Local Government TV

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

BernieGate - Day 6

June 13 A.M.: The Morning Call reports sexist and misogynistic remarks that Bernie Kieklak, chief of staff to state senator Lisa Boscola, published on this blog. His remarks to the press? "Do you think I care?" Boscola's public statement? ''What, do you want me to fire him now?''

June 13 P.M.: Kieklak, who fails to appear for work, offers his resignation, but Boscola won't accept it. Kieklak tell the press. "I do not regret a single thing I have ever done in my entire life."

June 14: Although Kieklak and Boscola are scheduled to meet, they both dodge the press.

June 15: Boscola's office confirms she met with Kieklak, but no decision is made and Boscola goes on vacation for the weekend.

June 16: Nothing new.

June 17: Nothing new.

June 18: Nothing new.

Is this leadership?


  1. Once again you fail to recognize that Boscola does not give a crap about what you or anybody else thinks on this matter. No one can beat her!! No one will challenge her in a primary, and if they do, they'll lose..I'll take any bets on this. All of the districts throughout the state have been gerrymandered to protect our wonderful House members and Senators from having to give a crap about their constituents. Change the way we redistrict or forget it. You can blog her till she bleeds..Ain't gunna matter!

  2. Tom,

    Ordinarily, I'd agree. But this story has legs. Look at all the comments on the mcall.com forum. Today, I went to a breakfast, the topic came up, and people are upset. This breakfast was in Boscola's district. The people at this breakfast were mostly seniors, and seniors vote. I think she's hurt herself. Her congressional ambitions, to the extent they ever existed, are toast. And if she fails to act quickly and decisively, she is vulnerable.

    You don't think people will challenge her? I'm sure that's what Jeanette Reibman thought, too, until Rich Grucela tried to knock her off.

    If she fails to do anything, sh'e in essence condoning this type of behavior.

  3. Bernie did you read Paul Carpenter today? He says a drunken Kierklak caused a 4 car accident with injuries! People should be outraged about this.

  4. Bernie, tell me who is going to challenge her. It's very doutful any democrat would try and extremely unlikely that a Republican can win in that district..It might have some legs now but in a few years it will be forgotten about. By the way, Grucela got beat fairly handily by Jeanette..

  5. Keep it up, Bernie.

    I understand the opinion that Boscola is invincible, and most evidence points to this - not least of which is the absence of winnable Republican challengers.

    But Republicans won't have to carry the heavy water here. Some of the usual suspect lefties are beginning to grumble - and she's been on the outs with the Rendell/statewide Dem machine for waffling on support of a couple of his schemes. Dems rarely exhibit the kind of shame necessary to purge their own incumbents, but they're not shedding tears for her, either.

    Everyone thought Rooney and Reibman would die in their seats - until they lost.

    No quarter.

  6. Paging State Senator Steve Samuelson. Your opportunity is knocking.

  7. No state rep will give up their cozy seat to take a shot at losing to Boscola. It would have to be someone outside of government and someone with oodles of dough..Again, I wish them good luck..

  8. Dottie,

    I did read Carpenter's column. His DUI occurred soon after Lisa's. I had not known there were injuries. I do not know how it was resolved.
    Lisa was re-elected twice after this incident. That lends some credence to what Tom Foolery has to say. Thankfully, we are a very forgiving people. It's one of our good qualities.

    But all this comes into question again because Kieklak is now quoted as having no regrets about his past. Is he saying that he has no regrets about physically injuring other people. A guy like that has no place in government. And Lisa, by not acting swiftly to shuut him down, only hurts herself.

    In the final analysis, my objection has nothing to do with whether Boscola is damaged. I'm more concerned about us. In this society, do we really want to condone sexist and misogynistic behavior? Whether Lisa can win doesn't really have anything to do with that.

  9. Bernie, do we want to condone drunk driving which puts our society in danger? I recently lost a young family member to a drunk driver so I am not so forgiving. Alcohol also fuels his sexist comments. I understand the reality of what tom foolery says,and that maybe no one can beat her, but that is no reason to stop calling attention to the matter.

  10. I have called Lisa Boscola's office 5 times since this Bernie Kieklak discrace started. A young man answered everytime and asked him to have Boscola call or send me a letter explaining why this guy hasn't been fired. So far nothing. I asked him yesterday " just between you and me... do you really think she listens to the messages comming in? " He told me "yes she cares very much". I don't believe him.

