'd have to lose your anonymoity while eating with us."
...Or just wear a mask like the Phanton of the Opera.
Hey Bernie,
I'm the winner! I don't what anybody else says.
I don't want to do lunch but can I have the money instead?
I need it to make up for the "salary cut" I took from Properties of Merit.
It is getting harder and harder to make a living scamming people here in the Valley. Know what I mean?
Send me the money ASAP.
Thanks, Hon.
Luv ya!
Sam Bennett
Correction: Sorry Bernie.
I meant to say I don't care what anybody else says in the previous post.
Don't want anybody to misunderestimate me!
Sam B.
Sam, Didn't you get my check? It's bouncing its way towards Allentown.
Poor Sam.
I guees she is really desperate.
I saw that her friend Don C. is now witholding grant money.
How much longer do we have to deal with this excuse of a candidate?
Bernie, did you see today's Morning call?
Sam Bennett on the front page again -- and not in a good way either.
I also heard that she is having problems with her campaign staff. That dude Jeff that you mentioned in past posts is supposedly gone.
Is her ship finally sinking?
We can only hope and pray. I saw the article. LVHW directed my attention to it this morning.
Poor Sammy B.
What will she do for a living now that her POM scam has been exposed and her Congressional campaign is floundering?
Maybe she will have to get a real job, with a paycheck equal to her talents.
Minimum wage at McDonald's comes to mind.
AJ.... anon 10:35 won by "this much " :)
bernie.. we all had fun with this contest. perhaps you can have another one every so often :)
A.J. Cordi said...
"I'd also be happy to meet you and Ron for lunch, but you'd have to lose your anonymoity while eating with us."
...Or just wear a mask like the Phanton of the Opera."'"
STAY ANONYMOUS.... just in case some one tries to stiff you with the check! :):):):)
Why not allow this to be an 'all invited' lunch? We can all keep our anonymity, by wearing Mexican Wrestling Masks. We could start a new trend. ;)
I would go as the "Screaming Banshee!"
Anonymous said...
Why not allow this to be an 'all invited' lunch? We can all keep our anonymity, by wearing Mexican Wrestling Masks. We could start a new trend. ;)
I would go as the "Screaming Banshee!"
4:11 PM
remember how great Mil Mascaras was back in the early 1970's ? :)
bernie.. we all had fun with this contest. perhaps you can have another one every so often :)
River, I stole the idea from Micek over at Capitol Ideas. He did the same thing a few weeks ago. Then Casey had a goofy grocery cart from his back yard, and wanted a caption for that.
So I stole the idea from two different bloggers. I'm a plagiarist.
Hey Bernie,
Maybe you should have Sam Bennett write up a state grant proposal for you to make this contest an annual affair.
I hear she works for cheap, especially if you are planning to expand the contest statewide over the next year.
Then YOU could pay her $110K of our tax dollars.
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