Local Government TV

Friday, May 11, 2007

Easton Mayoral Hopeful Mike Fleck: He Took the Money and Ran!

This time last year, Easton Mayor candidate Mike Fleck was running Archie Follweiler's state house campaign. About $21,000 was paid to Fleck in just eleven weeks. Overall, he was paid $22,843.55 between March 6 and June 1.

Lehigh County Democrats inside Follweiler's campaign are now telling me Fleck actually walked off the job shortly after he conned Follweiler into giving him a $4,500 lump payment on May 21. He literally took the money and ran!

Here's the kicker. Fleck had been paid in advance for lawn signs, but failed to produce them. When pressured for repayment of the lawn sign money, Fleck actually conned John Karoly into making a $1500 contribution to make restitution for the signs.

Since the finance reports confirm these accusations, I believe them. If he can't be trusted with lawn sign money, how on earth can he be trusted with Easton's financially distressed assets?

1 comment:

  1. Fleck the Fleecer! So how stupid does he think the sheeple of Easton are? Looks like he's county on a group brain fart to get elected!


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