  11. samuelson could never be a state senator. lisa is now on thin ice

  12. I called Lisa's office again today. I asked a woman who refused to give her name what she thought of Bernie Keiklak's comments. She replied " I can't discuss that during business hours" I am now convinced that whole office is nothing but a joke. "LISA'S WAY OR THE HIGHWAY" !!!!! BK&LB PERFECT TOGETHER.

  13. please call and you will see for yourself. Boscola 610 868 8667

  14. Bernie:

    It seems like this is old news as compared to the Fly issue in Bethlehem Township.

  15. A few things:

    1. Boscola is beatable. This issue may be enough for the Rendells, Rooneys and Cunninghams of the Democratic Party to pull their support for her. As was mentioned earlier, she was already on thin ice with them. She has said it herself that she is more conservative than most republicans.

    2. Steve Samuelson will not be the guy who runs against Boscola. He is a great state rep and has set himself up to be the state rep for a long time. However, he would not be able to run the type of campaign that would be needed to beat Boscola. He is too nice of a guy.

    3. The type of campaign that would need to be run to beat her, would be that most negative campaign that the valley has seen ever. It would make the Dent campaign against Driscoll look nice. The candidate would also have to be a perfect person, who is well-respected. (Callahan need not apply!) The candidate would also need to raise more money than Boscola.
    4. Boscola does not care about this problem with Kieklak. To her it is a problem that will go away like all her other problmes. She has been lucky that she has never faced a strong Republican challenger.

  16. Bethlehem Dem, Excellent points. The way she has handled this demonstrates very unhealthy arrogance.

  17. Bernie:

    Check out wfmz.com and mcall.com for the Farm vs. Suburban Develoment Black Fly issue in Bethlehem Township. It seems that the new residents want the Township or County to do something about the flys coming off the farm. The County has refused the residents saying it only deals with mosquitos.

  18. I'll check it out. Thanks for the tip.

  19. chip brightbill and bob jubelier both thought they were invincible... as did mike veon. there is hope, lehigh valley!! show the useless piece of boscola the door. as she goes, so too goes potty-mouth kieklak.

  20. These fly's are bad , not just a few but swarms .When they do that next to your house you can boo hoo and see if your local officials give a shit. If it was next to their house it would be different.
    I see law suit comming , Miller farm and Bethlehem tsp.(Class action baby)

  21. If you move next to or near a working farm you should expect some odor and flies. Only the self-possessed or brain-dead would think otherwise. If it bothers you that much, go down to the grocery store and buy some Raid. Or hire Kieklak to take care of that shit. I hear he's good at that kind of stuff.

  22. To Fly resident,
    You know the expression,opinions are like a_ _ holes, and anon 8:04 showed you his moronic opinion. I was taught sit back and be thought a fool,but speak up and remove all doubt. 8:04 should hav sat back. I'm in the fly zone too.

  23. You go fly resident I hear ya.......

  24. fly resident said...
    For the taxes I pay to live in a $500.000 house since 2001,there goes my vote for open space,get rid of all the farms in Bethlehem Tsp. No flys for 6 Years and now we go organic"
    Actually all kinds of manure have been used for hundreds of years for fertilizer. Cow manure, sheep dip, donkey dumps, horse hills, bull blops... etc. Some farms in the area are allowed to use human waste sludge from the local sewerage treatment plants. Thats the thing , they are allowed to use it. There was an old family friend, who was born in 1911, a time when most people still used the outhouse. Well the little old next door had the best tomato plants on the block, and he didn't tell anyone how he did it. She was just a small girl at the time but she would watch the old man from the back yard. Her name was Hazel, and then she saw the old man's secret!!. He nailed an old can to a stick and would dip the can in the thick,brown broth in the outhouse and drench the tomato garden with it! I do admit that chicken sh%t is the worst smelling of all. I don't believe the farm is liable as they have permission from the DEP or township to use the manure. Stay away from a lawsuit. You will be paying $200 or $300 dollars an hour for lawyers and it will drag out for years. And then, there will be no winner, except for the lawyer with thousands of dollars in his pocket. Don't forget that those farms are Grandfathered into the zoning laws. Meaning they were here long before the developement and that "you knew or should have known they may use manure". Just be glad you don't live in the west ward or some parts of South Side Easton where thay have had drug gang shooting for 2 years and Mayor Mitman seems only concerned with "Global Warming". Thank you


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